To Marry A Malfoy (Dramione)

By ali-louise

401K 9.4K 3.1K

The war is over. The Golden trio and others return for their final year at Hogwarts. The war still leaving an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elevan
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.

Chapter Twenty

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By ali-louise

Hermione finished her class and looked at Pansy who was grinning. "Next time you come to class, you'll officially be Hermione Malfoy." She grinned as the two linked arms and walked towards their dorms. They were going straight to Malfoy Manor and staying there until the following Monday. "I'm still in shock that I'm marrying Draco Malfoy tomorrow." Hermione grinned. Pansy giggled. "Try telling your 13 year old self that and she would have cursed you into oblivion." She smiled. Hermione nodded "She actually would have. I used to hate him.-" She started but was cut off. "Talking about me are we soon-to-be-wife?" Draco walked in after the girls and pecked Hermione's lips. "That lesson was boring wasn't it?" He added. Pansy nodded but Hermione shook her head. "I thought it was interesting." She smiled. Pansy and Draco shook their heads. "You would" They said together.

All the friends walked down to Hogsmeade together. The couples each holding hands. "Right so me and Hermione will go first then you guys follow us." Draco spoke to the others. Everyone nodded as Hermione smiled over at him. Draco then turned to Hermione "When you're ready, let's go." He mumbled, holding onto her hand tight. Hermione nodded and within moments, they were both stood outside Malfoy Manor. The couple waited for the others to arrive shortly after and then the 8 friends started to walk into the Manor. Narcissa was waiting in the doorway for them along with Andromeda and Teddy who instantly babbled at the sight of the friends and reached out for his godfather to hold him. Harry happily took Teddy into his arms and held the little boy close to him.

"You're looking well sweetheart." Narcissa said as she hugged Hermione. "You as well Narcissa." Hermione smiled as Narcissa sighed and looked at Draco. "I need to talk to the both of you." She mumbled. The couple nodded and left their friends with Andromeda and Teddy to go into another room. "What is it Mother?" Draco asked, sounding worried. Narcissa looked at him "The Ministry lied to us about your father. They told us that he had been given the dementor's kiss but there are no dementor's at Azkaban anymore. I got a letter from them a couple of days ago but I didn't want to worry you before the wedding but then I also need to tell you-" Draco cut it off and took her hand. "Mother just say it." He said with a smile. "Your father is getting released from Azkaban."

"Please can one of you say something. You've been silent for over ten minutes. Draco darling." Narcissa pleaded, looking at the couple in front of him. "They're letting him go. After everything that he did they're just going to pardon him." Draco spoke slowly, it was obvious that he was trying to process it all. "Your father has been making claims that he was working with me and I guess the ministry just decided that they couldn't keep him in there with us out here and so they are releasing him on Monday." She said which made Draco turn paler. Hermione couldn't speak. She could barely move. "Monday? But Monday is our last day with you before we're going back to Hogwarts to study for our exams. We'll have to leave on Sunday then mother. I won't let him get between Hermione and I." Draco said, wrapping an arm around his fiancé protectively.

Narcissa sighed and after a bit looked at him. "I'm trying hard to get him in there for one more day but as he is no longer a prisoner, they can't really keep him in there Draco. I understand your wishes to go back to Hogwarts a day early and would actually advise it. Azkaban does not have newspapers going anymore and communication isn't really a thing there." She said and Hermione sighed "Meaning he doesn't know that his son is marrying a mudblood." Hermione said, making both the Malfoy's wince at the word. Draco looked down at Hermione's arm, the scars of the word were still faint. "Don't call yourself that." Draco whispered. Hermione then turned to him "But that is what your father will say. Your Mother and Father are two totally different people. He was ready to let Bellatrix kill me and was happy." She sighed and then shook her head "I don't want to worry about this right now. We're getting married married tomorrow and there is nothing he can do while he rots in Azkaban for a bit longer so I'm going to enjoy my wedding." Hermione said and that was final.

"I really don't want to leave your side tonight." Draco said with a sigh. Hermione smiled "Then we should do what we normally do and break the rules. Let's spend it together." She smiled. Draco grinned and nodded "We could have a games night and watch movies. I'm sure we have an enchanted TV somewhere in this house. It might be a bit old but I think it will work." Draco smiled. Hermione giggled "Or you know. I could apparate home, get my tv, bring it here and enchant it. We can put it in our bedroom after." She smiled as they walked into the room where all their friends were. "What happened?" Pansy asked sounding worried. Draco grinned. "Oh just my father trying to ruin everything. He's getting released on Monday to find out that his precious pureblood son married a muggleborn. I personally cannot wait to see the look on his - What was it you called him in fourth year Harry. Oh yeah his vile and cruel face." Draco grinned. Blaise and Pansy looked at him in shock. "You used to agree with your father on everything. What changed?" Blaise said as he and Luna played with Teddy. "Easy. I opened my eyes" Draco smiled.

