Daniela Bradley - Power Range...

By rebel_echo

11.2K 323 15

Life was hard for the Bradley siblings. Between losing their parents and having to fend for themselves things... More

Chapter 2 - We Get a Luxury Suite Aboard Freak Show UFO
Chapter 3 - Idiots... All of Them
Chapter 4 - Cycles and Tickle Torture
Chapter 5 - Thunder Meets Wind
Chapter 6 - Tsunami Cycle Serenade
Chapter 7 - Beware of the Mini Hacker
Chapter 8 - Keep Your Friends Close but Your Enemies Closer
Chapter 9 - Here Comes the Thunder
Chapter 10 - I Argue With the Voice in My Head
Chapter 11 - The Child General and the Mini Hacker Strikes Again
Chapter 12 - Problems? Everybody Got Problems!
Chapter 13 - You Can't Be Doing That!
Chapter 14 - Deal or No Deal?
Chapter 15 - How are You Okay?
Chapter 16 - Did You Think that Would Stop Us?
Chapter 17 - What if They Could See?
Chapter 18 - What Hides in the Shadows
Chapter 19 - The Dark Before the Dawn
Chapter 20 - They Saved Me
Chapter 21 - Down and Out
Chapter 22 - Start Over?

Chapter 1 - Space Aliens and Bubbles?

1.5K 29 3
By rebel_echo

  "As soon as we think we are safe, something unexpected happens."

July 15 - 12:30pm
The Thunder Ninja Academy, a place you could only read about it in fairy tales.

Sensei Omino was the master of the Thunder Ninja Academy. A old man with a heart of gold, plus a master in the ways of the Thunder Ninja. It was this time everyday Sensei Omino put away time to train with his top students.

There were three. All siblings as a matter of fact. Adopted siblings to be more precise, but siblings none-the-less.

Hunter David Bradley was the eldest of the three. He is 17 years old with blonde hair that was cut shorter, but just long enough for the ends to hang just above his eye brows. His eyes were an ocean blue with light green flicks going throughout. He stood at 6 foot 2 making him the tallest of the Bradleys.

Blake Jared Bradley was the second oldest of the three, also making him the second youngest oddly enough. Blake is 16 years old with chocolate brown eyes and short, jet black hair which he normally gelled up. He was not the tallest guy at 5 foot 8, but where he lacked in height he made up for in strength.

Then finally there was Daniela Jay Bradley, or Danny as her brothers like to call her. Danny is the youngest of the Bradleys at 14 years old. Danny is the shortest of the three at 5 foot 5. Her body was not built for strength, but for the muscle she lacked in strength she made up for in speed and flexible. She has brown hair that fell to her waist in a wavy curl with hazel-brown eyes to match.

In line from oldest to youngest the siblings stood before their Sensei ready to began their training. Danny knew exactly how today was going to play out for her.

-Run a full lap around the Academy.

-Hand to hand training with her brothers.

-Private lesson in using her strengths with Sensei Omino.

-Spar with each of her brothers using weapons and Ninja abilities.

Danny knew herself right as she knew of the whereabouts of their Sensei's daily plans. Even a great Thunder Ninja Master had to be organized, and being as Danny as lucky as she is, she happened to have stumbled upon them.

"Okay," Sensei Omino began, standing from his chair and began to walk back and forth in front of the three "today you will start with a full lap around the Academy," Sensei Omino stopped in front of Danny. He turned to face her "Like young Daniela here already knows," Danny winced.

Shoot, caught.

Danny missed the sideways glance that her brothers sent her. What would they do with her? Sensei Omino sent a small, knowing smile Danny's way before turn on his heel, "Hunter and Blake I expect you to beat your average time of 15 minutes, while I expect you Daniela to beat your best time of 11 minutes. Go,"

The three siblings began running towards the Academy's exit, so they could get outside and run the perimeter of the Academy. Now the warm up was only one lap around the Academy that is the up side, but the down side is the perimeter of the Academy is two miles.

Before Danny could take off on them the brothers caught up to her, "What was Sensei talking about back there?" Hunter asked.

Danny knew he was referring to when Sensei turned on her, "I may have stumbled across Sensei Omino's hiding spot for his daily plans..." Danny said keeping her pace set to her brother's.

"You just happened to stumble across a Master Thunder Ninja's daily plans?" Blake asked suspiciously. Sensei Omino would not let something, even as unimportant as daily plans, be that easy to find that someone just happen to stumble across it.

