Marriage with 'The Beast'

By StoriesAboutMyLife

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"I'm marrying a beast." I whimpered, more to myself. "A husband is supposed to love faithfully and endlessly... More

PART 1 - Prologue - Single.
Chapter 1 - Dinner.
Chapter 2 - Just Sign This
Chapter 3 - Looking for a Job.
Chapter 4 - That's a dress!
Chapter 5 - Meeting Mason.
Chapter 6 - Ride.
Chapter 7 - Abducted.
Chapter 8 - Hide!
Chapter 9 - Out of the Woods, Into Trouble.
Chapter 10 - Engagement Party.
Chapter 11 - The Torture Trip Starts
Chapter 12 - Frozen Damsel in Distress
Chapter 13 - Superwoman Sarah
Chapter 14 - Stubborn girl
Chapter 15 - But I ended up with the beast.
Chapter 16 - White Meat
Chapter 17 - But I don't hate you.
Chapter 18 - Jewel's Treasure Orphanage
Chapter 19 - Beast That Loves You
Chapter 20 - Scott
Chapter 21 - My Darling
Chapter 22 - Don't test me, darling.
Chapter 23 - Rough Waters
Chapter 24 - Trust me, Sarah
Chapter 25 - I'm addicted.
Chapter 26 - It's yours.
Chapter 27 - Don't underestimate me.
Chapter 28 - Is this really necessary?
Chapter 29 - It didn't fit.
Chapter 30 - Your strength is impeccable.
Chapter 31 - After the Rain
Chapter 32 - One day at a time.
Chapter 33 - I need to talk to you.
Chapter 34 - I'm better off myself.
Chapter 35 - How's life?
PART 2 ~ Chapter 37 ~ The talk of the year.
Chapter 38 ~ I missed you.
Chapter 39 ~ As a family.
Chapter 40 ~ You're in good hands.
Chapter ~ 41 ~ We're pretty similar.
Chapter 42 ~ It definitely was.
Chapter 43 ~ I promise, I will
Chapter 44 ~ That's mumbo jumbo.
Chapter 45 ~ You okay Beauty?
Chapter 46 ~ My First Boyfriend
Chapter 47 ~ I need time.
Chapter 48 ~ So, what happened?
Chapter 49 ~ Cold Feet.
Chapter 50 - Their Wedding.
Chapter 51 - There's no music.

Chapter 36 - Anyways, bye Mason.

5.8K 205 8
By StoriesAboutMyLife

After checking into the dingy hotel room I went out to the corner store to pick up a couple of microwavable meals for dinner. I hadn't realized how quick the time had flown by at the uni and I couldn't be bothered to drive anywhere else.

I struggled to carry the two paper bags through the door while keeping it open with my foot and tripping on it. "Why don't they put handles on these stupid bags? I care about the planet too but come on, there is a thing called efficiency." I grumbled to myself. I tried to the set a bag on the nonexistent counter space and dropped the bag of food along with a carton of chocolate milk. Great.
What else could go wrong? 

When I crouched down to pick up the punctured carton I noticed shoe prints on the floor that led to another door. 

Were those there before? Maybe it was just dirty from before, that wouldn't be surprising. But I couldn't help the nagging voice in my head examining the rest of the floor and pointing out that there were no other footprints on the floor. Wouldn't there be more footprints around if they were from the past occupant? 

Now, curiosity is a strange feeling and paired along with stubbornness or stupidity... ah, it can be deathly dangerous. 

So I tried to steer away from it. I picked up the carton and set it in the little mini fridge and stood still for a minute debating my next move. Should I leave and tell the front desk that there might be someone in my room? Will they think I'm crazy, or drunk? Because  I do kind of look like a mess. What if they get annoyed but still follow me to my room and check and don't see anyone? Then I'll look stupid as hell. Then he's really going to think that I'm both crazy and drunk. 

I concluded that it's probably nothing and started to follow the steps to the door.

Even though I was certain it was nothing, I still held my breath while holding the door knob. 

I twisted it quickly and pushed the door open. It revealed an outdated bathroom with gray bleak curtains. I sighed. I was right. 

I was about to turn and leave when I could've sworn that the curtain moved. I glared at it to make sure that it was just my eyes before it jumped at me. 

