Little Brothers Are Sacred (N...

By xstardux

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When Namikaze Minato died, he did not only leave the village his son. He also left behind his daughter, Hikar... More

Little Brothers Are Sacred (Naruto Uzumaki Story)
Chapter 1: Returning Back To Konoha
Chapter 2: The Chunin Exams?
Chapter 3: The Return Of The Namikaze Princess
Chapter 4: Namikaze vs Hatake
Chapter 5: The Sadist Known As Ibiki
Chapter 6: The Written Exams
Chapter 7: Blood Over Love
Chapter 8: Beginning The Forest Of Death
Chapter 9: A Sick Feeling
Chapter 10: Making A Difference
Chapter 11: The Preliminaries Begin
Please Read
Chapter 12: Watching Over Sasuke
Chapter 14: Kunoichis Of The Leaf
Chapter 15: No Room To Judge
Chapter 16: The Underdog Will Win
Chapter 17: The Arrogance Of A Shinobi
Chapter 18: The Loss Of A True Ninja
Chapter 19: The Closet Pervert Or The Open Pervert
Chapter 20: The Consequences of Life
Chapter 21: Training With The Uchiha(s)
Chapter 22: The Fourth Hokage's Legacy

Chapter 13: The Snake Returns

3.3K 89 7
By xstardux

✩Little Brothers Are Sacred✩

Location: Konohagakure- Curse Sealing Room (Through the eyes of Satori)

Hikari could feel the fur on Satori begin to stick up as he backed up a few inches. Even though they could not see him, he was still so cautious and so scared of the new figure.

"You're…" Kakashi was frozen with shock, "Orochimaru." 

Just the name itself brought shivers all down her body and unwanted memories. Orochimaru was one of the only people that could get that type of reaction out of Hikari. 

There were a couple of too close encounters that she had with Orochimaru when she was younger and she had a feeling that if it weren't for Jiraiya, she would have ended up as an experiment in Orochimaru's lair.

Hikari shook her heads, before concentrating back on Satori, there was no time nor any need to go visit memory lane. 

"I'm sorry, but I have no business with you." Orochimaru stated, "But I do have business with the boy behind you."

"Why are you after Sasuke?" Kakashi questioned sharply.

"You're lucky, since you got what you wanted already." Orochimaru stated darkly.

Hikari nodded to herself, she was right, all he wanted was the Sharingan, and since he couldn't get Itachi's, he chased after the younger Uchiha. Everything that Itachi predicted had came true and the worse part was, Hikari knew and she didn't even try to prevent it.

"You didn't have that a long time ago." Orochimaru added motioning towards his eye, "That… Sharingan in your left eye. It want it too. Uchiha's powers, that is." 

"What is your purpose?" Kakashi asked.

"The recently-made Hidden Village of the Sound is mine." Orochimaru avoided his question, "You understand if I just say that, right?"

"What a stupid ambition." Kakashi answered boldly.

"Oh, my… That was blunt. But to accomplish my ambition, I need pieces to become my legs and arms and accomplish things for me." Orochimaru stated.

"So Sasuke is one of those pieces?"

"Not only Sasuke, but that Namikaze girl." Orochimaru answered.

Satori tensed up and started shuffling backwards as quietly as possible. He let out a soft whine, that went unnoticed by Orochimaru and Kakashi. 

"What do you want me with Hikari?" Kakashi was quick to answer, which surprised Hikari, she thought that he hated her.

"Getting friendly with her, hm Kakashi?" Orochimaru asked avoiding his question.

Kakashi ignored his snarky remark and waited for an answer.

Orochimaru continued to ignore his question, "No matter the girl wants nothing to do with you."

"And you know this how?" Kakashi couldn't help but let those words slip out of his mouth.

"Why she's already so smitten with another man." Orochimaru stated.

"And who might that be?" Kakashi asked curiously.

Orochimaru grinned widely as though he had just struck gold, "Why it's none other than Uchiha Itachi."

Hikari inhale a sharp breath of air as she nervously began to play with Satori's fur. 

"You're lying." Kakashi pointed out, narrowing his eyes at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru let out a short laugh, "You can chose not to believe it all you want, it's not going to change the truth about her." 

Kakashi also let in a sharp breath of air as he held his breath, trying to think of all logical explanations. He could think of a ton of explanations, but nothing could erase what Orochimaru had just stated. That couldn't be true, can it?

