Who Should I Choose? (Camren...

By itsonlyL

81.6K 2.2K 814

~ A Y/N/Camren Story ~ You've been in an almost perfect relationship for the past two years with a girl named... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A/n: 4 years of 5H
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/n: Here're my thoughts
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/n: 1K Reads!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
A/n: Catching Up/2k Reads!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 29

1.4K 46 149
By itsonlyL

    The clock strikes 7:08 PM when you hear the door bell ring. Even though you still are unsure of Selena's agenda, you calmly walk towards the door to open it. You have nothing to be worried about, right? As soon as you turn the knob and open the door fully, you suddenly feel a quick, hard slap to your right cheek. Once the initial shock passes, you put your hands in front of your face to act as a shield, just in case the aggressive woman decides to attack again,
    "What the fuck, Selena?!" You practically yell at her, with her still standing outside,
    "I needed to get that out of the way with," she simply says while stepping by you in order to get into the house. Like hell you'd even attempt to stop her from doing so, girl packs a mean punch. When you close the door and turn around, you notice that she's entering the kitchen. You decide to cautiously follow her, fearing that she might be heading towards the knives. Luckily, you watch her reach into the freezer and grab a frozen bag of vegetables,
    "Here," she says while handing the bag to you, "Wouldn't want to damage that pretty face too much,"
    "Umm... Thanks?" You stand for a minute, confusedly staring at the woman, "It's great to see you, and I'm definitely one for dramatic entrances, but why are you here exactly?" She takes a seat at the kitchen table and motions for you to do the same,
    "Come, sit. I think it's about time we had a little chat, yea?"
    Shit... Although it's really the last thing you want to do, you comply to her wish,
    "So how have you been lately, Y/N," she asks you,
    "Uhm— I've been ok, pretty good, I guess..." you awkwardly trail off, still confused,
    "Something tells me you're not one for small talk," she teasingly says, which elicits a small laugh from you,
    "Something tells me you have something to say and you're procrastinating saying it right now," she takes a breath before speaking,
    "Camila's different now," those three words automatically bring you a little sense of panic. Hearing her name is hard enough, but hearing that she's 'different', it's rather unsettling,
    "What do you mean?" You try to ask nonchalantly, but you do a rather poor job of that,
    "I'm so worried about her, Y/N/N,"
    "Why?" You quickly ask, your fear increasing,
    "In the beginning, it was really hard for her, not having you. But maybe a week or two after you two split, she started going out to this club. At first I was really proud of her. I thought it was good she was getting out and having some fun, but that's changed. She's going out with bad people. Like, some I barely know, some I completely don't. They haven't ever been friends to any of us, so I honestly don't know how she's involved herself with them,"
    "What's so wrong with these people?"
    "They've been known to be involved with— illegal substances,"
    No fucking way... "Sel, that's not right. She wouldn't do that kind of stuff," you deny, not wanting to accept it,
    "You haven't fucking seen this version of her, Y/N. I don't know who the hell she is, but she's definitely not my little cousin," Selena says, looking heart broken, which results in you feeling the same,
    Did I create a monster?
    "Honestly though, that's not even the worst of it,"
    Fucking fantastic... "What is then?"
    "I'm pretty sure she's fucking the dealer..." when you hear this, your blood begins to boil as your jealousy spikes,
    Stop it. You can't be jealous! "Who is it?" You try to calmly question. Selena pulls out her phone and shows you a picture:

