Human! Fnaf: The Animatronic...

By SpicyChili31

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See what happens when The animatronics are off stage and not hunting night guards!!In this story a lot of dra... More

Fun time with Bonnie
Meeting Spring Trap
The New comers (And a Scrub)
Oh Foxy
48 hours with Springles
24 Hours
Meeting Shadow Freddy
Love/Hate Relationship
Bonnie's Plan
Unexpected Vist
Another Couple
Tinker bell
BB Saves the Day!
Old Memories
Meet JJ
Goldie's Stuck
Seeing Him again
Your not Telephone
You Better Not Be Lying
The Party (PART 1)
The Party (Part 2)
The Party (Part 3)

The Party(LAST PART)

47 5 1
By SpicyChili31

Foxy's POV

The rebuilding of Mangle went great! It would of taken less time if BB wasn't so distracted. "Hey, uh what's this?" Asked BB curiously  about to poke Mangle with a knife. "Hey! BB you know what that is! It's a knife." I said firmly grabbing it from him. "No, your saying it wrong! It's ka-nife. I thought you were smart Foxy." Said BB shaking his head in disappointment. I face palmed myself I got back to work of Mangle's leg. The manual said to attach the bigger piece then the lower half of her leg. As I  followed the steps I realized that it was too quite. "BB? Where are you?" I said just realizing he wasn't in the room. I walked around the small room and then got tripped over. I got up looking under the table. What I saw was terrible. BB took off his pants. I covered my eyes traumatized by his underwear. "What the hell is on your underwear!" I yell from that cringeful moment. "Oh, It's Thomas the train. Puppet gave it to me since I didn't have any before. "BB, Are you retarded?"I asked BB in the  most calmest voice possible. "If retarded means smart, then yes!" He said in a cheerful voice. I shook my head, BB is really stupid. I mean seriously I don't even know why he was created. I finished Mangle's leg, and worked on her back. After screwing on the last piece she was finished. "Wow,We did great Foxy!" Said BB in excitement as we pushed her out the parts and service room. "You mean I did great BB." I said responding back. Now the party can really begin.

Bonnie's POV

After Chica woke up, I got so excited. I threw her dress in her hands and pushed her into the bathroom. "Hurry Hurry! We don't have much time!' I rushed her closing the door. "We have all the time in the world Bon!" Replied Chica giggling. *That's what you think. I looked around wondering who had said that, but I found no one so I shrugged it off. I then thought back to earlier when Freddy starting yelling about Chica unconscious. His tone sounded like mine when she went missing the first time. Does he still care for Chica? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Chica came out of the bathroom. Her hair was put into a bun with a little pizza pin in it. She had a beautiful yellow dress with a black belt around the waist. "You look beautiful Chica." I responded to her as she look nervous. "Thanks! Let's go check on the others." She said with a cheerful voice. We walked out of the bathroom into the party room and everyone had their suits on. "Oh crap! I forgot my suit,let me change into it and then we can begin." I said just realizing I had spent too much time with Chica instead of worrying about my own suit. I grabbed it from the chair an rushed to the bathroom. 

Freddy's POV

As soon as Bonnie rushed to the bathroom, I knew this was my chance to talk to Chica. I know I promised Bonnie I wouldn't fall in love with her, but she is so beautiful I couldn't resist. I walked over to Chica as she was having a conversation with toy Bonnie. "Yeah, So anyway can you help me confess-" Toy Bonnie stopped talking as I  approached them. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation, but can I talk to you Chica?" I asked patiently. Toy Bonnie nodded his head and walked away to the snack table. "What is it Fred?" Sh asked in the most sweetest voice. I rubbed the back of my neck hoping that no one would interrupt us. "Let's talk in the kitchen actually." I suggested. She nodded her head and followed me. I opened the door taking a deep breath. Bonnie is going to kill me if he saw us. "Alright Freddy you can tell me!" She said with excitement. Sighing to myself I began to speak. "Chica, I really love you. Your beautiful,sweet and kind. I know Bonnie is your boyfriend, but I still want a chance with you. You might not love me back, but nothing will ever stop me from loving you." I said finishing off. She was in shock and didn't know what to say. I walked over to her and kissed her on the lips. She snapped out of her thoughts, and backed away. "Freddy, What are you doing? You know Bonnie will kill you if he saw you." she said rubbing her arm. She gave me a frown and turned away. I walked up to her and hugged her. "I know Chica, but he won't kill me if he doesn't figure out." I said whispering in her ear. She turned to face me with a confused look. I grabbed her chin pulling her lips closer to mine. I wouldn't let her escape my grasp so I pushed her on the wall. I grabbed her hips and started taking off her unbuttoning her dress. Before I could finally take it off she kicked me in my legs. "Freddy! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" She said in a sensitive yet still mad voice. "I-i'm sorry Chica. I just thought you would accept my feelings. Please don't tell Bonnie." I begged. I could already imagine what he would do to me if he had me in his grasp. She let out a sigh and put on her dress. "Freddy, I don't want to ever speak about this. I won't tell, but you gotta learn how to move on. Now let's go enjoy the party. Bonnie  is probably looking for me." She said answering back. Chica walked past me while patting my back. Then she left the room. I feel bad for her and me. The one thing she will never understand is that I will never move on.

