How to Write Stories People W...

By Zoe_Blessing

488K 49.4K 18.1K

If you're a writer struggling to improve your craft, this book can help. It breaks down the basics of a good... More

1. Be Realistic
2. Write What You Enjoy
3. Find Inspiration
4. Create Relatable Characters
5. Be Authentic (plus Sensitivity Readers)
6. Add Tension
7. Read Other Books
8. Get Critiques
9. Practice Your Craft
10. Maintain Motivation
11. Deal With Fear
12. Demonstrate, Don't Explain
13. Tailor Your Descriptions
14. Recognize Can't Versus Won't
15. Ease Up On Backstory (and Prologues)
16. Kick Writer's Block
17. Create Interesting Dialogue
18. Beat Back Self-Doubt
19. Use Strong Verbs
20. Intermission
21. Carve Out Time
22. Streamline Your Sentences
23. Give Your Character a Journey
24. Read Big Magic
25. Avoid the Info-Dump
26. Break Stereotypes
27. Plan Your Story
28. Intermission 2
29. Manage Your Expectations
30. Find Your Voice - Part 1
31. Find Your Voice - Part 2
32. Rework the Beginning
33. Develop Your Characters
34. Shameless Plug
35. Continue Kicking Writers Block
36. Create Active Characters
37. Avoid Predictability
38. Follow Writers Connect
Question 1: Writing outside the box
Question 2: Writing short stories
Question 3: Plot twists
Question 4: Keeping your story on target
Question 5: Writing a series
Question 6: Foreshadowing
Question 7: Writing faster and routines
Question 8: Pushing through to the end
Question 10: Too many story ideas
Question 11: How to write a blurb
Question 12: Connecting scenes
Question 13: Creating original characters
Question 14: Descriptive writing
Question 15: When to start posting a story
Question 16: Determining chapter breaks
Question 17: Breaking cliches
Question 18: How to end a book
Question 19: Alternate universes
Question 20: Staying in character
Question 21: Narrating dialogue
Question 22: Conveying emotion
Question 23: Changing viewpoints
Question 24: Avoiding cardboard characters
Question 25: Fight scenes
Question 26: Filter words
Question 27: Flashbacks
Question 28: Writing about feelings you've never felt
Question 29: Avoiding the "Mary Sue"
Question 30: Making readers cry
Question 31: Avoiding a rushed plot
Question 32: Deus Ex Machina
Question 33: Making chapters longer
Question 34: Unhappy endings
Question 35: Introducing characters
Question 36: Dialogue with deaf characters
Question 37: Phone conversations
Question 38: Not sounding forced
Question 39: Avoiding repetition
Question 40: Fixing awkward scenes
Question 41: Chapter length
Question 42: Text messages
Question 43: Writing uncomfortable scenes
Question 44: Romantic scenes
Question 45: Dream sequences
Question 46: Humor
Question 47: Dialogue arguments
Question 48: Sex scenes
Question 49: Emotions through eyes
Question 50: Stuttering characters
Question 51: Switching POV across a series
Question 52: Believable romance
Question 53: Car accidents
Question 54: Unexpected love
Question 55: Vivid visions
Question 56: Mixing in other languages and culture
Question 57: Breakups
Question 58: First person character descriptions
Question 59: Character deaths
Question 60: Writing from an unfamiliar POV
Question 61: Kissing scenes
Question 62: Nostalgic stories
Question 63: Dialogue from the Middle Ages
Question 64: Sensitive topics
Question 65: Writing pain
Question 66: Too much plot
Question 67: Characters with low self-esteem
Question 68: Is my story too long?
Question 69: Turning random ideas into a story
Question 70: Opening lines
Question 71: Accents
Question 72: Meet cutes
Question 73: Cliffhangers
Question 74: Avoiding melodrama
Question 75: Subplots
Question 76: How to edit
Question 77: Dealing with numerous characters
Question 78: Character names
Question 79: Startling the reader
Question 80: Story within a story
Question 81: Distinctive character voices
Question 82: Pacing
Question 83: Blind characters
Question 84: Writing about future technology
Question 85: Injuries
Question 86: Side characters
Question 87: Characters with negative attitudes
Question 88: Opening scenes
Question 89: Love triangles
Question 90: Insecurities about writing
Question 91: Signs of intimacy
Question 92: Introducing characters to each other
Question 93: When to be detailed or vague
Question 94: Killing off a character
Question 95: Characters in gangs
Question 96: Slow burn romance
Question 97: Arguments that end friendships
Question 98: Writing smart characters
Question 99: Making characters attractive to readers
Question 100: Future technology for sci-fi
Question 101: Animal POV
Question 102: Hijabi characters
Question 103: Second chance love
Question 104: Autistic characters
Question 105: Writing Villains

Question 9: Seamlessly weaving in backstory

2K 171 32
By Zoe_Blessing

Carolyn_Hill asks: In your sequel, Sember, pieces of backstory from the first book are weaved in so effortlessly. I'm planning on writing a sequel myself. How can I make it flow more smoothly without a) making it come out of the blue, but also b) not rehashing too much?

First of all, thank you for the compliment! I am proud of how Sember turned out.

In sequels, it's important to rehash some of the information from the previous book, to reacquaint the reader with what happened in case it's been too long. Unfortunately, this is all backstory. The trick is to make it not seem like backstory. Easier said than done. I'll try to explain my approach to this dilemma.

Drop in details when they're needed.

More backstory will be needed in Fantasy and Science Fiction settings, because the reader may have forgotten what a Flux Master is, or why the Mighty Axe of Ass-Kicking is important. Here's how I do it:

1. Start writing  my sequel.

2. When I encounter a significant location, person, or object from the first book, I stop and think about why it's significant. What does the reader need to know about this person, place, or thing?

3. Write up one or two sentences to summarize its significance.

4. Work it into the story, as close as you can get to where you mention this person, place, or thing.

EXAMPLE 1: I watched as Bear entered the room, filling it with his presence as he always did. (Okay, who is Bear again? He was the guy who saved my family from the marauders in the previous book. Okay, now to work that into the this story.) Bear could strike fear with a single look, and used that to his advantage last year when he saved my family from those marauders. I would always be grateful to him for that.

EXAMPLE 2: "We will be traveling to Flushing." This caused a sharp intake of breath from everyone in the room. (Okay, what is Flushing and why is it so scary? It's where the aliens first made their appearance in the previous book. Now to work that into the story here...) Aside from being a weird name for a city, it was also where our dome-headed enemy first appeared, and where their stronghold was now built.

EXAMPLE 3: My hands curled around the prison bars as I stared at the Mighty Axe of Ass-Kicking. (Okay, this thing's been in two previous books, and here it is again. What is it? Work it into the story...) It was the stuff of legends, wielded first by Tara the Wise, and then Frederick the Flatulent. The Hoard was beaten back each time. I didn't think it was real, and yet here it was, gleaming just out of my reach.

See how that works? The trick is to be as concise as possible. Boil down what happened into as few words and sentences as you can, and then move on with your current story.

A big exception to this is flashbacks. In Siena, I have a secondary character cause an explosion, but we never learn why. In the sequel, Sember, she recalls the entire incident, which fills in that gap. You don't want to rehash entire scenes from the first book, but you can certainly fill out missing details that weren't there in the first place.

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