The Miracle of Friends

By enobaria_blaze

21 0 0

It's about three friends who care about each other. The story is circled around Dylan Hark A young boy who h... More

Meet the Boys
Back to School
Guys Night Out
The Kidnapping
The Search Party

Another Day at School

2 0 0
By enobaria_blaze

The morning  came. Derek and Nick woke up. They see that Dylan is still fast asleep. They go over to his bed to wake him up. "Dyl, honey wake up you got to get ready for school." Derek said. Dylan stirred and opened up his eyes."Morning Dylan." Nick said. "Good morning guys." Dylan said. "How was your sleep buddy?" Derek asked. Dylan yawned and stretched. "It was good. Where's my mom and dad?" Dylan asked."I think there downstairs already." Nick answered. Dylan smiled at Derek and Nick. He got dressed got his school stuff ready and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. John and Sherrie smiled as they saw Dylan coming down the stairs. "Morning sweetheart. Do you want some eggs?" Sherrie asked. Dylan nodded his head. He goes to sit down at the table. They began to eat breakfast. They had bacon and eggs. Soon the doorbell rang. Derek went to go answer it. In the doorway stood Scott and Jack. "Hey boys are you ready for school today?" Derek asked. "We're ready. Where's Dyl? Is he ready yet." Scott asked. Suddenly Dylan pops up. "Yeah, I'm ready lets go we don't want to be late." Dylan said. With that being said the 5 boys make their way down to Oakwood High school.  They got there and went straight to their math class. They sat in their seats and waited for the teacher. Mr. Jackson came in he started to write math questions on he board. "I want you to write these questions on a piece of paper. Then we are going to make it in to a game. I have some treats and prizes for the team who gets the most correct." Mr. Jackson said. The class cheered as they like doing math games. They wrote down the questions and got into teams. A girl named Liz came up to the boys. "Hi, can I be on your team?" Liz asked. "Sure." Derek answered. "What's your name?" Dylan asked. " My name is Elizabeth, but people call me Liz." Liz answered. "Cool, my name is Dylando but people call me Dylan." Dylan said. "Cool it's nice to meet you Dylan." Liz said. "Alright let's get to work on the questions guys." Derek said. They nodded their heads and begin to answer the questions. Soon everyone was done. Mr. Jackson collected every teams papers. He marked up the papers and handed back to the teams. "So, who won?" A student asked. Mr. Jackson pointed over at Dylan and his team. "They did, they did really well and they got almost all of them correct." Mr. Jackson said.  Troy looked evilly at Dylan. "Derek he's giving me the stare." Dylan said. "Just ignore him." Derek said. Dylan agreed and continued to do other math work. Billy came up to the group. "Derek can I please talk to Dylan. He needs to know what I told you yesterday." Billy said. "You can talk to him at lunch he has to work right now." Derek said. "Ok, hey Dyl, I need to talk to you at lunch ok." Billy said. "Sure, see you at lunch Billy." Dylan said happily. He turns to Derek. "What does he need to talk to me about?" Dylan asked. "You'll find out at lunch buddy. Just focus on your work right now." Derek said.  Dylan looked at Scott for an answered. He just shrugged his shoulders. Then he looked over at Jack. He did the same thing. Moments later the bell rang for English class. Everyone gets out of their seats and makes their way to English. Mrs. Sanders is already sitting at her desk. "Morning Mrs. Sanders." Dylan said as he walked to his seat. "It's a very good morning isn't Dyl." Mrs. Sanders replied. Troy and Matt came in they bumped Dylan and sat in their seats."He's such a teacher's pet." Troy said. "Stop calling me that." Dylan said getting mad. Derek sat him down. "Hey, Dylan look at me. Don't let it bother you. Your going to have panic attack if you let it bother you." Derek said. "Right I don't want to have one at school." Dylan said calmly. "That's right just keep focusing on your work and don't let them bother you. I'll be right beside you if you need me." Derek said. "Me to." Nick also said. Dylan Smiled and got out his novel study stuff. "So how many of you read the first chapter last night?" Mrs. Sanders asked. A few hand went up including Dylan's. "Awesome for those of you who didn't get it done I'll give you time to read and answer the questions. But for the ones who did their homework can work right on the questions." Mrs. Sanders said. The students that didn't do their homework spend half the class time reading the chapter. After that they started to do the questions . "Awesome now that everyone is caught up we can start on our writing assignments." Mrs. Sanders said. Dylan looked over at Scott with a worried look. "Dylan what's the matter?" Scott asked. "I don't know I just got this feeling somethings going to happen again today." Dylan answered. "Don't worry Derek and Nick are with you . They won't let anything like that happen to you again." Scott said. "I hope so." Dylan said with fear in his eyes.  Derek notices the fear in Dylan's eyes. "What's with the fear in your eyes Dylan?" Derek asked concerned. "He's just worried that something bad might happen to him like yesterday." Scott said. "You don't have to worry Nick and I are with you." Derek said. "That's what I told him." Scott replied. "Thank you Scott." Derek said with a smile. Soon Liz came up to them. "Dylan can I ask you a question"' Liz asked in an quiet voice. "Sure." Dylan said. "Why do those boys follow you around school?" Liz asked.  "We'll tell you later." Derek said popping his up from the desk. "Oh, ok. I'll see you boys at Lunch then." Liz said. Derek and Nick nodded their heads. Derek turns his head to Dylan. "Dylan I don't want her knowing that we are your bodyguards until we can trust her." Derek said. "That's ok I wasn't ready to tell her yet anyway." Dylan said with a smile. "Ok, Hurry up on the assignment it's almost lunch time." Derek said. "Oh, yeah and Billy said he wanted to talk to me about something what's up with that?" Dylan asked. "Don't worry about that now. Just focus on your work and he'll talk to you about it when you go for lunch." Nick said. "Will you guys be there?" Dylan asked. They both nodded they head and Dylan was relieved that he wasn't going to be alone with Billy. It was soon time for lunch. Everyone made it to the lunch room. Dylan and his friends sat at their normal table. They began to eat their lunch. "So, Billy are you going to tell Dylan?" Derek asked. "Yes, of course. So Dylan. You know how yesterday I said you're the chosen one."  Billy said. "What about that?" Dylan asked. "Well what that means is, your chosen to be the next king." Billy said. "What are you talking about?" Dylan asked a little scared. "Just listen to him Dylan." Derek said. "Yeah, but I'm not even a prince." Dylan said. "Actually you are. Me and you we're brothers. I have a gem to." Billy said. "Really." Dylan said.

