The Forgotten Ones (a Pokemon...


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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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*Phillip’s Room*

“EHHH! EHHHH! EHHHH!!” buzzed the alarm clock.

“SHUT UP ALARM!” I yell at it while I turn it off.

“Whoa, It’s already ten!? I must’ve slept like a baby hehe.” I chuckle to myself. “BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ.”

“Shit, Poke Gear! Where is it? Woo found it. I wonder who would be calling me this early?” I answer it immediately after I see it’s Shine.

“Good morning, Sleepyhead.” She giggles. “Nice hair.”

“Ha, Good morning Sunshine the Earth says hello!” I snap back at her with an evil grin.

“You know damn well I only let my dad call me by my full name, Phil.” She said aggressively.

“Don’t call me Phil and I won’t call you Sunshine, ha.”

 “Fine Phillip. But to the reason why I called, I have amazing news.” As she tells me this I notice a bruise and a few cuts on her face.

“Shine. What’d that bitch do now?”

“Oh, you mean this.” She timidly points to her new bruise.

“Yes, plus all of the new cuts on your face as well.”

“Well last night after we finished talking she bounded upstairs to my room like a mad woman, and just started to hit me excessively. But my dad came and saved me again.” She said with a slight smile.

“I’m just glad your dad is such a great guy and actually cares about you more than your mother does.”

“But anyways back to my good news! Phillip we need to leave tonight at the latest. My dad is leaving on business and fears she might kill me. He even gave me a Dratini.”

“Whoa, a Dratini that’s rare in this region.”

“Yeah, that’s what he told me too.”

“So when do you wanna leave? I mean you know I wanna leave whenever.”

“Hmm, how about after you shower and come down stairs! Don’t you notice some of your pictures behind me?” she giggles loudly. Oh my god how stupid could I have been to not notice that.

“How long have you been here?”

“Not long, maybe fifteen minutes plus our conversation. I’ve called like eight times.”

“Dang, that long?”

“Yeah lazybones, now hurry up and shower.” She urges me.

“I’ll be down in like ten minutes, bye.” I hurriedly grab clothes and jump into the shower.


“Hmm… I wonder if I can find any embarrassing pictures of Phil.” Shine whispered to herself, as she scanned all of the pictures on the wall.

“Oh my god he was so chubby and cute!” she snorted.

“Well, good morning Shine but what are you doing here?”

“Oh, hi Ms. Grey, I am just waiting on Phillip to shower and then we were going to hang out if that is okay?”

“That’s fine dear; I think he needs some friend time anyways.” How could Phillip ever hate his mom, she’s so nice to me all of the time.

“Thank you so much Ms. Grey.”

“You’re welcome. Hey you wanna see some really cute pictures of my Phillip?”

“Oh. My. God. Yes.” She giggles.

“Well sit at the table.” She motions towards a chair and leaves and comes back with a giant photo album labeled Memories.

 “Let’s begin.” Shine says excitedly. After a few minutes Shine finds a picture of Phillip’s dad for the first time.

“Oh my goodness!” Shine exclaims.

“What is it? Shine?” she then looks down and notices the picture. “Yeah Phillip’s father. He looks just like him. The only difference is their hair lengths; Phillip never wants to cut it because he’d be a spitting image of him.”

Just when they were about to flip to the next page, I pipe in saying “I hate that bastard! I never want to look like him ever!! I don’t even know how you could’ve loved such a man mom… wait he isn’t a man, a man would’ve stayed and raised his family!”

“Oh, Phil Pill it’s what was meant to happen honey.” My face instantly turned Voltorb red from hearing my mom’s pet name for me.

“Mom! Don’t call me that in front of Shine.”

“Oh, sorry dear.” She chuckles.

“It doesn’t bother me any Phil Pill!” She teases.

“Then it doesn’t bother me any Sunshine.” I snap back. Shine tosses me an evil glare.

“Shine was wondering if you could hang out with her today but I don’t know if I should let you, because how rude you were to me.” She says as she glares at me.

“What’s with girls and glaring at me geez!”

“Phillip be nicer!” Shine snaps at me. “Don’t worry Ms. Grey I’ll show him how to be respectful.”

“Mum, I promise I’ll be more respectful.” I say convincingly.

“You can go! Here’s some money to buy me some Bluk Berries if you guys head to Silax City.” She hands me about a thousand dollars.

“Mom, Bluk Berries aren’t this expensive.” I whisper to her.

“I know, Shine’s dad told me about what her mom did and I agreed that you should go with her. I love you Phil Pill.” She whispers to me while giving me a hug. I didn’t want this hug to ever end but I knew we had to leave very soon. A few tears ran down my cheek as I bid farewell to the life I knew so well.

“I love you mom!” I yell one last time before I run out of the door to catch up to Shine.

“So, uh where should we go first Phillip?”

“To Silax City, that’s where the closest gym leader is.”

