Truth Be Told

By ross_girl

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A young girl was brought into a family's life for she didn't really say she had a true family. They took her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ***last chapter***

Chapter 12

341 17 3
By ross_girl

Ross P.O.V.

"Ross, I need to tell you about my date last night with Derek." Angela said before sitting on the bed.

I looked at her with sincere eyes, "You can tell me anything. I'm right here."

She took a moment before saying, "It's mainly about Derek. I..I dont think me and him will work out."

Yes! She doesnt like Derek! I havent felt this happy since....since forever! Okay, Ross calm down. Oh crap, shes looking at me! Maybe because I have to answer.

I cleared my throat, "Wh-what makes you think that?"

"Well, we..were different. He loves those romantic movies and I dont see why people even like them. Dont get me wrong, some are alright but, most of them are SO predictable. The movie we saw yesterday was just a crappy copy of The Notebook."

I chuckled, "How are they 'SO predictable'?"

"Just think about it okay, theres the high school dramas where the nerdy unpopular girl gets her dream boy or falls for her nerdy guy friend and the mean popular girl gets humiliated and everyone stands up to her. Or it could be the one where a boy and a girl meet and its 'love at first sight' someone pulls them apart, one of them starts dating someone else trying to get over their love, they see each other, makeout, stand up to who pulled them apart and they live 'happily ever after'."

My mouth hung open a little as I looked at her with disbelief. "Quick question, have you seen Romeo & Juliet?" I asked her.

" but I'm pretty sure I just described it didnt I?"

I smirked at her, "Actually, you didnt predict the whole movie and its much more than that. In fact, we're watching it tonight during movie night."

She laughed before replying, "By the sounds of it, that seems to be your favorite movie. So you probably watch it nonstop. Dont you think the others will disagree with you."

I leaned in close to her, only a few inches away from her face and those perfect lips. I stopped thinking of that before smirking, "Why don't we go see?"

Angela P.O.V.

We walked downstairs to see Riker and Angel on the couch. "It's about time you two get down here." Angel complained.

"Yea, what took you so long?" Riker asked.

"Nothing, we just talked." I said sitting down on the other couch.

"Yea....just 'talked'." Riker said winking over at Ross.

Okay. Why is everyone acting strange? First Rocky, then Ross, now Riker. What is going on between them three boys?

Ross came over and sat next to me as Riker and Angel cuddled on the opposite couch.

"So, what are we watching?" Angel asked looking at me and Ross.

"Romeo & Juliet." Ross said making her and Riker groan. "Hear me out, Ang has never seen it and thinks that all romance movies are predictable and crappy so im gonna prove her wrong." He said putting in the movie.

"Fine. After this, I dont want to watch it for a whole month." Riker said leaning back and snuggling next to Angel in their big cover. Ross brought over some covers of our own.

"You want separate blankets or one big one?"

I looked at the big one, it looked so comfortable and that means I could cuddle with that hot body of Ross' under it.....WAIT! What am I saying?! Hes my foster brother I cant have feelings for him, he would probably be so disgusted at the fact that im even thinking of such a thing!

"Uhh....the big one."

Gee, what a great way to not think about it.

Ross nodded before sitting down next to me and throwing the cover on top of us. I tried my best not to immediately cuddle with him so I leaned over onto the side as the movie started.

Ross P.O.V.

After the movie I looked over at Ang to see her eyes practically glued to the screen.

I started to chuckle, "Did you like it?"

She looked over at me, "Uhh...I did not see the ending coming."

Riker looked over at her like she was insane. "Really?! How can you not see the ending coming? People have talked about this movie for YEARS."

I glared over at him, "Leave her alone. She has never seen it."

She spoke up, "Plus before coming here I was never a social type. I mean I rarely had boyfriends."

Angel got up and sat between me and Ang. "Speaking of boyfriends, how did your date go?"

Ugh.....I didnt want to here any of this talk about Derek.

I got up and went to the kitchen, Riker following me. "So I guess you don't like Derek."

I looked over at him, "You dont say. It's just that something about him seems off. I'm worried he'll hurt her. She's so Ahh and he's so *scoff*. She deserves someone better like...."

"Like you." Riker finished.

"Exactly, im so glad we both agree." I said grabbing a banana.

Riker playfully rolled his eyes before heading to the living room.

I stopped him, "Shh...listen."

"Ang, you need to give him a second chance." 

"I dont know Angel. We just dont have a lot in common."  

"Just do it" 

"*sigh* Fine I will."

I looked at Riker, "Your girlfriend sucks." 

"You're just mad that you cant have Ang."

I sighed dramatically, "I dont want her going on a date with that guy again. He seems strange. There needs to be a way I get to know him better."

"You could have Ang invite him to dinner with all of us."

I looked at him like he was stupid, "Are you kidding, people always lie about themselves at those things. I mean remember when you first met Angel's parents? You told them some drastic story that wasnt real so you could get sympathy and they would think you're the sweetest thing on Earth and let you date her. We gotta do something else........Hey, you busy tomorrow?"

He thought for a while, "No not really."

"Okay so here's my plan, we follow him around town to see his daily life. Ang said that he works at the car shop so we can start there. We will record things down and if we find out whats wrong with him then we will tell Ang not to date him."

Riker nodded his head, "Two things, what do we tell Derek if he finds out and what will we tell Ang when she questions us on how we know?"

"We just say that we were coincidentally passing by."

"Yea like that works."

"It will. Just please do this with me?"

"Okay, I guess I will."

