Our Life Together | Consumed

By JJGrim

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A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... More

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter One - Evolving Emotions
Chapter Two - True Colors
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 5 - Forget the Past
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter 17 - Resurrection

55 5 1
By JJGrim

Decided to upload this now because I'm still up. Hope you guys enjoy!

Marco's PoV

With everyone at my place for the time being, I'm trying my best to hide my emotions. It kind of feels like I shouldn't let any of my feelings shine through the cracks in my heart right now. However, I've been trying to figure out how exactly I contacted Star before. I know it has someone to do with the power I've had ever since the dance, and still to this day I don't know where it came from. If Glossaryk were around I could ask him. I never thought about it until now, but where did Glossaryk and the book of spells even go? As I'm asking myself all these questions, Jackie sits down next to me on my bed. "How are you doing?" She asks. I look at her, but I can't find the words to say. "It's okay dude, I get it if you don't wanna talk about it." She says. She stands to leave, but before she does, I speak up. "I just can't accept she's gone I guess..." I say, holding back the tears. Jackie turns and looks at me, with a sympathetic look on her face. "Be been trying to ever since she was turned but somehow I keep thinking that she'll come back to me, like she still loves me, like she hasn't forgotten about us..." Jackie sits down and puts a hand on my shoulder. "But she has... She doesn't recognize me, she doesn't remember me or anything about our past. I should've fought for her when I had he chance, I had so many chances... I could've protected her if I was more courageous..." I tried holding back the tears but after hearing myself say all of these things I give in. Tears flood down my cheeks and onto my lap. I bury my face into my hands. Jackie doesn't know what to say, I can tell from her touch. The way she's sitting next to me with her hand on my shoulder says it all. It's like she's trying to tell me it'll be okay without words, but even she did I still wouldn't believe her. "Marco... I can't know how you feel right now, saying I do would be a lie, but maybe we can still save her... What if it isn't too late?" It's like I hear the words come out of her mouth but I don't process them. I hear her say that there's still hope, but in my mind, I know there isn't... Marco before would've grasped anything he could to ease the pain, but a Marco now, without Star, is letting the truth sink in. "Jackie... There isn't anything that we can do... I don't know anything about Magic, Star does. If she was okay, then maybe there would be a chance, but I don't see any light on the future. I don't know if I can go back to Mewni and see her... Like that..." Jackie seems surprised, and almost disappointed at what I'm saying. "Marco you don't mean that." She says. "Jackie, I just don't think I can handle it. When I see her I know I'm going to breakdown." She looks away for a minute, thinking about what I said. "Marco, we both know that if you and Star switched places, she would do anything to get you back. Even if she knows that there's no hope, she would try everything." Hearing Jackie say this really opens my eyes to everything around me. Pony Head, Tom and Kelly all sitting around talking on the other side of the room. Star and her mom both corrupted, and how I have to do any and everything to get her back, because that's what she would do. I smile at Jackie, and she smiles back. It's almost as if I never lost hope at all.

I walk out of my room and go into the bathroom. "Ok Diaz, lets try this again..." I say to myself before closing my eyes and directing all of my thoughts to Star. I try to contact her again, but when I open my eyes, I'm still just me. No purple light or anything, plain old Marco. I keep thinking and thinking, trying to figure out what I did or what I'm missing. I rethink the situation from before, but I didn't do anything special. I just thought of Star and I went into a strange stasis. "Okay, just try again." I close my eyes, and think of all the good times we had together. Even some of the harder times too. Sadly, again there is no change. I don't see or hear Star. When I last talked to her, it felt like I was standing next to her. I want that so badly, to be standing next to her. I want to head her voice and her laugh again, and I start fearing that I never will. The more I think about it, the more lightheaded I get. I look back in the mirror, and finally I see a purple light in the reflection before everything fades to a black mist. When it clears, I'm sitting on the bed in the same room as Moon. Out of anger and confusion, I yell. "Who's there?" Moon says worryingly, looking around. "Wait, you can hear me too?" I say. "Are you the same voice as before" Moon replies, realizing I'm in her head. "No, this is my first time talking to you, I didn't even know I could..." Moon looks surprised when I say this. "Then what were you trying to do?" I know that I can't trust her, but I still tell her the truth. "Well, I was loo-" I begin to say when Eclipsa walks in. "Is everything alright Moon? I hear talking." She says. Before Moon responds, I tell her not to trust Eclipsa. "Everything is fine..." She says. I can't believe she listened to me. "Moon, are you hearing... Voices...?" She asks. Before I can tell her to lie again, she tells Eclipsa the truth. Everything starts to fade again, and I'm back in the bathroom at my house. I don't know how to control the powers I was given, but I'm getting better at it.

