Travel Tales: Hawai'i [BoyxBo...

By panda_lover____

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[COMPLETE] Book 1 of the Travel Tales Series Josh and his family are going to Hawai'i on the last week of win... More

Chapter 1 - He's a What?!
Chapter 2 - Cold Pool, Hot Lifeguards
Chapter 3 - Fat, Old Chicks and Sexy Hawaiian Men
Chapter 4 - Joshua Kaden Anderson
Chapter 5 - My Brother, My... Boyfriend?
Chapter 6 - It Gets Even Worse...
Chapter 7 - A... Date?
Chapter 8 - I'm Sorry...
Chapter 10 - THAT Much
Chapter 11 - Something's Up
Chapter 12 - Mom?
Chapter 13 - Coming Out
Chapter 14 - My Love
Chapter 15 - Double Date?
Chapter 16 - I'll See You Soon...

Chapter 9 - MY Josh

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By panda_lover____

I truly am sorry for any grammatical errors that may be in this chapter. I swear I'll get to editing all of my stuff soon... :D Enjoy!

* * * * * * *

Micah’s POV

I can’t keep my head out of last night’s events. He said I confused him. I made him cry. did I move too fast? Should I not have kissed him? It hurts me to even think about it. I loved that kiss we shared. I could tell that he did too. Does he regret doing that with me? Can I be the one to replace Trent in his heart? Does he even have space for me in his heart?

I know I’m probably not thinking through this well. He did tell me that he’s still traumatized by the foolishness Trent did to him. I can’t blame him though. What Trent did was not acceptable under any circumstances. He shouldn’t have done that to my Josh. Josh doesn’t deserve to be treated that way.

MY Josh. Did I really just say that? Sure, Josh is starting to take a special place in my heart. It’s kind of amusing to me that I could just suddenly switch sides after my relationship with that bitch Alice. I can never forgive her for what she did. Why does she go around sleeping with younger men anyway? What’s even worse is that she had to sleep around with my own brother. I can never forgive them for that.

I should have been able to tell what was going on though. I was just too stupid to realize it. My brother Trent was sent away to California to keep him away from the women he’s slept around with here. It was a pretty stupid decision for my parents to make in the first place. Didn’t they know that sending him to far away places only gives him the opportunity to sleep around even more? Over there, he lacks supervision. Well, they did send him to an all-boys school there. Does that mean he started to sleep around with men?

On the other hand, Alice’s family lives in California. She begged her parents to send her to college here because she’s grown to love the state ever since their last family vacation here when she was still a high school senior. Now, she’s a senior in college.

Now that I think about it, my brother and Josh’s ex-boyfriend share the same name. Could it be that they’re the same people? I mean, living in an all-boys school dormitory, he’s got to probably start to explore his sexuality, right? Especially because he’s the type of guy who can’t keep his hands out of his pants.

One thing that I wonder though, is how long had this been going on? I’ve been with Alice for two years and they were able to do this behind my back? Well I guess I am somewhat dense, but I don’t think I’m that dense to not see this coming, yet, why didn’t I? Wow, even I confuse myself sometimes.

“Hey, bro!” someone yelled behind me. it was 7AM and I was eating breakfast before heading to work. I turned around to see who it was and my mood immediately made a turn for the worst when the guy’s face registered in my brain.

“What are you doing here, Trent?”

“Just visiting the family before the semester starts.”

I couldn’t keep myself from doing it. I didn’t even know I had done it, but a second later, Trent was on the ground, his hand clenching his jaw. I felt a slight sting on my knuckles, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

“Why did you do it, Trent?”

“What are you talking about? What did I do?”

“YOU slept around with Alice.” With that response, his eyes widened with fear.

“H-h-how did you know that?”

“Bitch, so it’s true! How dare you touch my girlfriend. Oh, wait, EX-girlfriend.”

“Well why don’t you ask her why I touched her. Hell, she probably even enjoyed riding me more than she enjoyed riding you! Oh wait, how often do you screw her anyway? I’m guessing, not much? That’s probably why. That’s what you get for getting a fucking horny girlfriend. You don’t know how to please your women, Micah.”

Knowing that my parents will probably question me for beating Trent, I went ahead for his torso instead. I kept my fists off of his face so that it won’t be obvious that he took a beating. I can’t believe he just said that. A few long minutes later, I let him regain composure.

“Aha, I’m guessing after living in an all-boys dorm, you fancy guys now too, huh?” He groaned struggling to respond. Nothing came out of his mouth though. “Let me ask you this. Do you know a Josh Anderson back in California?” His eyes widened again. He didn’t say anything he just nodded.

I felt the room spin around me. So… when Josh walked in on Josh having sex with a slut, the slut he was screwing was Alice? I felt blood rushing to my face, anger filling up every corner of my body.

“What do you plan on doing with him, Trent?”

“Josh? Nothing. I think we pretty much ended our relationship when he walked in on me while I was plowing your girlfriend. One thing I learned from living in an all-boys dorm: the virgin ones give us the most pleasurable times.”

Wait, he was only after Josh’s virginity? As mad as I already was, I didn’t know it was possible for me to get even madder. I felt my own face turn into crimson red, I was almost to my breaking point. I walked up to trent and grabbed him by the collar.

“Listen here, punk. You shouldn’t have done that to Josh. Because of you, he won’t open up to me. He’s a very nice person, Trent. It was wrong of you to treat him that way.”

“How do you even know him?”

“He’s here in Hawai’i. He’s checked in at the hotel I work in. Because of you, he’s confused about his feelings. I’m pretty sure that you’re still somewhere in his heart and he’s trying to push you out. I’ll make him push you out, Trent. And I’ll make sure that I’ll be the one to replace you.”

