Crazy Feelings

By Little_Apple05

97K 1.7K 584

Bella Castillo. Your average girl with a beautiful voice. Shawn Mendes. Every girls dream guy. Successful, cu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
*Please Read*
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Fifteen

3.1K 54 24
By Little_Apple05

I open my eyes and take a breath as Shawn pulls away. He looks both shocked and happy.

"Bella?!" He says and then sits down next to me and grabs my hands.

"Shawn." I say sounding breathy. A nurse comes in before Shawn can say anything.

"You're awake? Let me go get the doctor." She says looking and sounding confused. Was I not supposed to wake up yet or something?

"What's going on? Why'd she look confused? " I ask and Shawn laughs a little bit.

"The doctors said that you probably wouldn't wake up until a few weeks. It's only been a few days." He says and I raise my eyebrows because now I'm surprised.

"Shawn?" I say and he looks at me and smiles.

"Yes baby girl?" He says and rubs his thumb across my cheek. I grab his hand on my face and smile.

"I want you to know that I heard everything you said. None of this was your fault. You saved me, you came for me. You stayed here with me and talked to me. I love you Shawn." I say and he blushes a little. He is so freaking cute I swear!

"I love you too Bella." He says and kisses my forehead. 


I left the hospital a few days ago and I'm currently on the tour bus right now. I sadly can't perform until I heal up. I'm still a little weak from not eating and getting beat up so much.

Thankfully James TW stepped in and will be opening for Shawn while I get better. My fans were really understanding . They think I was in a car accident, but it's better that they don't know what really happened.

I now know that all of that stuff Lauren told me was a lie. She was just trying to put bad information about Shawn into my head to cause problems.

I'm in the back room of the bus sitting on the couch covered with blankets and watching Shadow Hunters. I absolutely love this show!

"How's my girl doing?" Shawn asks as he comes in.

"I'm feeling a lot better. Maybe I can perform at the next show." I say trying to convince him.

"I would love that, but the doctors said no performing for three weeks." He says and I roll my eyes and groan.

Shawn sits next to me and wraps his arms around me. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat. 

Then of course he had to ruin the moment. I started to smell something awful. I look up at Shawn and he's trying so hard not to laugh.

"God Shawn! Go get some spray!" I say and shove him. He is so freaking disgusting I swear.

He sprays some air freshener and sits back down. I give him a glare and he laughs.

"You're so gross." I say and then he pulls me into his lap.

"But you love me." He says and I roll my eyes and shrug. He pulls me in closer to him and plants a kiss on my lips.

He leans back with me in his arms and we continue kissing. He moves from my lips to my neck and it tickles a little.

He puts his hand on my back underneath my shirt and the tries taking it off.

"Shawn. Not here." I say and laugh. He looks up at me and gives me the puppy dog eyes. "No, I'm not about to do it on this tour bus." I say and laugh some more.

"Oh I get it! You don't want anyone to gear you scream." He says and I shove his face over.

"Yeah sure." I say and get up off of the couch.  I walk over to the mini fridge and grab a bottle of water. 

"I think we are about to get to Barcelona soon." Shawn says and I nearly choke on my water.

I totally forgot we were going there! I've dreamed of going there my entire life!

"AHHH! We're going to Barcelona!" I say and jump on top of Shawn. He laughs and kisses me and then I immediately start googling places to go there.


"Shawn! I can walk, really." I say as he picks me up bridal style in the streets. 

Can you guess where we are? If you said Barcelona then you'd be correct. It's so much more beautiful than I ever imagined!

"I know, but what if I want to carry you?" He asks and I smile. I kiss his cheek and then let him carry me. 

Finally he puts me down and intertwined our fingers. I look at our hands and it gives me butterflies. Yes, Shawn still gives me butterflies. He always has, always will.

"Oh look!" I say and walk over to a young guy playing the guitar in the street. He's playing so beautifully and each notes just blends together so well.

The guy looks up and winks at me and continues playing. I didn't think anything of it, but I guess Shawn did. 

Shawn came and wrapped his arm around me. I thought it was cute how Shawn was being protective. I put some money in his guitar case and then we kept walking.

We are with the crew right now. The crew being Brian, Geoff, Andrew, John, and James TW. 

I started humming the song Barcelona by Ed Sheeran and then Shawn started singing it.

"You and I,  we're flying on an airplane tonight." He sings and so I join along.

"We're going somewhere where the sun is shining bright!" 

"Just close your eyes, and let's pretend we're dancing in the street in Barcelona!" Shawn sings and picks me up in his arms. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck.

How did I ever get so luck as to find him? I lean in and kiss his sweet lips and I feel him smile.

He sets me down on the ground and people start clapping and cheering for us. I smile and giggle a little bit and then take Shawns hand.


We are at our hotel so we aren't going to have to sleep on the bus. Of course Shawn told Andrew that me and him would share a room. I'm sitting on the bed right now, and Shawn went to get snacks.

I should probably change into some pijamas already. Sleeping in jeans isn't very comfortable. 

