Our Life Together | Consumed

Oleh JJGrim

2.1K 96 38

A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... Lebih Banyak

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter One - Evolving Emotions
Chapter Two - True Colors
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 5 - Forget the Past
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...

82 3 0
Oleh JJGrim

Yay! update! I love writing these chapters for all you guys! Honestly, it's a great stress reliever and a lot of fun! I hope you guys are enjoying reading it as much as I love writing it! Enjoy Chapter 8!

Toffee's PoV

I completed my mission, the school was burning. Marco had to make a fatal decision. When I returned through the portal, I arrived to applauding. "Please, it was simple really." Eclipse stood up. "Great job. We are closer now to striking than ever!" I waited so long for this moment. Rhombulous was a fool for crystallizing Eclipsa instead of destroying her. When you think about it, this revolution is all thanks to him. Either way, we watched as the flames grew closer to Star and the other girl, Jackie. Marco was indecisive. He didn't know what to do. Until the unexpected happened.

Marcos PoV

I didn't know what to do, until I remembered what Star had told me. She told me about what her mom had told her. The Queen had said, 'Always save a civilian when the choice comes.' I wanted to save Star more, but civilians were priority. I guess technically me and Star were civilians, but in a weird way we weren't. We were fighters. Either way, it didn't matter. I ran over and dragged Jackie away from the flames. I looked at Star the entire time. The fire was getting closer and closer. Once I realized I might not make it, I dropped Jackie. I hoped she was far enough away from the fire, but i had to get to Star. I never ran faster. I was too late. I wasn't going to make it. Thank Christ she woke up. "Star! Run! NOW!" She looked around, realizing that she was seconds away from getting cooked. She got up, and ran to me. She jumped into my arms. I held her tight. "I wanted to save you, I did, but I remembered you told me to save civilians first, make them priority." She was still panicking, but she looked at Jackie, "Well clearly you didn't try that hard to save her before me." She pointed and we both started running. She was so close to being caught in the fire. Star was right though. I didn't try that hard to save Jackie. I was too preoccupied with Star. If we were going to work, I needed to be able to make sacrifices. I picked Jackie up and we found the quickest way out of the school. It was complete chaos. The whole time we were trying to get out, I kept wondering what Toffee had up his sleeves...

Eclipsa's PoV

The boy was good, he saved Jackie over Star, which we did not expect. However, like I said before, just because results aren't expected, doesn't mean that aren't wanted. Marco saved Jackie because he knew that she was helpless. Star could handle herself. Honestly I don't know exactly what he was thinking, but it hurt Star that he went for Jackie first. She didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. I could see it written all over her face. It was only a matter of time before she fell apart. The time to strike was coming. But, there was more power to control. The only thing to do at the moment, is to watch and wait...

Star's PoV

Marco saved Jackie before me... Does he like her? I mean, I shouldn't rule it out as impossible just yet. There's no way, he broke up with her just to be with me. Maybe he is confused. While we are waiting around outside the school for things to be resolved, maybe I should ask. "Marco, while we're just sitting around do you mind if I ask you something?" He looked at me nervously, like he knew what I was gonna say. "Uhh, yea, go ahead." He rubbed the back of his head. I smiled. "Marco, why did you really save Jackie?" He just looked down and started to sweat. "Star, I know what you're thinking and I promise you, it's just you. It's only you. It's Always been you." He smiled. I looked down. "Not always..." He put his arm on my shoulder, before it turned into us hugging. "I don't know if you're with me because you want to be, or if you feel like you should be. I don't know if we are ready for this Marco." His grip tighted. His heart just snapped. I think I really hurt him. "Star, we are ready for this. I think I love you..." I blushed. I was filled with emotions I didn't understand. "Uhh, that's, uhhh, good, good to, to know." He stood up. "Whoa whoa, you see now I'm thinking less about the love thing and more about how I blew things." Marco was sweating. "No, you didn't, just, it's just, I, I need to think." I got up and walked home quickly. Love? I don't even fully understand the feelings I have for him now.

Marco's PoV

Arghhh! Why did I say that? While she was walking away, I just stood there. That's when Jackie started waking up. I dropped to my knees. "Jackie?!" She looked up at me. "Marco... Man it's good to see you again." I hugged her. We may not be dating, but we were still good friends. "You should've seen it, the school, there was this huge fire." She just looked at me. "I know, I remember blacking out. Did, did you save me?" She blushed. I smiled. "Well, I had to." She just smiled more. "You didn't have to do anything." She started to lean closed and closer to my face. I didn't stop her... At first at least. "Wait wait wait. Me and Star, we're..." Jackie leaned back. "Sorry, I lost control. I don't want to cause problems." She looked around, "Where is she." I got upset. "I kinda, well, messed everything up." Jackie looks at me and laughs. "That sounds like you... What happened?" I scratched my head, a little embarrassed. "I told her I loved her." Jackies eyes widened a bit. "Whoa Marco, that's a big step." She was right. "I know, it just slipped out! I didn't want to say it, well, I guess I did, because I do! I don't know..." Jackie looked at me. "Marco, go talk to her. She was just surprised. She'll open up to you." I couldn't help but smile and hug Jackie. "Jackie, thank you so much! You're a great person." She smiled back. "Go get her Marco." I stood up and ran home. Time to hash things out.

