Put Up With It (Neji x OC)

By K-Kuraiyoru

33.9K 994 263

The fates of the young Hane Azayaka and Neji Hyuga become tied with an arranged marriage organized by their r... More

Part One
Part Three (FINAL)
Extra- The First Christmas

Part Two

6.5K 197 51
By K-Kuraiyoru

Hane Azayaka and her father were now returning to the Hyuga compound in the Leaf Village.  She had said her genuine goodbyes, but did not have many to receive as many clan members disapproved of her entire existence.

Hane explained that she would be married to a man who she barely knew, but was from the renowned Hyuga clan.  She assures those she considers as close friends that she is going to be alright and that Neji was kind and was just as insecure by the situation as she was.

However, the Azayaka told her silly things, like 'he's a boy' and 'he's just telling you what you want to hear' and 'he just wants what every guy wants.'  Hane shook it off and displayed an honest smile as she didn't believe that her husband-to-be was like that, but then again, she hardly knew him.

Thus, with a few accessories signifying the fact that she had Azayaka blood running through her veins, she left the Hidden Mist Village for the last time.  She carried a small bag of necessary clothing while her father carried the dress she was to wear the next day.  In less than one day, she was getting married.

That night, she was restless and remained in a state between being awake and fully asleep.  After all, this was supposed to be the day that every girl looked forward to since they are young, but Hane didn't even have a choice.

Sure, Neji wasn't a bad young man by any means, but Hane didn't really know him.  She definitely would want to choose the person she should spend the rest of her life with, and not have them chosen for her.

After a night of questioning and deep thought, she was awoken at an early hour.  The sun barely peaked over the horizon and birds chirped as a peaceful alarm crock for the natural world.  Hane was given mugs full of caffeinated drinks to stop her from yawning every five seconds.

As her onyx eyes began to lose the glaze that covered them, a remotely familiar young Hyuga girl helped her slide into a white gown.  Her shining black hair made the girl strain her exhausted mind to remember who she was.

"What do you think of marrying my cousin?" She asked suddenly, finally reminding Hane of who she was.

"He's nice." Hane responded, slightly unsure of herself.

"I know you just met him, but Neji-san isn't a bad person." Hinata mentioned as she began to tie the corset that surrounded her torso.  

"I know that.  It's just..." The bride-to-be trailed.

"That you would like to marry someone who you've spent more than four hours with?"

Hane nodded solemnly and returned to gazing at the reflection of herself in the mirror standing before her.  The gown she was wearing reached the floor and flowed loosely from her hips while the fabric around her torso was tight-fitted, yet elegant.  Laced sleeves began below her shoulders and stretched to her wrists.  To finish the beautiful look, golden accessories fastened her white hair into intricate curls behind her head.

"Neji-san is lucky." Hinata's voice surprised Hane as she almost forgot she was there.


"Of all the women that my father could have arranged for him to marry, he chose you." The young girl smiled before continuing, "And you're really pretty."

Hane blushed as she managed to mumble a quiet 'thank you.'

Minutes later, Hane's father entered the room, prepared to take his daughter's arm as she walked down the isle.  He laced his strong arm between hers as he gave her an assuring smile.

"You're beautiful." He whispered.

Thus, they walked to the altar silently and elegantly.  Hane had to stifle a nervous laugh as she looked at Neji who was unusually dressed in a formal outfit with his hair pulled from his face.  However, he still smiled at her when she took her place beside him.

Like Hyuga tradition, the two knelt on the ground in front of the person who read from scriptures and rituals to unite them.  Hane placed her right hand delicately on top of Neji's left one, directly in front of the elderly man.

A few more quiet words were said before the main portion of the ritual commenced.  He beckoned for Hane to raise her right hand, so she did.  He grasped it strongly between one of his rough hands, and in the other, he raised a jewel encrusted dagger.

He slit a tiny portion of Hane's skin on the palm of her right hand, but it wasn't painful.  Quickly, he did the same to Neji's large palm of his left hand.  Upon further instructions, Neji and Hane's cut hands were placed together once again, absorbing each other's blood to truly become united.

After blessing the new couple, the two were now wed, and had to prepare for more fascinating adventures of marriage to come.

A short, yet joyful ceremony followed, honoring the new Hyuga girl and her husband.  Even though Hane was nervous, she felt appreciated as the Hyuga clan seemed to honor her.

Following the ceremony, Neji and Hane were led to their new small house.  Within the Hyuga compound was a relatively small apartment with one bedroom, a kitchen, and community room with a couch, small table, and dining table.  

The sun fell below the horizon and the two were exhausted and had the same thought: sleep.  The stumbled into the single bedroom while the thought of sharing a bed hadn't really occupied their tired minds.  A quick visit to the bathroom allowed Hane to remove her beautiful gown and slip on a loose nightgown.  It fell just above her knees and had capped sleeves so that it wouldn't fall from her body as she slept.

Now that she was comfortable, she wiggled under the covers as Neji removed his formal clothing in the bathroom and pulled on sleepwear, which consisted of a t-shirt and underwear.  When he returned to the bed and flicked off the light, the two were lying on opposite sides, facing opposite directions, and lied on the very edge of the bed.

As Hane began to drift back to sleep, she heard Neji begin to say a few things.

"Of all the women I could have been married to, I have to say I'm glad it's you." He mumbled.

Hane responded with a questioning noise, too tired to form any words.

"I mean, you're better than the others." Neji continued as another tired sound urged him to continue with his kind words.

"You're smart and kind, not to mention pretty.  So I can't truly say that being married to you is awful..." He trailed.

Hane reached behind her and searched for one of Neji's hands with her own.  Once she found one, she grasped onto it and squeezed softly.

"It won't be awful 'cause my husband isn't too bad either." Hane mumbled sleepily before finally closing her eyes and resting peacefully.

And tomorrow, their life as a married Hyuga couple begins.

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