From what he remembered, she hadn't hung around him that often back in Konoha, sure they were around the same age, but she had attended the academy two years earlier than him and also became a Chunin much earlier than him. However, he had no doubt in his mind that if it were allowed, Itachi would have attended and graduated the academy the same age as her, but that did not change anything. Hikari was out of the village at the age of 6 so the chances of them hanging out was very slim and unless Orochimaru implied that they met up even when Itachi left the village and became an S-Rank criminal, it wouldn't make sense at all.

"So you plan on making Sasuke and Hikari one of those pieces?" Kakashi questioned again.

"I've already tried at Hikari, for now I would say she's a backup piece in case the whole Uchiha ordeal doesn't work. Sasuke's the superior piece and the ones taking the exam right now are… Merely sacrifices." Orochimaru answered sadistically.

Hikari glared at Orochimaru, even though he couldn't see her nor sense her, it still felt right for her to do so. How dare he call her a backup piece and how dare he call those Genins fighting for their lives to please him, just sacrifices?

Hikari tensed as she watched Orochimaru approach Kakashi. What could she do? Her mind told her to cut off Satori's kekkei genkai and to rush into the room to help defend Kakashi, but her body would not move, it was frozen there solid. 

She knew at that moment that she was utterly afraid of Orochimaru and she knew exactly why.

"Don't get any closer to Sasuke!" Kakashi shouted as he got into a fighting position, getting ready to use his signature move, Chidori.

"Even if you're one of the legendary Sannin, I can sacrifice my life to kill you." Kakashi shouted as Chidori began to form in his right hand.

Orochimaru let out a string of chuckles, he sounded like a psycho at that moment.

"What's so funny?" Kakashi asked darkly.

"What you say and do don't agree with each other." Orochimaru responded

"What?" Kakashi asked with confusion.

"There's no point in using that seal. You know, right? He has a heart that seeks power no matter how evil it is. He possesses that kind of disposition. He is an avenger."

"So you took advantage of that. But Sasuke won't…." Kakashi stated, although it souded more as though he was trying to convince himself that.

Hikari closed her eyes, she knew that was correct. Sasuke would do anything for power and to kill his brother. She knew that, Orochimaru knew that, Itachi knew that, even Kakashi knew that. It was one of the reasons why Itachi asked her to watch over Sasuke to see if she could guide his thoughts correctly.

"Eventually, he will seek me out." Orochimaru responded, "This is why he's the superior piece. I don't need to force him to come, he will come to me all on his own, I just merely helped him guide his decision." 

Orochimaru turned around and began walking away as Kakashi's Chidori died down.

"Also, you said that you could kill me? Try. That is, if you can…" With those last words Orochimaru disappeared into the darkness.

Satori let out a short breath of relief as he began moving closer upwards. Hikari studied the look on Kakashi's face. It was a look of fear and relief that he was gone, she knew that he felt the impact of Orochimaru.

It was that same feeling and look that she always held when faced with Orochimaru. It was those dark times that caused her to feel that way. Those dark times that she had no joy facing nor did she want to reminisce, yet she couldn't force away those images and visions that soon flooded her mind.


Location: Yugakure

Hikari sighed as she walked along the empty road, kicking a pebble as she moved. Jiraiya had ditched her to go visit the famous hot springs, not very smart leaving an 8 year old on the streets, especially one with her grand title.

However, Hikari was very well trained, she was considered to be Chunin-rank, so she knew how to defend herself and to attack.

Considering the fact that it was a fairly populous tourist village because it was famous for its ever-so relaxing hot springs, the street she was walking in was completely empty. There was no figure in sight and it was so quiet, the only noise was the sound of the wind blowing.

Though it was easier to spot someone lurking around in an empty street, Hikari wished that it was populated so that there wouldn't be an eery feeling as she continued walking down the street.


Hikari jolted her head to the side as her cerulean blue eyes scanned the bushes and trees on the right and then to the left, she cautiously turned around, but found no one there. She closed her eyes, she couldn't sense anyone there, either she was hallucinating, or the person was very good at masking his/her chakra. 

She cautiously turned back around and began her walk back to the hotel, she picked up her walking pace, hoping that it was all just a figure of her imagination. 


Hikari's head turned sharply to the right where she was sure the sound came from, but as she scanned the bushes, she found nothing.

She let out a frustrated sound as she continued looking over, she was hoping that it was just a cat or something.

"Looking for something?"

Hikari jumped up and away from the voice that mysteriously. She turned cautiously and looked at the man. His long black hair hung in front of his pale face. He was watching Hikari with his snake-like eyes. 

