desperate | kuroo x reader

By dolansunited

26K 787 442

[ kuroo x reader x baby kenma ] friends who are so desperate to have children that they decide to have one to... More

[One] Suggestion
[Three] Labor & Birth

[Two] Pregnancy

7.7K 240 110
By dolansunited

You aimed to wait out the time by watching television, thinking the time might go faster if you had something to occupy you. In all reality, it actually couldn't have gone by any slower. This is all you have wanted since you were a little girl and it is at last coming together, with the help of a very good friend.

The millisecond the alarm you set went off, you popped out of your seat and scurried off to the bathroom; leaving the alarm long forgotten. You abide at the doorway, terrified to look at it.

The two of you have attempted this a couple times now, each time coming up short. The pregnancy tests were always negative; which is the opposite of what the two of you want. It is too easy to become disheartened about situations like this. You might break down if there isn't a positive result this time, instantly assuming you can't have a baby due to some condition inside your body. You've had such bad luck in the baby department in the past, it wouldn't be a surprise. You can't bare the thought of being unable to have your own child, at Kuroo's fault or your own. You declared if the test doesn't come out positive today, you and Kuroo, both, are going to visit the doctor. Though, you shake the thoughts out of your head, praying there is a baby this time. This is no time to think about the negatives.

You wearily grant the first step inward into the bathroom and dully position one foot in front of the other, gaining in on the pregnancy tests situated on the counter. You find yourself shutting your eyes once they came into view. You don't think you can handle another negative result. Before once again opening your eyes, you release an unfathomable breath between your lips to settle you down. You peek through the spaces of the fingers over your eyes at the four results.



You give the collection of tests all a once over to assure you didn't just read what you wanted to see. You pinch yourself to confirm you are awake. They really all say positive? This isn't a dream? You switch on the faucet to splatter the water onto your face. You grant the tests one more look for assurance before breaking down, for once, of happiness.

Tears bubble into your [e/c] eyes as you gape at the positive pregnancy tests. The domination of relief and joviality extend throughout your entire body. Hands are left shaking as they advance upwards to pause on the tops of your head. Your breathing evolves to ragged breaths before erupting into a fit of wails.

There is a minuscule embryo flourishing inside your stomach. They are depending on you to nourish them until they're proficient. They could be a boy or girl, you can't care less. You have fulfilled your one wish, the only one you have ever pleaded for. The one that was the wedge between you and happiness. It's all united as one now. There is no more wedge. Only you and a gorgeous, gorgeous, minuscule embryo. The one who will make your days luminous from today on. The reason to be happy.

You take in a dense sniffle through your nose. You don't think you have cried as hard as this even on your most depressing days as you have at this moment. How can anyone not bawl tears of joy at the sight of a positive pregnancy test? You are harvesting the ultimate gift you can imagine, the gift of life. A beautiful baby who will grow up to become a member of society. More importantly, though, a baby that is yours.

You situate your hand over your stomach. It's time to start investing in self-love. You have a minuscule baby to take care of now.  And you love them with every fiber of your being already.


"Honey, i'm home!" Kuroo announces, voice echoing through the apartment. Ever since you moved in to his apartment, he likes to mimic that classic line of television shows.

"Welcome back!" You counter from the kitchen, finishing up dinner for the two of you. Kuroo completes work at a later time than you do, so you like to make dinner for the two of you. You do it because you normally get hungry around this time but also as a thanks to Kuroo for letting you move in to create a beautiful, bald baby. You make tonight's dinner especially fancy because of the announcement you are harboring inside of you. You have went all out for dinner; you bought flowers and even lit some candles.

"I know I say this a lot when I come home but I really mean it this smells really good in here." Kuroo comments as he heads straight for the kitchen. The male's hazel eyes situate on your hard work of cooking. "Do you need help?"

"I actually do. From the fridge, could you get the the ta-" You pause your sentence once you realize he has to go into the fridge. The man of the hour can't see it yet! You fling over to the fridge and slam the door back in a panic before he could open it to see in. "No! Don't!"

