Polar Opposites

By Kadenereadaholic

63.9K 2.5K 470

One side We have Julia Cameron, a bubbly, jovial and carefree girl who is always smiling and trying to make e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27


2.6K 92 41
By Kadenereadaholic

"Is Liam going to the prom with you on Friday?" Bethany asks me as we walk to our mathematics class.

I shrug. "I don't think so. Dances are not his scene. He told me that before."

"Oh okay." Beth said.

"If he doesn't want to go, I understand. I'm not going to hold that against him. I'm still going to go to prom and enjoy myself." I said, smiling at her.

She grins back. "Oh yes and remember that you are a prom queen nominee." She said in a singsong voice.

I groan when she said that. I didn't really care for prom queen, but Jasmine had nominated me when I was in the hospital. I didn't even know. I was shocked when I heard my name being called over the intercom as a prom queen nominee last month. I didn't even campaign because I didn't care to win.

After a while Jasmine adds. "By the way, I snuck in and saw the work you guys did on the decorations. I like it." She compliments.

"Yes it is." I said smiling in reminiscence at the work we had done.

A month back, I had went to help Simone with the decorations. I was only back at school for a week and was still in my cast, but I really wanted to help. She didn't like the idea of me staying after school to help. She told me that I didn't have to help and said I should go home and concentrate on healing. I knew she was only being nice and showing concern for me, but I could see that they needed the help. I told her that it was okay and that I could still help.

She finally gave in after a lot of persuasion from me and hesitation from her. I didn't have much problem to be honest and I sat most of the time. Liam would stay after school with me most times and the other times he would leave and come back for me. He was always there when I needed him and he wouldn't allow me to walk anywhere. I knew he cared about me and wanted to protect me, but sometimes it was irritating how he treated me like I was made of glass.

Working with the prom's decorating committee was fun and exciting. Creating and making the things that was needed for this prom was the most fun I'd had in a long time to be honest as I was doing something that I've never done before. When I was done I was happy with our final product.

"Well, we would get to see it in full effect on Friday." Beth states as we enter our classroom. I nod my head in agreement.

The rest of the day went by quickly and now I was walking to my locker. When I neared my locker, I look around for Liam. Normally, he would be at my locker waiting for me, but now he wasn't there. I walk towards my locker and open it.

I was stun still at what I saw in my locker. The word 'prom' and a question mark was hung down in the middle of my locker by brightly coloured strings. The words were neatly cut from a thick, purple paper. Having a strong feeling who did this, I crack a smile.

How did he get in my locker anyway?

Turning around quickly, I look for the boy in question. I see him at a couple of lockers down. It seems like he had just appeared there, because he was not there a minute ago. When I turn my head to him, he starts to walk towards me.

"So, would you accompany me to prom?" He asks, when he reaches where I stood.

"Of course." I reply, then add. "I thought a place like that wasn't your scene."

"Why would you think that?"

"You told me." I remind him.

"Well, I didn't have a reason to go before. Plus, I wouldn't have left you to go alone." He states.

"That's sweet." I give him a smile. "I'm glad you are going." I turn around to put my books in my locker, then closed the door. "By the way, how did you get into my locker?"

He grins at me, before putting his hand around my shoulder and begins to walk. "I have my ways." was his only response.

I roll my eyes at his comment, even though he couldn't see me because I was walking beside him. "Of course you do." I said and he chuckles beside me.


Walking into the gym on Friday was like walking into a magical island. It was like once I stepped through the door, I had entered another dimension. A fairy tale. The place was amazing and well put together. In all my three years of high school, I have never seen a prom so wonderful.

I step on the soft fake snow that was layered on the floor as Liam leads me into the room. Beth and Brian was behind us. I look over at the snack table that was laden with different kinds of treats. I saw mini cupcakes, chocolates cut in squares and a type of tart was labeled 'hog-tart'. I laugh softly at the cleverness of the name.

"This place is amazing." Beth breathes out.

"My thoughts exactly." I said in agreement. After a short while, Beth and Brian went to the dancefloor to dance.

"Let's go and dance." Liam said to me.

"I thought you didn't dance." I said. Once again, this boy was surprising me.

He grins while wearing an innocent expression. "I guess I wasn't being honest." He holds his hand out to me and I take it.