"Yes, I was sent to come and find you. We have another brother that I haven't found yet." Billy said. "I had no idea my parents usually tell me everything." Dylan said. "Well they wanted to wait until your 16 to tell you." Derek said. "That's the reason why you guys are with  me." Dylan said. "Part of the reason. Your dad also is the sheriff he wanted us to protect you." Derek said.

"Ok, I understand now." Dylan said. "Good now let's eat before our lunch gets too cold." Derek said. The bell rang for science. "Alright let's get to science." Scott said. They packed up their stuff and made it into the hallway. Suddenly Matt and Troy knocked Dylan to the ground and they just kept on running through the halls. Derek and the others came to pick up Dylan. "Dylan are you ok?" Derek asked. "I think so." Dylan replied. Dylan's head started to hurt. "Ahh, my head." Dylan said in pain. "We need to get you to the nurse." Scott said. They helped Dylan to the nurses office. "Mrs. Jane Dylan hurt his head." Scott said. "Ok, bring him in." Jane said.

Jane sits Dylan on the bed and looks at his head. "It looks like it's cut but we can fix that and have you ready for your next class." Jane said. "Ok, thank you." Dylan said. She smiled at him and began to fix up his head. "Your ready for class." Jane said. "Thanks." Dylan said. The nurse pulled Scott over. "I would watch him and tell him to be careful with his head." Jane said. Scott nodded his head at Jane and walked out with the others. They finally made it to science. Mr Ford was staring at them. "Why are you guys late?" Mr. Ford asked. "Dylan hurt his head we had to stop at the nurses office." Scott said. "Good enough. Please take your seats were about to start class." Mr. Ford said. The boys did what they were told and sat in their seats. Mr. Ford started the lesson. It was another lesson about how the earth works. "Do you understand what this question is asking Dyl?" Derek asked. "I got it thank you." Dylan said. "Ok good let me know if you need any help." Derek said.Dylan nodded his head. Suddenly Troy threw a piece a paper at Dylan. He looked back and they smirked. "Dylan just focus on your work don't pay attention to them." Nick said. "I'm trying to but it's hard Nick." Dylan said. Nick got up to go talk to Troy and Matt. "You boys need to stop teasing Dylan." Nick said. "Why should we listen to you?" Troy asked with a smirk. He was about to throw another piece of paper at Dylan but Nick stopped it. "That's not nice." Nick said."Leave us alone then." Troy said. "Ok, but you have to leave Dylan alone and stop teasing him." Nick said. "Ok, fine." Troy said. Nick was happy with what he said so he went back to go help the others with their work. "What's going on over there?" Derek asked. "The bullies were trying to tease Dylan again." Nick answered. "Are they the ones who threw that paper at him?" Derek asked. Nick nodded head. They smiled at each other and went to go help Dylan with his earth work. Dylan just finished his work he went up to hand it in to the teacher. "Here you go Mr. Ford." Dylan said handing in the paper. "Good work Dylan I'll have this marked for tomorrow." Mr. Ford said. Dylan smiled at Mr. Ford and went back to his seat. Mr. Ford passed out another paper with a picture of the earth. "For homework you guys will have to colour this picture of the earth and label it." Mr. Ford said. The class sighed and went up to get the paper from Mr. Fords desk. "Dylan do you want me to get it for you ?" Derek asked. "No it's ok I can get it." Dylan said. Derek smiled at him and let him get up to go get the paper. He walks  back with the paper."Let me put this in your backpack for you so you don't forget it." Derek said. "Ok." Dylan said. "That paper is due first thing tomorrow. So don't forget to actually do your homework. I know it's hard for some of you. But you have to get your credit to graduate." Mr. Ford said. The bell rang. "Alright class I'll see you all tomorrow don't forget to do your homework tonight." Mr. Ford said.The class rushes out of the classroom and headed to gym class. "It's another day of Basketball boys." Mrs. Rogers said. " Also there is a practice for anyone on the team. The practice is tomorrow after school." Mrs. Roger said.  The team cheered they were so happy that they have their first practice of the year. "Alright let's start the warm ups. Dylan you don't have to run if you don't want to." "It's ok I'll run today." Dylan said. "Ok but you can stop when you get tired." Mrs. Rogers said. Dylan nodded his head and started running laps. Dylan started to get tired. "Dylan do you want to stop?" Derek asked. "Yes." Dylan said out of breath.  