The Miracle of Friends

By enobaria_blaze

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It's about three friends who care about each other. The story is circled around Dylan Hark A young boy who h... More

Meet the Boys
Another Day at School
Guys Night Out
The Kidnapping
The Search Party

Back to School

2 0 0
By enobaria_blaze

The next day Sherrie and John came in to Dylan's room to get him up and ready for school. "Wake up Dyl it's time for school." Sherrie said Dylan rubbed his eyes and got up out of bed. Soon the four bodyguards come in to the room. "Are you ready for school buddy?" Derek asked.Dylan nodded his head. He finally got out of bed. Derek helped him get into his clothes. "Thank you Derek." Dylan said. "Your welcome Dyl." Derek said. They soon made it downstairs for some breakfast. "Morning boys." John said. "Morning Dad." Dylan said. "Are you ready for school?" John asked. "Yes." Dylan said. "We'll eat up I don't want you to be late. Plus Scott and Jack are waiting for you." John said. "Who is Scott and Jack?" Derek asked. "Just my best friends." Dylan answered. "I see." Derek said. They soon began to eat their eggs. They were finished eating when someone knocked at the door. "I'll get it." Derek said. Derek goes to the door. He sees Scott and Jack standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?" Derek asked. "Yes can we come in to see Dylan. We're going to be late for school." Scott said. "What do you want with Dylan?" Nick asked. Derek shot him a look. "Nick they're just his friends Scott and Jack." Derek said. They nodded their heads. "In that case come in." Nick said. "Dylan your friends are here!" Nick yelled. "Ok I'll be right there!" Dylan yelled back.  Soon Dylan comes to the door. He smiled when he saw his two friends. "Hey are you guys ready?" Dylan asked. "Yes, are you?" Scott asked. Dylan nodded his head. "Bye mom and Dad we'll see you after school." Dylan said. "Bye sweetie be safe." Sherrie said. John pulled the four bodyguards aside. "You make sure he's safe please don't let him leave your side. If anything happens to him it won't be good." John said. "We got it Mr. Hark." Derek said. "Good, just bring him home safe." Sherrie said. "We will." Nick said. Sherrie and John smiled and waved bye to their son as he left for school. They made it to the school. The boys made it to the main office. "Hello can I help you?" Mrs. Harris said. "Hi, we're here to get our classes for this year." Scott said. "Perfect how are you doing Scott?" Mrs. Harris said. "I'm good." Scott said. Mrs. Harris smiled at Jack and Dylan. The three boys looked at their pieces of paper with the classes on it. The first class they have is math. "Are you ready to go to math Dylan?" Scott asked.  Dylan nodded his head. They finally made it to the math classroom. They sat in their seats.The teacher soon came in. "Morning class. I hope that we have a successful year. Let's start off the year with a positive attitude." Mr. Jackson said. Mr. Jackson started to pass out  papers with math problems on it. "I want someone to help me pass these out." Mr. Jackson said. Dylan raised his hand. "I'll do it Mr. Jackson." Dylan said. "Thank you Dylan." Mr. Jackson said. Dylan got up from his seat and took some math papers from Mr.Jackson's desk. Dylan then went around passing out the papers to everyone. When he got to Matt's desk Matt put his foot out and Dylan went down. The whole class laughed except for Dylan's friends and Mr. Jackson. "Matt I don't think that very nice." Mr. Jackson said. "Why not he's a teacher's pet." Matt said. "I'm not a teacher's pet." Dylan said getting mad. Scott ran to Dylan, helped him back up and lead him back to his desk. "We don't except bullying here. That was a form of bullying." Mr. Jackson said. Matt scuffed and started on the paper. "Now this paper is just to see how much you know and how much I have to teach you." Mr. Jackson said. An hours has passed and the bell rang for the next period.