"Okay, uhh, I stumbled across Sensei and followed him to watch as he hid the papers?" Danny braced herself for she knew all to well what would happen.

The all to familiar feeling of a sharp flick behind her ear happened not a second after her confession. It was a old fashion way of punishment Blake and Hunter both knew, but it worked to help keep their younger sister in line without having to yell or ground her.

"Ouch!" Danny exclaimed as she ran, covering her ear with her hand.

"Danny!" Hunter exclaimed.

"I know! I know," Danny interrupted, "a Master Sensei always knows. I know I shouldn't have done it," Danny began to speed up, "Okay, now I got to go," Danny's pace picked up considerably.

It was not long before Danny was to far ahead of Hunter and Blake to even considered trying to catch up to her. She was to fast.

10 minutes and 48 seconds Danny finished her lap. Danny smiled happily as her Sensei told her "You have improved greatly Daniela," Sensei Omino smiled, "I see great things ahead for you and your brothers,"

"Thank you Sensei Omino," Danny bowed to him, her breath labored, "for everything." Sensei Omino smiled at the young girl. It was a small gesture, one that Sensei Omino smiled at "You are most welcome,"

Danny waited with Sensei Omino for Hunter and Blake to finish their lap. Blake finished with 14 minutes 45 seconds and Hunter finished soon after with 16 minutes 05 seconds.

"Well done boys, but you just missed your goal of an average of 15 minutes with your average being 15 minutes 25 seconds," Danny smirked and was grateful that her ninja mask hid it, "25 push-ups,"

Blake and Hunter dropped down and flew through the 25 push-ups.

Once Sensei Omino thought them rested enough he started their training, "Hunter and Blake step forward," Hunter and Blake stepped into the sparring area, bowing first to each other then to their Sensei, "begin,"

Blake and Hunter begin a sparring match as Danny waited her turn to fight against the winner. Danny knew her Sensei's schedule, she knew what was going to happen next. But, no one can ever truly see the future.

A beam of green light struck the earth within the Thunder Ninja Academy. The light was so sudden and bright it rendered Danny blinded. Disoriented, Danny instinctively backed away from the unknown threat. However, in her blinded state she was unable to see the stone that would trip her and sent her to the ground.

Danny was able to make out a second flash through her spotted vision. But, this time Danny could felt the tremor of the ground beneath her. The tremor was deep, and Danny could feel the hole of dread in her stomach as her bones shook.

Everything fell still for a moment. Danny blinded rapidly, in her attempts to clear the green spots from her field of vision.

"Blake!" She called out, adding her voice into the panicked clamor of the other Thunder Ninjas "Hunter!"

With a final brilliant green flash the Thunder Academy's doors flew right off the hinges. Showering splinters of wood down upon any ninja within 50 feet of the doors. The doors luckily did not land on anyone.

That's some way to knock... Danny thought bitterly as she climbed to her feet. Blake was quickly at her side, checking her quickly for any injuries. Hunter supported their Sensei who held his side in pain.

Danny looked behind them to watch as an army of aliens flooded through the doors into the Thunder Ninja Academy. Danny's eyes grew to twice their size in disbelief. Sensei Omino had mentioned their existence before, but it's one thing to hear about it and another to actually see it.

The army of aliens were mostly made up of this black and red colored creature. They wielded oddly curved red weapons. Weapons they gripped in only one hand. They did not have a face, but rather a centipede design face-plate as one. Then, oddly enough, they had an Alfalfa inspired hair style, with a single bunch of hair upon their heads.

Blake and Hunter lead themselves, Danny, and Sensei Omino to take cover behind a boulder, "What's happening Sensei?" Danny asked frantically as she spotted the, she assumed, leaders of the aliens. Three of the five looked to be human. Two girls who needed to be stopped by the fashion police and the obvious leader of the whole thing. A man dress in head to toe black, with a pony tail that was longer than even Danny's hair.

Sensei Omino winced as he gripped his mid-section. Danny felt her heart stop as she spotted blood seeping through his robes and staining his hand that he held there to apply pressure, "There is no time to explain!" Sensei looked around making sure they were safe, for the time being, "you must take these!"

Sensei Omino reached into his bloody robes and retrieved a small box made of a walnut tree's wood. It was dark and had a polished finish to it, painted on the cover were symbols Danny had never seen before.

"But Sensei," Danny panicked, "you're hurt-" Sensei's eyes narrowed at Danny. Danny bowed her head. She understood, this wasn't the time.

