My Best Friend's Boyfriend (B...

By TheStarFellAndHitMe

2.7K 21 9

"I'm bisexual." Those two words changed Kai's entire life. Allen and Kai have been best friends since they we... More

My Best Friend's Boyfriend (BoyxBoy)
School Teachers in High Heels

Step Brothers and Bottles

374 4 2
By TheStarFellAndHitMe

My mother eyes Brice and continues to make the sushi. Jasmine stares at Allen with a devilish grin flitting across her face. Allen looks fearfully at Jasmine. Allen knows what it is like to be the subject of Jasmine's wrath. Jasmine then looks past Allen to Brice. I see a slight pink tinge grows on her cheeks. Jasmine must still like him, even though he seems to be batting for the other team.

"So, you two officially dating?" Jasmine asks. Brice turns beet red, and my mom snickers as she forms the sushi. Allen visibly gulps, and I wait for his answer.

"I don't know. Brice said he wanted to try more stuff though." Allen says. He provocatively wriggles his eyebrows. I glance behind Allen's amazing broad shoulders to Brice. I didn't think it was possible for him to get any redder, I guess I was proved wrong. I see rage fill Jasmine's eyes. It's only for a second though.

"So, what kind of movies do you guys want to watch." I say breaking the awkward silence. Jasmine and I walk into the living room, and we are soon tailed by Allen and Brice. Allen flops onto the couch. He motions for Brice to sit down next to him. I can't believe he is doing this in front of me. I am in love with him, but I suppose after a shocking revelation given by Allen today I am apparently, in his mind, straight. Brice takes a seat at the other end of the couch. Allen frowns and growls. He quickly grips Brice around the waist and pulls him practically into his lap. Brice quickly turns red again. What is with this boy and blushing? He must a some sort of issue. No normal person blushes this much.

"I want to watch a late night comedy." Allen says. Jasmine nods, she pops in Step Brothers. I groan, we watch this movie every three months, and it's starting to get old. We all take up positions around the room to watch the movie. I'm not even focusing on the movie. I'm focusing on Allen trying to seduce Brice on my freaking couch.

Allen's hand is placed on Brice's upper thigh. Brice is fidgeting in his seat. He keeps on looking at Allen through the corners of his eyes. I sigh. I can feel the heartache start again. I know I am starting to sound really whiny, but come on! Can't I get a break? That is my place. Allen's delicious, long, provocative fingers should be on my thigh!

Allen slowly starts to move his hand up Brice's thigh. Allen cups Brice's private area in his hand. He slowly starts to rub Brice through his pants. I see Brice visibly bite his lower lip. I can almost feel the moan building up in Brice's throat. I drag my eyes away from them. I grip my side and rip my nails into the fabric of my shirt. I bite my bottom lip, but not in order to hold back a moan. I bite my lip to hold back an outraged scream of despair.

My mother quickly turns on the lights. Everyone in the room jumps and Allen quickly takes his hands off of Brice. Brice crosses his legs and squirms a little bit down the couch. "I come with an abundance of sushi!!" my mom screams. I swear, me and my sister get our odd genes from her. She places the sushi tray down on the coffee table. She quickly walks out of room, but not before wriggling her eyebrows at Allen. Jasmine and my mom are so alike it's creepy. Like, really creepy.

Allen springs on the sushi, completely forgetting about the turned on boy on the couch next to him. Jasmine smacks Allen away from her favorite type of sushi. She likes Tamago sushi, the kind with the eggs. I walk over from my seat in one of the plush leather chairs. I shove a Toro sushi into my mouth. Fatty tuna is always the best. Brice shifts forward on the couch to view the selection on tuna. He picks out an Ebi, and pops it into his mouth. It's probably his first time eating sushi.

I sigh, I look at Allen scarfing down sushi roll after sushi roll. Those lucky dead fishies. Allen eats like a pig. He always has, and I don't think it will change anytime soon. But, Allen is my little piggy. Brice stares a me for a second. I glare at him. I flick a piece of rice at him. It hits Brice in the forehead, and sticks. Thank you mom for using sticky rice in our sushi. Brice tries to look at the clump of rice on his forehead. He looks retarded with his eyes crossed. What idiot tries to look at their forehead?