Star's PoV

I'm wondering around the castle, looking at every room and painting on the wall. I see pictures of me and my mom, but I don't remember them being taken or hung. I don't even remember this place at all. As I'm looking at the pictures, I notice that I haven't seen any of my dad. I start to ask questions, like what happened to him and where did he go, but my thoughts quickly trail when I see Eclipsa approaching me. "Star!" She says, her voice raised as if she's angry. "Y-Yes..." I mutter, scared. "I need to speak with you..." She sound ominous and different. I keep thinking about what the voice in my head was saying about her, and every time I see her, I believe it more and more. "Sure." I say. I try to act as natural as possible, but my anxiety is eating away at me. I hope she doesn't ask about it, or even notice. "Do you want to tell me anything?" She crosses her arms shortly after shaking that and as she does I feel my gut being mangled. "Like...?" I'm hoping she is referring to something small, something that isn't a big deal, but unfortunately I'm wrong. "I know your hearing things, voices, just tell me who they are and we can settle this whole thing." It doesn't even make sense to me how she knows about them, but then I get worried remembering my mom probably heads them too. "Now Star!" She yells, attracting attention to us. "Okay, I don't know! I have no idea who it is or why they're talking to me but they are! I've only ever heard them once but it sounded like a guy..." Her expression of anger swiftly changes to fear and compassion. She hugs me, and I don't know why. "Uhmmmm" I was about to ask her what's going on when she tells me. "It's him Star, he's trying to take you and your mother from me..." I slowly hug her back and now I'm more confused them I ever was before. I understand that she is talking about Marco Diaz, but he says that she is evil and she says that he is evil. "Can I talk to my mom..." I say. Eclipsa pulls away from the hug and smiles. "Of course." She leads me to where my mom is. She's in her own room looking in the mirror. I'm sure she's thinking about everything too. "Star, we need to talk." She says. "Yea, I was thinking the same thing." My mom and I sit down on the bed. "Star, I don't know if we can trust Eclipsa. The voices I'm hearing make her seem more evil than she's letting on." I want to agree with her, but I start to think about what Eclipsa said to me. "Mom, if she is telling the truth, the voices that we are hearing could be dangerous." I say. "If the voices are telling the truth then Eclipsa could be dangerous. For now, I don't know what we are going to do, but you must be on your toes." I'm about to respond to my mom but again, I hear the voice. "Star! I'm glad your still okay..." It takes me off guard and I jump a bit, but my mom did the same thing as me. "Mom I'm hearing the voice again!" My mom has a worried look. "So do I." The voice in our heads are talking to both of us at the same time, but why? "I said I would be in touch, I just had a few things to take care of. Anyway, I need to know if Eclipsa knows I'm talking to you both?" I don't want to respond and neither does my mom, but she does anyway. "She knows you exist, and I want to say she's working on a way to get rid of you. Why are you contacting us?" I want to know as much as my mom does. "Because you weren't always like this. Moon, you used to be a Queen who hated Toffee and Star, you used to be my best friend. I knew both of you, and I was there when Eclipsa used a spell on you that erased your memories." My mom doesn't seem to believe it. "If your telling the truth, then your wrong. There isn't a spell that can erase memory,it's not in the book." I don't know what to say, I'm just in the middle of the conversation. "Okay, well do you know any spells that do a similar thing? That have a similar concept?" My mom gathers her thoughts. "I don't know... I can't remember..." Something clicks to me though. "Wait mom, you remembered that there wasn't a memory wipe spell, how?" She looks just as puzzled as I am. "Look, I don't know what happened, I don't know what she did, but look at your cheeks... They're black, and they used to be red." The voice says. "How do you even know all of this? Are you actually Marco?" I say. The voice is silent for a moment before answering. "Yes... But I'm not the one who did this to you! I only just recently found out I could talk to you both and I'm telling the truth!" My mom gets angered. "Okay well I don't know what to believe... Star?" She says this almost as if I have the answers. "I don't think we should listen to him mom... I don't think we can trust him..." My mom looks upset, knowing that I'm probably right. "Please Star, you have to-" I interrupt him. "Just stop, my decision is made. Do yourself a favor and don't come back..."