Mangle's POV

After Foxy powered me off I could only see darkness. I looked around the dark void, but nothing really showed up. The I heard a voice. "Their all gone." I heard a small voice say. It sounded like a boy's, but not familiar to me in anyway. I looked around the void until I saw a little light glowing in the distance. I walked forward too it, as it got brighter and brighter until I saw a little boy. "Are you OK?" I asked him sitting down to him. He was crying and was wearing a golden suit with a black top hat. "N-No, My friends are dead, and my mom committed suicide. I am now all alone." He responded back to me. I hugged him as I felt his tears on my back. "What's your name?" I asked curios if I could help him. "G-Golden Freddy." He stuttered. I was shocked at the words he had just said. "G-Goldie? It's really you?" I asked already feeling tears in my eyes. "Yes, but I don't know who you are." He responded back letting go of me. I wiped off his tears until the void started shaking. "Oh no! It's him again! You need to get out of here now! Run while you can!" Yelled Goldie. He was frightened and kept looking around the darkness hoping for something to come out. "I'm not going anywhere without you!" I yelled back, as the ground started to turn white. As to my surprise something did pop out. A familiar person walked out of the shadows. "Please don't hurt me." Murmured Goldie as he hugged his knees. "Don't worry, I am not here for you this time." Said the mysterious voice. Then it came to me,the voice was none other than shadow Freddy's. "What are you doing to Goldie?" I asked with confidence in my voice. He took small steps over to me until he whispered in my ear. "That's for you to find out at the show, have fun at your party. I'll see you there." Then a white flash covered everything in my sight. I woke up with my new body and my friends excited for the party. My hands and legs activated as soon as I woke up. "Is this reality?" I asked myself starting to tear up. I then felt to strong arms hug me, which was none other than Foxy. "Thanks for helping me." I said in his ear while hugging him back. "No problem. you should go put on your dress." Responded Foxy. I let go of him as he did the same I grabbed the light red dress an went straight into the bathroom. Before I grabbed the knob out came a Chica with the same dress just yellow. She turned her frown into a big cheery  smile. I pulled her into the bathroom, when we saw Freddy just standing there. "Get out!" Yelled Chica with anger. Freddy snapped out of his thoughts and quickly walked out of th bathroom not making any eye contact with Chica. "What was that about?" I asked Chica. She looked down at the tiled floor and let out a sigh. "I'll tell you later. Right now we need to try and put on your dress." said Chica changing the subject quickly. I decided I wouldn't ask her about it until things get really suspicious between those two. I walked into the first stall and slid on the dress. "You look beautiful Mangle-" Before Chica could finish what she was saying toy Chica barged in the bathroom with a pink dress just the same as ours. "Oh, I think I'll leave ,since Mangle's here." She said with not action or emotion in her tone. Before she walked out the door Chica grabbed her wrist. "No,you can stay. Just as long as you don't start anything." Said Chica. Toy Chica nodded her head and walked into a stall. I gave her a glare,but instead of responding back with a punch or eye roll she locked the bathroom and took off her clothes. about 2 minutes came, and toy Chica walked out of the bathroom with pink dress on. Though she is a dusty hoe(A very very very very very DUSTY HOE 😝😝😝😝😝) the dress looked really beautiful on her and she did a little spin. "You look amazing!" Complemented Chica. She walked over to her toy self and put her hair in a bun. Then to finish toy Chica's hair off, there was a pink flower. "Thanks Chica." Said toy Chica looking in the mirror. We walked out the bathroom at the same time and the boys were impressed. Foxy and toy Bonnie wouldn't stop blushing which made me laugh real hard. Bonnie was just drooling over Chica as she fixed his bow tie. "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!" Yelled BB and JJ. They both had on their suits and dress. JJ had a purple one though other than us. BB turned on some music and everyone was having a good time. Though I couldn't really have a good time when Goldie is some where lost in the void.

