
By WhisperingJ

182K 18K 80.4K

HR: #10 (09/11/2018)#13 (08/22/18) #14 (08/21/2018)(09/08/2018) #18 (03/23/2017) "No!" Zayn shouted. He was p... More

Copyright notice/Author's note + readers' reviews
Chapter 1: Golden eyed Punchbag
Chapter 2: Flying Out Of Control
Chapter 3: Alive and Alone
Chapter 4: Missing
Chapter 5: The Struggle Begins
Chapter 6: Dirty mouth; Dirty bruise
Chapter 7: Leave the Loved Ones
Chapter 8: "Tough Stuff"
Chapter 9: Instincts
Chapter 10: Painful Wound
Chapter 11: Guilt and Woodoo?
Your Support is Required
Chapter 12: Prayers Getting Answered
Chapter 13: Angry Hunger
Chapter 14: Mysteries
Chapter 15: Heavenly Delivery
Chapter 16: Opposites misunderstand?
Chapter 17: The Haunting Past
Chapter 18: Lessons with Landslides
Chapter 19: Clever Plans
Chapter 20: Sparking a fire
Chapter 21: Pain of the Past
Schedules and Shout-out!
Chapter 22: The Climb
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Run!
Chapter 25: Attacked
Chapter 26: Hiding
Chapter 27: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 28: Rescued
Chapter 29: Worried
Chapter 30: Suspicions
Chapter 31: Impatient
Chapter 32: Messed up
Chapter 33: Close calls
Chapter 34: The Game's On Now
Chapter 35: Relations Revealed
Chapter 36: False Alarm
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38: Plug the Plot Hole
Chapter 39: Lost Mates
Chapter 40: Feverish
Chapter 41: Heading for Heartbreak
Chapter 42: Unexpected Company
Chapter 43: Encounter
Chapter 44: Haunted Conscience
Chapter 45: The Never-ending Chase
Chapter 46
Chapter 47: Family Backup
Chapter 48: Jealousy
Chapter 49: Untangle and Tangle
Chapter 50: Beast Wars
Chapter 51: Peek a Past
Chapter 52: Perplexing Relations
Chapter 53: Mental Turmoil
Chapter 54: Old Nightmares Revisit
Chapter 55: What's the Catch?
Chapter 56: The Frustrating "Talk"
Chapter 57: The Painful Apology
Chapter 58 : Uneasy Intrusions
Chapter 59: Wrong Perception?
Chapter 60: Draconian
Chapter 61: Disengagement
Chapter 62: Restraint
Chapter 63: Surprise! Surprise!
Chapter 64: Mad Protective
Chapter 65: Impulsive
Chapter 66: Head-Strong
Chapter 67: Overwhelmed
Chapter 68: Falling Apart
Chapter 69: Hard Choices
Chapter 70: Poking Emotions
Chapter 71: "Tricked"
Chapter 72: Car Chase
Chapter 73: On the Loose
Chapter 74: Shots Fired!
Chapter 75: Bee Mine, Please?
Chapter 76: High School Rivalry
Chapter 77: "I Want You!"
Chapter 78: "Cornered"
Chapter 80: "Kidnapped"
Chapter 81: "A Glimpse Inside My Head"
Chapter 82 : "Snatched"
Chapter 83: "After-shook"
Chapter 84: "Authority Visits"
Chapter 85: "Interrogations"
Chapter 86 : "Forgiveness"
Chapter 87: "Wounds of Regret"
Chapter 88: So? . . . We meet again
Chapter 89: Rationality Who?
Chapter 90: "Heartbreaking Realities"
Chapter 91: "The Guardian of the Zamarud - I"
Chapter 92: "The Guardian of the Zamarud - II"
Chapter 93: "Striking out Secrets"
Chapter 94: "Unpleasant Alternatives - I"
Chapter 95: "Unpleasant Alternatives - II"
Chapter 96: "Tying the Knot -I"
Chapter 97: Tying the Knot - II
Chapter 98: "Played?"
Chapter 99: "The Mysterious Arethas"
Chapter 100: "Almost Blind"
Chapter 101: "Finalizing the Fix"
Chapter: "The Final Word"
Book II

Chapter 79: "Ambushed"

1K 126 1.6K
By WhisperingJ

Guys, I'm terribly sorry! I just hope the length of the chapter will make up for me being so late!

