Home ➸ Larry (Discontinued)

By guardianzayngels

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[DISCONTINUED | AU] ❝I'll make this feel like home.❞ Warning: Contains mild language. © 2016 by guardianzayng... More

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484 35 40
By guardianzayngels

Harry sat on the stairs, eyes on Louis as the man ran around the living room picking up toys and strewn about clothes on the couch and floor. A crying and bundled up Niall sat on his hip and Zayn was seated next to Harry, his chin in his tiny hands.

"I'm sorry that we're leaving you once again. I bet it's gonna get really boring just being about here by yourself and I'm sorry. It's just that we have jobs and--"

"No need to explain, I understand" Harry said, wiping his sweaty palms against his clean yet ratty jeans. He was so happy that his clothes were clean for once. He literally jumped in the pile of clothes after they came out the dryer, shoving his nose in to smell the fresh, flowery detergent.

"At least I get off a little earlier than usual today. There's gonna be a lot of business people in Chicago today for some big meeting so..." he trailed off but continued to another thought. "I know what we can do. I can take you shopping."

The teen's eyes widened. "Oh n-no. There's no need for that. All my clothes are clean, it's fine."

Louis glanced at the green shirt he was wearing that carried numerous holes then to his jeans that had uneven cuffs and possessed rips. "That is far from fine, mister. Come on, let me take you. You need new clothes. You can't have holes and rips."

"N-no. I don't wanna--you don't have to. I'm already in your space enough a-and...no."

Louis stopped what he was doing to look at him. Niall continued on with his whining but Louis simply bounced him some and placed his pacifier in his mouth, which immediately made him stop. The man approached Harry with a serious look on his face, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Harry, you are not a burden to me and my family. We enjoy having you here. You're not doing anything wrong. Now, just take a few deep breaths. I can sense you're getting all riled up and for no reason."

"I-I-" Harry sighed longingly, looking to the ceiling and back to a pair of blue eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing, love? I told you you've done no harm."

Harry blushed at the name he was called, swallowing thickly. "I don't want you to spend money on me. You already have to cook for me. I'm already taking over your bedroom..."

"And that's something that I don't mind. I just wanna help you, Harry. All I ask in return is that you let me" Louis said, placing a hand on his shoulder where he rubbed.

Harry glanced at his hand then at his shoes. "Okay, I'm so--"

Louis made a loud buzzer noise making Harry jump. He chuckled. "Stop that. Sorry is for people who did something. Every time you say sorry I'm gonna do that. I can get quite annoying, you'll learn that soon if you haven't already, and you'll get sick of me real quick, which will make you stop. I used to do it to Liam all the time whenever he'd say moist."

"Why moi--"

Louis did it again except louder that time. Zayn covered his ears, whining. "Don't say it."

"But you just said it..." Harry murmured, confused.

"I only said it so you know what word I meant. I can't just say the m-word then you would've filed through every m-word, like murder or magic or something, and I would've gotten irritated and would've just told you so I just cut to the chase. Now, don't say it again. We have a rule in this house that if you say it you get a timeout. Just ask Zayn."

Zayn nodded with a pout on his lips. "He's not lying unfortunecookie."

"It's unfortunately, buddy and dang right I'm not."

"But daddy told me to say it!" Zayn defended.

Louis rolled his eyes. "And what did I tell you? Never do what daddy tells you because you're just gonna get in trouble. Now go put your coat on so we can go."

Zayn jumped off the bottom step and stomped over to the closet. Louis didn't look pleased.

"You know you can also get in trouble from doing that too, mister."

Zayn immediately stopped and Harry almost wanted to laugh at how amusing this family was. It's like they were a sitcom almost.

Louis turned his attention back to Harry. "So it's settled, I'm taking you shopping when I get home."


"I can do the buzzer noise more to just sorry and the m-word, okay?" Louis sassed while quirking a brow. Harry sighed in defeat.

Zayn walked back over in his beloved Batman coat. Louis grabbed his hand and Harry opened the door for them. The strong gust of wind blew inside, snowflakes blowing in also and collecting on the hardwood flooring. They quickly melted, leaving water behind.

"If you don't mind, can you take the trash out and load the dishwasher? It would mean a lot to me."

"Of course" Harry replied. "I-I can do that. It's no big deal. It's the least I could do."

"Thank you, you're a peach. Remember to call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me" Louis chuckled.

Harry stared at him blankly.

"Kim Possible?" Louis raised a brow. "Come on."

Harry just shook his head, shoulders shrugging. He started blushing.

