Our Life Together | Consumed

Por JJGrim

2.1K 96 38

A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... Más

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter One - Evolving Emotions
Chapter Two - True Colors
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 5 - Forget the Past
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse

52 4 2
Por JJGrim

This is the first double update for this book. You guys are getting double the story for half the time! Originally, this wasn't the plan. I got lazy with writing and Chapter 13 was behind schedule. However, I won't be around next weekend, so I decided to skip next weeks upload to build up chapter 15 a bit more. So, everything worked out in the long run. Enjoy Part 2 of this double upload!

Marco's PoV

I run through the portal into the castle. Flustered, I look around frantically looking for help. I don't know how long it will be until I lose all of my strength. I run through the castle looking for everyone else. I check Star's room first, however, they aren't their. Instead, I find a picture of me and star from when we had Beach day. She must've taken it before leaving. I remember back when things were easier...

--Beach Day--

"Marco!" Star yells in my ear to wake me up. I jump up, startled by her. "Why did you have to do that? You couldn't have just shocked me like a normal person?" She laughs. "Where's the fun in normal?" I roll my eyes. I get up, and walk towards the bathroom to get ready for our big day. "You ready for to go to the beach Marco!" Star said while following me to the bathroom. "Yea, it's been a long time since I've been to the beach. It should be fun going with my best bud." She smiles, and awkwardly chuckles. "Yea, best bud..." I feel like she's acting weird, but I shrug it off. Star seems to have slowed down a whole lot since she woke me up. Like all of her energy just went away. "Star, you alright? A minute ago you couldn't wait to go, and now you don't seem to care." She looks at me, and smiles. "Marco, I'm just getting ready. I promise, I'm excited!" I could tell she was excited, but I could also tell something was bothering her. Clearly she didn't want to talk about it so I decide to leave her be. At least while we're getting ready.

After we get changed, brush our teeth, and we each shower, we go downstairs and eat some breakfast. Today feels different though. I feel a building tension in the room. "How did you kids sleep?" My mom asked, breaking the ice. "I slept fine mom." We all look at Star, expecting her answer. "Oh, uh, yea, me too." Something is off today. "Hey Star you mind if we talk for a minute...?" She looks at my parents, and then me. "Sure..." We walk to the bottom of the Stairs. "Star, what's wrong?" She smiles. "Marco, I told you, it's nothing." I know that's a lie. I put my hand on her shoulder. She seems surprised, startled even. "Star, please. You know I care about you, I want to help you." She smiles. This time, I feel like it's genuine. "I want to tell you Marco, I do. It's just, now isn't the best time to. Okay?" I don't understand why she isn't letting me help her. However, I don't want to turn this into an argument. "Alright, well cheer up, you've been looking forward to this for a while now." "You're right Marco, I shouldn't let this... Thing... Kill the mood. Let's have some fun today." She smiles, and we hug. I'm glad she's happier than before.

--Present Day--

It makes so much sense. Maybe the thing bothering her was how she felt about me. When I brought up Jackie, she got upset... It had to be that... "Marco?!" I hear from a familiar voice. "Pony head?" I see Kelly beside her at the door. "I thought you were bailing?" Kelly said. "I had to come back... I can't leave Star out there during this by herself. Even if I can't fight very well, I'm gonna try." Pony head smiles. "There we go Marco! That's what I expect from you!" I get confused. "Expect form me?" She laughs. "Please! I know about you and Star. It's complicated, but I know how you feel deep down." Before, it was clearly Star I had feelings for. But after seeing Jackie again after so long, I'm more confused then before. "Right... I need to go and get someone form Earth, I'll be right back." I go back through another portal to my room, where Jackie, and my parents are talking. "That was quick..." My mom said. "Look, I realized you might not be safe here, so come with me." They all seem confused. "But isn't that where the rebellion is?" Jackie says. "Well, yes. But Toffee knows about this place, and he could use my parents as bargaining chips." I can tell my parents are scared now. Jackie whoever, is still confused. "So you take your parents, it makes sense, but why me?" I didn't know. I guess I just wanted her to come too. "Well, I guess I want you there as well, just in case." Jackie agrees to it, however, she doesn't see, to run the whole thing by her parents. She just comes along. Maybe she doesn't know the full extent of the situation.

