Intertwined Fates (Transforme...

By LunarStar2798

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*Under editing* You all know of Ratchet as the cranky Medical Officer of the Autobots. What you didn't know w... More

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Book 1
Book 1: Chapters 1 & 2
Book 1- Chapter 3
Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 5
Book 1: Chapter 6
Book 1: Chapter 7
Book 1: Chapter 8
Fight for the Allspark
Last Year Home And News
Good-byes and Torture
Its Where My Thoughts Hide or MY Love
You Held Me Down but I Got Back Up
Lost It All
Field Trip
I Regret Nothing Part One of Two
I Regret Nothing Part Two of Two
Say What Happened?
What you know isn't always true
Reving the Sentinel Prime
Losing and gaining a friend
The Final Fight
Important Update

Ending Ties With The Autobots

4.4K 128 18
By LunarStar2798

Hey everyone I am giving you an Early update and another one on Sunday. Dont Kill Me!


"There's an energon signal coming from Constitution Avenue." I heard Alexis say. I was surprised to find them back here already. ShaowLight jumped over to me when I got close. I nodded and went to inform Optimus.

I found him still outside, "Optimus there's an energon signal close to the Washington Monument. We believe it's Sentinel." I said. That's all it took to get him to get a move on. I walked back into the hanger and found that all the bots looked down. I saw Hayley and Alexis on the other side of the room. I got an idea and ran over to them, "Hey want to sing a song to lighten the mood up a bit?" I asked them. They nodded at me, "Okay the songs I was thinking about are Guardian Angel or Because of you." I said.

"Guardian Angel." Hayley and Alexis said at the same time. I nodded and they hacked into the overhead speakers.

"You start Luna." Alexis said as music started to play.

(Bold Luna, Italics Hayley, Bold and Italic Alexis * Also all three only when you see a *)

I'll be there watching from way up high

The shadow you can't see when the sun's in the sky

Wondering eyes have no disguise

It's obvious that this love never dies, never dies.

(Our love never dies)

This love never dies [4x]

I'll be your guardian angel

Your sweet company

No matter where I go

I'll make sure you're all I see [2x]

I'll be your guardian angel (guardian angel)

Guardian angel (guardian angel)

Your guardian angel (guardian angel)

Watching over you (watching over you)

When you thought that you were alone

You turned your back on me

It's cause you think you sit high on a throne

I'll always have you on

*I'll be your guardian angel

Your sweet company

No matter where I go

I'll make sure you're all I see

I'll be your guardian angel (My eyes are glued, I don't mean to intrude)

Your sweet company (I can't get them off, get them off of you)

No matter where I go (My eyes are glued, I don't mean to intrude)

I'll make sure you're all I see (I can't get them off of you)

I'll pray you'll be watching from way up high

The shadow I can't see when the sun's in the sky

(Watching over you)

She felt a sense of fear

As I came near, and on my face I drew a tear

She felt a sense of fear

A sense of fear

Sense of fear

*I'll be your guardian angel

Your sweet company

No matter where I go

I'll make sure you're all I see

I'll be your guardian angel (My eyes are glued, I don't mean to intrude)

Your sweet company (I can't get them off, get them off of you)

No matter where I go (My eyes are glued, I don't mean to intrude)

I'll make sure you're all I see (I can't get them off of you)

I'll be there watching from way up high

The shadow you can't see when the sun's in the sky

We finished and found that all the bots were somewhat smiling a little. I went to the monitor to find that a space bridge open. Cons we coming through and making a mess out there. It was a good thing I had sent some bots with him. I was so nervous about what was happening. I heard Optimus tell some of them to fall back. He was going to go fight Sentinel.

I watched as Optimus tackled him. He kept Optimus up against a statue and then left him. I knew that this was going to end up in the news and a hell of a lot paperwork. I accounted all the bot were here, "Wait a minute?! Who was suppose to watch Sam today?!" I yelled out. Every bot and person in the room froze and looked around. I sighed and tried to contact him. It wasn't going through and I knew that something happened.

The Next Day


Will got called to a meeting. I was left to help with getting the base moved else where. Right now I was reading a file they gave me. The NEST team had to exile the Autobots. I looked up to find that Hayley and Alexis were right there waiting to know what it said. I told them and they couldn't believe what they heard.

We were taken to a NASA where I found the wreckers were working on the Xanthium. I know I wasn't the only that was pissed about this. Hayley and Alexis were quiet the whole flight here and I held ShadowLight to me. This wasn't right and everyone knew it we just couldn't do anything about it. After so many years in keeping the human race safe, it has to end with ending the ties to the Autobots.