**next day**Angela P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and went downstairs. I got some cereal and ate it while I went through the twitter feed. I came across a tweet made by Ross,

'@rossr5: just got @angelalove to watch Romeo & Juliet last night and I can tell she loved it.:)'

I smiled to myself and started to read the comments.

'@r5eryea: omg Ross, did you finally meet your Juliet?'

'@rossgal4eva: I totally ship it'

'@babygirlr5: Rangela all the way!!!'

Wow alot of people actually like for me and Ross to be together. We decided not to tell the fans that I was adopted by Stormie and Mark. Suddenly I got a text message from Angel.

'Im coming over since no one is there.'

I looked around seeing that no one was there.

I texted back, 'How in the world did u know that???'

I almost immediately got a text back, 'Cuz Riker said him and Ross was going somewhere today, Rydel is hanging with Bri, and Rocky and Ryland are over at Ratliff's and I know that because Rydel said she almost got caught with Ratliff. Its a good thing Bri was with the boys to run in the house first and warn'

I nodded my head, 'alright come over and bring hot flamins'

'im bringing allayah is that okay'

  'yea thats fine' I finished my cereal and rinsed the bowl before heading upstairs to get dressed. I put on pink sweat pants and a hollister shirt.

About 30 minutes later Angel and Allayah walked in the house. The first thing Angel did was look at me for a minute or two.

"Did you call Derek?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed softly, "I didnt get to yet because I just woke up not too long ago."

Allayah walked up, "Wait who's Derek?"

"He's just this boy that I met at the place where I got my motorcycle. We went out on a date and we didnt click."

Angel scoffs, "You two were perfect for eachother and I saw static between yall at the shop."

Allayah continues to look at us confused, "I thought you were dating Ross, I even told Ryland how cute you two were together at the campsite."

Angel started laughing. "She ain't dating Ross, she was adopted into their family....."

I zoned out through the rest of their conversation.

Wow, a lot of people think me and Ross should be together. There's a small part of me that wants to happen too. When we first met I thought he was hot, I mean have you seen him? When he ignored me for 2 months, it killed me and usually I dont care what people think of me. And when we finally made up, I felt really happy. Everything I did revolved around him. I cant do this, I cant sit here and keep this secret away from these good people especially Ross. I cant wait till he gets home, I'm going to tell him everything or at least I'll try.

I looked up just in time.

"So are you gonna call Derek?" Angel asked. I shook my head no. "Why not?!"

"Because she doesnt like him like that scoot. See told you!" Allayah said smiling ear to ear.

"Dont call me scoot!"

I looked confused, "Scoot?"

"it's her nickname." I laughed.

Ross P.O.V.

Me and Riker pulled up to the car shop and waited for Derek to get off work. Finally after 20 minutes of silence, he walked out to his truck. He started driving and I followed close behind.

I looked over and Riker was a nervous wreck, "Whats wrong?"

"Gee, I dont know what bothers me more. The fact were following a guy that could be a serial killer and catch us spying or the fact that YOU'RE driving."

I chuckled, "Dont worry I'm not going to kill you really think he could be a serial killer?"

Riker shrugged his shoulders, "Anyone could be really. You might think they're all sweet and innocent and next thing you know, everyone you love is dead. Thats why girls play such a good role as killers. You get distracted by how beautiful they are, you love the fact she's shy, and she always looks innocent."

I replayed what Riker said over and over again before realizing that Dereks truck was pulling in a parking lot. He got out and headed around the curb. I immediately got out after he turned so he wouldnt see me. Riker followed as we stayed on that side of the building when we heard him talking to someone. I listened closely.

Derek:Why did we need to meet here?

Some woman: So we know that no one followed you. How did the date with her go?

Derek: Fine I guess, she didnt seem that interested

woman: Probably because you took her to a romantic movie, I've known her my whole life and I specifically told you not to be romantic. Gosh, you need to pay attention if we want her back on our side.....He's not going to be so happy at the fact you couldnt get her to fall for you

Derek: Mia im sorry but its your fault you lost contact with her in the first place

Mia (the woman): I dont control her with answering the damn phone or my messages. You need her to get this whole thing done with before.... (sobbing)

Derek: Before what? Why are you crying?

Mia: He said if Angela doesnt do what shes suppose to he'll.....*sniff* kill her

I widened my eyes, Someone wants to kill Angela? What was she's supposed to do? I gotta keep this guy away from her and keep her safe. Theres no way in hell im losing the best thing that happened to me.....even though it hasnt happened yet.

I looked around the corner a little bit to see a girl about 16 years old with dark brown almost black hair down her past her shoulders a bit.

Riker pulled me back, "Are you crazy?! Are you trying to get us killed?!" He whisper yelled. I rolled my eyes before looking back. Mia turned on her heel and walked away, Derek started walked to heading towards us. I grabbed ahold of Rikers arm and pulled him into the building we were beside so Derek didnt see us. We went to the car after he drove away.

Riker sat in his seat and sighed, "What did you get us into?"

I looked at him shocked,"What are you talking about? If it wasnt for me, we wouldn't know that Derek is dangerous and Angela will get killed if she's with him. Now we know to protect her."

"How we suppose to do that and who was 'He' anyway?"

"I dont know who. And I don't know how were gonna keep her safe..." I started the engine, "....but what I do know is im gonna die trying."


Sooo what ya think??? Haha im so tired and im so sick, im losing my voice and I sound like batman lol. ILY and I'll update when I can:)


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