Kiingtongs little secret(will...

By 1boogie

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This is a story between two YouTubeers graser10 and kiingtong and they find out they love each other on a vac... More

Un named :P
Do they know its a lie?!
The new place
What happens wen couples live together
The park
Grasers leaving!?!
The little mistake....
Away in the woods
The negatives
Back to normal
Ain'T about dat life
Graser you had to go there
Awww graser
Oh no its the cute off!
Will stop it your too cute!
Wedding planning
Shoping i guess.....
Scot is dead?
And the killer was!!!!.....
Mom dad!?!
Dad!!!!! Leave me alone!
Graser....graser wake up!.....graser....
Just chilling
We will be back
We made it!
The plan
Just keep it hiden
All love has a moment
All love is cute
Your perfect to me
I won!?
Just a normal day
In eachothers arms
A favor?
This is how life should be
Its over
All about will
I need help
She came
No mess ups.........
The wedding?!
Back home
I cant forget it...
You butt snatcher
Shes back...
Somethings there?
Girls night?
Be a good boyfriend
Found him......
Do i really like guys?.
Kiss every inch of him

The hospital

702 11 2
By 1boogie

Wills pov
It's bean super boring and lonely the last few days I have had graser visit me twice within this week and I will be released next weak but no one knows the only thing they know is I should be released soon and I'm planing of surprising them so I'm going to make sure the doctor doesn't mess it up I can't wait I just hope no one squeezes me to death

(The next week)

Wills pov
I'm released!! I can't wait to see everyone I better go to the hotel right now!(he leaves the hospital and goes to the hotel and stands outside the door to his room waiting for grader to leave to go to the dinner)I think everyone has gone already but I hear him in his room so what's taking him so long(will walks in the room)
Will:hehe hay....
(Graser runs up to him and hugs him)
Graser:I have bad news.....
Graser:the planes are fixed and we decided to end the trip in two weeks....
(Shelby run in the room in a hurry)
Shelby:Graser!!!! Will!!!!
(She hugs will)
Will:wow what's up
Shelby:I'm pregnant.....(she whispers)
Shelby:H and I....yeah....
Shelby:I don't know what to do(she starts crying on wills shoulder)
(H runs in the room)
H:Shelby I'm so sorry!........
Graser:wait are you two a couple?
H:well it's complicated she apparently liked me and I kinda liked her and so yeah and now I guess we are dating but I didn't mean to get her pregnant
(Shelby hugs H and starts crying on his shoulder)
Will:how about this we don't tell anyone and we just keep it between us four and you two can even stay in this room with me and graser
Graser:I like hanging out with will alone but I know you need help and I'm more then happy to help
H:thank you to so much I really appreciate this
Will:I also am going grocery shopping soon so I can get some food for Shelby and I can just say I have a sensitive stomach after the incident and I kinda do so yeah
Shelby:you would do that for me.......
Will:I know how it feels to try and keep secrets from people and I know it's hard especially something as big as this
H:I really appreciate this but where are we going to sleep in here there is only one bed
Will:I can also buy a air mattress for me and graser if that's ok
Graser:that's fine
H:thank you so much(he hugs will with tears going down his face)
Graser:i want yall to dry your faces and then we have to go too dinner and I guess will can just skip it because no one knows he's here so
Will:that's a great idea
(Will takes off his hat and puts a crown on then kisses graser then leaves the room then graser and H and Shelby leave to go to the dinner)