Toy Bonnie's POV

After all the boys put on their suits we waited for the girls to come out. Chica and toy Chica looked amazing, and then there was Mangle. Wow she was beautiful than ever. I could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks. She waved directly at me, and I waved back. She pulled out her arms for a hug. I leaned in my arms, but they were immediately pushed down when a fox ran past me and picked up Mangle bridle style. "Damn fox." I muttered under my breath. I was so sick and tired of him hitting it off with Mangle. I should be the one there instead of him. I need to tell her my feelings before it's too late. I jogged up to the 2 foxes as they were laughing at a joke I'm guessing Foxy made. "M-mangle can I speak to you?" I asked. I entwined my thumbs together hoping the answer would be yes. "You should probably go with the lad, I be at the snack table anyway." Suggested Foxy. He gave mangle a kiss on the cheek which made me boil with anger. Without letting her say anything I blurted out everything, but made sure no one heard us. "Mangle I like you. Not like you like a friend like love you. Ever since I saw you your beautiful golden eyes I knew you were special." I began naming out her beautiful features like her hair and body. Before I could fish off my last sentence she stopped me. "Toy Bonnie, when I was broken I heard everything you said about hating Foxy and loving me. I know you think I am only yours, but I don't love you." She said looking down and stopped staring at my bright neon eyes. Wow, That hurt. Like a knife to the chest, or a bullet to the heart. Just those 4 words make everything around you fade away. "The only reason why I don't accept is because someone else loves you." Se said continuing. sh lifted my head towards toy Chica who sat in a chair lonely. I shivered as I remembered our conversation in pirate's Cove. "Go talk to her. You broke her heart when you turned away from her." She said as she left go of me and started pushing me towards. I let out a deep sigh, and started walking on my own. Toy Chica looked up from the ground and started to gt out of her seat, but I stopped her. "It's OK I wanted to talk to you about somethings." I said trying to start conversation. She sat back down, bu didn't even dare to try and talk to me. "I know your sad about Foxy not accepting your love, but I'm sure someone out there loves you too." I said  giving her a warm and appreciating smile. She began opening her mouth making eye contact with me now."No one loves me. Can't you understand that. I know your trying to make me feel better,but you can stop. Nothing will work. I don't even know what the word love is anymore. I can't feel any emotion at all Toy Bonnie. Please understand that and leave me alone." She said finishing off. She got up and walked over to the snack table. I didn't bother chasing after her because I thought about all those times me and toy Chica had together. How I was oblivious by her love for me. I didn't even realize I was hurting someone who cared about me deeply. She is broken and can't be fixed, and it's all my fault.