"C-can I help you?" Hikari asked, the man in front of her gave off a very powerful and deadly vibe.

"I believe you can, my name is Orochimaru, and your name child?" 

Hikari hesitated to respond, she was almost certain that he already knew her name and was just playing with her.

"Hikari." She finally answered.

"Ah Hikari, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." He answered.

She watched in disgust as his tongue slithered out and licked his lips as he continued watching her. 

"T-thank you?" She responded.

"Have you ever heard of me before, child?" He questioned curiously.

She paused to think, the name Orochimaru seemed pretty familiar, and she had a feeling that it wasn't for a good reason. She remembered that it had something to do with Konohagakure. 

She shook her head to the side, deciding it was better to play it safe and not know who he is.

"Even better." He smiled as he rushed towards her.

She let out scream, hoping that someone heard her and would come to help her. No one did as she dodged to the side and took off running down the street, the closer she was to her hotel where Jiraiya might have ended up, the better.

"You're a speedy little girl aren't you? Just like your father is- oops sorry I mean was." He answered.

Hikari skidded to a stop, narrowing her eyes at him. She let out a lot growl that reminded her of a sound that a dog would make.

"Don't you ever talk about my father like that again!" She screamed at him.

That only made Orochimaru smirk as he tried to provoke the young girl, "why wouldn't I talk about the famous man who gave his life trying to protect his family. I believe that you are apart of the reason as to why he is dead, hmm?"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She screeched as she started forming handsigns.

'Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger.'

As she forced the last handsign she rushed towards Orochimaru while taking in a large breath of air.

"Katon: Kayru Endan!" She shouted as she released the air she was holding onto and out came large flames that soon came together and formed a dragon. She willed the dragon to follow Orochimaru, but after a few minutes of doing so she released the jutsu and started panting.

Orochimaru emerged, unharmed as he smirked down at her, "I must say I'm quite impressed. A small 8 year old like you being able to do a B-Rank jutsu and be able to move the fire? But I must say that I expected a lot more from a Namikaze."

Hikari growled as she stood up, trying to stop panting. She reached up and began to form another series of handsigns, desperate to show him up. 

Ox, Rabbit, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, Ox,  Snake, Dog, Tiger, Monkey.

She took her left hand and grabbed her right wrist. Orochimaru watched with interest as he heard what sounded like chirping birds, he watched as a blue spark grew into lightning in her right hand. She rushed at him faster than she had any other time.

"Chidori!" She screamed as she nailed the spot where he was right as he disappeared.

She stood there panting, still grabbing onto her right wrist as the spark began to die down. Orochimaru appeared before her with a smirk.

"Now that was better. You almost got me good there, that is if you actually hit me." He stated with a sly grin.

"What do you want from me!?" She screamed at him.

"Now now, not so fast, I am very curious about that jutsu you just used, I have never heard of such a jutsu before. You called it Chidori, am I correct?"

Hikari didn't answer, as she averted her gaze away onto her hand. 

Of course he has never heard it, it was an original jutsu that was created by one of her father's students. Her father had shown it to her before, and while she couldn't do it before, she memorized the handsigns and how to execute the jutsu and she worked on the jutsu everytime Jiraiya was not there. She wanted to surprise him and make him proud.

"Hmm quiet now are we? You didn't seem that quiet when you were yelling at me. Well you had your fun, now its my turn."

With that he made hand signs at such a rapid pace that she it all looked like a blur.

As he made his last jutsu, the world turned dark. Hikari looked around nervously as she could no longer see Orochimaru. 

"Right here child!" 

She turned quickly, and as soon as she completed the turn pain seeped through her stomach. She looked down and found a kunai lodged deep in. She bit her lip as she pulled it out, preventing herself from yelling in pain. She looked at the cut as blood began to drip down from it.

"Don't turn your back on an opponent."

She quickly turned around, just in time as she defended herself against his punch. She skidded backwards and returned her own punch, only to have him grab onto her hand.

He threw her backwards as she did a backflip and landed upright, she swayed a little from the cut, but regained her balance.

He made another series of rapid handsigns. She froze as he made his last handsign. She couldn't move as she was caught inside a small world in her mind.

"You are such a useless child." 

She watched he began making some more handsigns, she tried moving and she tried defending herself, but she just could not move at all. 

"Sen'eijashu!" He shouted.

