The Miracle of Friends

By enobaria_blaze

21 0 0

It's about three friends who care about each other. The story is circled around Dylan Hark A young boy who h... More

Back to School
Another Day at School
Guys Night Out
The Kidnapping
The Search Party

Meet the Boys

11 0 0
By enobaria_blaze

One sunny day three very special boys were playing in Bacon Park. They were playing Soccer.  One Boys name is Dylan. He has short brown hair and he's really skinny. The Second boys name is Scott he has blond hair and he wears glasses. The third boy's name is Jackson but everyone calls him Jack, he has the same hair as Dylan but he's a lot taller then the other two boys. Dylan was in net he had good reflexes he saved every shot. "Nice save Dyl." Scott said "Thanks." Dylan said. Jack looks across the park. "Who is that dude?" Jack asked. "I don't know but I don't like the way he's looking at us." Dylan said. "Then let's go home then." Scott said. Dylan and Jack agreed. They made it to Dylan's house. Mr. Hark was home. " Hey Dad we're home." Dylan called out. "Hey, I didn't know your friends would be over." John said. "Sorry." Dylan said. "It's ok you boys are welcome here anytime." John said. "Thank you Sheriff Hark." Mr. Hark smiled at his son and his friends. Dylan and his friends sat on the couch there were talking about the other boy that was staring at them in the park. "Why was that guy staring at us?" "Dylan asked. "I don't know Dyl but I think he was mostly staring at you." Scott said. "Me?" Dylan asked in shock. "Don't worry we're here for you." Scott said. Soon the sheriff walks in to the living room. "Why the low talk boys?" John asked. "We were playing soccer in the park and we saw this weird guy. He was staring at us. But I think he was mostly staring at Dylan." Scott said. "Really? Is this the guy?" John asked. He held up a picture of a guy who had grey hair and he had a gun on him. Dylan's eyes went into shock. "Dyl is this the guys?" John asked. Dylan nervously nodded his head. "Who is this guy?" Scott asked. "His name is Shawn Heart he's been after Dylan for a while." John said. "What?" Scott asked in shock. " You see Dylan has something that he wants. Something  worth a lot of money." John said. " What is it Dylan? What inside you that is worth a lot of money?" Scott asked. "Ok, I'll tell you guys because you are my friends. But you can't tell anyone." Dylan said. "We promise Dyl." Jack said. "Ok, So the thing inside me is a rare blue Gem. It was placed inside me  so that I can protect it from Shawn. Shawn later found out I had it and has been after me since. He attempt to kidnap me a few times." Dylan said. "Really?" Scott asked. "Yes that's why my dad became the sheriff of Oakwood." "Dylan said. "What do we do?" Scott asked. "You keep Dylan close to you don't let him out of your site." John said. "Ok." Jack said. "Tomorrow you guys start school I have you all in the same classes." John said. " I can't believe he broke out of jail." Dylan said. "I know Dylan."John said. " Does the Gem have power?" Dylan asked. "Yes it is very powerful and if it gets into the wrong hands everything will end badly." John said. "Dad how much is that thing worth?" Dylan asked. "About 5 million dollars." John said. All three boys looked at the sheriff in shock. "Don't worry he won't get you Dylan if you stay with your friends." John said. Dylan nodded his head. "Come dinners almost ready lets go see what moms cooking for us." John said. The three boys smiled at Sheriff Hark and walked into the kitchen. Everyone sat around the dinner table. Dylan's Mom Sherrie put the food on the table. "There you go boys you must be hungry." Sherrie said. "We are always hungry Mrs. Hark." Scott said. "Well good because there is a lot to eat. So dig in." Sherrie said. Everyone began to eat the yummy chicken that was on the table. Sherrie broke the silence. "So, boys what did you do today?" Sherrie asked. "We played soccer at the park today." Dylan said. "That's cool, you really like soccer don't you Dyl." Sherrie stated.

Dylan nodded his head at his mom. "How was your day Mrs. Hark?" Scott asked. "It was good Scott thanks for asking." Sherrie said. "What did you do today mom?" Dylan asked. "Well, I went to a few meetings with your dad, then I came home early to make dinner." Sherrie said.