"I still don't understand this game but it's really annoying me. Hermione has an unfair advantage. She's a muggleborn." Pansy pouted as she handed Draco and Hermione some more Monopoly money. "I like this game." Draco smirked. Pansy glared at him "You would. You're winning it." She said before passing the dice to Luna who threw it down and smiled "Ooh a train station." She smiled and looked at Blaise "Should we buy it?" She asked. Blaise looked at the board and nodded "Yeah I think we should." He smiled and Luna handed the money over to Harry and Ginny who had already been made bankrupt but neither of them seemed to care. Harry had played many games of Monopoly as a child and didn't really like it too much. Ginny on the other hand, was happy talking to her husband about houses they had been looking at.

"Screw this game." Pansy said, flipping the board after she handed the last bit of her money to Draco and Hermione. Everyone around laughed, including Pansy at the end. "I need some firewhiskey if I'm going to keep playing games as silly as that one. It's taken us way over 2 hours for one game." She said as she left the room and returned later with bottles of firewhiskey. Draco smirked "Why didn't you call Twinkle? She would have happily gotten it for you." He smiled. Hermione shook her head "She wouldn't. We gave her the day off today because she has a busy day tomorrow helping out at the wedding." Hermione answered. Draco nodded and kissed her head. "I love you." He said fondly. "Oh please, I'm gonna throw up." Pansy joked, rolling her eyes.

"This is very cool." Luna said as the 8 teens now walked around the neighborhood that Hermione grew up in. They had got bored of the board games and so Hermione decided that it would be a good idea to talk a walk around a muggle neighborhood to show some of the purebloods what it was like. It was pretty late at night so there weren't many people around which was better too because Hermione knew that it made less chance of someone seeing them around and possibly seeing magic. "You would think that muggle neighborhoods were so much different to wizarding ones but they are just the same. Just no magic." Pansy said in awe as she looked around the place. They finally came to a park and all sat around together. "You know this day has been perfect." Hermione smiled. "Apart from some news." She added onto it, looking right at Draco who nodded and smiled.

The 8 friends returned to Malfoy Manor after a while of just talking. They were all starting to get tired and soon enough, Hermione stood up and said she was going up to bed. The other three girls stood up at the same time and also said that they were going up to bed. Hermione, along with the girls, walked to their side of the Manor and then turned to each other. "Finally we got rid of them, now let's have a beauty pamper." Pansy grinned. "That was mean." Hermione laughed. "It was your idea to get away from them for a bit." Ginny laughed also along with Luna who was getting the things ready. "Should we have our baths and showers first and then get down to business?" She asked as the other girls. They all agreed and went their separate ways to get ready for their relaxation.

"I still don't know what I want for my wedding." Luna said as they all sat out on the balcony with their face masks on. "I think it should be eccentric, just like you." Pansy replied in a low voice. "Don't take that as an insult. It's a compliment." Pansy then added on the end. "Have it in somewhere that means a lot. Or just looks pretty." Hermione chipped in as Ginny nodded in agreement. "I quite liked the photos of that forest you showed me Hermione. The Forest of Dean. I did like that a lot." Luna wondered out loud. "It was beautiful." Hermione murmured as she made the fire in front of them a bit bigger with her wand as it was showing signs of going out. "It was Snape hid the Sword of Gryffindor for us. He gave it to us in that forest." She sighed and looked around. "So many good people lost in the war." Ginny said sadly, making all the girls turn to face her. The four stayed quiet for a bit and then one by one, they took off their masks and all of them got into bed.

"Miss Hermione. It is time to wake up." Twinkle said as she shook Hermione awake. Hermione yawned as she woke up. "Thank you Twinkle. You can go and get Breakfast now if you would like." She offered with a smile but Twinkle shook her head. "Twinkle has been asked by Master Draco to stay with Miss Hermione all morning until the wedding and Twinkle would be happy to do so. Twinkle has not slept the whole night because she is too excited about the wedding." The elf spoke, sounding very excited. Hermione smiled at the elf and nodded "Okay you can stay with me Twinkle." She said as she smiled. She then grabbed her wand and smirked. She saw glasses of water at the side of each girls beds before gently shaking Ginny awake "You get off this one because you're pregnant." She smirked before raising the water and dunking it over Luna and Pansy.