We come back through into Star's room once again, where Pony head and Kelly are waiting. "Hey, I never really asked, but where's Tom?" I say, concerned for his well being. "Actually, we don't really know..." Kelly says after looking at Pony head. "Yea, he said he needed some time to himself." Pony head added. "Alright, well we don't have Tim for that right now. We need to get Star out of there." Pony Head and Kelly both seem to be against the idea. "What do you mean? You let her go and now you want to get her back?" My heart dropped. I know that they didn't understand I took that to a completely different level, but I did. Once I realized it wasn't what they were talking about, i responded. "I shouldn't have let her go... It took me too long to realize that." While they don't understand, they go along with the idea. "Kelly, I want you to guard these three. We don't know for sure if Toffee wants them as bargaining chips." Kelly nods. "Pony head, it's me and you on this one." She smiles. "Well let's get going." I look at the picture again before walking out, and while we start to leave, it's all I can think about...

--Beach Day--

Star and I get out of the car to see a beautiful view of the Ocean. Stars eyes are wide and I can tell from her face that she is speechless. "So?" I say, hoping to hear what she thinks. "I-I love it!" She looks at me, and hugs me. It took me a little off guard, but nevertheless I hugged back. "Thank you Marco." I smile. "No problem Star, you deserve this." She lets go, as do I, and we run onto the sand. It's warm, but not too hot. It's just a perfect day. No Ludo, no Toffee, it's simple. It's just me and Star. We spend around an hour swimming together, splashing and having fun together. Meanwhile my parents are just sitting and relaxing. "Hey Marco..." Star says, and sounds very upset. "What's up?" I say in return. "Having so much fun today, I just needed to know, what's gonna happen when I have to go back to Mewni..." My heart sank. I didn't know what to say. I never thought about it before. "I don't know. I guess we would be split up, wouldn't we." She gets really upset. So do I. I don't want Star to leave, she's my best friend. "We don't have to worry about that, for a very long time..." She smiles. "You're right, my parents won't take me away from here for a while." I smile as well. However, it doesn't feel real to me. I know that there will come a time where Star and I will be split up. She'll go back to Mewni, and be Queen. I'll just be Marco Diaz. In my mind, I will never be able to forget Star... But what happens when she becomes Queen?

--Present Day--

Me and Pony head leave the Castle. "Alright, where is she?" She asks. "Uhhhh, I don't actually know." Pony head gets agitated. "You don't know!" She yells. "Well, I didn't exactly get their address from Moon! Can we not argue and focus on finding her maybe!" I yell back. I don't know what has gotten into me lately, maybe just the stress. Before Pony head even gets a chance to say something back, something happens to me... I feel my legs get numb and my back start to hurt. My eyes get a weird feeling and my vision becomes blurry. Before I know it, I'm out cold.

Star's PoV

"I have heard about you believe it or not... Your known as the rebel princess. Am I wrong?" Eclipsa says. Her voice sends chills down my spine. I don't respond. "Shy are we? That's okay, I remember when I was your age. Did your mother tell you about me yet?" I still don't respond, but I look at my mother. She just looks at me, expecting a response, but no dice. "Um, I didn't tell her yet, I didn't want to drop too much on her at once!" My mom says. "Understandable, but I think it's best she knows the truth, isn't it?" My mom glances down. "Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on?" I say. "Of course, this may be a bit of a shock to you but, I'm your grandmother." I can't believe my mom never told me this. "Mom?" I say. "It's true dear. I didn't know until a few weeks ago but it's true. Eclipsa is my Mom." I don't understand at all. "I don't get it, how do you not know something like that?" I say. "Star!" Eclipsa yells. I jump a bit. "That's no way to talk to your mother! And it wasn't her fault. I was gone when she was too young to remember me." What me and my mom are doing really scares me, but is my mom serious about... Killing... Eclipsa? I mean, I know she's evil but she's her mom!

There's an awkward silence for a few seconds, before Elcipsa breaks it. "Well, I believe we're done here. You may feel free to make yourself at home. Me and my mother both leave and go somewhere private to talk. "Why didn't you tell me she was your mom!" She gets angry. "How could I! Would you trust me if i did?" She's not wrong, I probably wouldn't have. "Well, I trust you less now that I did before! Are you keeping any other secrets?" She gets upset. "Well I didn't want to tell you because it is going to break your heart, but Roy... He killed your father." For a moment, my heart drops. But I quickly re,ember that it wasn't Roy. "No, mom, it was some lizard monster. He had orange eyes. Trust me, I see them every time I close mine." My mom is shocked. "Aero..." I give her a confused look. "Huh?" She sits down. "That son of a bitch..." I've never heard my mom swear before. "Mom!" She doesn't even care. "He better pray I don't get my hands on him.