Dylan stop to take a break. After that the rest of the class stopped running. "Ok, get into groups of 5 were going to have two games going at one time. Choose your teammates wisely." Mrs. Rogers said. Everyone got into two teams and started to play the game of basketball. It's the end of the day everyone was in the locker room changing. Dylan and his friends got changed first. "Alright class I'll see you guys tomorrow." Mrs. Rogers said. The class nodded their heads. Derek lead Dylan and his friends out of the gym to their lockers. They got their stuff and headed out of the school. They made it back to Dylan's house. They were greeted by his parents.  "Hey kids how was school today?" Sherrie asked. "It was good mom how was your day?" Dylan asked. "My day was good honey." Sherrie answered. "Dad, any news on Shawn yet?" Dylan asked. "Not yet buddy, but don't worry you'll be the first to know. We need a location on where he's hiding." John answered. "Why don't you start on your homework. You guys can stay and help him if you want." Sherrie said. "Cool, thank you Mrs. Hark." Scott said. "Your welcome." Sherrie said with a smile. The boys went up to Dylan's room to start on their homework. "Ok, so let's work on the novel study first. That's usually what I start with." Dylan said. "Sound good to me Dyl." Scott said. "Me to." Jack agreed. They started to read the second chapter of their book. "This book is so good." Dylan said. "I know." Scott said. "I'm glad Mrs. Sanders chose this book to read." Jack said. "You know this is book is almost the same as what's happening to me right now." Dylan said. "What do you mean?" Derek asked. "Well if you look right here. It says that a man with a gun came into a bar and tried to rob everyone. Then when he came across a boy. He looks to be about my age. The man with the gun takes him as a hostage." Dylan said. "Wow, I see that now. But why put it near the beginning of the book?" Scott asked. "I don't know probably what makes the story great to read." Jack said."But it's almost similar to my story." Dylan said. "Don't worry  Dyl, that won't happen to you." Derek said. "I know your going to be with me." Dylan said. "That's right." Dylan said. "Why don't we get back to work." Scott said. Derek nodded his head and he and Nick left the boys to continue reading their book. After that they started on their science homework. "Dylan do you have the diagram?" Scott asked. "Yes, it's right here." Dylan answered handing Scott the diagram of the earth. They finished their homework just in time. "Dinners ready. You boys can stay if you want." Sherrie said. "Thanks you Mrs. Hark." Scott said. Sherrie smiled at Scott and lead the boys downstairs to the kitchen. They were having chicken burgers and fries. "How's your burgers boys?" Sherrie asked. "Really good." Scott answered. "Good because we have a lot more so you boys can have another one if you like." Sherrie said. "Ok." Jack said. There done dinner and Scott and Jack just left. "OK, I'm getting tired I'll see you guys in the morning." Dylan said."Ok good night Dyl." John said. Dylan was about to go upstairs when they heard a knock on the door.  "Dad who is that?" Dylan asked in fright. "I don't know you better get upstairs I'll see who it is." John said. "What's going on?" Derek asked." I don't know can you take Dyl upstairs I have to answer the door." John said. "Ok, come Dylan it's time for bed anyway." Derek said. Dylan nodded his head and followed Derek and Nick upstairs. John goes to answer the door. In the doorway stood John's partner. "Hey what's going on?" John asked. "We found a location of where Shawn is." Sam said. "Good Sam. Where is he?" John asked. "He's in an old factory down town." Sam said. "What should I tell Dylan?" John asked. "Just tell him to stay away from that part of downtown." Sam said. "Ok. Thanks for letting us know I'll tell Derek and Nick." John said. "Ok. Have a good night John. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Sam said. "Goodnight Sam." John said. After Sam left John went upstairs to tell the others the news about Shawn Heart. "He's where?" Derek asked. "He's in an old factory in the east part of downtown." John answered. "What does that mean Dad?" Dylan asked. "It means you'll have to stay away from the that part of downtown." John said. "I'll still be able to go downtown though right?" Dylan asked. "Yes, but just stay away from that part." Derek said. "Ok, can I go to bed now?" Dylan asked. "Yes, goodnight Dylan." John said. "Goodnight Mom and Dad." Dylan said. Dylan climbed into bed and fell asleep.  "Derek Nick can you come here for a minute." John said. "Sure." Derek said.