You only discovered you're pregnant today but you still want to tell Kuroo tonight. The creation of a baby is the only reason you two have created this situation so you don't want to withhold the information from him. Huge surprises take too much time and you are so excited, you just want to tell him right away. You decided to do something more exciting than flat out telling him and not going all out. You settled on a delightful cake that is being held hostage in the refrigerator currently. It's colors are the typical pink and blue with the wording 'You are the father', similar to the television shows who take paternity tests. You think it's funny. Kuroo could probably piece it together so you don't want him to see it yet!

His eyebrows furrow, "Why not?"

"I realized I can do it myself and that I don't need a man to do things for me!" You respond a little to urgently. "Just wait at the table. Everything is almost done."

"You're acting a little weird..but okay." Kuroo dismisses your odd behavior and lingers into the dining room to see you decked it all out. The male calls out to you in a teasing manner, "Are you trying to woo me?"

"No! It's just a thank you. You let me move into your apartment and we've been putting in a lot of hard work together."

"There's no thank you necessary. If anything, I should be thanking you because you're the only reason this baby thing is possible."

"Aw, Kuroo!" You squeal as you place the items you have made onto the table. You question him as it is set in front of him. "Tadah! How does it look?"

"I knew you could cook but I didn't know you could cook cook. What is with all of this? I mean I'm grateful, obviously, but this just doesn't a normal act from you."

"I just feel really renewed today and I have a new outlook on things. I even went as far as making this dinner as healthy as possible. Healthy is the new theme of my dinners." You smile but swiftly shut your mouth. You're beginning to talk too much. You stuff the insides with food to prevent further information leaks.

"Why does it have to be healthy?"

"No reason." You answer as you stuff more into your mouth, Kuroo doing the same. Maybe you can distract him! "How was work?"

"It was a co-worker's birthday today so we had an office party. The day wasn't too bad. You had today off, how did today go?"

"I told you! I found a new sense of energy."



"I feel like your hiding something from me."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"So what if I am?"

"[f/n], tell me what it is. Did you break something again?"

"Okay, I broke the television on accident one time! Let me live!" You whine to him. "I'll tell you why later. Just eat my food. I worked hard."

Kuroo sighs, "Okay, okay."


"I got a cake for us today! You have to see it!" You squeal as you dart out of the dining room chair and to the refrigerator. You draw the cake out and remove the lid to look it over.

"Oh yeah, didn't you say you were taking a pregnancy test today?Did you get around to it?" Kuroo calls from the dining room.

You desire to leave him in suspense. "Yes."

"I figure it is negative again since you're not bouncing off of the walls and tackling me?"

"I'll tell you the verdict once you see this cake. You're going to love it." You declare as you scramble around the kitchen to grab plates and utensils.

"Can't the cake wait? Just tell me what it said." Kuroo whines as he attempts to enter in the the kitchen with you.

You shield the cake, "No! Kuroo! Get out! It's a surprise!"



"Fine but least let me have the plates so you can carry your precious cake." The bed head asserts as he grips onto the plates to take them to the dining room, you following close behind.

"Okay! Sit down and close your eyes!"

"Is it really that special!"

"Yes! It's so ultra special that you're going to pee your pants from excitement!"

"I don't know about that."

"You will." You lift the cake in the air, above Kuroo's head, and place it in front of him. "Sorry if this is unorginal. I didn't want to just come out and tell you because that's boring. Regardless, open your eyes!"

"You are the fathe-" Kuroo began to read a loud but soon haulted once he processed the words. The male's eyes didn't whip to yours yet, his eyes lingered on the cake to look for farther confirmation. "Y-You're pregnant? You're serious?"

You answer as Kuroo's eyes flicker to your own. "Of course! I would never tease you like that."

"So our real? You're sure you're pregnant?"

"I took four pregnancy tests and all of them were positive! I made an appointment for an ultrasound next week so hopefully the tests weren't liars."

Kuroo gaped at you a little longer in disbelief before rising from the chair and pulling you into a tight hug. You can't held but get emotional again yourself. You're both parents now. You have finally accomplished what seemed impossible.

The two of you are having a baby.

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