(A/n: Lol, sawrry Kels!) "His name is Kyle—Keaton, something that starts with a K I think," Selena says as you stare at the picture of your ex and the older man, "He's a total asshole. I think the only reason why CC is with him is because he hooks her up with whatever she wants,"
    "Why?" You say, completely taken back,
    "Why what?"
    "Why is she doing this to herself?"
    "She's lost without you," she bluntly says, "You can't blame yourself for this, but she's trying to forget you. Bad decisions are what she's turning to in order to do that," you sit there, letting everything sink in. You wish you could do something to help the girl you are still somewhat in love with,
    "What do you want me to do?" Selena slightly tilts her head to the side when you ask this,
    "What do you mean?"
    "I assume you didn't just come here to torture me with this news, right?" She slightly smiles,
    "You are one smart cookie," you shake your head with a small smile on your face, "I'd really appreciate it if you went and talked to her,"
    "No!" You quickly respond,
    "No, Selena. Even though it hurts, I can not just show up there and tell her who/what she can do, that's your job, if anything,"
    "You think I haven't already tried that, Asshole? She won't listen to me!"
    "Well I'm sorry, but I can't do it. It would be super hypocritical of me to do so,"
    "Please, Y/N?" she practically begs while standing up and vulnerably looking into your Y/E/C eyes, "If you have even an ounce of care or love for my cousin, go talk to her. She needs help right now... I hope you'll be able to get threw to her," with that being said, Selena exits the house, leaving you alone to make a major decision.

Camila's POV
    As Camila stands in front of the mirror applying make-up, she can't stop her thoughts from telling her to crawl back into her nice bed to watch The Notebook with a bowl of ice cream,
    No, you can do this. Just go out with a smile on your face and fake it till you make it, for Sel, the only reason the Latina is doing this is because she owes her older cousin for putting up with her and her sadness over the past couple of weeks. When Camila finishes applying her make-up, she checks her phone to see the time is 7:48 PM,
    Great, I'm ready early, as soon as she thinks this, she hears a few knocks on the door, which is definitely strange. Selena is never early, to any occasion. With this being said, Camila thinks that the knocker might be one of her neighbors who needs an egg or some sugar. Camila approaches the door, ready to use the soft, sweet voice she uses when she talks to Ms. Johnston, the 76 year-old woman who lives alone a couple of doors down. When Camila opens the door and is not met with the elderly woman, she has a hard time believing that she's seeing correctly.