I know I said Friday, but *shrugs* :P. Comment as you read and Vote!

(You'll notice mistakes. The punctuation around dialogue tags is wrong. I was meant to edit it but then I was already running late and I wanted to update without further delay.)

Anyways, enjoy!

Salma was in the lab by herself when she heard a sharp rap on glass door. She looked up from her notes to see Professor R.K standing in the main lab with his hands stuffed in his pant pockets. He gave a curt nod, asking to see her. Salma sighed and pushed her notes away with her elbow. After putting the samples in the PCR machine in the side room separated for molecular analysis, she was preparing for her next test while she waited. Taking off a glove, she glanced at the timer on the machine before walking towards the door.

Professor?" she asked.

"Ah, yes, Miss Rahman, how are things?" The professor smiled, looking past her at the apparatus set in the room.

"I've analyzed half of the samples," Salma replied, "I was going to send you the pictures but if you want to take a look at the gel yourself . . ."

"No, it's alright, pictures will do," He replied pleasantly, "Can't be bothered to put on the gear,"

"Right sir," Salma smiled, pushing her goggles up as she looked down at her lab coat, gloves and a mask that the lab attendant made her wear atop her niqaab. Salma did not see the point, really. Her niqaab was already doing the honors.

"I believe you're busy?" The asked, quirking a brow.

"I'm . . .well, sort of," Salma finished. The PCR still had half an hour left, but she was preparing for her last exam, "You need something, professor?"

"Not I per se, but Zayn dropped by to meet Miss Tills,"

Salma froze, feeling numb upon hearing his name. Her alarmed gaze swept the area of the main hall in search of the dark haired boy.

"Mrs. Coles refused to let him in unless I was the one to authorize him with the guarantee that he would not damage anything on her fragile lab property," Professor R.K. said sounding rather amused. He turned around looking towards the Lab assistant's office.

Salma followed his eyes and her gut twisted uncomfortably to see Zayn standing by her table. She was too unsettled to notice, but Zayn seemed rather annoyed. Mrs. Coles lectures could continue for hours, by the end of which the students turns bald as a result of pulling all of their hair out in frustration.

"She'll teach him normal, human behavior," Salma heard the professor chuckle to himself, "Such a pest,"

Salma said nothing as she backed into the door, pushing it open. She was not sure who the professor was referring to when he said 'a pest' but Salma could not be bothered. She wanted to crawl back into the safety of molecular side room as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, before she could excuse herself, the lab attendant poked her head into the main lab.

"Professor, another nuisance is here," She informed, looking massively irritated.

Salma's eyes snapped to her in surprise. What?

"Sorry, Mrs. Coles? I believe I misheard you?" Professor R.K. replied, acting like he was not paying attention.

Mrs. Coles grunted her annoyance.

"Another student is here, Professor. Some Miss Tills," She said, looking like she would explode any minute.

"Now, I heard you. Let her in. I authorized her entry," Professor R.K. replied, before adding quickly, "She's quite reliable, Mrs. Coles. Not a threat to the lab, I assure you,"

The lab attendant looked like she wanted to grab a stool and aim at the Professor who was struggling to keep a straight face. Instead, she huffed and nodded. Her eyes shifted to Salma standing outside the molecular side room. Her scowl deepened and she opened her mouth to shout at her, probably for coming out of the molecular chamber with a glove on and contaminating the main lab with dangerous carcinogens. Professor R.K. cleared his throat, pausing her lecture before it could start

"Thank you, Mrs. Coles," He smiled at her pleasantly, letting her know she was dismissed.