A soldier came up to me, "Miss we need to put ShadowLight with the other two." He said.

"I'll do it." I said. I walked slowly to the cage Wheelie and Brains were in, "Guys take care of my baby." I said with tears running down my face. They nodded and kept Shadow close to them.

"Luna, Sam. Listen to me. Don't let them exile us." Wheelie said.

"Don't let them take us." Brains said. ShadowLight out gave a confused chirp.

"It's a decepticon trap." Wheelie said. I nodded as some guy took them away. If I thought I was incomplete before I was so wrong. I was incomplete now that my family was being taken from me.

I heard the choppers coming and looked to find the bots were being escorted. I got in a car with Hayley and Alexis, and were taken down to the bots, we arrived before Sam. We got out and I walked to Ratchet first. He was with Jazz and both looked sad. Alexis and Hayley went to Optimus.

"Oppi." I said lowly. He picked me up and held me to his spark chamber.

"Lunar, now that we will no longer be here. I need you to be careful. I know I lost you once and I am going to again, but your leaders have spoken and you must remain here. I want you to be careful my younging. We will always be with you." Ratchet said and he handed me to Jazz. He walked away after I bid him good-bye.

"Jazz, take care of ShadowLight." I said.

Jazz nodded at me, "Lunar I want you to live life to the fullest. Do not look back at what has happened. You'll see we will be together again." Jazz said. He transformed and I landed on the passengers seat.

He turned his holoform on and kissed me for a minute or more. We pulled away and stayed like that for a while. He opened the door and I got out. He transformed and walked to the ship. I ran back to Hayley and Alexis. I didn't realize that tears were spilling until I felt them land on my hand. I wiped them away and we headed back to base. I knew that starting today the fight will be our own.

"You know years from now. They're going to ask us, 'Where were you when they took over the planet?' and we are going to say, 'We just stood by and watched.' " Hayley said.

Sam turned to us, "Simmons told me that." He said. I smiled lightly at him and stared out the window.

We got to the base like thing and I walked to the roof of the building with Hayley and Alexis. Sam went up higher and left us three girls to be alone. It was now dawn and they started to count down.






Zero The boosters turned on and they lifted up. We both looked up and followed it up with our eyes. I looked closer and saw that something was making it's way to the Xanthium. It all happened so slow. Something was shot at the Xanthium and it tore apart and caught on flames.

"NOOOO!!!" The three of us screamed. I tried to tap into the bond and I know they did too but nothing was found. Not a spark wave or signal as to them being alive. I started to cry for real. Our fathers and mates were gone.

That was enough to make a painful pain wave hit me. I fell down to my knees and tried to will myself to stay awake. I know Hayley and Al felt it too because they fell down next to me but passed out. I saw that Will was running to us before I passed out I said, "Take us to the base. Leave us in the medbay and have someone guard us. It's time to turn to our body. We will end this war for them and for your freedom." Everything went dark and dead silent. I don't know how long we were out but we got swallowed up by our purple light.

With The Primes (Gosh they pop up way too much-_-)


"It hurts a lot. Why?" I asked them as I sat up and looked to find Hayley and Al the same way.

"You are undergoing change younglings. Unfortunately we cannot change that." Prima said. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"What is it?" Hayley asked them.

"We have three modes for you all. Three vehicular modes." Alpha Tron asked. Now that I notice they are the only one's here.

"We'll take them." Alexis answered and we nodded in agreement.

"So it shall be. Your holoforms shall be the same. Good luck today?" Alpha Tron said and back into darkness we went.


When I opened my eyes I saw that I was glowing a faint purple with blue and silver laced into my skin. I tried to look around for Hayley and Alexis but couldn't move. Slowly I saw my skin shift to metal and I grew bigger. This perhaps lasted for an hour or less. I looked over to find that Hayley or ShadowBlade was black, purple, and blue. Alexis or Lightning was blue with white lightning streaks.

I got up and walked around. I saw them get up and they looked at me, as if they were waiting for orders, "What is it?" I asked them.

"You look like a Prime." Blade said. Lightning nodded in agreement.

I turned around and saw my reflection on a window. Wait there has always been a window here. I saw what they meant. I was kind of buffish but had much more feminine features. I looked back at them and saw they were the same way only it was less noticeable, "Look we have to get a move on but to where?" I said just as a communication came through.

"Luna head to Chicago. Sam is heading over there now." Will said.

"Roger that. Are the energon signal devices here off?" I asked.

"Yes they are you have half an hour." He said and cut communication.