“Isn’t it exciting to actually be Pokémon trainers finally?”

“Well we still need to register to get our IDs but yeah it’s exciting travelling with you.” I smile towards her.

“Yeah, you’re right! Plus you still need a Pokémon of your own.” She says while hiding her blushing face.

“True, speaking of Pokémon catching do you think I could have the bag and ultra-balls that you got for me?”

“Yeah, here ya go.” She says while tossing my bag to me.

“Woot! I’m so excited to catch my first Pokémon!” I yell as we reach the outskirts of the town.

“Phillip, so uh what type of gym is Silax city’s?”

“Hmm… I think it’s a grass type gym.”

“Okay I should be fine with my Dratini then. Dad wrote me a note with all of his moves he knows.” She says while handing me the scrap piece of paper. I skim over it for a bit.

“Damn! He already knows Body Slam, Flamethrower, and Shock Wave!” I yell surprised.

“Yeah dad said that he used TM’s and took him to the Infamous Move Deleter to delete Dragon Rage.”

“Wow, you probably have a few badges won just with your Dratini.”

“Also don’t forget about the new rule our region put in if we beat the Gym Leader we get a Pokémon from a different region that shares a type with the gym.”

“Oh yeah! Do you know what grass type you’d want to get when you win?”

“I don’t know yet. But remember Phillip I haven’t won yet.”

“I know Shine it’s just good to stay positive.” I say while flipping my hair out of my face. “Oh my Arceus! Is that a Pidgeotto, Shine?” I yell and point towards it in the air.

“Oh my Arceus, it is!” Shine quickly grabs her Poke Ball, “Go Dratini”  

“Whoa it’s so cool.” I gasp.

“I know, Dratini use Shock Wave!” she yells expertly. Right after she yells her command a bright yellow piece of lightning shot out and hit the bird right between its eyes. The sad part was it didn’t even see it coming.

“Oh my god, Shine it’s falling!” I yell while sprinting towards it.

“Phillip, just throw an ultra-ball!”

“I need to save it first!” It was about ten feet from the ground, and I was about fifteen away from it. “Pidgeotto! NO!!!” I scream while diving to catch it before it hit the ground. “I gotcha buddy.” I reassure it.

“Phillip are you alright?”

I stand up with Pidgeotto cradled in my arms. “I have a few scratches but I’m fine. I think you paralyzed Pidgeotto and that’s why it fell.” I finally decided to try and catch it with my ultra-ball. It didn’t fight back at all.

“Phillip here use this Paralyze Heal. My dad must’ve packed it for us just in case.”

“Thanks Shine. Go Pidgeotto!” I yell as a red beam shot out my new companion. “Pidgeotto don’t worry you’re going to be fine now I have a way to heal you.” I say while spraying the Paralyze Heal all over him.

“Pidge! Pidge!” squawked Pidgeotto happily. “Yay, it’s fine now!” I yell happily. “Pidgeotto are you okay to travel outside your ball?” “PIDGEOTTO!” he squawked. “Okay, you can stay out then.” I smile at it.


“Yeah Shine?”

“Are you ready to enter Silax Forest?”

“Are we really at the entrance already?”

“Yes, see look.” She points a little in front of me, “You ran pretty far to catch Pidgeotto.”

“Damn! Yeah, I guess I’m ready if you are.”

“Yup, I’m ready. Are you sure you’re ready Phil?”

“Shine, why call me Phil?”

“It gets awkward saying Phillip all of the time.” I think for a little bit about it and understand where she’s coming from.

“Okay, you can call me Phil. But only you can nobody else, ever.”

“Thanks, Phil.” She smiles, “Dratini return.”

“Why are you returning Dratini?”

“He’s kinda slow and probably wouldn’t keep up with us.”

“Oh, okay. Pidgeotto return!” I yell with the ball stretched out. “Let’s roll, girly.”

“Okay, Phil let’s do this.”

*Silax Forest/Poke Lab*

“GAH! What a Nightmare!” screamed Sebastien as he awoke.

“Whoa, what time is it?” he says while fumbling around for his watch.

“Oh, shit it’s almost noon!” he shouts as he grabs all of his things and packs up quickly as possible.

“Fuck! I have to register to be a trainer before they close registration at one!” After a little bit everything is finally packed.

“Whoa, I’m tired and hungry now!” Too bad I didn’t steal a Charmander or any fire type at least then I’d have a fire he thought while he travelled south.

*Silax Forest South Entrance*

“Come one Shine! Let’s hurry.”

“I’m coming! Arceus, how do you walk that fast?”

“I’m just so pumped up! See!” I yell as a sprint towards a tree and scale it in a minute tops.

“Wow, get back down here Mankey!” she teased me.

“Okay, MOM! You’re no fun.” I say as I jump down.

“Ha! Clean your room mister. Don’t forget to eat your veggies.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Hey you two, we challenge you to a battle!” yelled a stranger from a far.