Her dark eyes flitted between the two, as she debated whether to listen to the professor or go through with her lecture of lab safety. Finally, she decided on the former as she stepped away to let in a sweet faced girl. She had an olive skin and straight bob hair that was dyed a rosy shade of pink. The girl looked around shyly – probably getting intimidated by the lab attendant who called her a 'nuisance' – before her eyes landed on the two and started walking towards them. She wore a knee length dress and cow boy boots.

The lab attendant annoyed voice floated inside as the door swung close behind the newcomer.

"No! We aren't done yet!" She shouted at someone.

Probably Zayn.

"Hi, I'm Martha Tills," The girl smiled, her hazel eyes lightening up.

"Miss Tills," Professor R.K. nodded in acknowledge, while Salma shook her glove free hand.

Salma excused herself and pushed into the side room to remove her gear while Professor R.K. talked to Martha. Martha looked at Salma in confusion when she returned with her face still covered. R.K. took his leave and Salma was left to get acquainted with the new girl. The two girls talked for quite a bit. Salma showed her around after giving her a quick briefing of what she was expected to do. Martha, in return showed her samples of what she could do.

Although, Salma liked her, Matha was a sweet girl and had quite the talent, she could not help but notice how mediocre her graphics were compared to Zayn's. Scolding herself for even comparing a nice human being to a complete beast, Salma tried to focus on what the girl was saying.

"I'm in my freshman year, so I obviously have a long way to go," She shrugged, "But I like animals and I thought, why not?"

While the two girls talked, Salma felt her skin crawl all of a sudden. She sat up straight, feeling her chest congest uncomfortably. Long before she heard his light footsteps approaching, Salma knew the lab attendant had decided to let Zayn lose like some demon from hell itself.

Clenching her teeth together, she tried to busy herself with the specimens in the box in front of her, refusing to turn around or acknowledge his existence, for as long as she could. Martha looked up, her eyes zeroing on Zayn behind her.

"Damn!" She breathed out, "Is that your lab partner?!"

Irritation coursed through Salma's body hearing the awe in her tone.

"And he's from my department, you say?" Martha muttered, stilling ogling behind her.

Salma felt her hand gripping the pen tightly as Zayn approached them. She knew she was just a second away from stabbing Zayn with the pen and Marth's complete fascination with him was not making it any easier.

"Hi ladies,"

Martha looked dazed, while Salma was too consumed by her own discomfort to bother.

"Hi," The pink haired girl replied, her voice breathy, "I'm -

The pen snapped.

Martha jumped in alarm, snapping her attention to Salma, looking away from Zayn for once. The plastic splinters dug into Salma's thumb without her even realizing. She loosened her grip on the fragmented pieces and got to her feet.

"I – I'll be around," Salma muttered as she swept the broken pieces of her pen onto her palm and walked away towards the bin.

Zayn just nodded and gave her a polite smile. Neither of which Salma trusted or returned. She felt a pair of golden brown eyes following her all the way to the bin but she ignored them.

"You must be Martha," Zayn smiled at the new girl.

"Martha Tills," She confirmed, offering her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"Likewise," Zayn returned, and to Salma's annoyance, he took a seat on her stool, "You're one of Bell's student, right? I saw your piece on animal designs in her studio, I have to say I'm impressed,"

"Oh my God, really!" Martha gushed, "That's such a huge compliment. Thank you!"

Salma drew in a calming breath when she noticed Martha's eyes glittering like one of those dazed anime characters. She stalled to get back to them, taking her sweet time going through her bag in search of a new pen, which she already knew was lying in the side pocket. Then she went into the molecular side room and got her notes out.

Salma took seat on the complete opposite end of the long counter. She noticed Martha's questioning gaze at the distance between them and the evident change in Salma's mood. Salma ignored her, popping her books open and started revising. To her relief, Zayn kept his backside glued to the stool that he had stolen from her earlier.

