Trust The Element Of Love(Com...

Por RoseyBloom4

137K 5.3K 778

Boy : Oh Baby Here U R Finally I Got U Now No One Can Come In Between Us Girl(Scared & Crying) : Plz Let... Más

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Teaser - 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Teaser 2
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Teaser - 3
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Cover Pic
Teaser - 4
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
New Cover Pics

Last Part

3.8K 181 91
Por RoseyBloom4

Hi is much awaited part...sorry for late...but what to do...I was unable to think what should I show in punishment...after thinking a lot I got a idea...I hope you all will like it...!!!


Previous Episode : Swara's bold Act and Gagodia's insult...!!!


Last Episode

Sense 1


IN Lounge

As both Swasan were totally engrossed in each other...Shomi and Ap sees them from far...smilingly and blessed them silently...

Sanskaar(with full of LOVE) : I LOVE YOU Swara...I love you...

Swara(same intensity) : I LOVE YOU TOO...

Sanskaar(smiles) : forget this...let's start out life with a new hope and a new Love...

Swara(determindly) : not now Sanskaar...we can't start new chapter of life untill we close the previous one...

Sanskaar(confusedly) : what are you saying Swara...I can't under...(remembers about Gagodia's)wait are you talking about Gagodia's....

Swara(angrily talks and determined to punish them) : yes Sanskaar I'm talking about them only...I'll not start my new life untill I punish them...with my hands...I want to see them in pain...(thinks about her mother pain)like my Maa know Sanskaar...I thought after knowing Laksh's reality...(emotionally)Ragini Di will understand me...and but...(cries)but I was wrong...she is also like her parents...who ruin my Mother's life just for there fun and lust...this time they target you...I have already loose enough now I don't wanna loose you and my Two mothers...(wipe her years and said with a determined look on her face)that's why I wanna punish they don't try any other stunt to make us both separate...(sees Sanskaar and forward her hand as taking a promise from him)Are you with me Sanskaar...will you help me in MY Revenge...

Sanskaar(holds her hand and smiles) : I'm always with no need to ask just say once...and I'll be there for you...

Swara(smiles) : thank you Sanskaar I'm so blessed to have you in my life...thank you...

Sanskaar(smiles and caress her cheek lovingly) : No need to say thanks are my Life...and I'm doing all this for myself...not for any other person ok...

Swara(smiles and diverts the topic) : hmm...come now let's do our breakfast...I'm hungry...

Sanskaar(teasing) : yah you must be hungry...after roaring like lioness...(doing acting to tease Swara)I must say Swara got once I was also shocked...that is it really that Swara who always remain (acts like Swara a shy girl)silent and sweet...(patts her shoulder proudly)I must say you have gutts baby...

Swara(blushes from his teasing) : please enough...don't yeast me...

Sanskaar(ups his hands as a surrender sign) : ok...I'm not saying anything about this to you...but I must look like a beautiful Swan...but on need you can turn into (acts like lion)hungry Lioness...(teasing her more)I should not make you angry...(dramatically acting and showing his funny moves)who knows you even bite your lioness mode...

Swara(having enough from his teasing and ran after him to beat him) : just wait...I'll show you lioness...just wait there...

Sanskaar(sees Swara after him and runs to save himself but still keep on teasing her) : Swara...what are you doing...I'm your husband...Swara please stop...I..

Screen fades on our happy couple Swasan who are doing masti...


Sense - 2


All Gagodia's were angry and frustrated...and one of them was the one who was putting oil on fire and that was of course our dear Dadi..

Dadi(provoking Ragini more and said angrily) : Did you see Lado...I told you don't love that seen..what she did...she put our son in law in jail...(taunts)and when it comes to her husband how she defended him...that girl is getting on my nerves...I just hate her...

Ragini(angrily) : you are right Dadi Maa...I was wrong who thought she is still me sister and go to her for asking forgiveness(yah I see how you ask forgiveness hunnn) and what she did...insult us badly...I'll not leave her that easily...(said with concern)but firstly we have to bring out Laksh G out from jail...God knows what those men will be doing with My Laksh G...

