My Brothers Best Friend {Z.M}

By blessedzquad

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Esme Evans is in love with her brothers best friend. •••• Zayn Malik Fanfiction :) More

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By blessedzquad


     When Justine tells me that, I instantly hang up before standing up. I grab my sandals before slipping them on. I leave my phone on the bed before walking down the stairs, and I can hear Harry's voice from the kitchen. Maybe talking to my brother. I walk inside seeing Harry leaning against the counter, before letting out a small chuckle at something at my brother says.

      "Harry could we speak alone?" I ask keeping my voice short and snappy. Brayden looks up from his plate of cheese and crackers before standing up and walking out after shooting me a look. I cross my arms in front of me, my eyes staring at Harry.

     "I didn't know you were in contact with Stacia lately. Want to explain that to me Harry?" I ask, my voice coming out snappy. Harry's eyes look at me before he frowns. He stands up before walking over to me but I take a step back, with a shake of my head.

"I don't talk to Stacia, Esme. She's a bitch and she hurt you. I wouldn't want to associate myself with anyone like that." Harry states with a frown playing at his lips. I let out a small scoff, I can't believe he's lying to me right now. With everything we've been through, he has the audacity to stand right in front of me and lie to my face.

"You're such a liar Harry, Justine told me. She saw you and Stacia talking and heard you speaking about the prom thing. Quit lying to me Harry, and just tell me the truth." I state as Harry sighs deeply. He takes a seat on the chair before beckoning for me to do the same which I do. I need to hear his side before assuming things.

"Stacia came to me and wanted to get you and Zayn apart. I agreed, and that's how the prom thing happened. I feel guilty but Esme. You're better off without him. You don't need someone like that." Harry states, keeping his answer short and sweet. I roll my eyes before my arms resting against the table.

"You don't get to tell me who I deserve or not. You lost that right when you decided to go behind my back and pin something on Zayn which he didn't do. You don't know him Harry. You're such a douche. I can't believe you would do such a thing." I reply shaking my head. This doesn't sound like Harry. He wouldn't do this to me. But it all adds up. I cover my face with my hands before groaning.

"Esme I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize Harry! You did this for one reason and one reason only, because your a selfish bastard! Get the hell out. Now." I state uncovering my face before my eyes narrow at him. Harry stands up without a word uttered, and walks out of the kitchen. A moment later I can hear the front door closing. I hear footsteps making its way into the kitchen. I turn around and I see my older brother.

"I heard yelling. What happened, are you alright?" Brayden asks softly, his brotherly concern coming out. I let out a sigh, licking over my lips.

"Stacia is using you." I state simply, standing up I push past my brother and down the hallway. I grab my keys before walking out. I get inside my car, sticking my key into the ignition. I drive towards the one place I know I'll be wanted. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get there because my mind is unfocused and I don't pay attention closely as I drive. I pull into the driveway, noticing there isn't a car here but hopefully he'll be here.

I get out before walking to the front door, my hand raising and I knock a couple times before letting my arm rest next to me. I hear shuffling behind the front door before it opens. Zayn stands there, wearing black sweats and his lip is still looking bad along with his jaw and cheek. His eyes fall on mine.

"Esme are you okay? You look like your about to cry..." Zayn says softly, I take a step forward before crushing myself against his chest, my head resting against his shoulder. Zayn's arms snake around my body, one of his hands resting against my lower back holding me close to his body. I continue hugging him, not even caring we're standing in the doorway.

After a few moments, I've had time to recollect myself. I pull away some, before looking up at him. My hand resting on his upper arm before my other hand raises letting my fingers brush along his jaw. He winces slightly before tilting his head to the side. I let out a soft sigh, before my head tilts up more so I can continue looking up at him.

"Want to explain why you're here baby? Not that I mind, but you normally call and you had tears in your eyes when I opened up the door. Brayden called me you know. Said you might come over here. He said something about Stacia and Harry. But he told me to ask you about it." Zayn says, one of his arms moving, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I blink before pulling away. I let Zayn lead me inside and into the living room.

Once we sat down, his hands are covering mine. I don't say anything at first just messing with his fingers, as he stays silent. I normally have control over my emotions but knowing that my best friend went behind my back and lied to me. Trying to break Zayn and I apart. He was there to comfort me, for what reason? I'm not quite sure. I just need to let the steam leave right now.

"Harry lied to me. Stacia and Harry faked those text messages they displayed out in prom. They wanted to break us up. I don't know why. I didn't get the far in the conversation with him. I told him to leave. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you when you told me you didn't do it. I feel awful because I should've believed you and now my emotions are everywhere and I just... I just want to cry because I feel like a bitch that I didn't believe you. That I didn't believe the one person who's been truthful to me from day one. I love you. So much." I state softly blinking back the tears, before taking in a deep breathe.