Both girls screamed as well as jumped up as soon as the water hit their head. "Hermione Granger I freaking hate you." Pansy said and then shook her head "Ew I sound just like how I used to." She then giggled which also made the other girls laugh. Narcissa then walked in after some more house elves with two women following her. "Hermione this is Cathy and Katie. They are going to be your hair and makeup stylists for today. Remember I owled you about them." Narcissa smiled. Hermione nodded, she had also sent back one saying that she didn't need them but Narcissa insisted and Hermione simply couldn't say no to her.

The girls ate breakfast and while they did Hermione was speaking to Cathy and Katie about what she wanted for her hair and her makeup during the wedding. They both seemed to understand her but kept fairly quiet and didn't really include their own input for things. They just let Hermione and the girls decide and took notes using their wands. Hermione was feeling a bit awkward but managed to eat her food and thankfully the other girls were chipping into the conversation so it wasn't like she was talking to a brick wall.

"That was seriously the weirdest thing ever." Pansy mumbled. Hermione nodded "I know. They barely spoke to me at all. I just hope they make me look great today." She smiled. Pansy nodded. "They will don't worry. You're going to look amazing. Draco might just die when you walk out." She smiled." Hermione looked at her and smiled as they walked in.

Hermione looked down at the piece of paper in front of her. The paper that had be rewrote about a million times. Her vows to Draco. The words that would bond together and show their story before they officially became husband and wife. Pansy came up behind her and Hermione instantly folded the paper. "Aww come on Hermione. Please show me them." Pansy begged but Hermione shook her head "Me and Draco promised that we wouldn't show anyone our vows until the ceremony. You know that Pans."

Hermione looked in the mirror and gasped at the woman in front of her. "Whoa." She mumbled as the other three girls came back into the room in their lilac bridesmaid dresses. "Hermione." Pansy gasped as her mouth dropped. "You look amazing." Ginny squealed and looked at her. "That makeup is amazing." Luna commented as they all stared at their best friend with smiles on their faces.

^^^ Bridesmaids

The final touches were being made to Hermione. Her dress on and getting adjusted to make sure that it was amazing and then Hermione would be ready to walk down the Aisle and become Mrs Malfoy. Narcissa ran in and smiled "The garden is ready and perf- Oh my goodness Hermione. You look like a princess." She said, her eyes instantly filling with tears. Hermione smiled at her and walked over "Narcissa please don't cry." She said with a smile, a smile that she already knew would not be leaving her face once. Narcissa smiled "I'm just so incredibly proud of everything that has happened. No matter what, I will be proud to call you my daughter-in-law." She smiled as she showed a necklace she had been holding "I wore this at my wedding. I want you to wear it at yours." She smiled. Hermione shook her head. "I can't.-" But was cut off. "Yes you can." Narcissa smiled before putting the diamond covered necklace on Hermione.

Hermione's father walked into the room and looked at his little girl stood in front of him looking so very grown up. He gasped and his face showed how proud he was of his little girl. "Darling." He smiled, taking her hand. "You've made me so proud of you. And getting someone like me to like someone who you used to hate was a lot but somehow Draco is truly going to be my son and I have already arranged for us to go see some football together." Roger said with a smile. Hermione was pleased. She had thought that her father might never really like Draco but more accept him but lately he had been getting to know him a lot more and the two were quite close.

Hermione looked on as she walked down the gardens. She saw a lot of people sat near the arch her and Draco would get married under. Friends, family and loved ones would soon surround them as they promised their love to one another. She got to the end of the aisle which was decorated amazingly by Narcissa and the elves. Music started and soon Hermione was walking down the aisle with her father, her bridesmaids following closely behind her.

^^^Draco and best men.

Draco stood up as the music started and turned a couple of seconds later to see Hermione. He instantly smiling but was also blown away by her beauty. She looked like an angel walking towards him. He couldn't believe that he would soon be marrying her. He couldn't wait either. His vows had been wrote to perfection, alone of course. He watched as his soon to be father-in-law lead her down the aisle right to him.

Roger and Hermione stopped when they got to the archway. Roger looked at her and leaned to kiss her head before whispering in her ear. "I love you sweetheart." he mumbled before taking her hands and placing them into Draco's with a smile, nodding at Draco who was beaming from ear to ear.

Kingsley then looked at the two before addressing the crowd. " Welcome everyone. You are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy and Miss Hermione Jean Granger. Today, as they join in marriage, they create a new bond that will include all of you here today. Now the Bride and Groom have wrote their own vows so we will start off by saying them." He said, standing back. Draco nodded at Hermione before summoning his papers and looking at them quickly.

"This was surprisingly easy to write actually. Because I feel like we have been through so much together. I promise to fight for you. No matter we are and no matter what we are doing. I promise to take care of you whatever sickness you are fighting. I promise to be open and trustworthy to you. I promise that I love you and that I will love you for the rest of my life." Draco said with a smile. Hermione instantly started to tear up as she summoned her paper and looked at him.