Marco's PoV

"Do yourself a favor and don't comeback..." My heart crushed. I feel like my lungs collapsed and it's harder to breathe. Star truly doesn't trust me anymore. I want to keep trying to convince her, to say something else, but when I open my mouth, no words come out. "Marco?" I hear a knock at the door. "Yea?" I say. "Are you alright? You've been in there for a while..." I can tell its Jackie. I open up. "Yea I'm fine..." I say and brush past her. I walk in my room, and Jackie isn't too far behind. "Look, we I'm going back to Mewni and I'm getting Star back whether it kills me or not. You don't have to come, but if you care about her then I know you'll make the right decision. So who's coming and who's staying?" Of course, as to my expectations, Pony Head, Tom and Kelly are all in. Jackie however, is on the fence. "Marco, I have to stay here..." She says. "What do you mean you're staying?" Kelly says. I look at as if to say I got this. "Jackie, you're the one who said to go and fight for her..." She smiles but her eyes tell a whole other story. "Marco, I'm not going to lie, I broke up with you because I knew that we wouldn't work with Star around. I still have feelings for you, they never changed. Everything I told you was just me being a good person, but seeing you two together, I don't know if o cam do it Marco..." She turns and opens the door to leave. "I don't hate you or Star or anything, and I hope you get her back, but I needed to be honest with you and myself..." The door closes and I stand completely still. Paralyzed. Pony head speaks up. "Marco if we're doing this we have to go now..." I still don't move. A few seconds pass and I think about everything. Pony head has the portal open, and is staring at me worried I've changed my mind.

I turn and walk through the portal entering the grandma room in the castle. They follow behind me and Tom closes the portal. "We need to be extremely careful. There's no telling what would if..." I'm cut off by a mysterious voice. "If I were to find you?" I turn to see Eclipsa standing at the door. "You know Marco, I took you to always be the smart one, but really you didn't even consider variables." I'm confused. "What are you talking about?" She chuckles. "I knew you would be here shortly to save Star... Well, try to at least. You do know there's nothing you can do? You're just a mere human with nothing to gain. She doesn't even remember you..." I get so angry I throw a punch. However, just before it's about to connect with her cheek, my fist crashed into a green sphere causing immense pain. "So simple minded really. You know it's a shame you came here. I really didn't want to have to do this to you, but I'm afraid I have no say in the matter. She picks up me, Tom, Pony head, and Kelly with a strange green light and bring us all the way to the throne room. "Fetch me Moon and Star Butterfly at once." She says. "Leave Star out of this! You don't need her!" Eclipsa just looks at me with a smile. "You're right, it's not mandatory, but I want to prove a point."