I get up and walk over to my suitcase and then I stop and look over at Shawns suit case. I grin and then go and grab one of his hoodies. He's got this cute Hogwarts pull over so that's what I grabbed. 

I grabbed some black spankies out of my bag and then changed. I grab a makeup remover wipe and start taking off my makeup. 

I take my hair out of the ponytail it was in and then I sit back down on the bed. I texted my dad to let him know how I was doing and he hasn't answered back yet. He's probably busy or something.

Shawn comes busting threw the door and I jump a little bit. He stops and looks at me when he sees me wearing his shirt.

"I don't know what to think about this. Should I be upset that you stole my stuff, or should I be turned on by how hot you look?" He says and I get up to grab the snacks from him.

"Be upset because I'm to tired to do any hanky panky." I say and take a can of Pringles from him. He rolls his eyes and then sets the snacks down on the bed.

I sit down and flip through the channels. Greys Anatomy came on and me and Shawn looked at eachother and he hopped in the bed next to me and made himself comfortable.

I snuggled up next to Shawn with a bag of cheese-it's in my lap and I'm so happy right now.

"This is just perfect. I'm surrounded by food, in the arms of my amazing boyfriend, watching an amazing show. Could it possibly get any better than this?" I say and he smiles a goofy little smile.

"Yeah it would be better if you were naked." He says and laughs.

"Of course you have to ruin the moment with you nastiness. You little perv." I say and hit his chest. We both laugh a little and then I lay my head on his shoulder and we continue with our perfect night.

After the show was over I grab my phone and see that my dad still hasn't answered me back. 

"I'm getting kind of worried Shawn." I say and look at him. I sit up on the edge of the bed and text my dad again.

"Why, what's wrong baby girl?" He says hugs me from behind.

"My dad hasn't answered me all day, he always answers me. I'm gonna try calling him." I say and then call my dad. It rings and rings for a minute and then goes to voice mail.

"He's not picking up?" Shawn asks and I shake my head no. I let out a sigh and I'm hoping he's not hurt.

Then I get an idea. I quickly dial Lily's number and she picks up almost immediately. Best friend ever!

"Yellow?" She says and I can tell she's eating because I can hear her chewing.

"I need a huge favor!" I say and Shawn looks at me and mouths 'Who's that'. I hold up my hand and tell him to wait a second.

"Yeah sure what up?" Lily responds and then she burps. I laugh a little and then tell her what I need.

"Okay I need you go to my house and see if my dad is okay. He's not answering my calls or texts." I say.

"Okay well stay on the phone with me, I'm about to walk to your house." She says because she lives like two minutes away from my house. 

"Alright when you get there tell me what you see. Oh geez I hope he's okay." I say and Shawn rubs my back.

"Okay I'm almost there. I see someone else's car in the drive way." She says and I try and think who could be with my dad.

"Okay well don't knock on the door. Try and look through the window or something." I say and now I'm breathing heavily.

"You want me to spy on your dad?" She asks and laughs a little.

"Yes, now tell me what you see!" I say and then I hear some movement on her end.

"Holy crap!" She whisper yells into the phone.

"What!? Is he hurt?!" I say and my heart beat speeds up.

"No....he's having dinner..." She says and I let out a sigh.

"Dinner? Okay so he's fine." I say and give Shawn a thumbs up.

"Yeah well he's not alone. He's uh..with.....Miss Carter." She says and I gasp.

"What...the...heck?! He's on a freaking date with my old cheer coach!?" I say and stand up.

Since when did my dad start going on dates? He didn't tell me about any of this!

"I mean she's really nice, and they look cute together. Oh dang. I think he saw me!" She says and then I hear lots of movement.

"He saw you? Lily get out of there now! Hide or something!" I say and I hear her breathing heavily.

"Abort mission! I repeat abort mission!" She says through heavy breaths.

"What are you doing? Did he come out?" I say and I can't help but laugh.

"I'm running home! I knew I shouldn't have worn flip flops." She says and I nearly die of laughter. "This is not funny!" She says and starts laughing herself.

"Oh my gosh I love you so much you know that right?" I say and catch my breath from laughing so much.

"Yeah yeah I know. So what are you going to do about your dad?" She asks and then I stop laughing.

"I don't know, just don't say anything to him about it okay. I'll figure something out." I say and throw myself back onto the bed.

Shawn got up to use the bathroom I guess because he's not on the bed anymore.

"Alright well keep me updated on all of the juicy deats." 

"Okay I will. Alright well I'm gonna go. Thanks again. Love you sister!" I say and make a kissy noise in the phone.

"Love you too sister!" She says and makes a kissy noise too. I hang up the phone and just lay there sprawled out on the bed.

"So what happened?" Shawn comes out of the bathroom and says.

"Turns out my dad is dating my cheer coach." I say and let out a breath.

"Oh dang. Is that good or bad?" He asks and lays next me.

"I honestly don't know." 


How long has her dad been dating this lady? Is Bella okay with this?

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote! Love you so so much!


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