My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 14!

24.8K 553 139
By RileyBrooks

Bella P.O.V-


The next day I drove to school late, a fit of nerves. A whole load of insecurities swimming in my head. What if Edward had changed his mind over night? What if he was just joking about us getting back together? Will I still get to be friends with the rest of the Cullens? Yeah, I had a whole lot of what ifs and no answers... well, going to school would hopefully get me my answers.

I finally saw the entrance to the school parking lot and turned my car into it. I parked quickly and jumped out, locking my door behind me as I walked quickly to my first class, I didn't want to be too late to class. On my way there I saw the Cullen's standing under the pergola at the front of the school, talking and joking around.

I frowned, shouldn't they be in class... well I should too I guess, but I did get here late after all. I changed my path, figuring class could wait, and walked up to the Cullens. Curious as to why they weren't in class.

Halfway there, Edward turned around and saw me and his whole face lit up. I smiled back at him and felt all of my nerves and insecurities fade away. I should have had more trust in Edward. When I reached the Cullens, Edward's arms snaked out and wrapped around my waist as he pulled me in for a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged myself to him tightly.

"Hey Edward," I whispered shyly into his neck.

"Hey Bells, how are you?" Edward replied.

"Im good thanks, how are you? I asked him.

"I'm good," Edward told me.

I pulled back to look him in the face and was leaning in for a kiss when I heard the noise of someone clearing their throat. Not so subtly either. I pulled away from Edward and looked at his sisters and brothers who were looking at us in surprise.

"What happened with you guys?" Emmett asked us suspiciously.

"Edward and I had a talk last night and sorted everything out and then Edward asked me to be his girlfriend," I said, "Again."

"Oh my god, Edward!" Rosalie yelled, annoyed, "Why didn't you tell us last night?" She demanded.

"I wanted to tell you with Bella," Edward replied coolly.

I smiled and grabbed his hand tightly, "Oh yeah. Why aren't you guys in class?" I asked Edward.

"Edward wanted us to stay out here. He didn't tell us why but its obvious now," Emmett said smirking.

"Why?" I asked him curiously, obviously not getting what he meant.

Emmett smirked at me, "Because he was obviously waiting so he could see you. It is pretty obvious!" Emmett told me matter-of-factually.

"Oh," came my brilliant reply, "Is that true Edward?" I asked teasingly.

Edward grinned at me shyly, "Yeah, I couldn't wait until lunch," He told me sincerely.

I silently Awwed in my head and grinned up at him happily, "You are so cute," I told Edward.

"Oh-My-Gosh!" Alice squealed. We all looked at her curiously, "Does that mean we can still have our sleepover this weekend??" She screamed.

"Oh-My-God!! Yes!!" Rosalie agreed, "Please!" She pleaded with me, giving me the puppy-dog eyes.

I sighed, "Yeah! Of course we can," I told her and Alice.

Immediately I felt Edward tense up and I frowned up at him curiously. Didn't he want me to go to his house on the weekend? I asked myself silently, my forehead creasing further as I thought of this.

"Don't you want me to come over Edward?" I asked warily, "I won't if you don't want me too. I just thought that... well, because we are going out again and all is forgiven... maybe I could come over this weekend like we had originally planned. Or is it too soon?" I asked Edward, scaring myself with each word I uttered.

Edward frowned and his head snapped down to mine so fast, if I hadn't known he was a vampire, I would have expected him to get whiplash, "Bella!" He practically shouted at me, "Whatever would make you think that?" He asked me, frowning still.

"Well its just that I don't deserve you to forgive me and I was thinking that maybe you had changed your mind about us and decided that we shouldn't go out. I don't deserve you," I muttered quietly.

Edward let out a strangled laugh, "Trust me Bella. You don't know anything about me, I don't deserve you. I would love to have you over to my house but we are going out... shopping for some camping equipment at lunch time on Sunday so I was going to say that you would have to go home before lunch," Edward said, soothing all of my stupid worries.

My forehead uncreased as I smiled, "Okay, thats fine by me."

"We don't have any... oh, yeah. Whoops I forgot!" Alice said nervously, chuckling.

"Alice always forgets the important things," Emmett said, chuckling.

I frowned suspiciously but decided to let it go, "So, I will come over to yours around eleven on Saturday and leave around ten on Sunday?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. We can paint our nails and watch chick flicks and... this is going to be the best slumber party ever!" Alice said, practically jumping about with excitement.

We were all laughing at her enthusiasm when the bell for the end of first lesson went. I sighed sadly and looked up at Edward.

"I better get to class," I said sadly, "And you guys should too," I added, looking at everyone seriously.

"We will," Jasper said, as he gave me a hug, "See you at lunch."