The curtain


jumped on


There was no other way to explain it. One second it was just a gray curtain, next it moved a little, and then it jumped at me! No, I am not drunk. I swear. 

Lastly, I was pinned to the ground with the curtain encasing my entire body. I guess being a little claustrophobic didn't help the situation.

I gasped for air as my nerves and panic mode set off and hit the roof. 

One thing I did notice was that this had to be the gosh darn heaviest freaking curtain in the universe. 

It shifted and I didn't know what to do so I just stayed still. Was I in shock? Or just scared?

Then someone pulled the curtain off me. 

Mason. You must not be surprised. 

"You've got to be f**king kidding me!" I cursed for once, sounding more annoyed than angry or surprised. 

His eyes bulged, "sh*t, I didn't kill it did I?" He exclaimed staring at my stomach in shock and panic. He instantly placed his hand on my stomach. 

I slapped his hand away from me and slid as far as I could from him in the small bathroom. My mouth was open but nothing was coming out. I didn't know where to start. Don't touch me! What are you doing here? Why did you basically attack me? How did you find me? I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt drained. Was there any point of another stupid conversation that wouldn't fix anything? 

"Get out," I mustered with a crack in my voice. It was low and quiet, but there was so much silence around us that it felt louder than anything I'd ever said. 

I rested my head on my knees before wrapping my arms around them. I stayed like that for a solid five minutes until Mason stood up and left. I heard the click of the suite's front door click and got up. 

I picked up the frozen dinners and stored them in the mini fridge and pulled out the carton of chocolate milk instead and drank from it straight, like a savage. 

I pulled out a couple of textbooks along with my headphones, laptop, and charger before distracting myself with my work while casually taking a swig of milk here and there. This is when I would typically think through what just happened and try to figure it out. But by now, there was no point. Call it stubbornness or impact from trauma. Call it what you want.
I don't care how he got here, what he was doing, I just don't care.


I could feel a headache coming and my neck was still cracking from the terrible sleep from the night before. I sighed after finishing yet another chapter and rubbed my eyes to notice that it was past midnight. I'd been engrossed with my assignments for a good eight hours. How is that possible? I don't even sleep that long. No wonder my neck, head, and eyes were stinging from the strain. 

I set everything on the side table except for one of the textbooks. I walked over to the paper bag and pulled out a couple of new post-its and highlighters I'd bought and jumped back onto the bed. 

I read page after page while simultaneously yawning. But I just couldn't sleep. Nor could I focus. I eventually gave up and turned off the light and laid on the bed. 

I tossed and turned for awhile before my head caught up to my heart. 

I couldn't sleep because there was too much going on in my head and heart. I was trying to procrastinate and push it away like I usually do, but it's just killing me slowly. I needed to confront my problems. I would regret it later if I didn't. It's just harder for everyone. 

I vowed to simply tell Mason where he's misunderstood the situation. Next time I saw him. I would. If I didn't see him, then that's great too. But I had a feeling that he wasn't going to give up this quick. 

I guess my heart and brain had come to an agreement because I was out in a flash.

I woke up to a growling stomach and the sun hitting my face. I turned around to face the other side to dodge the sun and hopefully fall back to a restful sleep. However, to my misfortune, I couldn't escape the sun nor my everlasting hunger. 

After struggling between the sheets for a few minutes longer I pulled myself up and scanned through the fridge, searching helplessly for something that would satisfy my stomach.
I stared at the few items in the fridge knowing very well that I was craving Honeycomb cereal, not the Cheerios I'd bought. I pulled out a carton of 1% milk and debated on whether or not I was desperate enough to walk back to the corner store and grab the cereal I really desired. 

I left the milk out while heading over to my cosmetic bag and grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Next thing I knew I was dressed up and ready. I guess my subconscious really wanted some honeycombs. 

I reached for my debit card and my room key before closing the door. I walked to the front of the motel before noticing someone sleeping on a tired bleak sofa. I stepped closer to the snoring figure. "Why is he sleeping here?" I inquired, my curiosity getting the best of me again. 