Like she guessed, Zayn had no need for her. He let Martha go through his visuals and explained his techniques, while she kept fangirling over his skills – not to mention the devil himself. Salma doubted Martha had heard a word that came out of his mouth. The girl was too busy gawking at his 'pretty eyes' to pay attention to what he was saying.

"Hey!" Zayn suddenly exclaimed, making Salma look up. She saw him faking an angry expression as he flicked Martha's nose, "Pay attention,"

Salma rolled her eyes at the pair and went back to revising her notes.


Throughout the day, Zayn just went through with his work, not bothering her even once. He was nice and friendly, charming Martha's fake eyelashes off, and even clapped Jason on the back when the red head arrived.

"What's up, bro?"

Salma noticed Jason giving her a quick terrified glance, trying to communicate his dissociation from Zayn. She ignored him. Jason had been trying to come up clean to her ever since he admitted to lying, but Salma avoided him wanting to be left alone. As a result the red head little chance to try to get his behavior excused.

The only time Zayn addressed her was when Salma's input was required on one matter or the other.

"Bee, the western specie is Apis dorsata or Apis Mellifera? He asked at one point.

"Mellifera," She replied in a bland tone without looking up.

"Bee?" She heard Martha question.

"Yep," Zayn replied, popping the 'p', "She's my Bee,"

Salma closed her eyes feeling her frustration built up.  

"That's so cute!" Martha cooed giggling, "But now I'm jealous,"

She gritted her teeth. Her eyes stung, making her blink rapidly. Thankfully, the alarm on her phone went off, letting her know the time forPCR was up.

Salma tried stay indifferent but she could not help but feel more and more miserable as the time passed. She almost reached her breaking point when even Jason relaxed around Zayn. She caught the three of them laughing at something and she could not help the tears that welled up in her eyes.

No matter how hard Salma denied it, she was lonely. She ate alone, studies alone and spent her free time alone. Yes, she had been doing that for most of her university life but never had she felt like she was the loner. One lunch, a study session or a free hour spent with Sarah could be followed by three hundred lunches spent alone and Salma would not even notice. That's how strong a support system Sarah was. That's how beneficial her company was.

Sarah's friendship had always made a feel strong and confident. She had never even entertained the idea back then that she might need to branch out and make friends. Sarah was enough. She did not need anyone.

Salma tried to stay collected, was sorely missing her friend that Zayn had snatched away. The tap on the door pulled her out of her miserable thoughts.

"Bee?" Zayn called.

Salma took in a deep breath, making sure to look away while the over-sized googles covered her eyes that were swimming with tears.

"Yes?" She forced out a normal voice as she arranged her samples according to the number code.

"We're done with the meeting . . ."

Salma nodded in response, scared that she would asked him to 'get lost then' if she opened her mouth. Silence followed after that, making Salma think Zayn had left. She sighed in relief and pushed the samples away. Taking a glove off, Salma turned around when she froze. She felt cold chills run down her spine when her eyes met those golden brown eyes of the dark haired boy, she did not want to see. Salma looked away immediately.

"Do you have a minute?" Zayn asked, "I wanted to talk to you,"

Salma swallowed, forcing herself to stay calm. She picked up the rack containing her samples and walked towards the freezer.

"No, I'm busy,"

Zayn watched as she placed the samples in the freezer, knowing she had done her part of the work for today, but he knew she would spend the night inside the glass chamber if she had to, to prove to him that she was indeed, very busy.

"Alright," He replied, "I'll see you later,"

Hopefully never! Salma thought mentally as she rolled her eyes. 

She went about her business refusing to spare him a glance. Zayn fought against the urge to enter the room, partly because he knew Salma would shut him out even more if he did and partly because he was not keen on torturing himself with another hour or two of the snotty lab assistant's lectures. 

Sighing in defeat, he backed off.


Almost an hour later, Salma decided to pack up and leave. She hoped that the time she had spent inside the lab was enough to ensure Zayn would not be around to bother her. She dumped her gloves and changed out of her lab coat and goggles. After making sure that everything was left in order, Salma collected her notes and entered the main lab.