Wills pov
I'm so glad H has someone to love but this is huge and I don't know if it can stay a secret forever but I'm hoping it goes smoothly (graser calls will)
G:hay I'm outside of the restaurant and I can still come if you want
W:sure but make sure you don't mention me
(Dylan walks out the restaurant and sees graser then starts to hear him on the phone)
G:heh il hurry I just can't believe Shelby's pregnant and il make sure to bring a list of what she needs
(Then graser hangs up and Dylan walks over to him)
Dylan:she's pregnant?!
Dylan:wait did H get Shelby pregnant!!!
(He runs inside and graser follows)
Dylan:Shelby!!! H made you pregnant!!
Graser:Dylan that was are prank idea to use on H why did you mess it up
Shelby:huh(she says trying to make it seem like a prank)
H:wait what I did nothing
Dylan:graser was talking to someone and he said they Shelby was pregnant
Graser:one it's rude to listen and it was a secret what I was talking about and Shelby or H aren't even involved
Dylan:what could be such a big secret.i bet your just hiding that Shelby's pregnant
Del:hay babe I don't know he seems serious
Scot:rude(he says in his cute voice)
Brit:I am curious tho if Shelby's not pregnant then what is the secret?
H:uh.... whispers)
(Will finishes grocery shopping and then he Hurrys to the restaurant and leave the groceries in the car then he goes inside)
Will:hi everyone
Del:your back
Will:heh it was a surprise
Scot:this was probably the secret graser didn't want to tell us
Will:graser what secret (he walks to graser)
Graser:(Dylan over heard me on the phone and I said how Shelby was pregnant and now I'm trying to cover it with a other secret and they are not buying it(he whispers to will))
Will:(can I tell them the thing....)(he whispers back)
Graser:do you think we are ready........
Will:it's for H and Shelby.....(he whispers to graser)
Del:wait is there another surprise?
Dylan:she's pregnant I'm telling you!
(Will kisses graser in front of everyone)
Brit:......(jaw dropped)
Del:.......(jaw dropped)
Dylan:......(jaw dropped)
Scot:......(jaw dropped)
Del:I never expected this....
Will:it was time we tell yall..........(blushing)
Will:hah we got yall so good!!!(he starts to laugh)
Graser:heh that was so believe able(he high fives will)
Del:don't even  act like that was a joke
Graser:ok fine well me and will are kinda dating and yeah.....
Brit:why didn't you tell us
Will:well we wanted to keep it two a selves........
Shelby:me and H kinda found out..
Del:and you didn't tell us?
H:we were trying to respect there privacy
Graser:unlike someone (he looks at Dylan)
Shelby:it's complicated
Dylan:will you two (he looks at graser and will)never keep secrets from us agine and you two can act normal around us
Will:heh I wouldn't tell graser that.......
Graser:I promise not to lie about anything about me or will
Del:good now you two deserve a treat to share
Shelby:you two do deserve it
(Will looks at Shelby and sees she's not doing to well)
Will:hay Shelby can you come with me for a moment
Will:grocery!....I want her to come with me to take the back to the hotel
Del:oh ok?
(Will grabs Shelby's hand than runs with her to wills car)
Shelby:what's the real reason?
Will:you are starting to look sick so I wanted to give you this
(He gives her 20 bucks)
Will:I want you and H to go have a date night and me and graser can cover for you
Will:I want you and him to Learn more about eachother before the baby is born
Shelby:....thanks.....(she walks inside and grabs Hs arm and walks out and gets in her car and her and H leave)
Will:the groceries were to heavy for me so H is going to go with her and take them
Dylan:it's getting late so let's go back to the hotel
Graser:ok(he grabs wills arm then they both ran to the car and left then Hurried and got to the hotel to make it seem like Shelby and H were just asleep)
Graser:what did you tell her
Will:she was feeling sick and I think it's because she's pregnant so I want her and H to get to know each other so I gave her some money so they can hang out alone like us
Graser:that was so nice
(Knock knock)
Will:oh no they are coming to check on Shelby what's should we do..?!
Graser:uh....go against that wall(he points at a wall)
(Will walks to the wall and puts his back against the wall then Graser unlocks the door and runs over to will and puts his arm on the wall and starts kissing will)
(Del walks in)
Del:oh....did I come in at a bad time.....
Will:....(bright red)
Graser:oh sorry del what's up
Del:uh.....I came to check on Shelby but I can wait il check in her tomorrow bye(he runs out of the room)
Will:heh that worked
Graser:guess what I found out!!!
Graser:in 3 months Shelby will have her child (he whispers)
Will:boy or girl?
Graser:(he whispers )Twins so a boy and girl
Graser:there is a problem tho
Graser:Shelby and H need to be together while she's still pregnant (he whispers)
Will:can't he just stay at her house or can she just go over?
Graser:that's like super suspicious
Will:then how?
Graser:we can make an excuse and say it's for minutes but we can all stay at one of are houses and stay till the baby is born or baby's