The guy at the desk shrugged at me and looked back at his iPhone. "I don't know, he paid me to sleep on the couch."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "you seriously couldn't have given him a room? This place was pretty deserted when I came last night." My volume rose as I started to feel more offended on this poor person's behalf. 

"Hold up now, don't sass me, woman," He interjected slamming his phone on the table and staring me dead in the eyes. "I gave him a room, but he wanted to sleep on the couch. It's his life. I don't care. He's doing what he wants to do. Why don't you leave your nose out of it?" 

I gave him a sour look before putting my arms up in surrender, "Fine, sorry I asked." I muttered, backing away. 

I left the front lobby area and went about and bought my beloved honeycombs, before coming back and noticing that the guy behind the counter had disappeared. Yet the man on the couch was still laying there with a blanket covering him. 

I set my box of cereal aside and hesitantly rested my hand on the person's shoulder, "Hey, can I help you?" I asked quietly, wondering if he needed something to eat or even a ride somewhere.

I felt him tense up before he threw off the blanket, catching me off guard by his quick moves. Did I frighten him? 

"Sarah, I've been waiting here all day! I didn't know how you were feeling!" He nearly shouted after gripping onto my arms. 

At first, my heart clenched in my chest as I noticed Mason in his tousled appearance. I'd never seen him so distressed. His hair was peaking in different directions and his clothes were wrinkled like he'd had a long and disturbed night. 

But I was brought back by reality and my vow from last night wiggling around in my brain. I pulled his arms away from mine with great strength, still being able to feel his fingers' lingering touch on my skin. I closed my eyes and breathed in, taking in his intoxicating scent, one last time. 

I willed myself to start and opened my eyes to look into his mesmerizing orbs that mirrored distress, worry, and empathy. I didn't need his empathy. Not now. Not for this. 

"How am I feeling?" I faked a short laugh, "I'm exhausted, Mason. Mentally and physically. I can't take anymore. So I won't. I don't need this in my life. I am going to say this once. I don't need you to just hear. I need you to listen. And once you've actually heard it. I need you to leave me alone. I don't want to see you. I don't want to deal with this extra drama. My life was absolutely fine before you and your family walked into it." I sighed, stepping one tentative, minuscule step closer to look him straight in the eye. I needed him to get this all in his head. "You are absolutely not obligated to look after me. We aren't married. Look," I showed him my ring finger. "Your parents canceled the wedding already. It's done. You are free. No need to ruin your bachelorhood." I let out a deep breath before finally letting my pain out, "you can stop protecting this ridiculous fetus that you are so hell bent on naming yours. There is no baby. I told you I was a virgin. That never changed. Scott and I never..." It was so hard to even proceed with that sentence. It was too painful to even think that... Mason thought that I would... I guess it shows how little he knows me. Another reason why this needed to end. "I would never do that to your sister." I paused before taking a large step away, "Either way, everything has been resolved. There's no point in discussing anything anymore. That's the truth in short form. I suggest you keep low a little, just so this news dies down. It'll be better for mo-, your parents and your businesses. I'll stay home for a couple of months before continuing on with my normal life. Hopefully, things will die down, if not then they'll notice my belly and realize that I'm obviously not pregnant. So, no story." I tried to act as normal and casual as possible but it ended up incredibly awkward. During this entire encounter, Mason hadn't said a thing. I could've sworn that it wasn't even him until he opened his and there was a look of confusion on his face. "Uh uh, no questions. That's it. The conversation has ended." I stopped him quickly.

 "Anyways, bye Mason." I pulled out my hand for him to shake like we'd just ended a business deal. 

His cold large hand embraced my contrasting warm hand for a couple of seconds before I tore my hand away from the magnetic pull that I instantly felt. 

I managed to plaster a small smile on my face before grabbing my box of cereal and turning in the opposite direction. 

Good riddance Wilson.

Oh, wait, Vanessa's getting married to his brother. 

(A/N- I'm sooooo extremely sorry about the sudden late updates! I was in Mexico for my mom's 40th and my sister's 17th birthdays! It was a blast! And then right after, we started a small restaurant business and it's just taken off! We're incredibly busy and this all the time I've had! So sorry again! But I thought I might as well give you a little insight into my life along with an explanation! Hope you understand. Xoxo, lots of love - Sh-wet-ah)

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