Everything is silent. I can hear his breathing, knowing he's just taking my words in. Maybe I messed up everything, by not trusting him. My hand squeezes his, I look up at him. My bottom lip trembles slowly, I'm shot to start crying. I know I am, my cheeks are getting hot and my heart is beating just a little faster.

"No. No. Don't cry princess. Hey, everything is going to be okay between us. I forgive you, alright? There's no need to cry." Zayn hurries to say, his hands pulling away from mine before his hands cup my cheeks making me look at him. I'm not sure why my emotions are everywhere but they are. Zayn's thumb rubs my cheek softly, before he leans forward pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I need you to calm down okay Es? Just breathe in and out. You aren't helping yourself in this situation. You're going to make yourself sick. I love you baby, that's never going to change." Zayn whispers softly, his eyes searching mine. I take in a breathe then release, to try to calm my racing heart rate.

"Now, tell me what happened but don't get yourself worked up alright? You were stumbling over words and I could barely understand you." Zayn says softly, causing me to nod slightly. I blink before taking in a deep breathe then releasing it. Zayn is here with me and everything should be alright. He says he loves me.

"Justine called me and said she saw Stacia and Harry speaking. So she sent Maya over there, because Justine and Harry broke up. Maya told Justine that they were talking about the prom incident and how they planned it. I confronted Harry on it, he lied to me then finally told me the truth. He told me that you don't deserve me. That I deserve someone better." I state quietly, getting my words out and straight out. My thoughts being straight instead of everywhere.

"I knew Stacia set me up. She's a bitch. I was trying to tell your brother but he kept pushing me. I'm sorry you got lied too, especially but your best friend. I bet the only reason he was doing that was so he could get with you. He didn't try anything did he?" Zayn asks, his hands moving to rest on mine again. His touch makes me so relaxed. But then I tense again as he asks me if Harry tried anything.

"Uh... He did actually." I state softly, Zayn frowns at me, his eyes narrowing. I'm not sure if it's at me or the fact that Harry tried to make a move on me, well he didn't try he accomplished it. I just hope Zayn doesn't ask about what happened. I know Zayn's feelings about Harry and I don't need something to happen.

"What happened Esme?" Zayn asks, his hands staying on mine so that has to be a good thing. He didn't pull them away. That means he isn't mad at me exactly. Just mad at Harry, whom isn't here so he can't really do anything.

"It was two days ago. He was at my house and we were watching a movie. Even though we weren't really paying any attention to the film. We were talking about things. I was talking about something, I'm not sure what it was but then he leaned forward and kissed me. I was confused, and I kissed him back. For only a second though and I pulled away." I state softly, as I take my bottom lip between my teeth. Zayn lets out a little sigh before leaning back, but not pulling his hands away from mine.

     "Okay. I guess I can't be mad. You and I weren't dating at the time since you wouldn't answer any of my messages or phone calls. But thanks for telling me. Even though I'm slightly jealous." Zayn grumbles the last part which causes me to let out a soft laugh. Of course he knows how to calm me down. When I walked in, I was a total mess who couldn't get a single sentence out of my mouth.

     "How did you date Stacia and what happened between you two? You two obviously have bad blood. I want to know what happened." I ask softly my eyes on the beautiful boy sitting in front of me. I catch that he tenses slightly, but he instantly relaxes. I caught it though.

     "Do we have to talk about that? Or could we just enjoy each other's company?" Zayn asks his thumb rubbing over my skin which causes me to smile very small at him. I want him to be comfortable with telling me, but I really need to know.

     "Please. I'm not going to judge Zayn." I whisper softly, which causes Zayn to let out a defeated sigh. He pulls his hands away from mine, before his fingers run through his hair. I wonder what happened between the two for there to be such thick water between them.


"I met Stacia my sophomore year. We were just friends at first, but feelings soon started to develop between us. We started dating middle of my sophomore year. She wasn't a complete bitch this time. Stacia was liked by people, and was kind. I was a little bit of dick back then. Thinking I was too cool for school and such. We dated throughout the rest of the sophomore year, then through the summer and a couple months into my junior year. She started acting differently, and at this time I was... talking to some other girl. Just talking, causal flirting between the two of us. Stacia found out since the girl was her friend. I didn't think much about it, my first time was with Stacia. About a week and half after Stacia was acting weird, rumors started going around that I was screwing other girls behind her back. I wasn't, but I thought 'hey cred for my reputation'. She broke up with me, quite dramatically." I finish off breathing out. I leave some things out until I figure out how to figure them out. Esme looks at me before she nods slightly.

"There has to be a reason why you two absolutely hate each other though. Besides some rumors going around, I mean I'm not defending her but how do you know it was Stacia?" Esme asks softly, I can tell she wants to know more about this situation but I haven't really opened up about it, to anyone before.