"Scott what's the next class?" Dylan asked. "I think we have English next." Scott answered. Dylan gave Scott a smiled. They finally made it to English.  They sit in heir seats and waited for the teacher to come in. The English teacher comes in. She has long blond hair and she was pretty all the boys were falling for her. "Hi my name is Mrs. Sanders I'm going to be your English teacher for this year." Mrs. Sanders said.  All the other boys couldn't keep their eyes off of her. Mrs. Sanders handed everyone a book. "We are going to start the year off with a novel study. You are to read a Chapter every night. Then you are going to do some questions about that chapter the next day. So today you are going to read chapter 1 at home tonight then tomorrow morning I'll be handing you questions to answer. So make sure you read the chapter." Mrs. Sanders said. Dylan turns to Derek who is sitting beside him. "Why are these boys so hooked up on the teacher?" Dylan asked. "I don't know Dyl. Just focus on reading the book." Derek answered. "Don't worry we only have to read the book at home." Dylan said. " I know Dylan I just don't want you getting involved with those boys." Derek said. Dylan smiled at Derek and nodded his head. Soon Mrs. Sanders passed out writing paper. "For today's lesson your going to right me a narrative story. It can be about anything you like but keep it school safe." Mrs. Sanders said. Matt and Troy looked at each other and smiled. " What are you going to write your story on Dylan?" Derek asked. "I don't know writing isn't my strongest quality." Dylan said. "Don't worry buddy we'll help you." Nick said. "Thanks guys but do you really have to be with me at school. I mean I love that you're here to protect me from Shawn Heart but he's not even at the school." Dylan said. "Dylan your dad wants us to be with you at school as well. I don't want to break his rules." Nick said. " I understand." Dylan said. Nick smiled at Dylan and patted him on his head. They continued on their work.  All the students were done their work. "Well it seem that you are done your work for the time being you can have free time. You can also work on your reading if you like." Mrs. Sanders said. Derek turns to Dylan. "What do you want to do Dyl? You can work on the reading if you like." Derek said. "I would like to start on that." Dylan said. Dylan started to read his book for the novel study. He was half way through the chapter when Matt and Troy came up to him. Matt smacked the book out of Dylan's hands and Troy grabbed him out of his seat and but his hand over his mouth. "Woah what do you think your doing?" Derek asked. "We know who he is. " Matt said. Dylan looked scared he was shaking. Troy had a strong grip on him. "Let him go!" Nick yelled. The teacher comes running over and grabbed Dylan from Troy. " You two to the office this is not how we treat our class mates." Mrs. Sanders said. Mrs. Sanders tried to lead the boys out of the classroom. "He's coming for you Dylan you can run but you can't hide.We know your worth a lot." Matt said. Then they were gone down to the office. Derek and Nick ran over to see if Dylan was ok. "Are you ok Bud?" Derek asked. "I think so. I also thought that those to are working for Shawn." Dylan said scared.

"I think your right." Nick said. "What do we do?" Dylan asked. "Well for one thing we're telling your dad." Nick said. Soon Scott and Jack rushed in they looked worried. "Dylan what happened?" Scott asked gasping for air. "The two bullies from math class threaten Dylan. We think there working for Shawn they somehow know about him." Derek said. "I see." Scott said. "Was it scary Dyl?" Jack asked. Dylan nodded his head. "Well don't worry you have us and your friends that will protect you." Derek said. "I know and I'm happy that I'm with you now." Dylan said. "Well we are happy to be with you to Dyl." Nick said. Dylan smiled at his friends and both Derek and Nick. Soon the lunch bell rang everyone headed into the hallways. "Dylan you stay close." Derek said.

