Certainty of safety

By gaypooper

835 41 16

♥ cover drawn by karuoke on tumblr ♥ What happens after Alexandria is attacked by the Saviors and the peple... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

246 12 10
By gaypooper

The night rolled on too slow and too quiet as Daryl lay on his mattress in the attic. He woke not too long ago once again from a morbid nightmare. They happened most nights and if he was lucky, he wouldnt wake up yelling. He wasnt sure how no one heard him, or if they did they never said anything.

He stare out the window before closing his eyes. Daryl let the sleep creep in once again, but was interrupted sudden clatter and footsteps below. Something was wrong. Quickly he put his vest and pants back on and raced down stairs. His family was frantically running about in the dark, collecting their weapons, and putting on clothes. Daryl bumped into Rick while making his way through the kitchen.

"Negan and his men, they were spotted by a scout from the Kingdom on his way here. There's a lot of them and theres not much time. Decided to attack at night, bastards." Rick shook his head, "we should have seen this coming."

"We didnt know when they would be back, we all doubted they would be so soon. But we have to get out there and fight. Even is there are more of them then us." Maggie spoke full of determination.

Paul admired his friend so much, she was so strong despite all of her troubles. But he knew that just like him, she worked hard to distract herself from the pain

Daryl looked around at his family standing, frozen, around their leader. They knew what they were fighting for, they all knew the risk.

"Okay. lets go."

Rick wiped his brow and they all made their way out of the house.

People were swarming everywhere, preparing themselves for the battle. Faces flashed by as the group made their way to the front gates to meet.

Ezekiel,carol, morgan, Tara and Rosita stood waiting for them.

"Rosita are you sure you're well enough to fight?" Rick questioned

"Even if i wasnt. I have to." She crossed her arms.

"Alright well heres the game plan." RIck went on

They had decided to turn out all lights, and hide, make it look like the place had been abandoned, even leave the gate unlocked. Lure them in and attack. Paul liked this plan, he could put his training to work, even though he was still a bit sore from the other day.

"We need to be in teams, just in case." As soon as Rick said this Daryl knew just exactly who he was to be paired up with.

"Jesus and Daryl, you two work best together." Daryl groaned and looked at the long haired man whose smirk was visible even in the dark. He looked back at Rick with spiteful eyes. Rick only raised his brow and continued paring everyone off.

They all had been given places to stake out and told signals for when to attack. They were told to keep alexandria quiet and abandon looking as long as possible. Paul and Daryl trudged along in the dark quietly towards their point, which was around the Monroes old place and the church, until Paul spoke up.

"You think we will win?" the bearded man looked up at the sky.

Daryl grumbled and continued looking at his feet. "We gotta, i guess."

"Well. i wanna win. I want to win for Sasha." he sighed and looked at the rugged man walking beside him, usually Paul didnt mind that he was the only one to fill the silence. "My whole life i fought for myself to survive. But now i know what its like to fight for other people." He wasnt sure why he was opening up to Daryl like this. He'd grown to like Daryl but he wasnt sure if the feeling was mutual. But lately the redneck had been nicer to him.

"Stop being all sappy and shit." They were nearing their destination. Paul stopped in his tracks.

"Why are you such an ass all the sudden. After oceanside and yesterday i thought you liked me at least a little." Paul folded his arms. He wasnt sure why Daryl was so cold all the sudden.

Daryl turned around, "come on we can argue more later."

Daryl felt guilty for being so rude to Paul but the man needed to have a good headspace before a battle like this one. Going in emotional can get you killed. Plus Daryl didint feel like sharing anything emotional like that with Paul. Rick had asked him to watch out for the younger man and this was his way.

The rest of the walk was silent

They stood outside the side of the Church.

"We should find places to hide that aren't in the church, so we can take some people down quietly." Paul's head gravitated towards a tree, and proceeded to climb it.

"Do you always have to pull ninja shit. What about me?" Daryl watched the man shimmy up the trunk.

"I don't know hide in a bush." he peeked his head from over a branch.

The wait was painfully too quiet, even for Daryl's liking. He would rather listen to Paul blabber on than sit in the shrubbery and wait in the silence.

Paul didnt mind though, for once he didnt feel awkward for not filling the still with conversation. He dug his knife into the branch of the tree, carving out a little heart.

It wasn't long after then that they heard the low rumble of trucks and the squeal of the gate. Daryl drew his knife and looked up to the man in the tree, who was looking back it him.

Trucks with the beds full of men whipped through the community, followed by those on foot. The two men dug themselves deeper into the shadows.

Footsteps grew closer. Paul prepared to jump from the tree, but stopped when he saw Daryl signal him to stay. Two men turned the corner of the front of the church. The two waited until they were close enough.

At the same time Paul jumped from the tree, tackling one, while Daryl took the second down from behind. They dragged the Saviors bodies next to the brush where Paul now joined Daryl. They patted the men down, taking their guns and knives. Rick was right, they were a good team.