Will:yeah but what about your parents or link or computers and all
Graser:I can handle getting everyone's computers set up i just need help finding a place to stay because my parents won't like all of us there and His place is ok I just need his Permission and Shelby's home we can also live there but we can also live at your place
Will:how about we rent a new home for everyone
Will:how about we stay in America or somewhere else?
Will:in Georgia? Or we could go to the U.K. If you want?
Graser:ok I guess?
Will:as soon as Shelby gets home we can tell her and start searching for homes in Georgia or in the U.K.
(They both start to set up a nice area H and Shelby and they put the food up and left some beside Shelby's side of the air mattress)
Will:does everything look ok?
Graser:it's perfect
(Someone quietly knocks)
Will:who is it?(he whispers)
H:it's us(he whispers)
(Graser opens the door then lets them in then quickly loses the door and locks it)
Shelby:heh thanks
Will:hay H you got a little something on your face
(H had a kiss mark on his forehead)
Shelby:heh whoops I guess I forgot I had lipstick on earlier
Will:I see you two had fun
H:heh maybe just a little...(he turns red)
Shelby:so what were you two doing while we were gone?
Graser:we were planning
H:planning what?
Will:me and him decide we want to keep you two together at least till the baby was born so we wanted to ask if we can rent a house and we can all live together until the baby's are born
Shelby:why don't me and H just live together?
Graser:it seems super suspicious if you too start living together so I thought me and will would throw that off
H:I really appreciate this but what about grasers parents or link or videos
Will:I can take care of grasers  parents and H you just have to go to you home and bring him I guess and Graser can handle the computers
Will:listen I am looking for a house and wen I find one I can get a flight to la and get you Shelby and bring you before you can't travel and then Graser and H can come after a few days
Shelby:thanks(she hugs will)
Graser:I like this idea
H:we really appreciate what you two did at the dinner two it was really amazing of you two to share your secret just to keep me and Shelby a secret
Will:your secret was bigger then ares and we are friends and that's what friends do...we protect each other
Shelby:we were worried that if they found out it would cause some drama and trouble
plus I'm not ready to tell anyone else
Will:I don't think I was ready for every one to know about me and Graser I'm actually really scared and nervous about it(he whispered to Shelby)
Will:nothing!(he starts turning red)
Graser:is something wrong?
Shelby:can I talk to you will for a minute.... or
Will:sure Shelby....
(Shelby grabs wills arm and takes will to the bathroom then locks the door)
Shelby:if your uncomfortable then I can make you feel more comfortable
Will:how everyone already knows......
Shelby:what if you two make a fake brake up
Will:you know how Dylan has bean acting he's not going to let us go.....
Shelby:what if we told everyone that I'm pregnant....
Will:I would never make you share something you don't want too.....
Shelby:me and H kinda did that to you and Graser and we intruded you two and we tried to separate you so you and H could date but now.......
Will:its ok....i..I just don't like all of the attention with the whole skydiving accident and all......
Shelby:I'm sorry.....(she hugs will)
(Knock knock)
???:open the door I don't want to have to brake it down!(a deep voice said)
Will:Shelby hide in the cabinet in handle this...!(he whispers) careful (she hides in the cabinets)
(Will opens the door)
???:give me all your valuables now!!!
Will:who are you
???:(he points a gun at him)
Will:wow what do you need scary man or woman with a mask
???:give me your valuables!!!
Will:(he looks around the room and sees Graser covered in scratches and H beside him with a huge scratch across his face laying on the floor)
???:heh I see you noticed the two they tried to stop me but failed and now I have a new dog heh and some really cool lockets
Will:dog lockets!!!(he thinks about how H said someone was bringing link)
??:just give me the valuables and I won't hut you too bad
Will:(there is no way I'm letting them hurt Graser and H and taking somethings special to them)hay one more question
???:heh go for it then give the the items
Will:is everyone else in the hotel ok?
??:heh no I took everything you are the last person
Will:then there's no way I can lose
??:heh good luck
(Will takes off his shirt then runs up the the person and kicks there leg hard then the person dropped there gun and will picked it up and held it against his head)
??:heh smart little kid. Fine you got me I know wen I'm cornered(he sits in the ground and will turns around grabs his phone and the person got up fast and punches will in the stomach then will head buts him and knocks him out then will calls the police and the police gets there and arrest him and they give will everyone everyone had)
Will:Shelby:it's ok to come out...
