Stairway to Heaven

By JeremyCole

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Stairway to Heaven

35 0 0
By JeremyCole

Often as I have done before

I am led to -- the forest floor.

Surrounded by palms, junipers, oaks

And the wildlife all around.

I take each part in every time.

I’m soaking in the sounds.

The cardinal chirps, the sparrow too.

Butterflies flutter as they always do.

Then I am led down the fishing path.

The bluff I’ll soon be atop.

I gaze down below a heavenly sight.

Climb on down –

I think I might.

To my left amazes me.

It’s something that was meant to be.

Forged by roots and sandy clay

A nature staircase to the water –

I’ll stay.

So I take the stairway to the river bank

As I often have before.

Treasures and blessings are here for me

Heaven is in store.

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