"I will Derek." Dylan said. Dylan bumped into a short kid named Billy he was scared. "Hey what's your name?" Dylan asked. Billy looked up. He took along time  to speak but a few minutes he began to say something. "You're the chosen one." Billy said as he pointed at Dylan.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked. "He's the chosen one." Billy said again. "Ok, now I'm really scared."Dylan said. "Don't worry Dyl we'll handle it. Scott you and Jack take him to the lunch room I'll see what Billy means by that." Derek said.  Dylan, Scott and Jack went off to the lunchroom to have their lunch. Meanwhile back in the hallway Derek and Nick were still trying to figure out what Billy was saying. "Why do you say that you don't even know Dylan." Derek said. "Yes I do he is my long lost brother." Billy said. " What do you mean?" Derek asked. "You know that gem that's in him?" Billy asked. "Yes, what about it?" Derek asked. "Well I have one to." Billy said. "Really?" Nick asked in shock. "Yes, really our father is actually a king these gems were made for us to find each other when the time is right." Billy said. "So Dylan's really a prince." Derek said. "Yes, just don't tell him yet I want his parents to tell him." Billy said. "You mean his adoptive parents." Derek replied. "Right his adoptive parents." Derek said. "Would you like to come and eat with us?" Nick asked. "Sure, also I need to find the third brother, there's three of us." Billy said. "Really, I head no idea." Derek said."Don't worry when we find the other brother  you three will be under our protection. Well we will be with Dylan but I know someone will protect you two." Derek said. "Thank you. What's your names?" Billy asked. "I'm Derek." Derek said. "I'm Nick." Nick said. "Nice to meet you to know I think we should get back to Dylan and the others." Billy said. "Your right." Derek said. They soon made it to the lunch room. They found Dylan and the others and sat down with them.  They began to eat their lunch. Dylan saw that he had his favourite sandwich. Peanut butter and jam. He smiled as he open his mouth up to eat it. "Does he like those sandwiches?" Derek asked. "Yes I've been friends with him for a long time." Scott said. Derek smiled at Scott. "You must really care for Dylan." Derek said. "I really do." Scott said. "Me to." Jack added.  Derek and Nick smiled at each other. They were trying to think of a way to give the boys space. Soon a pretty blond girl and her group of friends came up  to them.  The blond girls name was Kate and she tried to put her hands on Dylan but Derek smacked her hands away. "Don't touch him please." Derek said. "Derek please." Dylan said. "Dyl I don't  trust her yet. She just came up and put her hands all over you . You don't know if she wants to hurt you or not." Derek said. "Why would I want to hurt him he's so cute." Kate  said trying to put her hands on him again. Derek smacked her hand again. "Again don't touch him!" Derek said shouting. "Do you think we're going to listen to you?" Kate asked. Soon Kate and the brown hair girl named Clair and their group of girls surrounded Dylan. "Derek Help!" Dylan Yelled. "Do you think he's going to help you pretty boy." Clair said while she touched his hair. "Please get off me!" Dylan yelled at the girls to leave him alone. They didn't listen. Derek ran to the office to get the principal. "Mrs. Harris. It's girls." Derek said running in to the office. "What do you mean the girls?" Mrs. Harris asked. "Kate and her friends they're all over Dylan I can't get them off of him." Derek said as he was freaking out even more. "Don't worry  I'll be down there in a minute to stop the mob." Mrs. Harris said. Derek made it back to the lunchroom. The girls were still surrounding Dylan. Scott and Jack looked scared they didn't know what to do? Derek came over to Scott and Jack. "Don't worry you two we'll get him out of there. The principals come anyway." Derek said. "That's good." Scott said. Soon the principal came in and tried to break up the mob.

It didn't work she came to Derek. "I think we're going to have to get the police involved with this." Mrs. Harris said. Derek and Nick nodded their heads. Mrs. Harris left to go back into her office and call the police. Meanwhile at the police station the sheriff John Hark was working at his desk when the phone rang. "Mr. Hark its for you it's from Bacon County high school." Daren said. "Thank you I'll take it in here." John said. John picked up the phone. "Bacon County police how can I help you?" John asked. " Hi this the principal at Bacon County High school. We need your help to get a young boy out of this mob of girls." Mrs. Harris answered."Ok, we'll be right there." John said. John hung up the phone. "Daren we need to go to the school. A boy is in a mob of girls and the school needs our help." John said. "Right away. I wonder who it is?" Daren asked. " I don't know but I have a good feeling it's my son Dylan." John said. After that the police raced to the school to break up the mob of girls. They made their way to the lunch room. John saw Derek, Nick and Dylan's friends all looking very scared. John went up to them to see what was going on? "Thank god you're here Mr. Hark Dylan's in there we need your help to get him out." Derek said. "I know don't worry we'll get him out soon." John said. John and his friends finally broke the mob of girls. He saw Dylan and ran to give him a big hug. "Are you alright buddy?" John asked. "Yes, I'm fine but what are you doing here?" Dylan asked. "The principal called us and we came right away. I had a feeling it was you in the mob." John said. "Thank you for help Mr. Hark." Derek said "No problem Derek just keep him safe your doing a good job you two." John said. Derek and Nick smiled at the sheriff. "Well I guess I'll see you boys at home then." John said. "Yes, see you after school Mr. Hark." Scott said. John nodded his head and headed out of the school with his team of police men. The bell rang for science everyone was rushing to get to the science room. Everyone made and sat in their seats.  The teacher come in to teach the class. He's very short and he has glasses on. He also has thin black short hair. He was dressed very formally. He had black tight shoes. The class started to laugh at him. He slammed his hand on the his desk. "No one is going to laugh or make fun of me today right. Let's start this year off good. We won't have any problems." Mr. Ford said. The class quietly nodded their heads. "Why did the class laugh at the teacher?" Dylan asked quietly. "I don't know Dyl, let's just see what work he has for you to do." Derek said. Derek ands Dylan shared a smile and waited for the teacher to start teaching. "Today we are going to watch a video about the earth and it's parts. As you watch the video your going to work on this worksheet." Mr. Ford said. The class sighed as he came around the classroom handing out the worksheet. "Nice to see you in our class Mr. Hark." Mr. Ford said to Dylan. "Please just call me Dylan." Dylan said looking up at Mr. Ford. "Right Dylan. You look so much like your dad," Mr. Ford said. The class just stared at Dylan. "Please stop your getting people to stare at him." Derek said. "Oh, sorry about that." Mr. Ford said. Mr. Ford goes back to his desk. He put in the video and pressed play. About 20 minutes have passed and the video was done. Mr. Ford came around the room to check to see if the worksheet was filled out. He came to Troy and Matt. He saw that they had nothing written down.  "Boys you'll be doing that for homework tonight since it's not finished." Mr. Ford said.The two boys huffed. Mr. Ford made his way to Dylan, Scott and Jack. "Nice work boys you don't have homework for tonight." Mr. Ford said. He patted Dylan on the head. "Nice work Dylan." Mr. Ford said. He smiled and walked away from the three Boys. He went back to his desk. "Told you he's a teacher's pet." Matt said to the whole class. Dylan looked down. Derek looked at Matt and then back at Dylan.