I walked out and remembered I was suppose to bring Ironhide back. I walked to where they left the body and found it in the same way. I felt sparks running to my servos and I started to glow a faint blue. The closer I got to his body the harder it became to control it, "Ironhide. I bid you return from the Allspark well." I said and touched his face. Slowly he started to become whole and lose the cosmic rust. Slowly he started to gain his color and life started to return to him. Half way through this action his optics on lined. I heard him yell and he threw a punch which I dodged. He got off the table they put him on and pushed me down. I heard the girls ready their weapons, "Stop don't shoot! Ironhide it's me! It's LunarStar! Stop Sentinel isn't here!" I said. He stopped and helped me up. He then crushed me into a hug.

"Lunar, what happened?" He asked.

"Sentinel destroyed the whole base, The bots were exiled and when we shipped them off this morining in the Xanthium. The cons destroyed it." I said. Washer fluid filled my optics and Ironhide looked enraged.

"What's the plan Lunar?" Blade asked.

"We have to leave now towards Chicago. Sam is heading that way, and the energon sensors were turned off for the city for about 20 more minutes." I said. Ironhide nodded and we all turned to our alt-modes. I was surprised to see I had a Mustang and the twins had Corvette's as alt-modes.

We sped out the base and on to the highway. The whole drive there we weren't pulled over. No one really was on the highway so it saved us time. I tuned in the radio and heard that Chicago was ground zero. It only made me go faster than I ever have had to. We were ten miles away when I felt the sparkwaves of my mate and father hit me, "You guys call me crazy but the sparkwaves of Jazz and Ratchet just hit me." I said through our comm we included Ironhide in it so he wouldn't feel left out.

"You too? I felt Optimus sparkwaves hit me too." Lightning said. Hayley said the same thing.

"We are over three miles out now." Hide said we slowed down a bit to see Sam, Epps and his team waiting.

Epps recognized Ironhide and looked weirded out just like Sam. We activated the holoforms and stepped out, "Are you boys trying to start the party without us?" I asked them. Epps nodded and smirked.

"So your now Cybertronian?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Can't show ourselves just yet. What's the plan?" I asked.

"Save Carly." Sam said.

"Are we really going out there Epps?" One of the guys asked.

"No ones going in." Epps said.

"I am with or without you. I am." Sam said.

"I'm going with then." I said.

"Your gonna get yourselves killed is that what you want?! You came all the way out here to get yourselves killed." Epps said.

"No I came to end the God damn war." I said. Three bots nodded in agreement.

"She's here because of me. Do you understand?" Sam said.

"Listen if you Go in this building. That's if she's still alive. There's no way your gonna be able to reach her." Epps said.

"What do you suggest I do?" Sam asked.

"It's over. I'm sorry but it's over." Epps said.

"Woah woah. In coming!" One of them yelled.

"Shit." I grabbed them and started to run with them. The thing started to shoot at us. It killed some people and came closer. We fell to the ground the rest took cover. That is until some bot shot it. I looked to find Optimus.

"We will kill them all." Optimus said.

"Wreckers. Kill 'im." Was what I heard. I turned and found the wreckers tearing the con apart.

Through the comm I said, "They were never in the damn ship. Some bots are getting their asses beat!" I said. Ironhide, Lightning, and Blade looked at me and nodded in agreement

"Your leaders will now understand, Decepticons will never leave your planet alone, and we needed them to believe that we had gone. For today in the name of freedom we take the battle to them." Optimus said. I heard cars coming down and I saw the rest of the team.

Bee transformed and ended up in front of Sam. I stayed close to Hide and the girls, "I saw your ship blow up." Sam said.

"The ship? We were never in the ship. We designed the damn thing didn't we?" Roadbuster said.

"We waited for the first booster rocket to separate. Splashed back into the Atlantic just as planned. We ain't going nowhere." Leadfoot said.

"Follow my lead." Hide said through the comm and deactivated his holoform. We followed only to see the bots looked confused. We transformed to our bi-pedal mode to have everyone look happy. Ratchet walked up to me and hugged me only to have Jazz do same. They all looked so confused still as to why there are four of us.

"It's Ironhide, Lighning, and Shadowlight just so you know." I said. I heard a couple of 'oh's.'

"They're surrounding the city to make a fortress. So that no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise." Optimus said.

"I think I know where to look." Sam said and we took off.


Question what did everyone think of the trailer that came out yesterday? I cannot wait for the movie to come out anymore, but I have to.




I think like at least three more chapters and I am done with DOTM! ;(

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