More trucks passed by every so often, like they were patrolling. But more Saviors started roaming the streets.

"They arent dumb, they know people are still in the community." Paul leaned in close and whispered, "if they didnt think people were still here they would have just started looting and left."

Daryls hiding spot was already tight. But add Paul and two dead bodies to hide, it was cramped. He shrugged away from the shoulder that leaned on him. and Paul noticed

Soon more people started walking by, and more people were silently killed by the two men.

After waiting in the shadows for what felt like hours, a single gunshot rang throughout the community. Daryl and Paul looked at eachother. It was time. Gunfire and yelling exploded out around them.

As soon as they stood to take part in the battle a gun cocked behind them.

Daryl could feel the barrel pressed at the back of his head.

"move and i kill him" the dark figure grumbled.

Paul turned to towards the voice with wide eyed with his hands up, his eyes flashing between the attacker and Daryl.

Daryl moved his eyes from the ground to meet Paul's eyes and gave a little nod.

Immediately Paul lurched towards the man reaching for the gun , Daryl ducking and turning to tackle his legs. Paul was unable to pry the firearm out of the saviors hands and as he fell, the gun fired.

Paul clutched his side, and tumbled down to the ground.

"PAUL." Daryl cried outs. He swiftly moved from his position around his now distracted attackers legs and decked him in the face, snatching the gun from his hand, and shooting him in the head.

Paul lay there, the sharp pain in his side now turning into more of a searing burn.

"Daryl listen they need you out there okay you have to go and fight." His breath was ragged.

Daryl kneel beside him, and took the bandana out of his pocket.

"shut up." Daryl said in a fairly annoyed tone. "quit spewing bullshit and hold this over it."

Paul obeyed.

"can you stand?"

"yeah i think so." Paul started to sit up, Daryl reaching down and slinging Paul's arm around his shoulders.

"1, 2..." They started to stand but the wounded man passed out.

"fuck fuck fuck." Daryl caught him before he fell and lifted him bridal style.

He was scared. it was his job to be looking out for Paul and he failed and now he might die. It wasn't until now that he realized how good a friend the younger man had become to Daryl, some days he depended on his ramblings, he felt bad for not taking Paul's some what confession to him seriously earlier. And Rick was right, they were a good team.

Daryl peeked his head around the corner and adjusted the surprisingly heavy man in his hands. Flash backs to carrying Beth out of the hospital clouded his mind.

No, he thought, This is different.

The sky began to turn its early morning purple. There was people everywhere. Running, shooting, fighting. He ran through the streets taking as much cover as possible.

Pretty soon he was bursting through the doors of the infirmary.

"ey! got a wounded man he needs help." Daryl set him down in one of the beds.

One of the doctors from the Kingdom who volunteered to come along rushed over to Paul and Daryl.

"Make sure he don die." Daryl stared down at the older man who was examining the gunshot wound.

"i'll try my best."

Daryl practically tore out of the infirmary out into the battle. He spotted Rick and Maggie across the street and joined them.

And as the sun peeked over the walls yet again, the fighting had ceased. And by some miracle. The Saviors had not won.

And just like days before. Bodies littered the streets, people handed out food and water, people tended to the wounded, and others mourned those who were lost.

Negan sits in the jail cell, locked away for good. A Punishment worse than death.

People from the different communities packed their bags to head home. As they made their way back home over the course of the day, what was left of the alexandrians settled down before a long day of work tomorrow.


After the decision of keeping Negan in the cell during a meeting in the feild, Maggie noticed Paul had been missing.

Daryl explained what happened and they made their way to the infirmary.

Luckily Paul was okay, the doctor was managed to pull the bullet out and stitch him up, though he did have a fever and needed to be watched for infection . He slept soundly when they arrived. They each took and seat beside the bearded mans bed.

They weren't the only ones visiting. Rick had come to see Michonne, who felt guilty she was unable to help during the fight.

Daryl felt as though he owed Paul. Since he had taken a bullet for him and all. Maggie and Enid needed to get back to Hilltop, now that they weren't under Negans reign there would be much to discuss with the people. Daryl remain sitting in the infirmary, watching the pale, clammy mans chest rise and fall.

In a way he felt guilty for Paul being hurt. He shouldn't have let him be reckless like that, it should be him laying in that bed instead.

Much like Paul, Daryl too fell into sleep, not waking up until the sky had turned dark once again.

"you're up." A voice from across the room called.

"why don't you go home? he'll be okay the doctor has been in and out of here, and his fever broke not to long ago. He woke too and was happy to see you stayed." Michonne sat up in her bed.

"its kinda m fault he's here." Daryl adjusted in his seat

"Daryl you have got to stop blaming yourself for things that are it of your control." she paused, "and plus you really need to shower you're a mess." she smiled and sighed.

He though about it for a moment.

"i'll go in the morning." And with that they both settled back to sleep.

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