Our Life Together | Consumed

By JJGrim

2.1K 96 38

A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... More

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter One - Evolving Emotions
Chapter Two - True Colors
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 5 - Forget the Past
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love

61 3 2
By JJGrim

Hey guys! Another chapter! I've looked back at the last chapters to see how this story has developed. It's honestly crazy to me how it's turning out. With the end right around the corner, I'm almost upset were so close to the end. At the same time however, I'm eager to finish up the story for you guys. It won't be very much longer before the final chapter, so enjoy it while it last! I know I will.

Marco's PoV

While running out of the forest and into the castle, I can't fully perceive what I just witnessed. "This isn't happening...! Tell me this isn't happening!" I say while shaking Roy. I'm losing my mind... "Marco! Get a hold of yourself! Go get the others, I'll round up as many people as possible!" Before we split our separate ways, I have one more question. "Wait! What about the civilians!?" Roy looks around. "Shit... Okay, you go get the others, I'll get a team set on gathering the Mewmans!" I nod while turning and running upstairs. However, to my surprise, everybody is already up, and panicking. "Marco!" Jackie yells, hugging me. I hug back, and without realizing it, compassionately. "I'm glad you're okay...!" Jackie says. I smile, but before I have a chance to speak, Pony Head interrupts. "Yea, we're all glad your okay, whatever, that's not important right now! What's going on!" She yells. "Thanks for the sympathy..." I say sarcastically. "Marco! What's happening?" I look out the window. "Right Right Right... So the monsters are on their way, Eclipsa has fully gotten into Star's head, and since Moon is Queen, they're taking the kingdom!" I said all of that quickly, without taking any breaths. After they all process what I said, the room is full of various looks. Each one of us looking at one another for an idea. "So what are we gonna do here exactly?" Tom says. Me, knowing how this is gonna end, grab my scissors. "We have two options right now. A: we stay and fight to most likely be killed due to them being much stronger than us... Or B..." We all exchange the same look, as if plan B is what we're settling on." Kelly shakes her head. "No! C'mon guys, how are we gonna leave Star and Moon here in the state their in." I get upset, and angry all at the same time, and open a portal. "Listen! If you think you're gonna reverse the spell, you're out of your mind! If any of them see you, they'll kill you! Star is gone... It's not her anymore." I collapse onto the ground, and just sit there, and accept what's happening. "Eclipsa made me out to be the bad guy... She said I am the reason Star has no memory. She said I'm manipulative, and I'll destroy her if she trusts or listens to me... I mean nothing to her now..." I remember that from my vision. At first I couldn't hear them, but while we were running back, I heard their voices in my head. Everyone just looks at me. No one knows what to say. What do you say to that. "Look, as much as I want to run, I'm gonna fight... Who's with me?" Everyone smiles, even Jackie is in, and we prepare to fight. I start thinking more and more about Star, until I feel a strange sensation in my head. I know exactly what this means...

Eclipsa's PoV

"Your attention please, everyone!" Everyone turns to face me. "With Star and Moon on our side, we are sure to take back the kingdom! We are far too powerful to lose this battle!" The monsters cheer. "So! Let's go! Star, if you would, send the beacon of war please." Star nods, and grabs her wand. She points it up in the sky, and closes her eyes, sending a green light into the air. The light reaches its peak and pops into a skull. "Move!" I yell. We Start to make way for the kingdom. Generations, I have waited for this day.

Star's PoV

As we make way for the kingdom, I hear a weird voice in my head. "Star!" It says, over and over again. I branch off from the group a bit. "H-Hello?" I say quietly. "Oh my god, thank goodness you can hear me! You have to watch your back!" I get a bit annoyed. "From Marco? Look, I appreciate the warning but Elcipsa already filled me in about him." The voice grows more desperate than before. "No! Not from Marco! You must beware Eclipsa!" Eclipsa? Really? "Seriously? My grandma is a threat?" I say. "Your grandma, isn't really your grandma! She's lying to you! She wiped your memory that way you wouldn't be able to remember her as a threat. That's why I'm here..." How does this person know so much? "She told me Marco Diaz did that to me, who even are you anyway?" The voice sighs. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you at the moment..." My mind is racing at the thought of someone infiltrating my brain. "Because you're not telling the truth!" I say. "No, because you won't trust me. I have to go prepare before you strike the kingdom. Do not tell ANYONE about me, it'll put you in danger. I'll be in touch..." I still have questions though. "Hold on, tell me who you are?!" I say. No response. Whoever it was is gone now. "Star!?" My mom says. "Why are you way over here?" She asks. I can't tell her. "I'm just thinking really, trying to remember something from before." She smiles. "I know how you feel Star, I can't remember anything either." I get concerned. Maybe the voice in my head is onto something. "Can I ask you a question mom?" She gives me a reassuring smile, telling me to go ahead. "Do you... Trust... Eclipsa?" She glances to away from me for a moment. "If I'm honest Star, I don't know who I trust exactly. How about for now, we only trust each other. If we find anything out, we tell each other and only each other, okay?" I smile and nod. It's nice to have somebody I can trust right now.

Marco's PoV

I wake up after collapsing to see everyone around me. "I'm fine, don't worry about it..." I am Miserable. Without Star, I don't know what to think. I can't believe she's really gone. I'm trying everything I can, I even found out horse to contact her using the strange power I have. I still don't fully know its potential. It's weird for me, having these visions. I want someone to lean on, and without Star, I don't know who it should be... I mean, I've been getting along with Jackie, maybe I should talk to her. "Alright, we're all going to my house for now while I carry out my plan. Once phase one is done, we can come back to take back the kingdom!" Tom is a little against leaving. "What about Star!" He says. "Calm down, we'll get her back. All in due time, trust me." Everyone just goes along with it. We go through a portal to my house to wait there. "Hey Jackie, can we talk?"

Star's PoV

We enter the kingdom, and arrive to a bunch of royal guards waiting for us. "Let us through!" My mom says, showing herself to the guards. "My lady, what are you doing!" One of the guards says. "Make this easy on yourselves, I am the queen, and with four magic wielders, you don't stand a chance if you do want to fight! You all have families, and I intend to let you see them again as long as you let us through!" The guard looks around before saying something else. "Open the gates!" He yells. A few of the other guards start complaint while others lower their weapons. "I'm glad we're on the same page here." The gate to the castle opens up and we enter. I sit on my throne and my mom sits next to me. "You've really changed the world sweet heart, I'm proud of you." Eclipsa says to my mom. My mom looks at me, and then back at Eclipsa. "Thank you..." She says. I can tell she's following with what she said about only trusting each other. I'm just worried we're going to do something for the wrong side here. I wish I had a shoulder to lean on... I feel a void inside of me... I don't know how to fill it either. You're without the one you love... I hear a voice say again. I turn and walk somewhere private. "What?" The void you feel is because you're missing your loved one. You want to be with them, but you forgot who they are. It took me a few moments to realize that the voice I was hearing inside of my head was my own. Maybe I am without the person I love...

Sorry this was a short chapter guys. They will be shorter now due to me having to go to summer school. 😥 Don't worry though! The chapters will always be out on their release date, and the story will not lose any of its value! Hopefully...

Also, leave a comment down below what you guys think is going to happen in the finale! As well as vote for the story if you're enjoying. It'll help shine some more light on this story for others to enjoy!

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