“And how do you suppose you’ll do that?”

“With your help. You’re going to be doing everything, Trent.”

“What makes you think I’ll help you?”

“We all know your situation. We all know why you were sent to California. You’re already of age, Trent. You’re a college freshman. If our parents find out what you’ve been up to these days, all hell with break lose. I guarantee it.”

“What’s the worst they can do? I live far away from them, Micah!”

“Well, let’s see how you take being disowned. Being away from family, nobody’s going to help you there, Trent. You won’t have money, no place to go. You’ll just end up being a beggar asking for change in the streets. I’m sure your friends won’t help you; if you even have any real ones.”

One thing about Trent is that it’s easy to scare him. He might think he’s clever, but he’s the most gullible person in the world. I don’t think my parents are that harsh. They worst they’d do is probably transfer him again to a different place. But since, we’re talking about Trent, he’ll believe anything you say to him.

“So here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to make Josh hate you. I don’t care what you do. Just make him hate you.” And with that last sentence. He pulled away from my grip and ran out the door.

I’m starting to regret I said that. All I wanted was for Josh to push him away. I know I told Trent to make Josh hate him, but I hope Trent’s way of doing that won’t hurt Josh.

* * * * * * *

Trent’s POV

Stupid Micah. Blackmailing me for his own affairs. So Josh still likes me, huh? Maybe it’s time for me to reclaim what was rightfully mine in the first place. Wow, I’ve only been here for about an hour and I’m already gonna get some! New record for me! Seriously though, I gotta claim his virginity before someone else steals it!

I arrived at the hotel pretty early. It was only 11AM. I've wait an hour or two by the lobby, but I never saw sight of them. Where was Micah? Wasn't he working today? He was getting ready to leave earlier, so why wasn't he here? And where the hell is Josh?

A few more hours passed by and there still were no signs of Josh. I made the best of hanging around the hotel trying to chase away my boredom, but I couldn't do it. It's already 4PM and still no signs of him. Whatever, I guess I'll just try again tomorrow. I stood up from my chaise and headed out into the streets. I thought about my plan more clearly. How should I confront him tomorrow?

A car turned into the driveway catching my attention. Josh was finally here! After a few hours, I thought he'd never appear. I can't do anything right now though. His family's with him. I guess I can bear to wait a few more; as long as I can get what I want and finally get Micah out of my hair.

I waited near the entrance to the lobby, watching the people passing by. After 10 minutes, Josh finally came in to my view. He was coming in my direction, so I ran away and hid far away in the bushes to hide myself. He was going towards the parking structure. Once he was close enough, I jumped up from behind him and grabbed him to the most obscure place I could find. I covered his mouth to keep him quiet.

"Hey, Josh," I said in my most seductive voice as I secure his body with mine, making sure he can't escape. His scent reached my nose and I remembered those lusts I once felt for him. My pants started to get tight. I wanted to take him now.

Micah told me to do whatever I want to make Josh hate me. This is a win-win situation for me. I get what I want and Micah gets what he wants. Since he never specified what I could and couldn't do, this was the best solution I could come up with.

"What's the matter, Josh? Think I forgot about you?" he shivered under my grip. He squirmed and tried to free himself from my hold.

"What do you want, Trent? What the fuck are you doing here?" I sensed the anger in his voice although it barely masked his fear. Yeah, I can tell he was scared of me. But that only turned me on even more. I was pretty much rock hard by now. I tried to keep my cool and act innocent.

"I'm sorry, babe. I know what I did was bad—"

"Bad??? You think it's just bad? You fucking asshole!"

"I'm really sorry, babe. I wanna make it up to you though. Please tell me how you an forgive me. I'll do everything you want if it means you'll come back to me." I lied. I don't want him back. I only wanted to be his first. I just wanted to be the one to break him in.

"So you're never coming back to me?"

"Nobody in their right mind would. And who the fuck is Alice anyway?" Alice was none of his concern. I ignored his question. I didn't expect him to come back to me anyway, so I guess I just have to force this one out on him.

"I fucking told you, I'm not coming back to y—" I cut him off by crashing my lips onto his. I pushed him harder against the wall to restrain him from running away. I held his arms firmly in place and I tangle my legs over his. I subtly pushed my hard-on over his, making me let out a low moan of pleasure. He tried to scream for help, but i just wrapped my lips around his mouth to muffle his voice.

Isn't this what you wanted, Josh? Didn't you run away that day because I was screwing someone else instead of you? Let me hear you moan, babe. I thought as I forced my tongue down his throat. I pulled away from his mouth and covered it with my hand and I worked on his neck. C'mon baby, moan for me. You know you wanted me to take you that day. I'll do it now, babe. Just moan for me and I'll make you feel real good.

Apparently, I wasn't doing a good job of keeping him quiet. I let go of my hand from his mouth and pushed his head sideways so I can attack his neck. This wasn't my idea, Josh. Micah forced me to do this. But it sounded like a good deal to me. Aren't you having fun? The little fucker started to shout as soon as I let go of his mouth. My hands started to touch him everywhere. I still haven't earned that moan from him. All I want is that moan and I'll take him right there no matter who the hell sees us. I felt him give up under my arms.

I was about to unbutton his pants until someone pulled me from behind and punched me square on the jaw. I fell over to my side and everything started spinning. Darkness was taking over my vision. I was falling deep into unconsciousness.

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A/N: How was the chapter? Hmm... Chapter 9, eh? There's probably only like 5 or 6 chapters left, so i hope you guys continue to follow until the end!

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