Derek and Nick followed John downstairs. "What's going on?" Derek asked. "Since we found out where Shawn is located. We need to double the guards. There's two new guys coming tomorrow. Their names are Jesse and Neil." John said. "Ok." Derek said. "I want you to show them around and show them to Dylan and explain his case to them." John said. "Sounds good Mr. Hark." Derek said. "Ok. You guys can go to bed now." John said. "Thank you sir goodnight." Derek said. Derek and Nick went back upstairs. They went back into Dylan's room and feel asleep. John went upstairs to got to bed. "Honey are you sure this is good for Dylan?" Sherrie asked. "Yes, it's the only way to keep him safe." John answered. " Ok, I really hope they can protect him. I really hope Shawn doesn't come out of his hiding place and kidnap Dylan he has tried to before." Sherrie said. "I know don't worry we got to more guys coming to protect him as well." John said. "Ok do you think Dyl will be ok with this?" Sherrie asked. "I hope so, he has to it's the only way to keep him safe. But we want him to have a normal life to." Sherrie said. "I hope he doesn't know about his real parents yet." John said. " I think he does know but I think he's taking it ok." Sherrie said. "We promised the king and queen we would take care of their son and that's what we're doing." John said. "Good, goodnight honey I'll see you in the morning." Sherrie said. "Goodnight Sherrie." John said. Soon everyone was sleeping safe and sound.

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