I acknowledged what Jasper said with a hug and smiled at him before turning my gaze to Edward. I looked up at Edward and wrapped my arms around his neck. His head lowered to mine and his lips brushed against mine for a second before they were gone and his arms were unwrapping from around my waist. I reluctantly let go of his neck and took a step back from him.

Edward smirked at my reluctance, "I will see you at lunch Bella," He told me quickly.

I smiled, "Okay Edward. See you at lunch Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie," I said as Alice and I walked to Spanish together.


Edward P.O.V-


I was so glad when I saw Bella and she smiled at me this morning. I was so nervous, expecting her to say that she had changed her mind but she didn't, she smiled at me and gave me a hug. I was so glad it was finally lunch.

I was sitting at a table with my brothers and sisters, waiting for Bella to turn up. She hadn't arrived yet and I was starting to get worried. I was about to voice my concerns when Bella walked through the cafeteria doors, looking like a goddess with her chocolate brown hair waving down her back gracefully.

She quickly spotted us sitting at our table and she walked our way without grabbing food. I frowned at this fact, was she not feeling well or was she just not hungry. She reached our table and quickly sat down in the spare seat next to mine.

"Hey guys," She said breathlessly.

I turned to her frowning and her happy expression dimmed just the littlest bit, "Why haven't you got any food?" I asked her, concerned, "Are you feeling alright?" I added.

"Im fine. Im just not very hungry, thats all. Stop worrying," She said, reaching up to give me a peck on the cheek before she turned to face my sisters, "How are you?" She asked everyone.

"I am good thanks," Alice said, "Are you looking forward to the weekend?" She asked Bella excitedly.

"Of course I am," Bella replied, smiling.

"Im good, too" Emmett said, smiling warmly at Bella.

"Me too," Rosalie said, "You know, I'm glad you and Edward stopped fighting. Your like a part of the family Bella," Rosalie said, smiling genuinely at Bella, Jasper nodded his agreement.

"Aww! Thanks you guys," Bella said, getting all emotional.

I never will understand why girls get all emotional over nothing.




I drove home quickly, needing to talk to my brothers and sisters. We got home and I parked the car before directing everyone inside. We sat together in the living room and I started pacing in front of them.

"Whats up Edward?" Emmett asked curiously.

"Are we still going to do the Tanya plan this weekend? I am hoping it will get her to stay away from Bella and it is our best plan so far," I said, waiting patiently for everyone to reply.

"Of course we should. Especially if it will help keep Bella safe. We don't know what Tanya might do if she finds out that you have feelings towards Bella," Rosalie said, immediately concerned for Bella's safety.

"I agree with Rosalie too and I am sure that Alice and Emmett will too. Won't you guys?" Jasper said, looking over at Alice and Emmett. They both nodded their heads severely.

"Okay, so we will put our plan into action on Sunday at lunch. One problem is how we are going to get Tanya to our house," I said, frowning as I thought through the possibilities and options.

"How about we... no, that isn't going to work," Emmett said.

"Edward, you could listen in for Tanya's thoughts and tell us where she is and then you can go run within hearing distance of her and Emmett can come running up and say, "Carlisle wants to see you. He wants to know if you have found out anything new about Bella," and you two can run back to the house. Hopefully Tanya will be curious enough about what you were talking about to follow you back so she will be within hearing distance of the house and you can then tell Carlisle what you said you were going to tell him. Tanya will hear and then hopefully she will decide Bella is no threat and leave her alone completely," Alice said, "It isn't my best idea but it was the best I could come up with in so little time. Do you think it will work?" She then asked me worriedly.

"It should and you can look into the future to see if it will happen once we have asked Carlisle and gotten him on board," Jasper said.

Everyone else agreed and I quickly rang up Carlisle. He answered on the first ring by saying hello.

"Hey Carlisle, its Edward," I told him... duh, state the obvious dummy!

"Hey Edward. Is everything alright?" Carlisle asked worriedly. The only things I have been ringing him for lately are bad things.

"No. We were just wondering if you would help us with a little plan to get Tanya off Bella's back and keep her safe?" I asked him quickly.

"Okay. I will, but tell me more about it tonight," Carlisle replied.

"Okay, see you tonight then," I said, hanging up the phone quickly after.

"So Carlisle is on board?" Jasper asked with raised eyebrows.

I nodded, "Yeah but we are going to tell him how we are doing everything tonight. He just wants to make Bella safe," I told everyone.

"Doesn't everyone," Rosalie said, "She is like part of our family now."

"I agree," Emmett said, "Now lets go over the plan one more time. I want to know exactly what I have to do," Emmett said.

I nodded, "Okay, so, here is what we are doing..."