"Oh my God" Louis groaned. "Are you Patrick now?"

Harry made an even more confused face and Louis gasped in disbelief.

"This is an outrage! We are watching Kim Possible and Spongebob when I get home" Louis shook his head. "Harry, how rude."

"Oh, Spongebob! I get it. Yeah, I know Spongebob. Only watched a few episodes when I was younger but never heard of Kim Possible."

"And apparently Full House since you didn't catch my last reference. Where was your childhood spent?"

"On baseball fields for tee-ball and in front of a piano" Harry replied, a clip in his tone when thinking of back then.

"Really? You played piano?"

Harry blushed, green eyes going down to his fingers where twiddled with them. "I-I did. I haven't touched any keys in a long time. I used to have practices every other day after school. The other days I spent with tee-ball."

"Ahh, so that's why. You never had time to watch TV. Jesus, that's sad. A person's childhood is spent in front of the TV."

Harry shrugged. "Not mine."

"Well alright" Louis nodded. "It seems I'm gonna have to fix that."


"We're gonna watch a lot of TV together so that it makes up for lost time. I'm gonna show you some of the best shows in history."


Louis made the buzzer noise again, Zayn covering his ears in annoyance once more. Niall wasn't fazed by it, as he just keeps sucking on his pacifier and rubbing his eyes with his mitten-covered fists.

"We are and that's final now goodbye" Louis said before walking out the door and shutting it.

Harry goes over to the couch where he kneels on it to peer out the window. He watched as Louis strapped the boys in before getting in himself and backing out the driveway. Louis honked the horn and drives off, Harry waving even though Louis can't see him.

Harry didn't know what to feel or think about this. Louis was doing so much for him. He let him stay in home and eat his food and now he wants to take him shopping and take his time showing him some television shows? This man was just weird.

He was so...willing. Harry wasn't used to that.

Harry spent the day lounging once again. He loaded the dishwasher and took out the trash like Louis asked. It took him a few minutes to navigate the trash bags until he finally did. They were in the top cabinets along with the cleaning products. It was a weird place to store such things but then he realized that they had a toddler and baby and they needed to be far away from them.

He took another long shower but for the rest of the time he just lounged in his temporary bed. He read some books and just laid around at times, staring at the ceiling and thinking. Thinking of everything. Thinking of the big changes that have happened in just the small span of a few days.

Harry was blessed. He knew that he could still be out on the streets begging for change but he had a place to stay. It wasn't permanent but it was something. Something to help him get on his feet and get him back out into the world.

Sure he wasn't 100% comfortable around the Tomlinson-Payne household yet but he still liked the family and appreciated them.

Harry's thoughts were cut off when he heard the sound of a door slamming. He slowly got out of bed and went downstairs with caution filling his body. He hoped it was Louis.

It was him and oddly just him. The boys weren't with him. Harry watched Louis from the top of the steps whistle and shuffle through the mail he just got from the box.

"I'm sorry" Harry blurted, Louis jumping. "I should've got it. I didn't even think to check the mailbox."

"It's okay, I got it" Louis smiled reassuringly. The two looked at each other for a few more seconds until Louis went back to checking the envelopes in his hands.

"Uh w-where are the boys?"

"Still at my grandma's. I thought it'd be better for them to be with a her a little more longer since we're going shopping. Besides, I don't wanna have to chase Zayn down at every store and tend to Niall's dirty diapers. I don't know why he always chooses to go when we're shopping" Louis shook his head.


"So are you ready? I was just thinking we should go to the mall."

"Uh y-yeah, just let me grab my coat" the boy turned around to head to his room but Louis' voice stopped him.

"No need" Louis said while raising his hand. He strolled over to the closet to pull out a puffy coat with fur lining and Harry instantly rejected.

"No, I have my own--"

"Harry, I've seen that thing. It is literally a rag. Now come on, it's like twenty degrees out. This will keep you warm" the man insisted.

Harry hesitantly walked over and grabbed the coat with a pout on his lips. "Nice pout. It's definitely gonna be there when I buy you your own coat."

Harry was gonna say something but decided to close his mouth. He didn't wanna hear Louis' buzzer noise.

The two piled into the car and were off. The streets were alive and full, per usual in New York City. Thousands of cars and people zoomed around to get to their destinations. No one cared about the fact that it felt like a freezer outside. New Yorkers were never fazed.

"I know we'll be out for awhile since the mall is quite far and the traffic is bad like always" Louis said, picking up his phone. "Here, pick a playlist."

Harry took the phone and stared at it. He never had a cellphone. Well, he had a flip phone in middle school but he never had a smart phone.

