I Will Find You. Always (boy...

By Ultimate_Phangirl

207 3 0

This story is about Ash Matthews, a 17 year old emo boy. His friend Nate had left him when they were children... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 ( Prologue)- Appearance (EDITED)

163 1 0
By Ultimate_Phangirl

- 6 Years Ago-

" I found you!' yelled Nate above my head.

We were playing hide-and-go-seek in the back yard of his house. There was a breeze stirring the leaves that had fallen from large oak in the corner, making them appear to dance. The rose garden and bushes had either lost their petals or their leaves by now since autumn was upon us. The grey sky didn't provide much warmth, but it was important that we play today for it may be the last chance we get.

"That's no fair. You peeked." I whined, my voice loud enough to be heard from a distance. He laughed at the expression on my face and I couldn't help but smile. From behind me, I heard the door of the house open and someone step outside.

" Nate, darling? It's time for us to leave now. The moving van has left already." said his mother. She was a beautiful woman with long, wavy blonde hair and smile lines around her eyes and mouth from years of laughter. But at the moment, She had a sad expression on her face. She then turned and mouthed a good-bye to me, seeming unable to say it out loud, and left us so we could say our good-byes.

"I'm going to miss you." said Nate as he leaned forward and hugged me with all his might. His hair, like his mothers, was brushing against my face and neck, feeling as soft as feathers. Though I couldn't see them, I knew his blue eyes as clear as the ocean were tearing up.

" I'll be back. I promise."

And with that, he was gone.



God dammit. I reached over onto my side table to turn off my alarm but somehow (don't ask how) managed to knock over a mug full of tea. This is just great, I though as I sat up, pulling the quilt off of me. I hit the top of my alarm to silence it. The obnoxious noise was cut off abruptly. As I stood up, I stumbled a bit, still a tad drowsy. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Ash, you awake? If not, hull your ass out of bed and come eat breakfast." said my mom. I love her, she's just the best mom ever. She has short, red dyed hair and a slim freckles face with green eyes. She only dresses in black and grey, but it suits her.

"Yup, I'm up. Be there in a second." I called as she left. I walked over to my closet and opened the door. I grabbed some red capris and a black band tee. Meh, good enough, I thought. Looking in the mirror, I smoothed my blair hair out and surrounded my stormy grey eyes, making them stand out. I left my room, leaving a large berth between me and the tea, and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag from beside the island and ate some toast with Nutella that my mum had put on a plate for me. I walked out the door into the cloudy morning and started on the way to my school.

My school is what you might call an "average high school", from the bricked walls to the student who reside within them. You've got the Plastics that hover near the front and gossip about the newest scandal. Then the hippies, whom sit on the lawn under the trees. My school's got them all.

I walked through the halls crowded with teenagers until I reached my locker outside the art room and theatre. As I took out my math text book, something small but heavy tackled me from behind.

"Ashy!" yelled my bestfriend Skyrae. "Oh, how I missed you so! Flowers bloom in your presence and the winds stand still before you!" she recited while still clinging onto my back. " Hey, Sky." I said with a grin, "Can you get off now?"

"Fine. Geez..." Skyrae is a short girl with a LOT of energy. It's like what you'd get if you were to give a little kid a handful of pixie sticks. She has longish red hair and does crazy things with make-up like swirls and sparkles across half of her face. She looks like a fairy most of the time.

"Did you hear?" she said so happily that she resembled a puppy wagging it's tail.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"The new kid! There's a transfer! He's in our grade. Apparently, he used to live here before but moved away.... He's got a sister... I wonder if you know him? I mean...." I tuned her out as she started her little rant and thought about what she said. Could it be? Nah. That's impossible. Can't be. Could it?

I hurried towards class as the bell rang and as I turned the corner, I saw a tall boy leaning against the wall with his back to me. And as I neared him, he turned around and even from this distance, I could see his eyes, as blue as sapphires. I know those eyes.



You Likey???? It's my first story like this, sooo.... sorry if it sucks. :D Comment if you want me to continue with it, or else why waste my efforts?

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