"Mom." Dylan said. "Yes, Dyl." Sherrie said. "Did you hear about Shawn Heart?" Dylan asked. "No, what about him?" Sherrie asked. "He broke out of jail and I think he saw us when we were playing soccer at the park earlier on today." Dylan said in fright."Wow, Ok honey don't worry the meeting we had today with your father was about what to do if he ever broke out. Now that he did I think we need to make a plan of action." Sherrie said. "What plan of action Mrs. Hark?" Jack asked. "I'll have to talk to your father about this Dyl. But honestly it's just to keep you safe." Sherrie said. "Ok mom, can we not talk about it anymore it's getting me scared." Dylan said. "Ok, honey lets finish eating , but Dyl we do have to talk about it sometime." Sherrie said. "I know mom, your doing this because you love me." Dylan said with a smile. Sherrie smiled at Dylan and finished her chicken. Soon it was getting late and Scott and Jack were about to leave to go home for the night. "Boys, where are you going?" John asked. "We're going home our parents must be getting worried." Scott  said. "I called your parent to see if you guys can staying a bit longer to watch a movie with us. Do you want to stay and watch it? Or do you want to go home? It's up to you though." Sherrie said. "Sure we can stay can't we Scott." Jack stated. Scott nodded his head at Jack. They all helped Sherrie and John clean up the dinner table. "You boys don't have to do that. We'll clean up. Why don't you go pick a movie and we'll be right there." Sherrie said. The boys smiled at the two parents and left to go pick a movie to watch. "What do you think my Mom and Dad want to talk to me about?" Dylan asked. "Beats me Dyl. I'm still trying to process that you have something valuable in you." Scott said. "I know I should have told you guys, but I was afraid that you would treat me differently." Dylan said. "Dyl we will always treat you the same. We would never do that." Jack said. "Yeah, we got your back Dyl, we'll protect you from this Shawn Heart guy." Scott said. "Thanks guys."Dylan said with a smile. Soon Sherrie and John came in. "Did you pick a movie yet?" John asked. Dylan showed his parents a movie about pirates. "Are you sure you want to watch this one Dyl?" Sherrie asked. Dylan nodded his head. "Alright buddy." Sherrie said. She put the tape in and the movie began. Dylan was starting to get this uneasy feeling. He quickly got up and left the room. Sherrie notice that he left and followed him to the kitchen. "Dyl honey you alright?" Sherrie asked concerned. Dylan nodded his head but was still scared. "What's scaring you Dylan? Is it the movie?" Sherrie asked. Dylan shook his head. He still continues to shake. "Woah, buddy it's ok." Sherrie said. She tried to calm him down. He was having a panic attack. "Dyl honey look at me." Sherrie said. She had fright in her eyes. "John get in here it's Dylan!" Sherrie yelled. John quickly came into the kitchen. "What's going on?" John asked.  John came over to Dylan to help Sherrie. "Dylan honey are you ok?" John asked. "John I don't know what's wrong he's never had a panic attack this severe before." Sherrie said with a worried look. "Don't worry honey I'll try to calm him down you go and watch the movie with the others." John said. Sherrie nodded her head and went back to watch the movie with Scott and Jack. "What's going on in there Mrs. Hark?" Scott asked. "Dylan's having another one of his panic attacks but this time it's more worse." Sherrie said. "Don't worry Mrs. Hark he'll get through it he has before." Jack said. "I know Jack but this one is worse then a normal one he would have." Sherrie said. "Do you want us to go so you can be with him?" Scott asked.

"That's nice Scott but I don't think he wants you two to leave just yet." Sherrie said. "Do you want us to go check up on him for you?" Scott asked. "Sure Scott I think he'll calm down once he sees you guys." Sherrie said with a smile. Scott and Jack came in to the kitchen. They see Mr. Hark he had just calm down Dylan. Dylan came up and hugged both Scott and Jack. "You ok buddy what happened?'' Scott asked. "I don't know my Dad said that this panic attack was worse then my normal ones that I usually have." Dylan said "Are you ok now though?" Jack asked. "Yes. I guess I'm just to scared for who we saw in the park today." Dylan said. "Right, well don't worry we have someone coming over tonight that needs to talk to you." John said. "Who Dad?" Dylan asked. "His name Derek and he's going to be your bodyguard." John said. "Bodyguard. Why?" Dylan asked with sadness. "Don't worry honey he's just going to protect you until we get Shawn Heart back in jail." John said."Will I have freedom?" Dylan asked. "Of course you will honey." John said. Dylan smiles at his Dad. "Can we go finish the movie?" Dylan asked. "Are you sure you want to?" John asked. Dylan nodded his head. "OK, Buddy you and your friends go  back in there and I'll be a minute." John said. The three boys go back into the living room to watch the rest of the pirate movie with Sherrie. "Hey, your back." Sherrie said. "Yes, did we miss anything?" Scott asked. "No, I paused it for you boys. How are you feeling Dylan are you ok now?" Sherrie asked. Dylan nodded his head. He sat next to his mom and they finished watching the movie. John came in with Derek. "Hey boys I think it's time for you to go home now. The movies done and we need to talk to Dylan." John said. Scott and Jack agreed.

"Ok, Dylan you take care. Call us if you need anything." Jack said. "I will Jack." Dylan said. "Bye Dyl." Scott said as they went out the front door. Dylan waved bye to his two friends. John shut the door and lead Dylan back to the living room where Derek was still sitting on the couch.