"Hey, buddy don't let them get to you. You know that your not a teacher's pet. Your just doing your work." Derek said. Trying to  calm him down. "That's enough boys. There is no bullying in this school. I did hear about what happened today in Math."  Mr. Ford said. "How do you even know that?" Matt asked surprised. " A teacher knows everything." Mr. Ford said.  It was time for Gym class everyone gets out of their seats to head to the gym. Dylan was about to get up when Matt and Troy bumped him back down. "Really?" Dylan said getting mad at the boys. Derek picked him up. "It's ok don't worry about them. We're here for you Dyl." Derek said with a smile.  They finally made it  the gym. The teacher was all ready to start the class. "Hi guys I'm your new gym teacher for this year. It going to be a fun Year." Mrs. Rogers said. Mrs. Rogers is a very fit girl. She works out everyday. She has a skinny body. She saw all the boys looking at her. "Ok, that's enough looking at me boys. Now let see you run some laps." Mrs. Rogers said.  " Laps." Dylan said. Derek looked at Dylan concerned. "You can't run laps?" Derek asked. "No, but I can only run so much because of my health Condition ." Dylan answered. "Ok, I'll go tell the teacher." Derek said. Derek goes over to tell Mrs. Rogers about Dylan and his health  condition. Mrs. Rogers agreed. Derek made it back to Dylan. "She agreed to let you sit this one out if you like." Derek said. Dylan nodded his head happily. The rest of the class was running laps around the gym. While Derek and Nick sit out with Dylan. They finished running laps around the gym. Mr. Rogers called everyone to the centre of the gym. "Today's sport is going to be basketball. I will also be posting tryouts for the basketball team. If anyone is interested. Please sign up after today's class."  Mr. Rogers said. " Cool I love basketball." Dylan said."That's good to hear. I'm guessing your going to sign up for the team." Mrs. Roger said. Dylan nodded his head. Derek went up to Mrs. Rogers. "Are you sure this sport is safe for him?" Derek asked pointing to Dylan." Sir please let the boy live. Let him Join the fun." Mrs. Rogers answered back.Derek nodded and went back to Dylan and the others. They start doing drills and other fun stuff like that. Troy snagged the ball from Dylan. " Too Slow," Troy teased. Dylan then ran after Troy to get the ball back."That's it Dylan." Mrs. Rogers said happily. "Oh, yeah he's definitely getting on the team. Look at him go." Mrs. Rogers said. Few minutes later everyone was heading into the changing rooms. Dylan was already undressed and came out the dressing rooms. Following him came Scott and Jack.  Troy and Matt came up to them. "You think your good at everything Hark."  Matt Snared. " I'm not saying that I am and please don't call me that. Call me Dylan." Dylan said. "Dylan works for me. But your still a teacher's pet." Matt said. Dylan got mad. Derek came up to him just as he was about to hit. "Woah, Dyl, we don't hit in school." Derek said. "He was making fun of me again." Dylan said. "He won't doing it again I promise." Derek said. Derek turns to Matt and Troy."Please stop making fun of Dylan." Derek said. "What makes you think we're going to listen to you?" Matt asked angrily. " Because I know some people that can set you straight with out getting into trouble." Derek said. "Whatever see you tomorrow losers." Matt said. Troy knocked Dylan in the head lightly before leaving the gym. "Don't worry he won't bother you again." Derek said. " Good I hope so." Dylan said. Nick comforted him with patting him on his back. "We're here for you Dylan. Ok, so if you have any problems just come talk to us." Nick said. " I will Nick." Dylan said. They smiled at each other and finally made it home. When they got inside Sherrie had a worried look on her face. "Mom what's wrong?" Dylan asked. "Your father told me what happened today at school" Sherrie said. "Oh." Dylan said looking down. Sherrie went over to Dylan and lifted his head up. "Hey, don't you worry about it. I'm not made at you. You just got to be more careful that's all." Sherrie said.