Star's PoV

*Knock Knock*

I hear knocking at the door. "Come in Marco." I knew what was going to happen. I knew he though. "Star we..." I interrupt him, "Need to talk? I know." He sits next to me on my bed. "I want to apologize for what I said." I just look at him. "Why?" He seems really nervous. "Well, because..." I interrupt him again. "Because you want to fix things between us. Marco, don't apologize for your feelings. But there is something else we need to talk about." I feel myself start to cry. Marco puts his hand on my shoulder. "Star, W-What's wrong." I refuse to look at him. "We can't be together." I feel my heart break as I say it, but I know it's true. "Star..." I cut him off. "Marco, there's too much going on. And things are weirder between us after we told each other how we felt." He pulls his hand off my shoulder and stands up. "I... I don't know what to say Star." I still don't look at him. "Marco..." This time, he cuts me off. "No don't 'Marco' me Star, this was your idea. Remember? This was your idea..." He starts to cry, and I'm crying too. I don't want to break up with Marco, but right now, with Toffee on the loose, we can't focus on each other. "Marco, you have to understand where I'm coming from." I finally look up at him. He looks back at me. "I do understand." His voice his softer. "But that doesn't make me happy with it." He sits back down next to me. "I'm not happy with it either..." I mumble. "Then why are we doing this? Why do you want to break things off?" Marco looks at me with so much sincerity. "Marco, I don't want to break things off, but we can't be together with Toffee out there hunting us." I could tell he still wasn't satisfied. "Marco, are we still gonna be friends." Marco looks at me. "Of course we're not gonna be friends Star..." My heart breaks when he says that, "we'll be best friends, like always." And now I feeling it peace itself back together. "Thank Mewni" I hug him. I wish the universe was fair...

Toffee's PoV

Oh no, when Eclipsa hears of this, she will be frustrated. I hesitate to enter her chambers, in fear of what might happen. Nonetheless, I enter. "Toffee? What news do you bring me?" I gulp. "Uhh, my Queen." I say, bowing. "Yes?" I just spit it out. "Star and Marco, are no longer together!" I'm fearful now. She stands up and slowly walks towards me. What's about to happen. When she reaches me, she smiles? "My lady, what seems to be worth smiling for? Our main plan is now void." She walked past me now. "Don't you see? With the boy out of the way, Star has one less person in her life we need to worry about." I'm still confused. "My lady, I..." She interrupts me. "We don't need to boy anymore. Now, our focus is shifted to the King and Queen." I love where this is going. "Fantastic..."

Marco's PoV

It's been roughly an hour since Star decided to split us up. I want to go talk to her, but I don't know if I can handle seeing her. My dad does always say the best thing to do is to talk it out. Maybe I should toughen up, and take his advice. O walk out of my room, and approach Stars. However, as I inch closer to the door, I hear Star arguing with someone. "But that's not fair!" Who is she talking to? "I'm sorry sweet heart, but it is happening." Sweet heart? Must be her mother. "But..." Stars seems really upset. "No buts! You have one hour. Be ready." I forget to knock and just walk in. "S-Star?" I see her on her bed. She's... Crying? "Is everything ok?" I approach her. She looks over at me. "Marco this is terrible!" She jumps up and hugs me. "Whoa Star, what's happening?" I ask "Marco, I'm, I'm..." She stops. "You're what?" I see her lip start to quiver as I look up at her. "I'm... Im leaving! For good this time!" My heart stops. "Wha-What do you mean? You can't leave..." She can't stop crying as she presses her he's do to my chest. "Marco, I have to. My mom already set it in motion. Apparently, they caught a scout. Probably from Toffee, and-and now I need to come back because they know about the fire at the school today. It's over Marco. We are over." She stops, like all the life in her is just gone. "Star... I don't know what to say." I'm lost right now. As lost as she is. "I do... Come with me!" I'm surprised. "What?!" She looks at me with a giant smile. "Yea, yea yea yea. You come with me, help the Mewmans fight Toffee! Then, once it's all over, we can come back to Earth! Together!" I don't know what to say to her, this is overwhelming. "Star, we both know I can't come along." Her smile slowly fades away. "I have school, and my family here Star." She gets depressed again. "I know it was a long shot, but I had to try something." She starts packing. "I'll come say goodbye when my Mom arrives." She pushes me out the door and closes it. Then, I hear a lock turn. I guess I have to wait then...

Moon's PoV

"Do you really think this is the best course of action?" River says. "Yes dear, pStar is not safe on Earth anymore." I say as I get things ready for the attack. "But darling..." I get frustrated and cut him off. "But nothing River! There is no way I'm leaving our daughter there to die!" River gets angry with me as well. "So you pull her away from her boyfriend! You remember what happened last time that happened!" I was fed up with him. "Argh River! Star isn't like that! And we both know that it had to happen eventually!" He goes rummaging through a drawer before pulling out a scroll. "Really? Them explain this!" I didn't even know what it was. "River, what..." He cuts me off. "The prophecy... The one who will lead the rebellion? It's happening, and if you seperate them now, she will lead it." He was right. "Fine, we will bring him too. If things go badly, you're the one to blame." He walks away, and I get back to preparing for the assault on our castle.