Marco's PoV

I awake in the middle of the forest with Pony head and now Tom. "Marco!" Tom says, but in a whisper. "Look before you think about speaking, keep your voice down." He says. "Where are we?" I say, rubbing my eyes. "We are about 100 yards at most away form the rebellion." Pony head says. "What!" I say, a bit loudly but still whispering. "Look, how do you feel right now, because Star is in there and we haven't seen her yet." I move around a bit to see how I'm feeling. "Sore, but able to fight." Tom chuckles. "We're not fighting our way through this. There's hundreds of monsters in a very small radius. We will get captured, and most likely killed." Tom says. "So do we have a plan, how are we getting Star?" Pony head smiles. "I think I can get close enough to spot her. When I do, I'll come back and we can get a closer look together." I have no problem with that, and it seems Tom doesn't either. It will give me a chance wake up a bit before jumping into an insanely dangerous situation.

Pony Head's PoV

I get about 10 yards away from the monsters before stopping. I see tons of makeshift houses and one big building in the middle of all of them. I'm guessing that's where Toffee is. I stay out of view on the outside of the hideout, but I can't seem to find Star anywhere. As I'm looking into the village, something grabs me from behind, covering my mouth. "It's me!" Someone says whispering, someone very familiar. "Moon? And Star?" Why aren't you guys in there?" Moon is angered. "Better question, why are you here!" I respond, also angered. "I came here because you are tainting my best friend! We know you're with the rebellion!" Marco and Tom came over here, clearly not following the plan. "Star!" Marco says, hugging her. "Look, I have things covered here so why don't you three leave before you can't!" I here another voice form behind me. "It's too late for that." Moon pushes me into Toffee. "Here, three people from the kingdom." Toffee is disappointed almost. "Moon, why are you betraying us? I heard you..." She gets upset. "Toffee, you've got it all wrong. I know these three personally, I just didn't want them in harms way. You can understand that, can't you?" Toffee gets upset. "Of course I can, but we need to bring them to Eclipsa." Toffee says. "Of course, you're right." Moon says. Marco yells at her. "You're a traitor Moon! You were supposed to be one of us! Help us defeat the Monsters! Not join them! And Star... I loved you... Why? This isn't you.,. I trusted you, I trusted both of you!" I can see Star crying behind her mom,p while the three of us are dragged to the giant building I saw before. Moon and Star begin to follow.

Once inside, Queen Eclipsa looks down on us. "Ah! Who do we have here Toffee?" A bunch of armed monsters are behind us. There's no way out. "Three valuable souls from Mewni! Three of their strongest warriors!" Eclipsa laughs. "I understand the Demon and the flying head, but the Human!?" Marco is angered and upset at the same time. "Believe me my lady, he has his uses. I know first hand." Moon and Star enter behind them. "Perfect, just the two I needed to see..." Moon steps forward. "Yes, what is it mother?" Mother? I am so confused. "I need you to get rid of these three as quickly as possible." There's no way moon agrees to this. "It will be done..." Star yells. "No!" I see her raise her wand. "Star!" Eclipsa yells. "No! I'm not listening to you anymore! You're evil! I don't care who you are!" Eclipsa yells at Moon now. "Moon! Get your daughter under control!" Moon looks at Star, then back at Eclipsa. "No." Moon blasts Toffee with her magic. "You both are weak... I'm your mother!" Moon is deadly serious now. "Please, you think I don't know what you did? You implanted a memory of Toffee in my brain using your Magic. And you want me to believe your my mom when I watched Toffee kill her!" I can feel how nervous Star is from here. She looks at me, and then Marco. "Well, I knew you would figure it out sooner or later. That's why I've been working on a new spell." Eclipsa Stands up, and blasts Moon and Star with a black and purple beam. All the monsters are thrown away from them, along with the three of us. They levitate in the air, and then are dropped again. Except when they fall to the ground, they are different. They cheek marks are black, and they're eyes are vibrant green. "That's more like it..." Eclipsa says. Marco is panicking. "Star? Star!" He yells. I realize that isn't star anymore. Tom and I look at each other, and make a run for it after grabbing Marco. While we're leaving, I notice Eclipsa is holding two blue orbs with yellow lights flowing inside of them. She is also saying something. "The prophecy... Completed after centuries of hard work. The day Mewmans have feared for eternity. The beginning of the Total Eclipse..."

I've done a couple of changes to the original chapter that makes the story better. Before, I had a pretty poor explanation of what was happening, and now it's gone. Everything will be resolved by the end, so don't worry. I just wanted to make that a bit more clear to everyone. I know sometimes it isn't easy to understand what's going on, but it's supposed to seem that way. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed!

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