I look up at him and once again was impressed with his look. He wore a black suit with a white shirt underneath which he looked handsome in. He wore a light green coloured tie to match with my dress. I smile at him as he leads me to the dancefloor.

Prom was in full swing as we danced and laughed and had a good time. We also chatted with other friends as the night drew to an end. Suddenly, the music was cut and our principal made his way up on the stage.

"Can I have everyone's attention." Principal Hayden speaks through the microphone. "It is time to announce this year's prom king and queen." When he said this, the room erupted with applause. "Can all the nominees join me on stage, please."

He called all the nominees for prom queen first. I went up to the stage and stood beside the other girls when I heard my name. After all the prom queens were called, he called the prom kings. When everyone was on stage, he quieted the crowd again so he could call the winners.

"First your prom king." Principal Hayden said. "Your 2014 prom king is.... Wade Higgins!" the crowd claps loudly as Wade went forward to receive his crown.

"And now, your 2014 prom queen is...." Our principal continues. "Julia Cameron!"

I look up surprised. Did I really just hear my name? Surely he must be mistaken. Why would people vote for me and I didn't even campaign? Putting on a smile on my face, I step forward to receive my crown and a royal stick.

"Now students bow to your new king and queen and make way for the king and queen dance." Principal Hayden said and everyone claps. Wade and I made our way to the dancefloor to have our dance.

After our dance, which was short, because Wade wanted to leave to spike the punch bowl before the night ended --that's what he told me-- and I wanted to find Liam. I spot Liam standing at a corner of the dancefloor waiting for me.

When I was near him, he holds out his hands to me and I went into his arms and rest my head on his shoulders as we sway to the song. "Here's my queen. I didn't think I'd have gotten a chance to have a next dance." Liam states.

I lift my head from his shoulder and look at him. "Speaking of which, I'm really surprised I won. I didn't even campaign or anything." I said, expressing my confusion.

"I'm not surprised. I mean everyone likes you and with your amazing personality you made a difference in a lot of person's lives. You are one of a kind, Julia. Everyone knew you deserves it." Liam said with surety. "And plus, after what you went through last month, I guess people thought that no one deserves it more than you." He adds.

"Wow, I didn't know that's how you see me." I said, still looking at him.

"That and more." He replies. I smile at him as we continue to dance.

The song finally ended and we headed to a nearby table, where Beth and Brian sat down and joined them. We all sat and talked as students danced on the dancefloor. I don't know how people can dance around nonstop. I wish I was that energetic.

Beth and Brian started having a discussion, so I turn to Liam and ask, "How is Toby doing?"

He smiles. "Toby is doing fine. He is growing well and is warming up to me now. He eats a lot though."

I laugh at the image of Liam and Toby. "I'm glad. It's been a while since I saw him."

Two weeks ago, when the kittens were ten weeks old, I accompanied Liam to the animal shelter to adopt one of the kittens. Liam chose the same one that he told me he would choose. The brown one with the big brown eyes, who was a male. When we left the shelter, we stopped at the supermarket to get some things that we would need for the cat and went to Liam's house after.

It took a lot of deliberation to come up with a suitable name for the kitten. In the end, I chose Toby, which Liam was none too please about. He seems to think that that name was too girly. What did he know? That name suited him just fine.

I look around on the dancefloor and watch some of my friends and classmates enjoying their selves on the dancefloor. Some were even making a spectacle of themselves and I had to laugh. I watch some of the seniors as they made their final prom memorable. I was acquainted with most of those seniors and I can't believe they will be gone already.

"I can't believe how fast the year went by." I said to Liam, with a sigh.

Liam looks at me and smiles. "Me too, but I'm glad I'm going to be spending another year with a wonderful girl who I love so much."

"I'm glad that I'm going to be spending another year with you too." I reply. I return his smile and look at him with all the love I felt for him.

All of a sudden, Beth and Brian stand up. "Guys, I'm going to dance." A mischievous grin then forms on her face and she adds, teasingly. "Just watch me do the robot. I'm a master at it, you know."

"Sure you are." Liam and I said at the same time.

We both look at each other and then burst out laughing.

A/N: Heyyy!

This was the final chapter of PO. I really hope you liked it.

I hope you enjoyed the story!

Please check out my other stories; Cupcakes and Tears, For The Love Of Dancing and Her Saving Grace.

Please vote and comment for the last time.

I love you my readers! 😘😘

Stay beautiful!


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