Bella P.O.V-


I checked the time, it was ten so I decided to head home and start getting ready for my slumber party. I had already packed my pyjamas and various other things that I would need and just needed to get dressed. All night I had been worrying about the sleeping part of the sleepover. I was worried that they might find out that I am a vampire too if I don't sleep. In the end, I just decided that I would just have to make sure we stayed up all night watching movies so I wouldn't have to try and fake 'sleep' in front of them. In the end I just pushed it away and told myself that I would just see what would happen and deal with it later.

I jumped in the shower and had a quick shower before jumping out to pick out an outfit. I looked in my closet and ended up choosing to wear black leggings with a long tight blood-red tank top underneath an off-the-shoulder, see-through white top. I paired that outfit with some knee-length red boots. I walked back into my bathroom and blow-dried my hair before pulling it up into a messy bun, leaving small tendrils down to frame my face. I quickly put some mascara and lip gloss on and I was done.

I walked back out and grabbed my overnight bag before skipping down the stairs. I walked out the front door and locked it behind me as Charlie was out fishing. I walked up to my car and threw my bag onto my passenger seat as I got in. I shut the door and put the keys in the ignition. Starting the car, I reversed out of the driveway and took off towards the Cullen's house.

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up at the Cullen's house. I leaned over and grabbed my bag off the passenger seat before opening my door and hopping out. I shut and locked my car and walked over to their front door. I walked up the steps to their porch quickly and knocked on their front door. Seconds later the door burst open and I was attacked into a hug by Alice and Rosalie.

"We are so excited! This is gonna be the best sleepover party ever!" Alice squealed as both her and Rosalie dragged me into their house and into the living room where I saw the rest of the Cullens were sitting.

"Hey," I greeted everyone, smiling happily.

I received a chorus of 'Hello's' and 'Hey's' from everyone. Rosalie and Alice reluctantly let go of me in the end and they each took a couple of steps back.

I laughed, "You girls are so excited, you would think that you have never had a sleepover party before," I said.

Everyone immediately stopped laughing and I frowned, "We haven't ever had a sleepover party before," Alice admitted sadly, "You are our first friend here in Forks, no one ever really talks to us for some reason."

I smiled sadly, I know that feeling. After Ja--- I am not going there, I told myself, blocking out the images of the past and instead focusing on the people standing in front of me, "I don't know why no one talks to you. You guys are really nice and cool," I said honestly. Though I knew why, most human's can tell we vampires are dangerous and tend to stay away from us.

Alice beamed at me happily, "Thanks Bella," she said, bouncing around, "Now. Lets go start our slumber party. Remember you boys, your not allowed in mine or Rosalie's room," She said quickly before grabbing my arm and yanking me upstairs quickly.

I looked back at everyone else to see them watching Alice with amused expressions on their faces. I smiled and waved at them, "Well, this is going to be exciting," I muttered, mainly to myself but obviously the Cullens all heard as they all chuckled amongst themselves quietly.

Suddenly Alice stopped yanking and I, having to pretend I am a human, ran into her back. I stepped back quickly and apologised but she waved it off immediately and turned around to face down the stairs, "ROSALIE!" She yelled, obviously keeping up the pretense that she was a human, "Hurry up, we need to start our sleepover."

"I'M COMING!" I heard Rosalie yell and a couple of seconds later she emerged and started ascending the stairs. As she became level with us, Alice grabbed my hand again and resumed tugging me around.

I chuckled humorously and grinned at Rosalie before turning back to watch where we were going. We went past heaps of doors and hallways until Alice finally brought us to a stop in front of a door. I looked at her curiously and she smiled at me.

"My room," She said.

"Cool," I replied.

"Lets go," Rosalie squealed.

I smiled as Alice opened her door. As soon as I saw her room I gasped. OMG! Her room was amazing. She had a huge king size bed with a black frame and a quilt which was lots of different shades of pink. She had a couple of pink and brown cheetah print fluffy pillows sitting at the head of her bed. Her walls were painted a black colour and she had a huge pink and brown cheetah print sofa leaning against another wall. She had a black desk sitting up against the wall next to her sofa with a hot pink swivel chair in front of it. She had heaps of posters and pictures on the wall and a couple of shelves with statues on it. I saw two doors, one must lead to her bathroom and the other to her closet. THIS ROOM WAS AWESOME! I saw a window opposite us and I walked over and looked out at the amazing view in front of me.

I quickly whirled around to face Rosalie and Alice who were looking at me bemusedly, "Your room is amazing!" I shouted.

Alice and Rosalie both chuckled and walked into the room. Alice threw herself onto her bed and Rosalie walked over and sat in the desk chair, spinning it around in circles.

"So... should we start this party or what?" Alice asked.


End of Chapter!

Yeah, bad chapter I know. I still have bad case of the 'WRITERS BLOCK!' I hate it. I am soo sorry it took so long but I just got a job so I have been extra busy. I should be able to get the next chapter out with in the next week or two. Hopefully.


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