"I actually don't know if it was her. I assumed it was because she turned into a... bitch after we broke up. The reason why we are so, what's the word. Awkward and hateful towards each other because Stacia was pregnant. It was about a month before junior year started, Stacia called me up and told me that she was pregnant. This was the time she was seeing other people. I instantly thought it was mine, I felt horrible for impregnating her so I was going to man up and take responsibility. First week into junior year, she aborted the baby. She told me it was mine, i still don't know who the baby daddy was. I think it was mine, but everything started getting rocky when she had the abortion without asking me. Or even telling me until three days after it happened." I conclude, looking down at my hands as I mess with fingers. I haven't told anyone that besides my mom.

The room is silence, I can practically hear my heart beating in my ears. I can small hands grabbing mine, which causes me to look up. The fact about it is, I think the baby was mine. Even if I wasn't mature enough to be able to take care of it. She should've asked me for it instead of going behind my back and taking the life of an innocent baby.

"I'm sorry. I really am. Don't let that define you though. You're letting Stacia define you. Everything your saying I feel as if that's how you see yourself." Esme says softly, before she offers me a soft smile. "You are strong and amazing Zayn. I'm so glad to be able to have you in my life. You've changed it for the better. Don't let that define you, let you define you." Esme adds in softly. Her fingers tangling with mine, before she moves closer to me.

We continue just enjoying each other company. The silence between us is warming and isn't awkward. Her thumb is rubbing my knuckles. Her legs touching mine. Our time is cut short by the shrill of my phone, I pull my fingers away before seeing Brayden is calling me.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, I'm a little confused on why he's calling me. He called me earlier today and warned me that Esme might be coming over but that's the only time we've had some sort of an actual conversation. Most of what he does is glare at me. It's honestly so dumb.

"Esme needs to come home. My mom needs to talk to her, something came in the mail. Her phone is in her bedroom." Brayden states simply before hanging up the phone. I raise an eyebrow before placing my phone on the coffee table before looking at the stunning girl in front of me.

"Brayden says you need to head home baby. Something came in the mail for you." I say softly which causes a small groan from Esme. I chuckle softly before placing my hand on her knee. Her outfit being black shorts that stop at her mid thigh and a black tank top.

"Come with me. You could stay the night with me. We can have more time with each other." Esme says, and I instantly nod. I don't mind staying at hers. Her parents approve of us which is a good thing. I just need to spend more time with her. This new found information should help build our relationship.

When we get to her house, I follow her inside. My hand is in hers as she walks us into the kitchen were her brother and mom are sitting at the counter eating some popcorn. Esme clears her throat and her mom looks up before she smiles.

"Hey baby, Zayn. I'm glad to see you two are back together." Her mom states smiling at the both of us. Esme nods before she leans against me which I hug her close to me, before pressing my lips to her forehead. My love for her being huge.

"We weren't really broken apart. But Bray said you needed me here." Esme says softly her arm wrapping around me which I smile softly. Her mom nods before grabbing a thick envelope and walking towards you. She hands it to Esme which Esme takes before Esme gasps slightly.

"You got accepted into the over broad program, In Sydney Australia." When Esme's mom says that, a frown is pulling onto my lips. I look down at her as her eyes read over the paper and I can faintly see the words 'congratulations' written in the black bold print. I pull away from Esme some as her head turns to look up at me.

     "Zayn and I are going to my bedroom. He's staying the night, and will be joining us for dinner." Esme says holding the letter in one hand before grasping mine in the other before leading us towards her bedroom. I don't say a word still processing the information that Esme could possibly be leaving going to Australia.

      We walk inside her bedroom, and I can see a can of unopened grape soda on her nightstand. I walk towards her bed, sitting down on the edge with a sigh. Esme places the envelope on her dresser before turning around to face me. She walks over and her hand rests against my shoulder. Her eyes searching my face.

      "I didn't think I would get in. That's why I never told you. I'm thinking of denying it because I don't want to leave you." Esme says softly, which causes me to let out a quiet scoff. My hand falls to her waist, before looking up at her since she's standing up in front of me.

     "No don't do that. Go if you really want too. I think this would be great for you baby girl. Alright? We can make this work somehow, and some way. I don't need you thinking that you should ruin this perfect chance." I say softly, before letting out a soft sigh. Even though I so badly want to tell her that I don't want her going I can't do that to her. She seemed so happy when she found out that she got accepted.

      A week later

     It's been a week since everything went down. Since I found out that Stacia did trap us to pin us against each other. I opened up about my past to my girlfriend. About the past of Stacia and I. It felt nice telling her because it felt like a weight was lifted off of my chest. Harry has tried to contact Esme and apologize even though Esme has ignored him every time. Justine wanted to tell everyone the truth but we haven't done that. We don't want to stoop to her level.

     The Australia thing, Esme decided to go. It will be a small strain on our relationship being that it's a whole country away from us. She's leaving before the school year ends. A week before school ends. It's an entire year that's she spending there. But I think we will work, I fell in love with my best friends little sister but it was the best decision I ever made.


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