"Oh right, the passcode's 0829." (Whoever figures out why that's his passcode first gets the next dedication).

Harry held the phone in one hand while pressing the four digits in with the pointer finger of his other hand. He heard snickering and looked over to see Louis with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, it's just that that's how Liam's mom holds her phone."

Harry shrugged, cheeks turning pink. "I've never had a smart phone, let alone held one."

Louis' eyes widened. "You're kidding?!"

"No..." Harry said almost ashamed.

He watched Louis look back to the road with a thinking face. He wondered what was going through the older man's head but then again not. Maybe he was thinking how much of a freak he was. I mean, Harry is a teenager and all teenagers have phones or have at least used one.

The boy looked around Louis' phone, admiring the background of a beautiful beach sunset and the types of apps he had. All of them were coordinated in little folders. There was one named Social Media and Harry tapped it curiously. He saw the normal things like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter but there was one that Harry had never heard of.

"What's Pinterest?"

"Ah looking through my phone I see?" Louis glanced at him with a raised brow.

Harry blushed. "I-I'm sorry. I was just--"

Louis laughed. "Harry, it's okay. You've never had a phone so I can see your curiosity. It's just an app where you can save photos and assign them into boards. You can have ideas for events and stuff like that. Check it out if you want."

Harry pressed the icon and the screen pulled up to a bunch of pictures of wedding cakes and decorations. He started scrolling through, a smile forming on his lips when seeing a gay couple in suits kissing.

"Oh yeah, mine's just a bunch of wedding stuff. Can you blame me?" Louis chuckles.

"T-these are beautiful" Harry commented while continuing to scroll. "Your taste is exquisite."

"Thank you. I just want everything to be perfect and magical, ya know?"

Harry only nodded, mesmerized by a picture of a reception hall. There were circular tables draped in white table cloths and white chairs with lavender bows tied on the back. Little lightbulbs hang on strings from the ceilings and fairy lights are hung on the walls in a fancy fashion. There's purple lights shining down on the hardwood area of the dance floor and they shape little hearts.

"Have you ever been to a wedding, Harry?"

"Not since I was little. I was like four, I barely remember anything from it" Harry informed him, biting his lip.

"Well you'll remember this one."

Harry whipped his head to him, eyebrows raised. "I'm invited?"

"Well of course you are" Louis rolled his eyes. "Why wouldn't you be?"

"I...because I'm not like family and I'm not a friend. You don't even know me--"

Louis made the buzzer noise, looking over at him sternly. The teen swallowed thickly and turned to peer out the window of the snowy city.

"I don't wanna hear those words escape your mouth again, Harry Styles. Now, choose a playlist. Something groovy."

Harry listened to his instructions, pulling up the music app on his dock. He clicked and playlists and shuffled through a few until he found one titled David Bowie. It was all of David Bowie's albums.

Harry is reminded of his old home. The cold place was always filled with the music of David Bowie or Frank Sinatra by his father.

He pushed the thought of that behind him as he clicked on Let's Dance. Louis gasped and started bouncing in his seat.

"Oh yes, this is my motherfucking song!"

Louis began to dance, moving his shoulders up and down while tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat.

"LET'S DANCE!" he sung.

Harry smiled small as he watched the adult. Louis was just a free spirit and he kind of liked it. It was a stark contrast to the other people in his life. Well that were in his life.

Forty minutes later, the pair pulled up to the mall. When they exited the car, Harry's heart started pounding. The huge building was intimidating for him. Louis easily walked off and towards the entrance while he slowed behind him, like syrup.

Louis noticed and it reminded him of Harry's voice. In fact, Harry always moved slow just like his voice. He was starting to pick up little things about the teenager.

They entered and were surrounded by tons of people. It wasn't a weekend, which was usually when everyone went to the mall, but it was still packed. Harry had to maneuver his way around people and baby strollers while trying to keep up with Louis' fast pace.

Harry stopped beside Louis and looked up to see the big red sign of H&M plastered above. The teen felt his heart race again. Wasn't this place expensive?

He wish they went somewhere else. Harry had only been to a mall like twice in his life. He would be fine with Walmart or hell a thrift store.

Louis entered but Harry stayed in front of it, staring up at the fancy red letters. He saw the type of things the mannequins in front of the window were wearing and it just made him uneasy.

Louis didn't feel his presence anymore so he turned around. The look on Harry's face gave it away. "Harry, come on, it's okay."