"It was actually really hard for me to write this down. But I managed it anyway. I promise to be there for you, no matter what. I promise that I will keep our love strong as long as we both live. I promise that for the rest of my life I will not let anything come between us and our love." At this point Hermione started to tear up. "I promise to never leave our fight with you. And this one is a bit of a joke because I got far too upset writing this. I promise that I will never punch you in the face like I did in third year." She ended on,causing Draco and the guests to start laughing.

Kingsley then stood forward. "Now we will have the exchanging of the rings." He said as the rings floated over to them on a dark green cushion. Draco took the ring and started to repeat the Minister's words. "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take you, Hermione Jean Granger, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live." He finished, placing the ring on Hermione as she took a deep breath and then smiled and started to repeat the Minister. "I, Hermione Jean Granger, take you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live." She replied, slipping the ring onto his hand.

Hermione looked over and saw both her own mother and Narcissa deep in their tissues. Then Kingsley started to speak again. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." He spoke. "Gladly," Draco mumbled before cupping Hermione's face and pressing a kiss to her lips.

They walked out onto the dance floor together. The room had been completely cleared of everything inside and turned into a beautiful ballroom with Tables around every side of it. Draco took Hermione's hand as the two of them started to slow dance. Draco looked at his wife and smiled before kissing her lips. Hermione happily kissed him back, moving her hands to go around his neck as they danced together. "I love you so much." Draco mumbled when they finally broke apart, his hands now on her waist. Hermione grinned and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Harry stood up to make his speech once everyone had sat down and relaxed. "I want to start off by congratulating the newlyweds. I met both Hermione and Draco when I was eleven. I hated Draco but Hermione soon became my best friend after we defeated a troll with Ron. It wasn't until the war that I started talking to Draco but as soon as I really did, I really connected with him and we became friends. Both of you are amazing together and you really lift up everyone around you. I think after the war we all wanted something and that was unity. Well you guys brought unity to the wizarding world by showing that a muggleborn and a pure blood can marry and be happy about it. So I would like everyone to raise their glass for not only the newlyweds but for the unity in the wizarding world." Harry finished as everyone raised their glasses to the things he had just said.

The speeches went on and as the night drew on, Hermione was having more and more fun and was extremely grateful for all the people who had chosen to come today. People slowly started to leave the Manor, thanking the bride and groom before they left. Hermione was so thankful to Narcissa for everything she had done and was constantly telling her through the night. How thankful she really was.

Soon enough, Hermione and Draco were heading up to their room to go to bed. Draco was of course holding her bridal style. He placed her down on the bed and smiled "I love you." He mumbled again. Hermione sat up and smiled. "I love you too. I'm gonna get ready for bed." She smirked before darting to the bathroom. Well as elegantly as she could in her dress. Once Hermione was there she took off her dress using magic, there was no way she could do it alone. She then took off her make up and looked in the mirror at herself. She didn't know if Draco would be expecting her to walk out almost naked but knew it would make his mouth drop.

Draco was looking around his bedroom at photos. His mother had added some more recent ones of him and Hermione which made him smile. He was dressed in his normal sleepwear, just his boxers. It was while he was holding a photo from Christmas that he felt Hermione's lips on his neck. He gasped slightly and put the photo down before turning to face her and having his mouth drop in shock at her choice of clothing, or lack off. Normally when she slept she would wear his shirt or some pajamas, not that he was complaining at the sight of his wife only in her underwear.

Draco soon formed a smirk on his face as he ran his hands over her body. "Wow. Wow. Wow." He smiled, looking at her. Hermione blushed. "You've seen it all before." She giggled. Draco nodded "I know but there's something about tonight." He said but then didn't waste any time in kissed her passionately on the lips. The two continued kissing as Draco carefully lead her over to his bed with smile. They laid down and within moments, both their clothes were gone, thrown to the side of the room. "God I love you." Draco mumbled as he sucked on her neck lightly. Hermione smiled as she cupped his face and brought it back to her lips. They kissed for a little bit longer before Draco pulled away and mumbled "You ready?" Which Hermione nodded to.

Hermione laid next to Draco, both of them slightly out of breath as they held each other in their arms. "I can't believe we're married." Hermione grinned. Draco smiled. "Look at your hand then." he joked. His wife laughed and turned to him. "Nothing will break us apart." She vowed. Draco nodded "Nothing at all babe."

Ahh the wedding finally happened. This was such a good chapter to write and also the longest I think I have ever wrote. Thank you so much for reading. The support on this story is amazing. Please vote and leave a comment if you liked it. Also add it to your lists and follow me. Thanks again for reading and I will see you next time.

Love you guys

-Alex xxx

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