She watched in horror as many snakes came through from his sleeve and came rapidly firing at her. She winced as one of the snake got hold of her wrist and bit through. She could't hold in the pain as she screamed as she got bit near her neck.

She began to cough up blood as she sunk to her knees. She violently coughed into her hands. She shakily looked at them as she saw that there was blood all over them, the bites began to sting and her vision began to blur, which meant one thing: poison.

Hikari coughed up more blood and cringed in fear as Orochimaru began approaching her. 

"Stay away from me!" She yelled as she tried standing up, but she slid back down.

"This will be very quick dear." 

He made rapid handsigns that she couldn't even follow, "Kusanagi no Tsurugi!" 

Hikari watched in both disgust and fear as he produced a sword by opening his mouth. He slid the sword out of his mouth and turned to her, a sadistic grin was placed on his face.

"Any last words?"

Before she could say anything, he reached over and stabbed her in the heart. She cringed in pain as she began to bleed out, he left the sword in her and smirked as she fainted.

"Hikari! Move! Hikari!" 

Jiraiya screamed at her to move as he came over, he held his hand out and without saying a word an orb began to take form. He ran fast at Orochimaru, who was extending his neck out to leave Hikari a curse mark.

"Rasengan!" Jiraiya yelled.

Orochimaru's face retreated back to the rest of his body, narrowly dodging the attack as he narrowed his eyes on Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya." He greeted, "Long time no see"

"It has Orochimaru. Though I cannot say that I'm happy to be seeing your face." Jiraiya replied coldly.

"You have quite a student there. Trained her father and now you're training her huh? Is she your replacement for him? I heard about his death, quite tragic,"Orochimaru stated with a smirk.

Jiraiya shook his head, "No, she is not his replacement, because I know that this girl has the power to succeed Minato." 

Orochimaru smirked, "Well I believe that she is possibly going through mental stress right now, I would help her out if I were you."

With those last words he disappeared, leaving Jiraiya to deal with his student who was still paralyzed with fear.

"Hikari, Hikari listen to me!" Jiraiya called out, but she couldn't move or anything, she was paralyzed with fear.

"I'm sorry for this." Jiraiya muttered knowing that she can hear him.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a kunai, he walked over to her and stabbed her arm with the kunai. Immediately, she winced away from him, holding onto her arm, all signs of being paralyzed were gone.

"W-what happened Jiraiya-sensei?" She asked quietly as though Orochimaru was still there and could strike at any second.

"He's gone Hikari." Jiraiya stated as she let out a sigh in relief.

"W-why couldn't I move? What did he do?" She asked.

"It's a jutsu of his. It allows him to place a vision on the opponent, showing them their death in a very gruesome matter." Jiraiya stated.

Hikari nodded in agreement, "You got that right."

She looked down and saw her shirt soaked in blood, "Oh crap, I forgot about my cut." She stated.

Jiraiya looked at her shirt and saw a cut, no doubt made by a kunai being lodged into her stomach.

"Come on let's get you to the doctor and you can explain to me everything that happened." He suggested as he went over and put his arm around her shoulder, guiding her as she had one hand clutching her stomach. 

~End Flashback~

Hikari glared at the ground, since that day she had told Jiraiya that she wanted him to train her extra hard. She didn't want to seem as pathetic and weak as she had that day.

She hated to admit that if it weren't for there encounter, perhaps she wouldn't be as strong as she was today. 

At that moment, Hikari made a pledge to not only herself, but also to Itachi, Sasuke, and Naruto.

She would no longer fear Orochimaru. She pledged to help Itachi protect Sasuke from Orochimaru, to pledged to prevent Sasuke from joining the dark side, and she pledged to protect Naruto from Orochimaru, who might end up chasing after him because of his Namikaze bloodline.

She would be strong, just for them. 

~ Katon: Kayru Endan : It allows the user to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth (fire release)

~ Chidori : It is known as the lightning cutter (lightning release)

~ Sen'eijashu : This technique allows the user to eject snakes from their wrist or sleeve. The snakes can inflict multiple poisonous wounds on the victim's body or hold them in place. 

~ Kusanagi no Tsurugi : This attack is special to Orochimaru. He retrieves the Kusanagi Sword by opening his mouth and extending a snake which then opens its mouth and produces the sword. The sword, according to Orochimaru, can cut through almost anything.

~ Rasengan : This technique does not require any hand seals. It is a spiraling sphere of wind that can do great damage. 

~ Yugakure : Village Hidden in Hot Water

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