Jasmine stifles a snicker as she looks at Brice's display of stupidity. Allen doesn't even notice what is going on. He continues to eat. Brice finally figures out that willing the rice to fall off doesn't work so he swipes it off with his hand. Jasmine rolls her eyes and she grabs the last Tamago sushi before Allen can get his mitts on it.

Brice goes back to staring at me. I wriggle my eyebrows and pat my crotch. Brice's eyes widen, and he goes back to studying the sushi. I look over to Allen, he is staring at me. His eyes are full of an emotion I can't quite figure out. He must have seen the gesture I made to Brice. I have to admit, I feel a tiny bit guilty about it. It probably hurt me more than it hurt Brice. I'm making jokes about the person I like making sexual advances on another person, it hurts.

Allen holds his gaze with mine for a second longer than necessary. He quickly dips his head back down to decide what sushi he wants to eat next. Jasmine catches my eye as she hurriedly tries to fish a piece of rice out of her bra. Everyone is soon watching my sister fish the piece of rice out. "Having trouble with your massive melons?" Allen asks innocently.

Jasmine shoots him the evil eye, it is pretty easy to see that she is indeed having trouble with her "massive melons". Allen shrugs and pops a California Roll into his mouth. Brice stifles a giggle as Jasmine finally gets her hands on the piece of rice. Jasmine shoots Brice another one of her trademark glares. Allen opens his mouth to say something, but Jasmine cuts him off by throwing her bra rice into his mouth.

Allen chokes on the tiny grain of rice. Or should I say tit grain of rice? Haha, I am so puny!! Man, cheesy jokes are the best. "What the hell?!" Allen gasps. Allen spits out the grain of tit rice onto the sushi platter.

"Language." my mom says from somewhere within the house. I swear, she is a ninja. Jasmine bursts into a fit of laughter. She falls onto the ground. Jasmine rolls around on the ground clutching her stomach.

"I'm glad you think it's funny." Allen huffs. He has is arms crossed like a little kid, and his cheeks are puffed out. He is so cute, and apparently I'm not the only who thinks so. Brice goes in for the prize. Brice quickly plants his lips on Allen's. Jasmine stops laughing, and everything goes silent except for Step Brothers playing in the background. Allen's lips push back against Brice's. Allen is fighting for dominance. I watch in awe as the two males in front of me both fight to rule the other's lips. I can see the hunger in their eyes.

Jasmine stands up with a giant slam. She grabs me by the arm, and she then proceeds to drag me out of the room. "Jackasses." she mutters under her breath. I nod, I can agree with her on that. Jasmine plants me down at the bar. She grabs some alcohol out of the liquor cabinet. She pours herself a shot and then she pours one for me. Jasmine downs the shot within seconds. She then pours herself another one. I look at mine, I decide against it. I push the shot towards Jasmine. Jasmine downs mine too.

"They could at least go home before doing that." she growls. I nod. I begin to hear muffled noises coming from the living room. Those bastards. I rocket out of my seat and into the room. Allen is on top of Brice, kissing him profusely. I lift up my foot and smash my heel into the back of Allen's neck.

"Go home, damn it!!" I scream. Allen looks up at me, still in his position on top of Brice. Jasmine walks into the room with a bottle of vodka in her hand. I grab the now empty bottle, and hold it in a threatening pose. Allen's eyes widen. "Get up and go home, or a swear to God I will hit you with this." I scream.

Allen hops off of Brice. He grabs Brice's hand and he drags him to the door. How dare he make out with someone in my house!! Right in front of me too. The door slams and I break into another set of fresh tears. The bottle falls from my grip. It hits the ground and shatters into a million pieces. It looks just my heart does.


Mom was a tiny bit mad when we explained the broken bottle. She kept on muttering about it being Russian Standard.

I snuggle into my pillow. I am not going to look very good at school tomorrow. My life is fucked up, and it's all because I'm in love with Allen.


Murherher, I started writing this at about midnight last night. I'm so good at updating, aren't I? Mmm, Allen is a jerk off isn't he? Sorry if it's too short for my beloved little otters.

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