The Voices.

By Batman_At_The_Disco

327 143 212

I never thought I'd actually do this.... I've thought about it but never actually gone through with it.... Th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.


74 19 15
By Batman_At_The_Disco

This book has quite a few triggers in it so if you have issues with...suicide or...murder don't read this.

Don't steal my ideas because I'm insane enough to hunt you down.



The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls- Edgar Allen Poe

I never thought I'd actually do this... I've thought about it but never actually gone through with it... The voice in my head has been screaming at me for years... But I never... Actually tried... To do this... It's hard to be around people when you have someone telling you to tear their throats out with your teeth... But it's worse when you're alone. She tells me to do terrible things to myself... Tells me I'm... Worthless... Unloved... Expendable... Of course I believe her. She's in my head for Christ's sakes how can I not believe her?
It's so hard... I gave in... I had no choice... The temptation was so strong. I can't hug people without wondering what it would feel like to thrust a knife into their back and feel their bodies jerk in surprise as they slowly began to realize... That they're dying... They're being murdered... And not by a complete stranger... But by a person that they love... That they thought they could trust... Oh god I want to... Give in... I can't believe my life is like this. Why me?
How could I do such a horrible thing?


" So who are you going to go with to this dance?" Jessica asked her best friend Catharine.

" Uuuuh I'm going with Kaden probably...." Catherine replied with a dreamy look in her bright green eyes.

" Sounds fun! I don't're lucky your boyfriend at least lives in our home town. My boyfriend lives about six hours away." Jessica sighed softly while brushing a lock of her bleach blonde hair out of her steel blue eyes.

" We're on the same page." Jessica's friend Ella said coming up from behind them with their friend Abbie following.

" Brandon lives a town over....but I couldn't imagine him living as far away as your boyfriend's live. That's for sure." Abbie agreed quickly.

Abbie was a petite thing, she was thin with pale skin that was littered with freckles. Her blonde hair was short and only hung down past her shoulders a couple of inches. Her whisky brown eyes were always filled to the brim with excitement.

Ella was more of a nerd/geek. She was always studying or watching a new sci-fi movie. She was a little strange and often made geeky jokes but she was fun to be around.

She had thick light brown hair that hung down to her legs and green thin almond eyes which were covered by her round Harry Potter glasses.

Catherine was sort of popular in school, she was also a little annoying because she'd talk about youtubers and bands nonstop. But there was good qualities about her too. She's always the friend you'd go to if you needed a hug or something.

She had raven hair that hung down to the small of her back and dark green eyes that were laced with hazel.

Jessica liked a bit of everything. She was smart, funny and wise when needed. She loved books and movies alike

She had light blonde hair that had ombre of blue dyed into it with steel blue eyes.

Then there was the girl's other friend, Leah.

Leah was always very quiet and was normally found near the back of the group with her headphones blaring.

She had midnight black hair that was cut in a bob with a fringe that was always covering her dull green eyes.

All of the girl's were so different in many ways...but they were friends none the less.

" Did you guys here what happened to Faith?" Ella whispered.

" Yeah I heard she was attacked behind the school yesterday..but not sexually...they just pinned her down with a knife to her throat but she escaped when they let go of her and just fell to the ground." Abbie whispered.

" She deserved a good scare. She's a bitch." Leah muttered.

" Hey don't say that...she's not a Bitch....she's just...quirky." Catherine argued.

" No, she's a bitch." Jessica said mock seriously before everyone burst out laughing.

" We shouldn't say that but it's true." Ella admitted.

" Girls get to class!" A teacher yelled.

" Sorry!" Jessica exclaimed before all of them exchanged glances and went into the school.

Killer's POV.

" The bitch is mocking you." The demon growled in my head.

" No...she's not. She's just walking." I argued as I watched Faith walking towards her car in the parking lot. My face was shielded by the black hoodie that I was wearing.

" Wake up! They're all mocking and I both know that you want to snap her pretty neck and watch the light fade from her eyes..." The demon hissed.

I wanted to deny it....of course I didn't want to harm her...but the demons emotions were mixing with mine....they had been for years...and she was right...I did want that.

I pulled my black pocket knife out of my hoodie pocket flicking it open.

I could just imagine sticking this knife into her pretty neck and the blood pooled out running onto my hands as I watched the light fade from those pretty blue eyes of hers..

I didn't even notice what was happening until I heard her screams for help.

" What did you do?!" I yelled quickly dropping Faith and falling to my knees.

Faith ran away as fast as her little legs could take her before getting into her car and driving away quickly.

" I was only doing what you are too weak to do." The demon snarled.

" No. No." I whispered getting up quickly and running away as if that would help.

" Pathetic." The demon hissed.

I shook my head continuing to walk....

I can't give in...but it's so hard....

I can't...

Credit to Day_Dreaming_365 for the amazing cover.

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