Chasing Lost Love (Sequel to...

By Bts-trash40

546 27 662

In a world of amnesia you forget certain people, events, and even yourself. A part of you dies. That's exactl... More

Chapter 1: I Miss you
Chapter 2: Loneliness
Chapter 3: I'm in Love
Chapter 4: Confused
Chapter 5: Abandoned
Chapter 6: Moving
Chapter 7: So it Begins
Chapter 8: How it All Started
Chapter 9: Battle within
Chapter 11: Renewing
Chapter 12: A Day Out
Chapter 13: Reaching
Chapter 14: Lessons
Chapter 15: Run
Chapter 16: Coming For You
Chapter 17: On a Hunt
Chapter 18: Sleepless Nights
Chapter 19: A True Battle
Chapter 20: The Final Chapter

Chapter 10: Can I Trust You

34 2 40
By Bts-trash40

A/N: Here I am with another chapter. I hope you all enjoy it and it is unedited. As always, happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Jin's Pov

"So, what you're telling me is that you made us all believe that you had amnesia?! You made your own wife go through horrid heartbreak and even nearly abandoned your own son for the sake of protecting them?! Either you're incredibly the most stupid person to ever walk this planet or you're insane? At this point, I don't know which it is," I growl through the receiver.

Yoongi had called me to explain everything that had happened. From the letter he found all those years ago to confessing that he faked his own amnesia and all the events that recently happened. I so desperately want to beat him until he realizes how stupidly he went about protecting Marissa.

My heart also ached a little knowing the reason why Namjoon did what he did, but I can't love him like I used to. My heart doesn't ache to be held by him anymore, it doesn't crave his touch. I had completely moved on from him.

"I heard it all already, from both Namjoon and Marissa," Yoongi whispers. I just shake my head as I stare at the phone incredulously.

"Well I hope you're prepared to hear about it more because I won't be the only one that's going to scold you about your own stupidity. Once everyone else finds out, they're going to destroy you, so I hope you're prepared for that."

I hear him heave a frustrated sigh. I can just imagine him sitting at his desk with his fingers rubbing his temples while leaning back in his chair and his eyes closed tightly. Some of it made me feel bad, but another part of me says he deserves to be this frustrated.

"Can you just come over and get Marissa out of bed? She's been frozen in the same spot for a couple of days now. She won't respond to me or even Jimin," Yoongi pleads desperately with me.

"How's Jimin taking everything?"

"He's heartbroken as well."

"I could've guessed that much. Yoongi, you toyed with his emotions when he had real feelings for you. You've hurt more than one party here. I don't know if this can be fixed this time."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean Marissa may never forgive you. You hurt her to the point it literally broke her. If she forgives you it'll be a miracle. I do have to say this, I'm rooting for you, but I'm also going to beat your ass for everything you had done."

He lets out a breathless chuckle. He's probably nervous at this point, and he very well should be. I can't believe he did this to us all. There are two people who are heartbroken in this.

"How do you know he's heartbroken?" I can hear the genuine concern in his voice. He cares for Jimin, but not in the way Jimin cares for him. There's a huge mess at hand, one that Yoongi has to fix himself.

"Because I have seen him. I've seen the way he slumps his shoulders as he walks into my house. The way he sits on my couch just blankly staring at the blank TV screen, swearing that he's fine when really he's not. I've seen the way he bit his lips each time to prevent the tears that desperately want to flow out of his eyes. The way he trembles as he holds himself back. Just his whole demeanor has been down when he tries to act as if nothing is wrong. You did that Min Yoongi, and you're the only one solely responsible," I whisper yell. I'm tired of seeing Jimin in that state, and now Marissa on top of it all isn't responding or moving. I'm so going to beat him to a pulp.

"Are you coming or not?"

"I'll be over with Henry in a few," I reply.

"Why bring your husband?"

"To keep me from really beating your ass. If I go without him, you very well may be in the hospital," I warn darkly. I love Yoongi, I really do, but his actions have been really stupid lately.

"Why are you like this?"

"Because you're stupid. There's no way around it. You're a very stupid man, and I need to knock the stupidity out of you."

"I get it already, just please come and do something about Marissa. I'm begging you Jin. I can't be without her."  My heart breaks slightly at hearing his sobs, but it still won't keep me from slapping him.

I hung up the phone, looking to Henry who was standing there with a solemn expression on his face. I can see him flexing his jaw, hands balled into fists.

"Tell me that all of what I heard isn't true," He breathes out. I can see his eyes cloud over. Min Yoongi is a very stupid man indeed.

"Normally you're the one who remains calm in these situations," I comment. He looks at me, his eyes softening at my tears that I hadn't noticed were falling.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm just irritated that he would pull such an idiotic move. Not only him, but your ex and best friend were also very stupid. Everyone one of them were thinking of themselves instead of trusting the entire group," He speaks softly, cupping my face in his hands as he wipes away my tears.

I smile faintly at the action, knowing that this man cares for not only me but my group of friends as well. He's accepted them, and even befriended them. We're like a huge family, so when one of us is hurting, we're all hurting, including the man standing in front of me.

"I know. The important thing here is trying to get Marissa to make some type of movement or give us some type of emotion. Can you contain yourself from beating Yoongi?"

"I can, but can you?" I look to him as he asks me that question. If I'm being honest here, I don't know if I'll be able to. "I have the answer I need. I'll be sure to keep you away from him for a while."