Shekar(assures her) : you don't worry Ragini...we will do something...

Ragini(worried and angry) : what will we do papa...that police had sealed Laksh's we can't relaeas him...(crying)and I don't trust that Sanskaar God knows what he will do with him...please do something papa...please...

Dadi(evilly smirks) : there is a way to bring out Son in law from jail...but it's a little risky..

Ragini(desperately asks) : what's that's Dadi...tell me...(determindly)I'll do anything to get my Laksh G out from jail...tell me...

Dadi(blast the bomb) : we have to help Laksh in running from once he go in will be difficult to bring him we have to do this only...

Jhanki(shocked with Parvati's suggestion) : what are you saying's to risky...

Ragini(acts like a stubborn child) ; I don't know Maa...I just want my Laksh G...(pleads)please Maa please...

She pleads badly in front of all that they all agree to it...and started to plan how they should make Laksh run from jail...


Sense - 3

IN Jail

Laksh is sitting at a corner angrily...and thinking about his insult and the way Swasan trap him...he just wanna make them suffer...for doing this with him...

***Laksh's POV***

That Sanskaar Maheswari...what does he thinks of himself.....he insult me infront if whole I'll not leave him.....

Just once let me out from here.....I'll show them what can I do.....but first I have to get out from here.....

Thank God my stupid In-laws are still with me.....and that foolish Girl Ragini is still mad behind me.....after all I'm so charming you know(first see your face in mirror n said this huhhh Donkey).....

After getting out from here I'll first make that Swara's life he'll.....only due to her.....that Sanskaar did this much with me.....

At first she got'll surely take her on my bed...either by hook or by crook(I think he is gone mad in shock).....I just want her....

My Lust for Swara is increasing day by day.....untill I have her.....I will not be able to leave peacefully.....I just wanna make those SwaSan pay for what they did with me(awww I think now they are gonna make him pay hehehe).....

Get ready Mr and Mrs Sanskaar Maheswai.....Laksh Malhotra is going to hunt you both down(he is a donkey and acting like a Lion I think he forgot how Sanskaar trap him hehehe).....and make you both beg for your both lives(I'm bored from his blah blah) and specially you will beg for you do cold dignity(untill Sanskaar is with Swara he can't even touch her single hair mad fellow).....ahhh my inner devil is arising.....

Just few minutes and then I'll be out of here...and that Swara will be infront of me...hahaha...I'm coming...just wait(finally his blah blah is ended)...

***POV END***

Soon Gagodia family comes to police station to execute there evil plan...


Sense - 4

IN Meeting Room

Police takes out Laksh from jail and left him in meeting room...and stands outside in order to keep an eyes on culprit...

Seeing Laksh Ragini was the one who ran and hugged him tightly...and to show his fake concern and love he also hugged her back...

Soon they all discussed the plan...and see the window of room from where he have to escape.....

It has been 20 minutes since Laksh was in room...being suspeciouse police officer open the door with duplicate keys and enter in it...only to find Laksh is trying to escape from window...

The inspector fire bullet on Laksh's leg and as a result he fell on ground outside...before he could escape police caught him...and locks him in lockup....and in order to make Laksh help in running...police inspector throw whole GF in jail too...

Dadi was the one who was shouting making whole police station irritated...soon a lady concetable comes inside lock up and give Parvati two to three slaps making her shut...and horrified...

Soon Police inform about this incident to Sanskaar who fumed in anger...but as well determined punish them badly...


Sense - 5

IN Police Station

It was almost night...when SwaSan enters in Police station...
The inspector guide them towards the lockup where all Gagodia's were sitting and cursing there fates...

Inspector opens the door and both Swasan enters in lockup...seeing SwaSan all stands up...and Laksh who was already behaving like a obsessed moves towards them and punch Sanskaar....

Before his hand touch to Sanskaar's face...Swara held it...and jerks badly to backwards...

Swara(shows his finger and talks dangerously) : stay away from My Husband Mr Laksh...before I break your bones...