She almost yelped in alarm seeing the dark haired boy. He was seated on a stool across the hall, next to the shelves where the students' belongings were kept. Salma fought the urge to jump back into the room and lock the glass door when she realized that Zayn had not moved. There was no one else in the lab, and he seemed to not have noticed her. Hoping to not catch his attention, Salma tiptoed across the lab towards her bag on the shelves.

As Salma snuck past him, she realized he had dozed off by putting his head down on the counter. Zayn was exhausted. Hoping to get a chance to talk to Salma, he had driven straight to the campus after his long flight from LA. Salma kept a wary eye on him as she pulled her bag out. He looked so harmless and vulnerable as he slept that Salma felt a pang of guilt sneaking out on him like that.

She quickly dismissed those thoughts. He may look like an innocent little angle with his eyes close, she told herself, but he was the devil incarnate the moment those eyelids pull back to reveal them 'pretty eyes'.

As silently as she could, Salma left the main lab and entered the Lab attendants office to sign herself out of the molecular lab facility.

"Finally done?" The lab attendant rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Yes," Salma replied, waiting for the computer to register her exit time.

"I guess I'll call it a day if there's no one else inside."

Salma opened her mouth to inform her of Zayn sleeping inside but decided against it. She might as well find it out herself. Soon enough, Salma heard the attendant let out a string of curses.

" What the – It's a lab!" She exclaimed, the disbelief clear in her tone, "A damn, freaking lab! Not his bedroom!"

Salma stayed quiet, shrugging at the raging lab lady. While the lab attendant stormed inside to yank Zayn awake, Salma grabbed the opportunity to book her butt out.


She sprinkled some salt over her fries and put the salt shaker away.

"Don't!" She warned, swatting James's hand when he attempted to steal fries from her plate.

He sighed.

"Aren't girls supposed to totally love their brothers?"

"No, fries come first." Salma replied, picking up her plate, "Besides, you aren't my brother."

She had just taken a seat when Asim entered the kitchen.

"And even if you were, you could make your own," she quickly added before Asim could claim a share of her fries being that he was her brother.

He seemed distracted though.

"Sis, Claire's at the door. She requested to see you,"

Salma paled, losing the feelings in her legs. Claire?

"I'm coming." She nodded feeling numb.

"Why is she here?" James asked. Salma felt Asim's questioning eyes on her too. She shrugged in response, letting them know she had no clue.

Avoiding everyone's confused and suspicious glances, Salma left to meet the girl on her door step.

"Hi," Claire greeted cheerfully, giving Salma a huge smile.

"Hey," she returned, forcing a smile on her face, "You want to come inside?"

"Oh, no, thank you, um, sorry to come unannounced. I just wanted to drop something." Claire began rummaging in her handbag. "Zayn said you left this at our place."

Salma's stomach fell. She threw a cautious glance behind her to make sure no one was listening. No one knew she had spent the night at Zayn's and she did not want to get reminded of when she stayed at their house. This girl's brother drugged her that horrid night and Allah knows what else he did. Salma frowned when Claire pulled a heavy silver ring out of her bag.

"That's not mine," Salma replied in a bland tone, without giving the ring a second glance.

She noticed Claire's brow furrow in confusion as she stared at the ring.

"Are you sure? Zayn said –"

"Yes," Salma said, feeling the urge to roll her eyes at whatever must have Zayn said, "I'm sure."

Salma's figured Zayn was trying to pass her more pieces of jewelry that she neither wore, nor wanted. It kind of frustrated her even more that he managed to find a way to test her patience every single day, whether or not he was around her.

"Oh." Claire blinked, looking confused.

Salma felt a little guilty for being borderline rude. Claire was probably clueless. Her brother must have lied to her too.

"It's not even my size," Salma pointed out quietly, trying to make up for her terse reply earlier.