The box opened by a small latch in the front, Sensei opened it for Hunter, Blake, and Danny to see. Within the box the intricate designs continued on to the top cover, but it was the bottom held they grabbed their attention. There lay three morphers. Held in place by purple velvet. There was a Crimson Morpher, a Navy Morpher, and an Amber Morpher.

Danny did not know why, but it was the Amber Morpher that drew her in. It called to her, she was not sure how, but she just knew it was this one that she was meant for. Danny carefully plucked the Amber Morpher from it's velvet prison. She watched as Blake choose the Navy Morpher and Hunter the Crimson Morpher.

"I had hoped to bestow these morphers to you, Hunter, Blake, and Daniela during a more peaceful time," Sensei Omino drew them back in from their wonder, "but that can't be the case. There's no one I trust more to protect others and service as rangers more that you three.

The dreamy bliss the moment seemed to hold was broken when one of the five leaders found them. An alien creature with a weird symbol for a face, he had two swords sticking out of his shoulders... How do these things live?

Sensei Omino took action long before the siblings. He lunged forward, protecting the siblings as the great Thunder Ninja fought a mighty battle against the alien. However, it proved to be in vain.

The shoulder-swords alien pointed one of his swords at Sensei Omino and the siblings could only watch as he was captured within a... bubble? Danny did not know whether she should be scared or if she should skip around and pop bubbles with Blake and Hunter.

Confused and disoriented the siblings stood shocked as the odd creatures with the centipede face-plates soon turned their attention to them. Specifically, the morphers that now sat proud upon their wrists. Hunter, Blake, and Danny struggled against them, but it to was in vain for there were far to many, an army. Even if they were to escape what to do? Where to go?

It wasn't long before they ended up being held down by the creatures.

Shoulder-swords walked smugging towards the siblings with an evil cackle. He raised his arm and shot a 'bubble' at Hunter, trapping him. Hunter shot into the air and disappeared from Danny and Blake's sight, "Hunter!" Blake yelled out to his brother.

Blake was able to free one his arms, but it was to late. A bubble trapped him before he could free the other. He to flew upwards towards the sky and disappeared, "No!" Danny shouted, "bring my brothers back! Second thought, bring everyone back!"

"Don't worry you pathetic human," Shoulder-swords growled, his voice was rough and had a low gravelly sound to it, "you'll be joining them soon."

The sword was now pointed at her. Her eyes widen in a panic. She had never been trapped in an alien bubble before and she wanted to keep it that way. She could not use strength to get out of this. Her strength, she knew, would not overpower two alien creatures holding her in place by her biceps. So, instead of strength she used agility. Exactly how Sensei had taught her. If Danny was going down she was going down swinging.

The bubble was coming at her, so in a blind-somewhat controlled panic Danny flipped backwards. The bubble hit an alien creature behind her, trapping them instead. The creature let out an unearthly screech as it was shot upwards into the sky. Danny was free of the two who had held her.

Shoulder-swords yelled out in frustration, "Get the human!" He commanded. Danny tried to run, but she was already surrounded. One creature ran forwards in attack, but doubled over as Danny landed a kick to the creatures mid-section. She managed to knock out another with a chop to the chest, but it was not long before a party of these creatures managed to capture her arms once again.

Shoulder-swords laughed but offered no words before she was trapped within an alien bubble. She could feel the sensation of being shot upwards at a fast pace. She stomach dropped and the intense feeling of free falling over took her. The bubble itself felt cool and was slick enough to be called slimily. But, the worst thing was it was clear. Danny could see as the ground as it got farther and farther away from her. Soon she had to close her eyes, she was not the biggest fan of heights.

Not long after, she no longer felt the sensation of moving. She gripped her stomach, fighting hard not to lose her lunch. Everything was still and there was a lot of noise. Voices...

Cautiously, Danny opened her eyes. She could not believe what she was seeing. Hundreds of ninjas, hundreds of bubbles. All in this small containment center. Many of the ninjas shouted to be let out, some shouted out the deals they were willing to make for their freedom, and a few others shouted out for one another.

"Hunter! Blake! Sensei!" Danny added her voice into the mix, but quickly realized it would never be heard by the people she wished it to. She looked around desperately for one of the three faces but found none.

Danny sighed, that was it. She had been captured. She could not escape her bubble and even if she did how would she escape an alien spaceship?

Danny had to wait, despite how hard it was, she could only sit, wait, and be grateful she was not one of the few who had threw up in their bubble...

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