I don't understand what she means, and moments later Star and Moon enter, seeing us four on the ground. They walk past us, Star staring at us the whole time, and approach Eclipsa. "What's this about?" Moon says, looking at us. "These are the last rebels left. Star!" She turns away from us and at Eclipsa. I can tell how Scared she is. While looking at her, I notice something familiar behind her. "The book..." I mumble. Tom looks at me, and follows my stare to the book. Realizing what he sees, he gives me a nod, knowing we have to get that book. "Star, I want you to use your magic to destroy them." I hear Eclipsa say. I quickly look at Eclipsa after hearing this. Star looks at me and then back at Eclipsa. She nods. Star walk in between us four and Eclipsa, and her mom is next to her. "Just get it over with sweetie." She says. "Star stop! She's lying to you! It's Marco! Star please! Use your head!" I can tell she is running though her thoughts again, trying to piece everything together, but can't. "How can I trust you!?" She yells. Behind her I see Eclipsa, but she looks more concerned about things now. I try to think of a way to remind her who I am. "Star...if you go up to your room in the castle right now, you'll find a picture of me and you labeled 'Beach Day' on your mirror! You took it from my house and it'll show you us having a good time together!" Star is almost crying now. "I want to believe you, I do. I want to believe you with every ounce of my blood..." I smile and look at her eyes. "It's that easy... All you have to do is lower the wand Star... You can end this all right now!" Toffee and Eclipsa exchange a look. "Star! I gave you a direct order!" She lowers her wand a bit and looks back at Eclipsa. I see here eyes trailing from person to person and she is trying again to piece things together. Then she looks at me and gasps. "You're the one..."

Everybody seems confused by what she said and Eclipsa gets angry. "Star!" She yells. Eclipsa and I are both trying to persuade her to do what we are telling her to, and it becomes too much for her to handle. Star yells, "Enough!" And a huge pulse of pick is sent out of her, throwing everyone in the room against the walls. She gasps with fear after seeing what she did, and is stuck between running to me or Eclipsa. My vision is a bit blurred form the impact but I feel a tugging on my shoulder. It's Tom. He's pointing over where the book once was, and now Moon is looking at it after being thrown into it. She looks over at me. "Moon! Put that down right away!" Eclipsa yells with her arm pointed towards her. Moon steps away from it knowing how powerful Eclipsa is. "Pony head, open a portal now." Star must've heard me because she turned. Pony Head doesn't know why I asked, but she doesn't hesitate. As she is opening the portal I stand and run to the book and grab it. Star runs after me, almost as if she is still with Eclipsa. "Star please!" I say. However, what I didn't expect is to see her wink at me. I knew she was playing them. Tom is waiting for me at the portal in case things go south. "Toffee!" I hear Eclipsa yell behind us. A blast of green hits Tom and sends him through the portal, and not long after, me and Star follow.

"Star!?" I hear Kelly and Pony Head say. "Hi...?" Star says. She must not remember anything still. "Do you remember?" I ask. She awkwardly smiles. "Not exactly..." She responds. "If you don't remember anything then why did you come with us?" Tom asks. "It's a long explanation, but we need to focus on the threat at hand..." I set the book down on the bed and kneel in front of it. I open it. "So we need to find that spell she used..." As I say this, Glossaryk comes out of the book. "A spell?" He says, looking at me as if we haven't seen him in forever. "Glossaryk!" I yell, but Star doesn't have a reaction, she just stares. "Yes Marco, Glossaryk, now you wanna tell me what spell you're looking for and why Star's hearts are black?" He says. I just decide to tell him what's happening. "Well Eclipsa is free and she used a spell on her that did a whole bunch of stuff. Mainly she doesn't remember anything." Glossaryk doesn't look concerned, so I assume he knows about all of this stuff. "Yes, probably the memory sweep spell.. You see, Eclipsa can use it to harness people's memories and condense them into small little magic orbs. It's very simple to return her memory, just get the orb back." I glance down, thinking about what to do. "How about you talk to Star? In private, see what she remembers." I ask Glossaryk. He really doesn't seem to care about what's happening, but nonetheless, he accepts. Star takes the book and leaves the room. I feel like she's coming back.

About 5 minutes pass, and they still haven't returned. "I'm gonna go check on them." I announce. They all nod, and continue to just look around. No one knows exactly what to do or say. I grab my scissors off the desk without anyone noticing, and leave the room. I'm not really checking up on Star, I'm going to get that orb, whether it kills me or not...

Ayyyy, I made a longer chapter since the last one was shorter! Hope you enjoyed!

Also, I want to say that "The Battle for Mewni" or anything from future episodes will not effect my writing. I'm going to stick with my original ideas, even if it contradicts the shows. I personally believe that a fan fiction should exceed the limits of the shows possibilities, not be confined by them.  I hope you guys understand and aren't confused when something in my story contradicts something canon in the show.

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