Chica's POV

Oh my gosh. Why, why me. Why not Mangle or toy Chica. It just had to be me. I feel very uncomfortable  around Freddy. I didn't want to bother Bonnie by tattling on Freddy because we had enough chaos. I decided to get my mind off thing but just hanging around my friends. I walked up to JJ and decided to talk to her so I can know her better. "So, JJ are you an animatronic or just a human girl?" I asked. JJ looked up from her plate which had tons of cookies on it. She gave a cheerful smile and answered my question. "Well, I actually I am a animatronic, but I just look really human because no one needs to know my secret. Since you guys are animatronics, I guess I won't need to hide it anymore." JJ said with confidence. I gave her a smile and looked for Bonnie. The last time I saw him I was fixing his tie. I decided checking the bathrooms, and that's when I heard his voice. "OK Bon. you can do this. Just tell everyone he is nice. It's easy. What am I saying. That asshole is probably planning against us right now. I hate him." I heard Bonnie say letting out a sigh. I knocked on the door politely. "Bonnie, Are you OK in there?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't be that stress over Spring trap. "Yeah I guess." H responded back with no emotion at all. "Bonnie, I know your scared and all, but don't worry. I a here for you. So are your friends, you are throwing the party and not even in it." I said as I put my hands on the door knob. I twisted it, but it was locked. "Bonnie, Come on out please." I begged. It was quiet for about 2 minutes. I couldn't wait any longer and started messing with the lock until I heard a click on the other side of it. "Bonnie?" I asked as the door slowly crept open. Bonnie was knocked out on the floor as a purple shadow hovered over him. "Save them." The voice whispered and then disappeared in thin air. I ran to Bonnie and shook him until he regained conscious. "Bonnie, What happened to you? Who was that figure?!?" I asked and received no answer Bonnie just sat there on the floor rubbing his head. He hen stood up, and grabbed my hand. "Nothing, It was just a vision. I need to go make my announcement. Come on Chica." He said walking out the bathroom with my hand still connected to his. How is acting like nothing just happened. I didn't bother to as him anymore so I decided to just follow him. He stepped on the stage and tapped the microphone. Everyone turned their attention to him, while BB turned down the music. Mangle came up behind me and sighed. I wanted to ask her what's wrong, but then Bonnie started speaking. "Tonight has been great night celebrating with you all. The only reason I got your attention is well because.." Bonnie was freezing up, because everyone would question him for trusting Spring trap. He looked at m in the crowd and I gave him a little smile. He returned one back and continued speaking. "When I was rescuing Chica, Spring trap said he wanted to be nice. I know it's not good idea to trust him, but as long as he doesn't get close to us we will be safe." Bonnie blurted out all out once. Everyone was silent until Mangle started sniffing something. "I smell..smoke? " Mangle said. Everyone looked around the pizzeria until BB screamed. "FIRE!!!!!" He yelled with fear pointing at small flame that caught on to the table cloth. "Everybody to the door!" Freddy yelled. Everyone rushed through and I looked back as I saw puppet on his knees. "Where's Goldie?!?" He yelled in pain. Foxy,Bonnie, and Freddy stopped in their tracks. "We forgot GOLDIE?!?" Bonnie screeched. Freddy told puppet we would find Goldie and bring him out. Puppet then left as we began searching. The fire was getting bigger by the second. We checked everywhere we the fire didn't spread. "Where the hell is Goldie?" Questioned Foxy as he cam out from the storage room. "We can't leave him, He is  apart of our family." Bonnie spoke up. Then it finally hit me. "The security guard's office!" I said  with excitement. We all huddled up to the door and found Goldie just sitting there like everything was normal. "Goldie, We need to get out of here!" Freddy said as he tugged on Goldie's shirt. "Why are you guys still here? You guys know it's my time." He said with calmness in his voice. "What are you talking about?!? Get up so we can leave!" Foxy begged. Everyone tried and tried,but nothing worked. The fire started getting closer to us and I felt sweat drip down my head. "Fine then, Well stay here with you until you want to leave." Said Freddy with pride. He sat down next to Goldie as Bonnie and Foxy joined in. "Idiots." I mumbled under my breath following their lead. It was completely silent and everyone except Goldie panicked with sweat beading down their head. "I am going to miss you guys. Tell puppet I will miss him truly." Goldie started making conversation. "What the hell are you talking about? Your not gonna die if you get up!" Yelled Bonnie with frustration. The fire was getting closer and closer until it surrounded both doors of the office. "Bonnie calm down. I am sure Goldie is going to teleport us out of here right?" I said hoping he would say yes for an answer. "No." Goldie replied still with no panicking that we were about to die. Damn it. The building started cracking, and that's when Goldie perked up. "Guys, What I am trying to say is that, Well I will be watching from above." "NO YOUR NOT DYING GOLDIE-" Freddy screamed at the top of his lungs, but was interrupted by a purple figure that looked exactly like Freddy. He came out of the fire which got me really freaked out. Everything was silent except the building falling slowly and the fire which was really slow now. There was a sizzling sound coming from behind the fake Freddy. "IT'S TNT!!!" Yelled Foxy as he scooted away from the shadow like figure. "Son of a bitch!" Goldie yelled getting up. "You know this guy?" Asked Freddy in confusion. The TNT stick that was behind him was thrown into the center of us. "Freddy, I want you protect you family. Foxy stay strong any think ahead of others. Bonnie you need to be friends with Spring trap. Chica keep the boys out of trouble." Goldie said giving us each important instructions. We were all confused on why he was saying this to us now. The TNT stick's fire got really close. Tears fell down Goldie's eyes as he started laughing. "I love you all." Goldie said finishing off. The TNT stick was about to blow. The shadow disappeared again. Bonnie hugged to me tight as I did the same. A huge white blast came from Goldie's hands as the whole pizzeria exploded.

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