“Huh?! Who’s there?” we both yell.

“Go Butterfree!” and “Go Beedrill!” were the only answers we received.

“Oh well I guess, Go Pidgeotto!”

“Really Phil!? We aren’t even real trainers yet!”

“So? We still need to train so we can actually have a chance against a gym leader! So throw out Dratini!”

“Fine! Go Dratini!”

“Beedrill use sleep powder on Dratini now!” yelled the unknown trainer.

“Pidgeotto quick unleash a Gust of wind to blow the powder into Beedrill’s face!” I yell. The bee like Pokemon fell down to Earth sleeping. “Pidgeotto finish Beedrill off with another Gust attack!”

 “Butterfree hurry use Stun Spore on the Pidgeotto!” right before it absorbed the spores it needed Shine pipes in yelling, “OH no you don’t! Dratini hurry and use Flamethrower on Butterfree!”  Then flames engulfed the entire field we were battling on.

“Pidgeotto use Gust to blow that fire out now!”

“Beedrill! Use Poison Sting now!” yelled the trainer.

“What?! I thought Beedrill was finished! Quick Pidgeotto use Quick Attack!”

“Pidge?” it looked at me quizzically. Suddenly he collapses from being poisoned.

“Shit! I only know that he has gust I don’t know any other moves!”

“Dratini finish this with Shock Wave!” The familiar yellow lightning came out and struck Beedrill.

“Drill!” it exclaimed while it fell to the ground knocked out. Pidgeotto starts to freak out seeing the scary lightning that struck it before. “Pidge!” he squawked as he started to fly away.

“No Pidgeotto come back, you’re safe believe me!”

“Phil we don’t have any time to waste. Just return it to it’s ball.”

“Right! Pidgeotto return!” The red energy beam shoots out faster than the speed of light and gets my Pokemon for me. “You’re safe now.” I whisper to him.

 “Man you guys are intense trainers!” say the trainers in unison after walking into the clearing.

“WHY!? Would you guys attack us without much warning!?” screams Shine.

“Shine! Calm down they’re really young! Don’t blame them they were probably just excited to battle.”

“Eh, fine. Let’s go Dratini return!”

“I’m sorry boys, but could I ask you for some antidotes?” I ask them.

“Umm… we only have two and no money but we have like twenty Pecha Berries we can give you some of them.”

“Yeah that’d be excellent! Thanks boys!” I yell back to them after giving me eight berries. “Shine! Wait up, we need to heal our Pokemon I’m pretty sure Pidgeotto is poisoned and Dratini might be as well.”

“Fine, Go Dratini!”

“Go Otto!” I yell.

“You nicknamed it?” She asked quizzically.

“Yeah, I wanna be closer to him so what better way than a nickname!”

“Hmm… I think I’ll give one to Dratini too.” She said as she walked away in deep thought.

“Here ya go guys.” I say as I give both Pokemon two berries each. “Heal up nicely now.”

“Ah! Phil help there’s a pervert in the woods!” I got up and sprinted towards her voice with both Pokemon right behind me. What I saw enraged me, there was a short boy with long silver hair on top of her.

“GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!” I roar at him.

“I promise I didn’t mean to be on top of her! I tripped and fell like this!” he bellows back at me while getting up.

“Is that true Shine?”

“Maybe, but how would we know if he wasn’t lying to cover his pervvy tracks.” She says disgusted.

“Fine! We’ll battle if you win we’ll believe you if you lose than you leave.”

“Go Magikarp!” The short boy yells.

“Huh!? You don’t have any other Pokemon?” I ask.

“NO! But it doesn’t matter throw out your Pokemon!”

“OTTO! Use Sand Attack!” I yell. “Please, be a move he knows.” I beg.  Just as I said that sand/dirt whipped into Magikarp’s face.

“Ah!  Magikarp no!”

“Otto, finish this with Gust.”

“Magikarp return!”

“Why’d you return your Pokemon!?” snapped Shine.

“Shine stop. He knows he can’t win. I also believe that he isn’t a perv.”

“What!? Why!?”

“Because he used a Magikarp and if he was one why would his only Pokemon be a Magikarp? The only thing that popped into my head would be to use it as a distraction to run away. But he didn’t so there for he isn’t a perv. Plus he cared enough to return it and stay here.”

“Phil… you’re right.”

“Thank you for being so understanding! Phil was it?” asked the short boy.

“NO! Phillip is my name. This is Shine, she can only call me Phil. Who are you though?”

“I am Sebastien, Future Champion of the Klatos Region!” Sebastien shouts loudly.

“Well then… Shine let’s head to Silax City now.”

“Hey I’m going there too! Can I tag along?”

“Umm… sure.”

“WOOT! I have friends now!” yelled Sebastien.

“Haha, Otto return.” I smile happily to have a new Pokemon and companion for my journey.

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