"Gosh! You're right!" Claire chuckled, noticing the huge size of the ring. She put it away then turned to Salma again. "Anyways, I wanted to thank you too. For taking care of me that night. I never got the chance."

Salma managed a smile, waving it off; she let her know it was no big deal.

"Hey, uh, can you apologize to your friend, Lena, for me?" Salma requested, feeling embarrassed, "She probably doesn't want to see my face and I feel terrible having snapped at her the other day. I was just really worked up and . . . you know,"

Claire bit back a smile.

"Don't sweat it," She chuckled, "Lee would probably thank you for doing that. Zayn felt guilty for being rude so he took her out for ice-creams. She's a sucker for ice creams . . ."

. . . And your nutcase of a brother, Salma added in her head.

"Uh, okay then," Salma frowned, not able to understand how Lena's mind and emotions worked. She would probably never talk to the person who would address her as rudely as Zayn did Lena.

Salma watched Claire walk up to her car when she remembered something else.

"Wait, Claire!" Salma ran to her on a sudden inspiration, "Sorry if this is a bit intrusive but where were you last Sunday?"

Claire seemed surprised at the question.

"At a friend's birthday bash. . . I went with Niall, though" She added quickly, fearing that Salma would judge her for going to a party just a day after getting drugged in one.

"When did you come back?" Salma asked, hastily.

"Must have been late, I dunno. I drank," Claire admitted, red faced, but Salma could not be bothered about Claire's party life. She was struggling to piece together something even messier.

"Niall must have been sober if he brought you home?" Salma guessed.

"I suppose so." Claire shrugged. "He must have had a couple of beers after we came back. I mean, when I woke up, I saw him sleeping on the couch completely wasted."

Salma's heart sank upon hearing her reply. If Claire and Niall were not home until the early hours of the morning, that meant she was alone with Zayn most of the night after he drugged her.

"Why do you ask?" Claire asked, pulling Salma out of her miserable thoughts.

She shook her head.

"Nothing," she muttered. "Just wondering."


Salma rechecked her answers. She was pleased with how her exam turned out except for the scientific name of musk deer. She kept mixing the spellings of Moschus moschiferus and it was irritating her brains on a whole another level.

Ten minutes later, Salma was finally done with her end of term exams. One final briefing with Professor R.K. the next day for her project and then she was free to enjoy her winter break. Smiling at the thought, Salma flicked through her Taxonomy book, trying to see if she got the spellings right when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

Startled, she whipped around, ready to smack the person silly with her book. A mop of red backed away with a cry of surprise making Salma stop just in time.

"I'm sorry! I only meant to pass you a message!" The junior flinched back, his hands raised in self defense. A few students turned around to see what was going on.

"Jason?" Salma blinked.

"Just me, I swear!"

Letting out a breath, Salma put her book away and folded her arms. Realizing there would be no action, the students continued on their walk out of the building.

"What're you doing here, Stark?" Salma questioned, her gaze stern.

"Mrs. Coles attendant wanted to see you."

Salma's stomach fell. Yes, she was about to head over to the lab to wrap up her work, but if the lab attendant had sent for her specifically, that could mean trouble. She might be in for a few hours long lecture.

Groaning at the possibility, Salma stepped around the red headed freshman and started making her way to the lab. She took her phone out to send her mother and Asim a quick text informing them that she might be late. Jason followed after her quietly. All the way, trying to summon up the courage to talk to her and losing it again. It was only when they reached the lab did he get the guts to speak.

"Um, Salma . . . Miss Rahman?" He added hastily.

Salma turned around with a frown. It felt weird getting addressed with her surname by another student.

"Yes?" she asked, her strict tone causing his confidence to falter some more.

Jason swallowed, trying to find the right words.

"I'm sorry for what happened," He mumbled, not meeting her gaze, "I shouldn't have lied,"

Salma looked away. That was the last thing she wanted to get reminded of.

"Why?" Salma asked, her tone softening considerably but still having a certain strictness to it. "It shouldn't matter to you."