Sherrie looked at Scott and Jack. "You two better get home to your parents before they start to worry." Sherrie said. "Ok, see you tomorrow Dylan." Scott and Jack said at the same time.  "Why don't you start on your homework. Let me know if you need any help. Ok." Sherrie said. "Ok mom."  Dylan said. Dylan went up to his room to start his novel study reading. He began to read his book. Meanwhile downstairs Sherrie and John were talking to Derek and Nick about the event that happened today. " We couldn't do anything the girls had him mobbed." Derek said. "We understand that. Thanks for trying your best to get him out." John said. "We'll try harder tomorrow to keep it from happening again." Nick said. "Thanks guys you can have a break if you want." John said. They nodded their heads and went out for a little bit. Soon it was getting late if was around 7 pm. It was time for dinner. Sherrie went upstairs to get Dylan for dinner. "Dylan time for dinner sweetie." Sherrie said with a smile. Dylan put down his book and went downstairs to the kitchen. He noticed that Derek and Nick were gone. "Where is Derek and Nick?" Dylan asked. "They're taking a little break they should be back soon." John said. "Eat up its going to get cold." Sherrie said. Soon as they were done eating Derek and Nick came back they greeted Sherrie and John. "Hey boys welcome back." Dylan said. "Thanks Dyl." Derek said. "Why are you out of breath?" John asked. "We were running from Shawn." Nick said. "What?" Dylan asked in fright. " Dyl, go to your room and get ready for bed." Sherrie said. Dylan nodded his head and went up the stairs. John turns to the boys. "What do you mean you were running from Shawn?" John asked in shock. "We mean he knows that were protecting your son." Nick said. John looked shocked. "Don't worry we know how to handle people like him. If he tries to hurt Dylan we will be ready." Derek said. "What if he gets kidnapped?" John asked, "If that happens we'll try out best to get him back. We always get kidnapping victims back." Derek said. "Good well I guess I don't have to worry about Dylan tonight since you'll be with him." John said. "That's right." Derek said. "Good well see you tomorrow guys good night." John said. Derek and Nick smiled at John before they went upstairs to bed. John and Sherrie went upstairs to say goodnight to Dylan. "Goodnight Dyl, we'll see you in the morning." Sherrie said. Dylan smiled and snuggled into bed. "You don't worry about what happened today ok." John said. "I won't." Dylan said. "Good I'll see you in the morning then." John said. "Yes, oh Dad." Dylan said. " Yes Dyl." John said. "I made the basketball team today." Dylan said. "Wow that's great buddy. I'll try to come watch a few of your games." John said. "Thanks dad." Dylan said happily. "Your welcome buddy. I'm so proud of you." John said. "Goodnight mom and dad see you in the morning." Dylan said. "Goodnight Dyl." They both said. They kissed Dylan on the head and shut his door. Moments later Derek and Nick came into Dylan's room. "Goodnight Dyl." Derek said as he stroke his hair. "Shh, we don't want to wake him." Nick whispered. "I know." Derek whispered back. They both smile down at the sleeping Dylan and went to sleep themselves.

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