Henry knows me so well by now, it warms my heart. I nod my head, the both of us leaving our apartment to head to Yoongi's house. I just stare put the window of the car, watching everything pass us by. My thoughts take over my mind as I mindlessly stare out the window.

Before I know it, we're standing in front of Yoongi's door, knocking on it. The door slowly opens to reveal a mop of pink hair. I look down to see Jimin awkwardly standing there with red puffy eyes. It must be from him always crying alone.

Without saying anything, he gestures us inside. The atmosphere is thick and heavy. None of us dare to speak, afraid of what the other might say.

Henry and I head straight for Yoongi's office. When we step in, he stands quickly to his feet. Seeing him standing there, my blood begins to boil. I ball my hands into fists, stepping closer to him.

I see his eyes travel to my fist, but he doesn't move, he just gulps. I raise my fist, punching him in the face. He stumbles back, touching his lip that was bleeding a little. This didn't satisfy my anger, so I punch him one, two, three, four, even five more times until I'm pulled off of the boy on the floor.

He had blood flowing out of his nose, and mouth. There were some cuts on his face as well as bruises. If you're asking if I regret it, I do not. In fact, I wiggle out of Henry's grasp to pounce on the smaller boy again, but Henry drags me out of the office.

"Jin, listen to me," Henry whispers. He takes my face into his hands, having my eyes meet his.

"What," I spat.

"Calm down. We didn't come here for him. We only came for Marissa, so keep that in mind. You already beat him up without him retaliating, so that's enough. You don't need to hurt him anymore," Henry says, trying to calm me down.

Henry's voice always had a sense of calm to it, which manages to calm me down slightly. I nod my head in understanding. I look around to see Jimin standing to the doorway to see Jimin standing there with a horrified look on his face.

I go back into the office to see Yoongi getting up slowly. He uses the desk to hold himself up as he clutches his side in pain. Maybe I hit him more times than I had believed.

Yoongi looks up to stare at me, looking away once our eyes meet. I felt bad, yet at the same time I feel as if he deserved it. This is something he deserved for everything he had put both Marissa and Jimin through.

"Where is she," I ask, irritation coating my voice. He looks at me, and without answering he gestures Jimin to bring us to her.

Henry and I follow closely behind Jimin until he opens a bedroom door to reveal a neatly cleaned room. The walls were painted a light grey and had dark brown floorboards. There was minimal furniture in here.

My eyes trail to the king sized bed, looking to the form that was laying there. My heart instantly breaks at the sight of her. She's just laying there.

I cautiously step closer to her, seeing that her eyes were wide open. She was just laying there, endless tears falling. No sound emits from her mouth. She doesn't even acknowledge me when I sit on the bed next to her.

Deciding to do the next best thing, I lay next to her, pulling her into a heartfelt warm hug. Her body begins to tremble slightly. I feel her arms slightly move to the front of my shirt, scrunching it in her tiny hands as she buries her head into my chest. She curls herself into me, my shirt getting soaked from her endless tears.

I hug her tightly as my lips touch the top of her head. This poor girl has been through so much. The heartbreak she's facing must be huge. I have no words to comfort her, just a warm hug is all I can offer.

"Why? Why me? Why can't it be someone else? Why is it always me? Why lie to me? Why put me in this endless misery?" Her sobs and low voice break my heart even more. It sounds so rough and hoarse.

"I don't know what was running through his head at the time. If I had these answers I would tell you, but I don't Marissa. Please, just get out of bed and get refreshed. You've been in the same position for a couple of days, it isn't healthy for you." I rub my hand up and down her back in hopes of comforting her as I whisper in her ear.

She pries her face from my chest, looking me in the eyes. Seeing her swollen eyes and face, my heart breaks into a thousand pieces. This girl has been so strong for so long only to have those walls torn down by someone she loves with all her heart.

"Where is he," She croaks out. I stare at her, unsure of whether I should tell her what happened or not.

"I'm going to go check on him," Henry pipes up. Marissa looks at him, then back at me. I look to Henry, nodding slightly in his direction before meeting Marissa's questioning gaze.

"Let's just say I lost control and hurt Yoongi," I chuckle nervously, rubbing my free hand on the back of my neck.

"How so?"

"I punched him repeatedly. I thought it was only six times I had hit him, but I'm afraid it might have been more times than that seeing as how badly hurt he actually was," I confess, letting out a sigh afterwards.

She just stares at me, no words escaping her mouth. She gets up, much to my surprise, and runs out of the room. I run after her, worried that she might break at the sight of him. She's not ready to see Yoongi in that condition. She's way too fragile right now.

"Marissa," I shout before catching up to her. She stops to look at me, concern written on her face. "You can't see him right now, not in your state."

"Why did you do it?"

I pull her into another hug. "I just didn't like the way he handled things. So many people are being hurt because of his actions. Someone had to do it."

"I know, but what if Hyeon sees his father beaten like that? What will he think? How will he react?" She cries even more, her body limp in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Marissa. Henry is by his side though, so he'll make sure that Yoongi is okay. For now let's just get you showered and refreshed, you kind of smell," I try to joke with her.

She lets out a light chuckle, looking at me as she gives me a small smile. That's enough for me to know that she'll be okay. It's enough for me to know that she's going to get through this, and hopefully have a happy ending this time around.

Yoongi better do things right this time. He better be there for her and prove his love, if he doesn't he will get worse than what I dished out this time.

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