Laksh(laughs evilly) : will break my bones...the girl who was unable to save herself...will break my bones...haha...

His laughter dies in his mouth as he gets a tight slap from whom...of course our Swara(clapping very good Lioness)...

Swara(angrily) : it is true that...that time I was scared...but not from you...(sees Ragini emotionally)but I was scared due to My Di...ops sorry not my Di...(angrily)I was just scared what she will feel when she will got to know about her so cold husband's doings...(sees all with full of Harted and smirks winningly)but not anymore... today I'll show you all how it feels when we get molest...(points towards Laksh and Shekar evilly)specially you Mr Laksh and you too Mr Shekar Gagodia....

Sanskaar(oders) : inspector...please take these ladies from here...

Ragini(cries and holds Laksh's hand) : no I'll not go...leave me...

But the lady constables...forcefully takes Ragini Jhanki and Parvati with them to another cell...

Both Shekar and Laksh were now little scared...but maintain there so cold courage...

Soon some 5 men enters in cell...they were looking like mad...they moves towards Shekar and Laksh...making them he'll scared...Swara and Sanskaar were about leave from there...but Shekar and Laksh holds there feet...and pleads but no one listen to them...and both Swasan move out from lock up and sat on chairs...

Soon whole Police station was filled with scream and beggings...Gagodia ladies were crying listening to there Men screams and pleading from SwaSan to forgive them...while Swara was just hugging Sanskaar...

After about 15 minutes the Men whom SwaSan had brought left from there...then both enters in lock up again and see both Shekar and Laksh in a corner with slightly torn clothes...

Swara(smirks evilly) : so how was trailer...

Shekar(folds his hand and said tremblingly due to fear) : please forgive me...I...

Swara(shouts with full intensity making both of them he'll scared) : No I'll never forgive you both...the thing which I have showed you is just a trailer...(smirks evilly)rest film is remaining still...

Laksh(more scared) : what...what do you mean???

Sanskaar(smirks) : the meaning is the things which happened in this cell a few mintues ago are recorded(points towards a camera at corner) this camera...

Swara(smirks) : and now we will upload it on internet...(point towards Shekar and said with full harted)you Mr Shekar Gagodia use my mother just for your whole world will see you with Lust...(thinks about her mother and smiles)and then my mom will get justice...

Shekar(pleading and holds her feet) : no Swara...don't do this...I'm your father...please...I...(begging miserably)forgive

Swara(shouts angrily and jerks his hand) : you are not my are just a spineless creature...and why should I forgive you...(asking angrily)did you listen to my mother...when she was pleading just ruin her life...when you will plead like this...then only my mother will get her justice...(turns to go but then turns and taunts him making him feel ashamed)come Sanskaar let's go...and yes you know what this Laksh suits father like son...

Saying so both Swasan left from there...leaving Gagodia family crying and pleading...

Now it was turn of Jhanki and they were ladies so Swara...goes towards them...she gives slaps to Parvati...when she tries to fight back Swara holds her hand and twists her ankle of hand...she beats Dadi with Dhanda(stick) making her pain and due to sacredness...

Ragini and Jhanki who sees this both were now praying to to save them from Swara Devil...but as look like God was also not with them...
Swara after giving treatment to Parvati...comes to Jhanki...but she didn't do anything...

Swara(emotionlessly) : I'm not gonna do anything to you you both give me Love in my childhood...still you betray me...but I'm not that cruel to beat a lady who has given me a mother's Love...but this doesn't mean I'm gonna forgive both will also get beating but not from me...from them...

Both Ragini and Jhanki turns only to find lady constables with there sticks...and they beat them like he'll...

After going from there Sanskaar upload that video on YouTube and now whole world was making fun of Gagodia's...

Well let's not creat suspence...I'm that video those men just molest both Shekar and Laksh as they were Gays...nothing more...I don't know whether you all like this punishment or not...but I couldn't get anything...


Next Episode : Epilogue with Honeymoon...!!!


Finally I wrote Ufff...sorry guys if it was boring...but I couldn't get anything...!!
And not forget to vote and comment guys...!!!

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