"Hi you must be Dylando." Derek said. "Please call me Dylan. Everybody does." Dylan said. "Sure no problem Dylan. I can remember that." Derek said. "So your the bodyguard." Dylan said. "That's right Dylan." Derek said. Three other big guys come in to the living room. "They will also be bodyguards as well. Nick and Neil this is Dylan Hark." Derek said. "Nice to meet you Dylan." Nick said. Dylan smiled at the three guys. "What's his name?" Dylan asked pointing to the guy in the corner. "Oh, that's Fred he's a little nervous of meeting you." Derek said. Dylan goes up to Fred and held out his hand. "Fred this is Dylan he's our new client. We're going to be protecting him." Nick said. Fred then smiled up at Dylan and shook his hand tightly. "Ouch." Dylan yelled. He pulled back his hand. "Fred that was too firm of a hand shake." Derek said. "Sorry about that Dylan." Fred said. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Dylan said with a smile. " Now, Dylan your dad tells me there is this bad guy name Shawn Heart who's after you." Derek said."Right." Dylan said. "He also said he has attempt to kidnap you before." Derek said. "Right, that's why he was in jail. But just today we found out he broke out of jail." Dylan said. "I know that's why your dad hired us. Don't worry  we will try to blend in when you start school tomorrow." Derek said. "Thank you." Dylan said. "Your welcome Dyl. If you need us we are here for you." Derek said. Dylan looked at the other three to make sure he was right. They nodded there heads. "We bought these at the mall today so that we can blend in with the  kids at the school. But if we feel that you are about to be threaten or hurt we will attack the person who is trying to hurt you." Derek said. "That's fine." Dylan said. "Oh, Dylan you will not leave our sight." Derek said. "Ok, I got it." Dylan said. Dylan made a big yawn. "Oh boy somebodies tired." Sherrie said while smiling at Dylan. "Yeah, I'm tired it's been a long day for all of us." Dylan said.

"Why don't you boys take him up to his room to get ready for bed." John said. "Will do sir." Derek said. Soon Derek, Neil, Nick and Fred took Dylan upstairs to get ready for bed. Meanwhile downstairs Sherrie and John were talking about the new bodyguards and how there going to protect their son. "John I don't know about those  four taking care of Dylan." Sherrie said concerned. "Honey don't worry they said they will protect him at any cost." John said. "Yeah, but I have this feeling that there going to be overly protective of him." Sherrie said. "Don't worry sweetheart they said they would blend in." John said. "That's not the point John." Sherrie said. "Are you worried that they might crowd him. Then he might have a panic attack." John said. "Yes, I just don't want him having one of those at school. People will make fun of him." Sherrie said. "Don't worry honey I'll make sure to warn them about it. I'll also tell them not to crowd him too much." John said. "Thanks John." Sherrie said. Soon they go upstairs to say goodnight to Dylan. "Hey buddy what are you doing?" John asked. "Just talking to the boys about the panic attacks. They know not to crowd me to much. I told them everything." Dylan said. "Oh, good then I don't have to tell you boys." John said. "Nope we know to give him space when he needs it." Nick said. "Great well it's getting late and you start school in the morning Dyl." John said. "I know Dad." Dylan said. John goes and gives Dylan a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Dyl, have fun at school tomorrow." John said. " I will." Dylan said.  Then John comes to say goodnight."Goodnight buddy have good day tomorrow." John said. "You to dad. Try to stop Shawn if you can." Dylan said. "I will do my best Dyl." John said. He kissed him on the head. The four bodyguards followed the parents out of Dylan's room. "Come on boys I'll show you where your sleeping tonight." John said. The four boys nodded their heads and followed John to a different bedroom. "This is where you'll be staying until we don't need you anymore and that Shawn is back in jail." John said. "Sounds good, but you never told us why he's after Dylan." Derek stated. "Right, well when Dylan was little a fairy came and planted this rare blue gem inside him. It's meant to protect him from  evil. Then this guy name Shawn Heart. He's the most wanted here in Oakwood. He found out Dylan had it and he's been after him every since." John said. "Wow, A gem is inside of Dylan." Derek said looking surprised. "Yes that's why I became the sheriff and that's why I need you four to protect him." John said. "Because this guy attempt to kidnap Dylan before right."Derek said. "Right, now get some sleep and we'll have a nice breakfast in the morning before you guys go to school with Dylan. Don't worry he'll show you around." John said. "Great we will see you in the morning then Mr. Hark." Derek said. John said good night to the four boys and when to his room to find Sherrie fast asleep. He goes into bed and lightly kisses her on the lips before turning to the side and falling asleep.

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