Salma saw Jason's adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed nervously, throwing her a quick glance before looking away again.

"I . . . I talk to my older sister about it, and she was disappointed," he mumbled. "She asked if I would have done the same if it was her instead of you and –"

He cut off abruptly. Salma stared at the freshman who had gone quite red with embarrassment and was looking at his shoes in shame. Her heart melted. Yes, she had trouble trusting any one after how terribly she had been fooled by everyone around her, but she could not help but feel bad for the junior.

"But I'm not your sister, so you don't have to feel guilty. Status of relations affects how we treat people, doesn't it?"

Salma turned around to enter the lab facility when Jason's words stopped her.

"You're as good as one," He said, looking up at her for the first time, "You've been very kind to me. And even if you weren't, I should not have done that. I did not know it would upset you so much . . . even though it does not excuse me lying to you,"

He looked miserable. She stared at his face red with humiliation wondering what Zayn must have done to make him lie to her.

"Why did you lie though? Did he threaten you, or offered you a trip to Malaysia to chase them pink mantids?" Salma joked.

Jason turned even redder with embarrassment.

"He didn't. . ." he said. "But regardless, I should not have done it like I wouldn't have if it were my sister, right?"

Salma watched as he squirmed under her steady before she smiled at him.

"It's okay," Salma reassured.

"Yeah?" He smile brightly at the prospect of earning her forgiveness.

"Yep," Salma confirmed, "I was not exactly mad at you. I was just really messed up and wanted to be left alone,"

"I understand  . . . and thank you!"

Salma waved it off before pointing to the lab behind her.

"Anyways, I should go inside to see what she wants." She sighed miserably.

"Good luck," Jason chuckled.

"I need it. And it's Salma to you, by the way," She informed him, walking into the lab as Jason's face split into a bright grin.


'Please talk to Sarah,' the note read, '-Zayn'

Salma read the hasty scribble in Zayn's hand writing once again, before crumpling it up and tossing it in the bin. The lab attendant had handed it to her when she asked to meet her in her office earlier.

"He left it with me yesterday," The attendant had said, "And told me to pass it to you,"

The nerve of him! Salma fumed. How dare he poke his nose in her business and tell her to make amends. Salma could not help but agree with Mrs. Coles when she said Zayn was not right in the head.

He seems to really have a lose screw up there," The lab attendant said, briefly pausing her typing to tap her the side of her head, "I'm glad you threw him out of my lab,"

Salma had opened her mouth to remind Mrs. Coles it wasn't her who threw him but, then decided she could not be bothered. He was no longer around. That's what mattered.

Rubbing her eyes in exhaustion, Salma picked her phone and texted Asim, asking him to hurry and pick her up. Salma had stayed later than usual. It was already dark outside, almost past her dinner time. Her mum had called earlier. Although she tried not to, she still ended up telling Salma off for overworking herself.

Properly labeled, Salma placed the samples for sequencing in the sectioned off area in the freezer. She shrugged out of her lab gear and collected her things.

"Finally calling it a night?" The evening shift lab attendant, Miss Porter asked.

"Yes, I'm done," Salma smiled. She liked Miss Porter. Unlike the snotty Mrs. Coles, Miss Porter was really friendly and accommodating. "I have labeled the samples for sequencing. Can you please make sure they're dealt with quickly?"

"Sure thing!" Miss porter picked up her intercom. "I'll ring the molecular Lab and if they're still around, I'll send them right away."

"Thank you so much!" Salma smiled. "Goodbye, Miss Porter."

Nodding, Miss Porter started talking to the staff member on the other end of the phone.

Salma walked down the empty corridor. An eerie chill descended upon her as the heel of boots struck against the tiled floor. Each step she took resounded into an echoing crash. The deserted and dimly lit corridor started resembling a creepy movie set in which a person is suddenly ambushed from behind.

Scaring the living day lights out of herself by her stupid thoughts, Salma whipped around to check she was indeed alone. As her eyes swept the long, empty hallway, she told herself for being an idiot and letting her mind go way-ward.