Harry looked at him with big eyes. "Can't we just--"



Louis gestured him over with his pointer finger and Harry sighed, dropping his head and going inside. Louis smiled triumphantly.

"Now" he began while glancing around. "What size shirt do you wear?"

"Mostly mediums."


"I don't know."

"Alright we'll figure that out" Louis said, shuffling through a rack of shirts. They were all nice material. None had holes or rips.

Harry reached out to touch a brown t-shirt, the soft fabric gliding against his fingertips. He cocked his head to the side.

"Grab it."

He looked up at Louis. "What?"

"Grab it. You like it."

Harry hesitantly grabbed the hanger and held the shirt up to get a better view of it. He bit his lip. Louis rummaged through and a found a few more shirts like the one Harry had but in different colors.

"You can never go wrong with t-shirts" he commented while walking off. Harry followed like a lost puppy.

They made it back to the dressing rooms. A girl about the same age as Harry stood behind the counter on her phone.

"Hello, we have six items."

She grabbed a number six off the hook of letters and passed it to Louis without a word. Harry was annoyed by her behavior. He understands that it gets boring on the job but damn at least she had one. She could've at least talked.

They go back to the dressing rooms and Louis finds one, placing the shirts on the bench. Thankfully the rooms were big. Big enough to hold at least hold three people.

"Call me in after you try each one on" he instructed, placing the six on the doorknob and shutting the door.

Harry sighed, looking at himself in the mirror. He rubbed a hand down the side of his face and realized something.

The pale complexion of his face wasn't as bad as it was a few days ago. He looked sick but now he looked normal. The bags under his eyes were also lightening. They weren't gone but it didn't look like he hadn't had sleep in four years.

"Holy cow" he said astonished.

"Is everything okay?" Louis said on the other side of the door.

"Y-yes" Harry blushed. He removed his shirt and was about to put on the brown one on when he looked in the mirror again.

He examined his torso. He saw how his ribs were showing and he wanted to vomit. He saw the little scars and dark patches of skin that littered his body and it made the bile rise in his throat even more.

Past memories were flooding his brain again. He leaned his head against the cold mirror and sighed. He could feel the intensity of his heartbeat. If he looked down he could probably see his heart protruding from his chest like his ribs.

"Harry, are you okay? You're breathing heavily. I gave you shirts, not jeans" Louis laughed. "Jeans are always the struggle."

"I'm f-fine" Harry tried to assure him but his voice cracked.

All jokes dropped. "Harry--"

"I am" he said firmly, putting on the brown shirt quickly. "You can come in now."

The door opened and Louis popped in with worry in his eyes. Harry glanced at him through the mirror. The older man smiled small at him before placing his eyes on the shirt.

"You look good, I really like it" he commented. He began stroking his hairy chin and scanning Harry up and down.

Harry could feel his cheeks rising in temperature and tried to ignore it. He simply looked down in order to avoid Louis' gaze. He was caught off guard though when Louis appeared in front him, dusting the brown shirt off and smoothing the wrinkles.

Harry held his breath. He could feel Louis' body radiating heat. He was so close. Closer than they've ever been to him. The curly-haired boy could point out the little bumps and the five o'clock shadow on his face.

Louis glanced at him seeing that Harry was watching him. He chuckled. "What?"

"N-nothing" Harry squeaked, wincing at himself. He looked down at the floor again.

"I'm not gonna bite" Louis laughed, running his hand across Harry's broad shoulder. "But I get it. I can tell that you're a very apprehensive guy. Being this close to anyone would make you feel this way."

Harry opened his mouth to reply but had nothing to say. Louis was spot on.

"Yeah I like this a lot...wow."

"What? I-Is something wrong?" Harry asked worriedly.

"No, it's just that this color really brings out your eyes..." Louis stated with a half-smile.

He stared into Harry's eyes, just admiring the hue of them and also to try and figure this kid out. He had a story to tell and Louis wanted to read every chapter.

"Oh..." Harry said, and that was it. The small confinements of the dressing room grew quiet for the next few seconds. It was awkward so Harry broke eye contact and stepped back from Louis.

"Well..." Louis said to break the tension. "I uh, I knew you were taller than me but not by this much. I don't like it."

"I'm so-"

Louis gave him a knowing look, Harry immediately shutting his mouth. Louis smiled, patting his cheek and exiting the room.

"Alright try on the rest."

yay I finally updated after so many months. i haven't updated since October😬 it doesn't feel that long tho. i like this chap bcuz it reveals very little about harry but we'll get to open him and his story up completely later. plz be sure to vote and leave your comments, love y'all ♥️

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