Shelby:ok.....(she comes out)
Will:are you ok...?
Shelby:yeah...(then she noticed H and Graser on the floor)H!!!!
(She runs over to him then starts crying in him)
Will:he's ok he just needs some ice same for everyone of us in the hotel
Shelby:is get the Iceland pillows ready you just get every one in the hallway and I mean everyone but separate the girls from the boys
Shelby:take off the guy's shirt two so we can see and make sure they aren't two hurt
Will:well you can go ahead and take of Hs shirt then I can start
(Shelby turns a little red then she goes over to H and starts in buttoning his shirt then she takes it off of his arms and he starts to wake up a little)
Shelby:....(she's bright red)
H:Shelby your ok......(he starts to cry) I tried to stop him...
Shelby:it ok will protected me...he let me hide in a cabinet while he went out and fought him.....
H:....he's a life saver(he hugs Shelby and tried to dry up his tears)
Shelby:we are taking everyone to the hallways do you think you can walk...?
H:no.....I can barely open my eyes and mouth
Will:I'm strong enough to lift him Shelby I just want you to get pillows and ice and it keep the girls on the middle floor
H:thanks will.....(then he closes his eyes)
Shelby:you can check on Graser then you can get started but I'm getting a head start
Will:ok thanks....
(Will walks to Graser then he starts to take of his shirt then Graser walks up.....)
Graser:y....your ok.....(he started to cry)
Will:here(will but grasers locket back on him)
Graser:my locket.....thanks....(he sits up and kisses will on the four head)
Will:I have to get to work so I lets get started
(Will stands up then pulls up Graser then gets Graser to hold around his neck and will held his legs up then he look him to the hallway where there was ice and pillows)
Shelby:well let's hurry there is a lot of people in this hotel
Will:we can call 911 and ask for reinforcements
Shelby:ok in call real quick (she picks up her phone and calls them)
911:what's wrong?
Shelby:there was an robbery and a lot of people wee hurt at this hotel and we need help
911:say no more we can send 20 people just tell us the plan wen we get there
Shelby:ok thanks
(She hangs up)
(4 hours later)
Will:everyone is safe in the hallways with ice on there wounds and the ambulance gave them all medical supplies so they should be ok
Shelby:yeah and I got them to allow me and H and you and Graser to still stay in are room and the rest of the people from harmony hollow are in there own room like scot del Dylan and a few others
Shelby:I already checked on the others and they are ok so we can go check on Graser and H now.....
(Before she even finished her sentence will was already running towards the door)
Will:it's locked...why...?
Shelby:it shouldn't be?.....
(will takes off a bobby pin and opens the door)
Shelby:why is H in the bathroom and why is Graser in the closet?
Will:are they ok?!(he runs to Graser and shuts the closet and Shelby locks the hotel door then runs in the bathroom and locks the door)
(Graser was crying in the closet)
Will:what's wrong.....
(Will sits the other side of the closet )
Graser:it's all my fault!!! You could have bean hurt aging and yours four head is purple...
will:how is it your fault.....of anything you helped me...
Will:wen I saw that he had link and the locket I gave you I knew I had to get it back because you love it and then I saw you hurt and there was no way I'm letting him go without a motivated me......
Graser:if I could have beat him I could have saved you from him!
Will:take off your shirt aging
Will:just do it...
(He takes off his shirt)
Will:the ice is helping
Graser:yeah It doesn't even hurt anymore.....
(Will starts crawling toward Graser then he suddenly falls right on his stomach and he's out cold)
(Graser lifts will up and sees he's knocked out)
Graser:the bruise!
Will:it's ok........I'm just very dizzy.....(then he falls asleep aging)
Graser:just use this(Graser takes his ice pack off and puts it on will)
Graser:you need's ok
(Will falls asleep on graser and they both peacefully sleep)
Shelby and h
Shelby:H are you ok?....
H:I couldn't even protect you or link what does that make me (he says crying on Shelby's shoulder)
Shelby:he was strong and it's ok will is always there for us and I'm just happy you tried...(she kisses him)
H:why can't I just once protect you........
Shelby:you have protected me......
Shelby:wen ever I'm around you people know not to mess with me....
H:I just feel like a failure....
(Shelby unbuttons his shirt then lays against him)
H:(bright red)
Shelby:protect me....(she falls asleep on him)
H:.......(mind:she has so much faith in me)....
(They fall asleep a few minutes later....)
Next day
(Will wasn't on Graser still wen Graser woke up he wasn't even in the room)
(H walks out of the room)
Graser:have you seen will!
H:no but have you seen Shelby....!
(They both run out of the room and start looking for them)
Graser:I can't find them!
H:me neither!
Graser:maybe they are at the market getting food lets go use wills car he leaves his keys in they side pocket