Nevertheless, Salma still felt uncomfortable with the pin drop silence and hastened her steps to reach the parking lot quickly. Her phone beeped with a text, the sound startling her. Releasing a sigh, Salma pulled it out to read the text from her brother.

*Asim: I'm sorry. I'm stuck in traffic and I still have to go get gas.

"Great!" Salma muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Deciding it was best to return to the lab, Salma paused as she passed a classroom to sent her brother a quick reply.

*Salma: Are you kidding me?!

She slowed down a little as she debated if she should turn around and stay with Miss Porter till Asim came to get her. It could take Asim a long time to get out of traffic jam and then get gas. Salma was not keen on waiting alone in the cold, dark and lonely parking lot.

Deciding it was best to return to the lab, Salma paused as she passed a classroom to sent her brother a quick reply.

*Salma: Call me when you finally get here! And hope it is within this century! >:-(

Just as she hit send and locked her phone, the lights above turned off without a warning. Salma froze to a still. Drowned in complete darkness, she had this strange feeling of someone advancing towards her. Her breathing halted. She took a scared step back as she listened hard. The faint sound of a shoe hitting the floor reached her ears. A chill ran down her spine. Salma searched for the source of the noise through the dark. A figure moved in front of her. The outline of a person drawing close. Gasping, Salma ran.

She could hear their feet picking pace as they ran after her. With her heart beating like a drum, Salma quickly stepped into the next hall. She could sense the person following her so, feeling her way with her hands, she hid behind a pillar to throw the lead off. She was hiding behind the column, listening hard when she has this overwhelming feeling that she's not alone. She was quite certain she could sense a very unique scent in the air. It was a mix of citrus and jasmine. Sweet and fresh at the same time. With her heart beating a hundred beats per minute, she slowly turns to her left - a thousand horrible scenarios playing in her head. Salma was not sure if the fear was playing tricks on her her eyes or if she could actually just barely make the outline of a man standing very still next to her.

Her heart jumped to her throat. Not making a single noise, she carefully edged her tiny finger closed to where she thought he was. Chills jolted her body when she felt the warm flesh of a hand. Salma quickly withdrew her finger, but the man next to her was done pretending not to have noticed her. He made a quick grab and took her hand in his before she could pull it back. Salma's eyes snapped to him in the dark.

Panicking, she wrenched her hand free. She could feel him make a grab at thin air.

"No!" Salma cried.

Not thinking twice about it, she jumped away from him and broke into a run again

Halfway, down her flight she saw a blur of motion to her left. Before she could comprehend what was happening, she was pushed sideways into - what ended up being - a door. It flew open on impact. Salma lost her balance and staggered on her feet. A strangled yelp of surprise and panic escaped her lips. Her breath got caught in her throat when her back hit a hard chest and a pair of rough arms circled around her in a painful hold.

Terrified, Salma screamed for help, but it only came out as a muffled cry. It took her a while to realize that a rough hand was clamped over her mouth, muting her calls for help. A resounding crash drowned her in complete darkness as the doors shut close.

Salma's heart seem to stop when she realized, she had been locked away in a dark class room while a man held her captive.

Author's Note:

BOOM! A Cliffhanger x'D

Let me hear your theories: P. The rate of getting an update will be directly proportional to the rate of your shared enthusiasm to get one ;)

Guys I had a word with Jiya and she asked to let you people know she missed you lots. She had exams. Keep her in your prayers.

Top Commentators: Onyx again takes a crown with ... *drum rolls* ... 180 comments!!! :D :D :D: And Maria again stand second ;). This is a long chapter, who would want to challenge onyx for first place? :P

On a more serious note, I apologize for the next chapter in advance . . . (T_T")

If you like my work, consider becoming a patron to support my creative journey at https://www.patreon.com/BrekhnaJohar I post early-access chapters and alternative scenes as a reward ☺️

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Lots of Love!


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