Eclipsa's PoV

"Monsters! You all have lived in fear of the Royal Family for far too long! In a few days time, we will make monster history! Let us take back the land for its rightful owners! Let us re-establish peace for the Monsters, and destroy the Mewmans like they did to you! While I may be Mewman myself, I do not approve of their ways! Unfortunalty, with me being a Mewman, I can not join you on the assault! However, I put all faith in my apprentice, and your general, Toffee!" There is a roaring applause as Toffee joins me. "Do not do this for me, as I am doing this for you! So do this for yourselves! Do this for your brothers beside you! Do this for your freedom!" Another applause overwhelmed us. "Toffee?" I say, giving him the stage.

Toffee's PoV

"Thank you, my Queen! Before any of this happens in a few days, I want you to reflect on how far we have come! Remember, we spent lifetimes preparing and training for this day! We have spent so long waiting for the perfect target, and now, she is here! Star butterfly! We have spent a long time watching her and finding weaknesses. All we need to do now, is capture Queen Moon! While it sounds hard, believe me, it is not as bad as it sounds! Tomorrow, we will raid the Earth dimension! We will use it as a base of operations, and it's somewhere the royal family will not find us! My finger is there, and once we recover it, I will handle Moon. As for the rest of you, you will all be leading the charge at the front gate! Keep in mind, Star will be there, along with Marco! They are going to be the biggest threats. If you see Star, keep her alive. Marco however, is destroyable. With everything set in place, let us take back what is rightfully ours!" The crowd cheers. Once I get that finger, Moon will not be able to handle my strength.

Star's PoV

This is it. I hear the portal open and my Mom walk out. "Ready?" She says, looking around. "Yes mom, just give me a minute." I start to walk out, but my mom interrupts me. "Star, bring Marco here." I nod. I go and get Madco without saying anything, and we walk into my room. "Oh, hello Queen." My mom grabs our hands. "Alright, let's go." Marco stops her. "Whoa Whoa Whoa, I'm not going!" Marco says a little loud. "Marco, you are required to go, if you don't come, Toffee will take over." Marco sighs. "Ugh, alright, what do I ne-" Marco can't finish his sentence before my mom pulls us through the portal. I know she needs me, but why Marco? "Whoa, what about my parents?" My mom looks rushes us into my room. "They were already notified." I am sooo confused. What's happenings? Why is my mom in such a rush. "Star, keep your wand next to you at all times." I just nod. Better to not ask questions right now. It will probably just make my mom more frantic. Before I know it, my mom is out of my room. I have never felt more awkward in my entire life. Me and Marco were both puzzled. "Marco..." I say, and at the same time I say his name, he says mine. I rub my arm. Why am I so nervous right now? "Marco, what's going to happen?" He looks at me concerningly. "W-Well... I don't know Star... I wish I could say everything is going to be ok, but I just don't know..." I want to make something clear after hearing that. "Marco, if this war is going to happen, I want to make something absolutely clear." He looks at me again. "After everything is over, and the smoke clears, I want you to be standing... No matter what." He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "Star..." I cut him off. "Just promise me Marco, please." I can tell he isnt happy. "I--I promise." I smile.

We both sit on the bed. It's quiet for a while. I lay down, and gesture Marco to lay next to me. I can tell he is nervous. After some hesitation, he finally is laying next me. "Man, I'm really not that comfortable..." I grab Marcos arm and put it around me. "That's better." He looks at me, and smiles as I do. "Star, what are you..." I interrupt him. "I think I love you too Marco..." At first, he is stunned, but then he is overfilled with joy. "Really?!" He hugs me, I feel so safe in his arms. I wish things could work out between us. "Marco, this doesn't mean we can be together, it just means we think we love each other." "That's fine, I'm just glad we think we're in love!" I smile, breaking from the hug and laying my head on his chest. "Me too."

We lay in bed together for a bit before hearing a loud bang from... Inside the castle? "Marco, be careful, this isn't any Ludo situation. I know you know that, but just saying." We run outside my room and look around. There's nothing. Literally nothing. "Mom?" No answer. "Dad?" No answer. I feel my eyes begin to water. Then, a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright Star..." I throw my self onto him. "Marco, what if I don't see my parent again..." I feel him run his fingers through my hair. "No, don't say that. You'll see them again. I promise, you will see them again." I had tears running down my face, but they started to stop while listening to Marco's voice. I'm glad I have him.

Where are her parents? Were they captured, or did they go somewhere? I don't know... Well, I do, but... Nevermind. Have to admit not one of my strongest chapters but it has couple of Starco moments for all of you Starco shippers! Star and Marco come to terms with ending their relationship, but admit to one another love each other. Will they get back together? Guess you'll have to come back too find out!

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