(They both run to wills car and the doors were locked)
H:why as they locked!
(They both look threw the window and they see will with a computer in his lap and he's laying against a window and Shelby who is leaning against him)
Graser:heh will has some drool going down his face
H:how are we going to get in?
Graser:will taught  me some things
(Graser grabs a bobypin out of his pocket and opened the door)
Graser:just hit the unlocked button
(H hits the wrong button and all of the car doors open and will falls out and almost just the Ground but Graser catches him)
Graser:it's ok it was an accident...
(Will wakes up in Graser arms then quickly turns bright red)
Graser:so what were you in here for
Will:sit me down....
Graser:oh yeah sorry
(He sits him down)
Will:Shelby had a night mare and she was scared of going back to sleep so she woke me up and she asked if I could stay up and then we felt the baby kicking then we decided to go in the car and find a home and we found one
Graser:Shelby is gaining a little wait maybe we need to make up a cover story.....hmmm
H:we could saw uh...maybe she's sick?
Will:that gives her more attention and if they take her to a doctor they will tell her she's pregnant and everyone will know
H:what if she got a "boyfriend"
Will:what about Graser we wears big clothes and there would definitely cover up any traces of being pregnant
Graser:but will.......
H:but will, doesn't everyone know you and him are dating
Will:we can say we broke up and that he left me for Shelby
Graser:but that means I have to........
Will:yeah but it gives her an excuse and she's going threw a lot right now.....just please do it and H can be around me more and say he supports me threw the "brake up"
(Shelby wakes up then gets out of the car)
Shelby:oh hay guys what's up(she says while yawning
H:Shelby you kinda gained weight from the twins so we need an excuse to hide it
Graser:yeah and they decided it would make everyone less suspicious if you dated me and wore some of my clothes like some of my shirts or jackets
Shelby:but what about will?
Will:I agreed to it.....
Shelby:but will....
Will:your going threw a hard time and you need this
Graser:H is ok with it two but just remember as soon as everyone is gone me and will can get back together same for you and H
H:we should probably hurry and get you changed Shelby....
Will:Graser hold her hand and walk back because I think everyone will be looking for us and I want them to see you two together
H:what about her stomach...?
(Graser takes off his jacket and puts it around Shelby)
Will:good now you two hold hands and start walking...I'm taking H to the market to get a few games so we can record a video because we haven't uploaded a lot because of everything and we need to make are fans happy
Shelby:ok........(she grabs Grasers hand)
Graser:lets go....(Graser and Shelby started walking back to everyone to tell them the "new news"
Will and H
H:are you sure you ok with this?....
Will:yeah I'm fine
H:good I don't want us to pressure you too much
Will:are you ok with it
H:if I'm telling the truth then no....I don't like the idea of Shelby with someone else especially the same person who took my first love.....
Will:why didn't you stop them....?
H:she deserves better,'s my fault in the first place...
Will:how is this your fault....of anything it's my fault because if I would have just kept my feeling to myself then nothing would have happened....
H:it's me who did the "thing"....she could be perfectly fine now if I would have just not(he stats to cry a little)
Will:how about we just support them because to be honest I don't like people knowing about me and Graser and it just makes me uncomfortable knowing everyone on harmony hollow knows........and knowing something so big that I could have used to keep my secrets just is hard on me plus it's not like I'm super man
H:will.......(he hugs will)
Will:let's just go to the store and get games......
(They leave to the store)
H:so what do you want to get?...
Will:I want to play pie face I heard it's really fun but we need a lot of whipped cream
H:how about e get pie face,bean Boozel(can't spell),and maybe we buy a truth or dare on someone's phone
Will:I'm ok with that
H:it go get the bean game you just get pie face and 5 things of whipped cream
Will:do we need that much?
H:I want to do a prank on everyone
H:well I think we need at least 2 to 3 things just for the game and so we have 2 extra we don't tell them about and we can draw a beard on everyone
Will:heh we need 7 if you want to do that
H:why not 6?
Will:because I want my own can to eat
H:heh good call
Will:in go get the cream and pie face and you just get the beans
H:you wanna make smoothies for each other
H:k lets go get everything!
Will:meet me back here in 5 minutes
H:k(he hugs will than starts walking away to get the beans)
Will pov
Ok so I need the cream first...I hope I can cover Shelby's face in whipped cream! She will probably eat it heh....
(Will gets the cans and then starts walking and gets pie face game then he starts walking back to the spot and meets H)