    Camila can't help but quickly scan her eyes over her ex, who manages to make ripped skinny jeans and a plain black tee look sexy as hell. Adding on to the hotness factor, is the way that those Y/E/C eyes are clearly checking out Camila, with a certain look that the other girl can't quite place,
    "Uhmm— Hi," Camila says first, wanting to break the silence,
    "Hey. Can I come in?" Y/N says while still staring at Camila's body. Camila nods her head while trying to contain her blush, although she's rather confused,
    "So... What's up?" Camila asks once she closes the door, wanting to know the reason behind Y/N's sudden appearance,
    "Not much, really. I just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing?" When Camila hears this, she inwardly panics. Not wanting her ex to see how much she's been struggling without her, she decides to lie,
    "I've been doing pretty well, actually. How about you?" Her ex let's out a small, bitter laugh, which sort of offends the brown eyed girl,
Can she already tell I'm lying? "What's that laugh supposed to mean?"
    "Oh, nothing. It's just— I've heard all about how great of a time you've been having lately,"
What the fuck does that mean? "I'm sorry, what?"
    "You can cut the shit, Karla. I know about what's been going on," Y/N says, clearly angry,
    "Y/N/N, I don't know what the hell you're talking about?"
    "Oh my God! Do I need to remind you?"
    "Please do," Camila sassily says, beginning to get agitated by her ex's bitchy attitude,
    "I know you've been going out, partying, doing drugs, and fucking random people!" When Camila hears this, her eyes go wide in surprise and her anger increases,
Who the hell does she think she is, coming in here and throwing all of this bullshit at me? Camila would probably laugh at the ridiculous accusations if she wasn't feeling so hurt that Y/N was making them in the first place,
    "Who told you this?"
    "Doesn't matter. What does matter is that it needs to stop,"
    "There's nothing to stop. None of that's true, Y/N!"
    "You know, I really want to believe that... But seeing you dressed like that, I know it's fucking true!" Camila scoffs when she hears this,
    "Oh yea? How do I 'look'?" What the two haven't noticed is that they've gravitated closer to each other throughout the argument,
    "You look like you're practically begging to get fucked," Y/N heatedly says, which angers Camila even more,
    "You're fucking insane! Even if all of those accusations were true, you can't tell me what to do, Asshole!"
    "Like hell I can't!"
    "What gives you the goddamn right?"
    "You're mine, that's what!" Y/N boldly proclaims while staring into Camila's eyes.
Smut Warning ;)
    Before either of them have time to even blink, their lips come crashing together. Lust, anger, and desire are clearly apparent in the kiss. Y/N easily picks Camila up, with lips still attached, and walks them into the bedroom. When they enter the bedroom, Y/N throws Camila down on the bed after ridding her of her dress. Camila watches Y/N as she slowly begins to take off her clothes. Even though she can barely stand the woman right now, Camila feels a heat between her legs that she hasn't felt in weeks, she knows that this is what she wants. When the two women are both only in their undergarments, Y/N moves so she's standing directly in front of Camila. Her next move is to rid Camila of her bra, then to lightly shove her shoulder so the Latina is laying down, then Y/N lays down so she has one of her legs placed in between Camila's legs. At first, the two start off by continuing their make-out session from before, trying to fulfill their craving, having been deprived of each other for weeks. When air becomes an issue, Y/N moves her lips down to Camila's neck and collarbone, for sure leaving a few marks. When the Y/H/C haired girl gives Camila's sweet spot attention, Camila can't help but let out a throaty moan. Suddenly, Y/N begins to suck on Camila's hardened left nipple while toying with the right one. Camila can feel the wetness between her legs increasing,
"Y/N/N, I need you," Camila desperately tells her ex while slightly bucking her hips, trying to gain some friction,
"What do you need, Babygirl?" Y/N says while beginning to tease the hem of the Latina's panties, resulting in another moan escaping the woman,
"I need your tongue, please!" When those words are spoken, Y/N swiftly takes off Camila's panties, leaving her entirely bare. Y/N starts running her finger along the other girls slit in a teasing way, which Camila quickly protests,
"No teasing, Baby,"
"You don't get to tell me what to do, Gorgeous," Y/N says while going lower and placing kisses on Camila's inner thighs. Camila decides to tug on the other woman's hair, which elicits a moan from the teaser. Once Y/N decides she's tortured her ex enough, she begins to move her finger in and out of the girl's wetness while lightly sucking on her clit. In between moans and 'Oh my God's!', Camila manages to say,
    "More!" With this being said, Y/N adds another finger while picking up her pace and beginning to search for ex's g-spot. As Camila's walls begin to tighten around slender fingers, she shakily says,
    "I'm so fucking close, Baby," with Y/N's fingers still expertly doing their job, the Y/E/C eyed girl sexily says,
    "Let go, Princess," Upon hearing those words and feeling the vibrations that her ex's words produced, the Latina cums, hard. Y/N helps Camila ride out her orgasm by continuing to move her fingers until the brown eyed girl is completely done. Once the Latina comes down from her high, Y/N pulls her fingers out and sucks on them, then she goes back down and drinks up her ex's remaining juices.
    End of smut ;)
    The last thing Camila sees before going to sleep is Y/N wrapping her arms around her in order to pull her as close as possible while cutely saying,
    "Mine," then placing a loving kiss on the sleepy, overjoyed girl's lips.

    A/n: There's chapter 29! Well... Erhmm... Nice weather we're having... Lol, I hope you enjoyed it :) First of all, let's talk about Selena's sneakiness. Damn, girl set that up perfectly. What a Captain! Next, I'm sorry if the smut wasn't good, I'm just a child! Maybe let me know if you'd like more or if I should NEVER do it again? Lol, anyways, here's the chapter Q my dudes. Q) What's going to happen next? Are Camila and Y/N going to get back together or was this a one time thing? What about Green Eyes? K, well that's it for now :)

Work hard, play harder, Love Only!

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