The Guardian (Final Version)

By MiaSousa

1.2K 97 84

What if your perfectly normal life was thrown into chaos just by meeting a single boy? Mia Harrison, a s... More

Author's Note
Understanding the world of "The Guardian"
1st chapter: And so it begins
2nd chapter: Guardians, spirits and what-more
3rd chapter: An encounter with fate
4th chapter: An hectic school trip (part one)
5th chapter: An hectic school trip (part two)
6th chapter: The power of a Guardian
7th chapter: Dangerous pacts
8th chapter: Meetings, fights and secrets unveiled
9th chapter: What are friends for?
10th chapter: To trust another
11th chapter: Captured and locked, all hope lost
12th chapter: The resolution to be strong
13th chapter: Ambush
14th chapter: Finally reunited
15th chapter: Safe at last
16th chapter: What the future holds
17th chapter: Back home
18th chapter: The wheels start to turn
19th chapter: Secrets of the past
20th chapter: Feelings ablaze
21st Chapter: Fallen one
22nd Chapter: An alarming meeting
23rd Chapter: Seeking answers
24th Chapter: Unfolding mysteries
25th Chapter: Let's eat some cake
26th chapter: Friendly advice
27th chapter: Taking action
28th chapter: Advancing towards the end
29th chapter: To each his own
30th Chapter: Recollections of the past (part one)
31st Chapter: Recollections of the past (part two)
33rd chapter: The world's destruction
34th Chapter: Goodbye!
35th chapter: Dawn of a new day
36th chapter: Epilogue
Thank you note

32nd chapter: Broken heart

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By MiaSousa

Heart's PoV

Five minutes. I had been fighting Klaud for five minutes already and that wasn't getting me anywhere. Because of the human wall surrounding me, my movements were limited as to not hurt the humans whilst for Klaud, that limitation didn't apply. He moved freely without a single worry in the world, not caring if he hurt the humans or not. Due to that and also due to the fact they didn't move a muscle even when facing danger, I had to assume a defensive posture all the time and couldn't find space to attack.

"This is ridiculous." I muttered under my breath.

"If you stop defending the humans we can have a real fight!" Klaus exclaimed hearing me.

"I would rather not."

"Your loss then. The girl has to stay alive but, well, I can just say there wasn't another way but to kill you." Klaud's statement made me irritated and I couldn't help but retort.

"I will not let you touch Mia!"

"Don't be naïve spirit. The guardian is already in our hands so if you want to stop us you have to get out of here first!" Klaud exclaimed putting me on edge.

For now I didn't feel any dangerous feelings coming from Mia so that meant she was still safe, however the moment I started to feel she was in danger I'd have to go to her side even if that meant abandoning the humans and letting Klaud have his way.

Sometimes abiding by the moral rules and play the part of the good guy led you into a tight spot.

"Tsk." I heard Klaud sneer under his breath and when I looked around I found the reason why.

One by one the students that once formed the wall started to collapse and I started to see my ray of hope, now I could go somewhere body free and fight Klaud without reservations but even better that that if I managed to get away from the humans while luring Klaud away, then I could use the necklace and go back to Mia's side without fearing the threat of Klaud, after all as long as I got away from there I doubted Klaud would go all the way back just to keep his promise.

"It seems you are at a disadvantage now." I exclaimed taunting him.

"You are wrong spirit. I still have a few tricks up my sleeves." Klaud replied which made me restless, was he only bluffing or did he in fact have something else he could use? Either way I wasn't going to wait to find out.

Putting my sword on its scabbard, I started to run in the opposite direction but before I could go too far I was enveloped in a strange violet light and the surroundings around be changed drastically bringing me to a whole new realm.

There were no humans, no school and not even a ground or sky. It was just as if I was floating in the emptiness with darkish purple walls surrounding me in all direction but which I could not reach or touch, even the ground below me didn't seem to be there even though I could clearly feel it under my feet. It was all just too surreal and straight out of a strange dream.

"What the?"

"So the plan has been set into motion." Klaud's voice resonated behind me and I turned around in order to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that once you leave this place the guardian will be in our hands." and without giving me a second to react Klaud trespassed his sword through my stomach.

A line of blood appeared at the corner of my mouth and started to drip on the floor along with the blood flowing down his sword. When Klaud mercilessly took out the sword in a cold swing more blood spurted out and I collapsed on the floor feeling my strength draining away. I wasn't going to die there, neither would I would allow another repetition of the past but when I tried to reach Mia I understood it was not possible as wherever I was, was blocking the communication. Truly the work of a powerful demon.

"Mia..." I muttered feeling weak. "I will come to get you."

Mia's PoV

It had passed a few minutes ever since Maya and Shade had appeared and apart from the exchange of words at the beginning they didn't seem too prone to attack. If I didn't know better, I'd say their plan consisted in staring me off to death, but of course things are never that easy.

"What do you want from me?" I asked trying to figure out what was what they wanted to achieve.

"I want your power!" Maya answered. "I need it to achieve what I desire."

"I'm not going to help you."

"Fool! I don't need your permission." Maya stated and I suck in a breath.

This wasn't going to be easy.

As I was about to retort, the students around me started to collapse one by one and I couldn't help but smile. Some way or another, one of them had been able to free all the students from who was controlling them and that meant we had a victory on our side.

"It looks like your plan has started to crumble." I threw at Maya that didn't look that pleased – not that she ever did.

Next to her, however Shade paid no mind to me, he was instead concentrated in chanting what was probably a spell and when I noticed it I put my guard up, however when he finished nothing happened around me which made me wonder what he was up to.

"Give up guardian. You no longer will be able to escape." Shade warned staring at me with his violet eye.

"Never! I'm not going to let you do as you please. Heart and I will stop you."

"Oh, Heart you say?" Maya spoke with a smirk. "So naïve, Mia."

"What do you mean?"

"Heart is no longer in this world."

Maya's words made my heart stop beating but I tried to remain calm, I wasn't going to give them the pleasure of being able to toy with my heart.

"You're lying. You're just trying to mess with me, both back then and now." I threw but Maya's smirk didn't fade away.

"Shade." she called and he nodded as if understanding what she meant.

With a snap of his fingers Klaud appeared alongside Heart, except Heart was laying on the floor motionless and Klaud's sword was dripping with blood.

"H-Heart?" I tried to call but my voice died in my throat as I gasped in horror covering my mouth with my hands.

"Now, do you still think I'm lying?" Maya exclaimed as I run towards Heart.

Turning him around in order to face him I noticed Maya wasn't indeed lying. Around his stomach there was a gap from where Klaud had pierced his sword. The blood was now almost all dry and Heart had faded to a pale colour. He no longer was breathing and his heart had also stopped beating. I couldn't believe it, Heart was really dead.

All around me everything started to become a blur as the tears started to fall from my eyes. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't be possible, it had to be a nightmare.

"It's all your fault!" Maya's voice resonated in my ears. "If you had been stronger, if you had been a better guardian none of this would have happened. He wouldn't have died."

Maya's words hit me like a rock, I was too heartbroken to gather up courage and bring myself up. I loved Heart more than anyone else and now he was dead.

"Just like your father." Maya continued and I forced myself to look at her.

"M-My father?"

"Yes, just like him another person died all because of you."

Maya's last words were the last straw and I heard something inside of me break.

She was right, all this time I'd always say how my father had died while trying to save a little girl from getting hit by a car when the truth was that the little girl was me. He died shielding me from the car only because I hadn't listened to my father and had let go of his hand. My father had died because of me and now once again, I had lost another person I loved.

When this realization hit me I was suddenly enveloped in darkness and then I blacked out. 

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