Will:did they have it?
H:yeah and I also found this it's a fun game to play and I got t for me but we could play it with everyone if they wanted to...the game is where you have to try and eat fight over a gummy worm and whoever gets the least has to do a truth or dare and there or dares and truths on a slip
Will:that seems fun!
H:heh yeah and just in case I got extra gummy worms
Will:perfect we better get back
(They pay for everything then they leave and go back to the hotel and go to there room)
Will:hay Shelby and Graser did you two the everyone......?
Shelby:yeah.......they were happy for me and him...they were wondering if you were ok...
H:well we have games so every one needs to go in one room
Graser:we could do it in here
Will:what about Shelby's and H old room it's like empty
Shelby:that's perfect
Graser:me and Shelby will tell everyone but you two just need to stay in they and get a game ready
H:ok let's do it
(Will and H go in the room and get some whipped cream ready for pie face and they lay everything up then a few minutes
After everyone shows up)
Del:hay will!
Dylan:are you ok!
(Will looks at the floor)
Scot:will are you sad?.....
H:so let's get started!!
Brit:ok!lets do it!
(Will looks up and smile)
Will:in go first
Scot:go ahead
(Will spins it and he gets a 5)
Will:oh no
Scot:well go ahead
(He starts turning it and on the 4th click it hits him on his face)
Shelby:aww will
Dylan:even covered in whipped cream he's cute
Del:yeah Graser why would you leave him he's so adorable
Shelby:I'm right here...?
Del:oh yeah no offense Shelby
Will:wait do we have paper towels?
Will:how am I supposed to get it off then?
H:I got this
(H picks up link and link licks wills face)
Will:stop that tickles!
(H sits link down)
Will:heh thanks no who's going next
Del:why not Shelby?
Shelby:ok.......(Shelby skins it and gets a 3 than she makes it click 3 times and nothing happens)
Scot:well that's a death trap so who's next
Dylan:I say Graser
(Shelby passes it to Graser and he spins and gets 2 and he clicks it ones and it hits his face)
Graser:aww man
Scot:will you want to help him out?
Will:let his girlfriend do that.......
Shelby:hay will I know your kinda sad can I talk to you for a sec with Graser and H
H:lets go
Will:I don't think that's necessary
Graser:H you know what to do
(H grabs wills arm then the sleep outside to talk so they thought no one could hear them)
Will:what do you want!
Shelby:are you ok......
Will:yeas I'm fine!
Graser:your yelling......
H:will if you are to uncomfortable we can just stop
Will:not it's fine I can handle it
Graser:do you still have link?
H:he's in the room
Will:Shelby practice....
Will:eat the whipped cream off of his face
Will:if you two are a couple you have to do it so just do it
(Shelby gets close to Graser the eats a small thing of whipped cream off of his face)
H:that is seriously adorable......
Will:just do it...
H:are you ok with this?....
Will:I'm ok with it(he grabs Shelby and grasers hand and brings them back in the hotel

To be continued

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