107 letters

By Normal_is_my_enemy

34 2 2

"107. One is for how many people I've kissed in my life, Zero is how many people I've slept with, and Seven h... More

Letter #2

Letter #1

16 1 1
By Normal_is_my_enemy

Arrow Harp.
Arrow Harp.
Arrow Harp.
Arrow Harp.

The backside of my history notebook says those two words over and over. My handwriting is so sloppy no one could read the words I wrote.

"Ms. Felicity, could you name a concentration camp during the Second World War?" Mr. Langstaff questioned me. Probably because I spaced out.

"Auschwitz?" I answered though it sounded like a question. I heard him grumble then turn back to face the rest of the class.

It's senior years so I wanted to admit my feeling to Ryland. He stole my heart 7 years ago and I don't want it back, but I want him to know how I feel. My sisters told me to just walk up to him and say: " Hey, I've liked you since the sixth grade so you wanna go out sometime." I'm way to shy and smart to do that so I decided to do something that lets my feelings pour out of me every time. To write.

The final bell rang and I walked to my locker to get my backpack. I heard high heels clicking on the stone cold floor so it could be one of two people Mrs. Winslow, the Art teacher, or Brittina, my sister older than me by a year and 14 days. I turned and saw Brittina wearing a mini skirt and a shirt that I might consider a tube top or a bra.

"Arrow!" She screeched, she almost perfected the noise of dying bird's final screech. " Guess who talked to me today Grant Reuben. What should I wear to impress him on our date tonight?"

"Maybe clothes?" I shrugged.

"That's the point I want him to want to take them off as soon as he sees me." she laughed. One of these times she has to get an STD or something right?

Brittina has the car keys today so she's driving me home. She then got a call from that boy whose name I forgot saying he wanted to meet Now. so she pulled over and told me to get out, a walk home fantastic! When I got home I finished all my homework and began to read. the book was about a boy in 1953 who wrote to the girl he loved to try and court her. The book ended well with the couple getting married and ordering take-out for their wedding. Then I thought to myself what if I did that? so I began to write... 


 The poetry that Reminds me of you always starts with a romantic beginning and a peaceful end with Love and hope. Though It never reminds me of your athletics or your dumb girlfriends. It reminds me of the Summers when you helped ladies at the grocery store using terms like "Young Lady" and more than made the elders blush. It showed how kind you are and It always makes me smile thinking back. Thank you for those days because without them I would have never thought romantics would be possible in High School. Today I know It is possible for me. The Grocery Romantics of last summer and the summer before made my summer better. 


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