Naruto fanfic

By Sarefena

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Okay this is a fanfic it is not poorly made or written I worked my butt off, but it doesn't really fallow plo... More

Untitled Part 2

I no own Naruto Chaters in This Book Exept Ones i made. Thanks, no judge right?

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By Sarefena

"Mirāju, as your father i command you to untie me right now young lady." The man stuck in chair ordered.

The yonger girl behind him pulled the knots tighter. Her face was beaming with confidace and amusement, as if her fathers wishes were a whimsical matter that could be dissmissed with out sceound though. "sorry dad i'am not going to untie you. Even if i did i wouldn't do you any good." she said grinning at her father.

"You put glue on my seat again, didn't you," he sighed "you leave me no choice, and just for the record YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE YOUNG LADY!!!"

"In case you havn't noticed i am not the one tied and guled to a chair." She said grabbing a small bag next to her. She stood up and walked to the door but she stopped when she grabbed the handle.

"Mirāju this trick is getting old. Your uncle will be back soon, so end this foolishness at once." Her father said his face growing deadly serious.

She smiled, "then you'll be happy to know that i have a new trick, it's called chakra sealing ropes. You and uncle can try and keep me here as long as you want, but i won't be caged any  longer. I'm going out, beyond this prison of sand and sun." She said staring at some random point above her tied up fathers head. She was too scared to look him the eyes cause all she would see is disappointment and shame, that's all he ever saw in her. Failure, but she was going to leave and be free, explore, live her life, and one day come back and make them all proud of her. Not just her family but her whole village. She would grow strong then everyone would treat her with the respect she deserved, they would look up at her with new eyes and see her has Kazekage. 

"what do you ever hope to find out there Mirāju, cause what ever it is you won't find it. Stay here in the village with your uncle and friends, stay here with me Mirāju. Where it's safe and i know i can protect you!" His voice was filled with so much momentum and urgency that she had to turn away from him. She felt a tear slip down her face and fall to the floor, she had promised her self that she would not cry, that leaving was a good thing, it was what she wanted. She drew a deep breath, held it, and turned back to face him. Never letting go of the door knob as she did.

"I am not afraid to go out there! I am not scared, i won't cower! I am not some little girl who constantly need your protection, why can't you under stand that!" She shouted her body trembling, as more tears streamed down her face. She couldn't understand what her father was so afraid of. "I am really sorry dad, but i can't live my dreams from inside a cage. I promise i'll come back when i am strong enough." She said wiping way the tears.

She snatched up her bag once more, not realizing she had droped it in her emotional sate, and threw open the wooden door of her bed room. "good bye daddy." She said running out the door.

"Mirāju!" he called after her, but the door had already closed and cut him off. Leaveing him alone with only the sound of her fadding foots steps in the hall way, and her haunting words. "damn it," He said aloud to him self.


She had to stay strong she told her self. What that was hard since sobs were practical leaping out of her throat. She never even once bothered to look behind her, she knew no one would fallow her or chase her untill her dad told her uncle what happened. There would be sand ninja every where looking for her. So she made a last muinte plan to go to har aunt in uncle in the leaf village. They were some of the only people she could think of that would gladly help her. If they didn't she planned on becoming a nomadic ninja. She knew it was a terrible plan, but it was all she had and went with it. She looked up feeling that she wasn't moving far or fast enough to make good time, so she ran a little faster, and she ran head first into the wall. Not a wall the wall, A ninja by the name of Barano who had just earned the title of jonine. He had the appropriate nick name of the wall. I didn't matter who he was fighting in battle he was immovable, he would take every single hit with out batting and eye. You could throw a kuni in his eye and he wouldn't even flinch, talk about scary. But he was always nice to her, and defened her. Then again who didn't defend her. Her uncle Gaara didn't have any kids so in a way she was his kid. She was predestined to inherit being the kazekage. but she didn't want that, she wanted to earn it. Not just be lucky by being born into the right family.

"hello Mirāju, what are you up to" He said looking down at her with a scar covered face.

"oh nothing. sorry i ran into, i am kinda in a rush." She said shuffleing her feet in the dirt. She just ran into him almost at her full speed and didn't move an inch while she was nearly sent flying back. He was a head taller or more than her, and covered with scars.

"Where too," he asked

"oh now where," She said aloofly. She was trying hard not act suspicious, but the art of sudillty had never been her strong suit.

"what's in the bag," he said in a suspicious tone.

"Oh nothing, absolutely nothing. I guess i'll be seeing you Barano." She stared walking briskly away, only to find that she was going no where.

"where are you really going?" He said pulling her backwards towards him. she felt beads of swaet starting to brake out on her face. He was catching on to her.

"out" she stammered, she couldn't help it she was nervous.

"out, is alot different than no where." He said lifting her up by the strap of the back pack. Leaving her to dangle in the air. "come on start talking," he said shaking her a bit.

"I don't have to tell you any thing if i don't want to." she said crossing her arms and putting a snotty look on her face. But she was really trying to hide the fact that her uncle would be back any second. If that happened and he caughter there would be no escape or mercy. Normally her uncle was a pretty chill dude, but when she acted up as her dad called it. He becomes a not so chill dude, quite the opposite. And to make matters worse, he could control sand, and she lived in middle of a desert in a village full of ninja trained to kill.

"so you feel it too," he said squinting his eyes and stared into the distance "come on we haven't got all day. Your uncle could be here any moment." She gave him a confused look. "do you want my help or not."

"you want to help me?" she said feeling ever so bewildered.

"yes, now start talking!" He said clearly starting to grow agitated. That was the third to last thing she wanted to do, the second was set her dad free, the first was get caught by her uncle, and the way that this was going it was like wearing a giant neon sign with bold letters that reads i am running away.

"okay, okay i am trying to run away." She said raising her hands as if he were going to hit her. Of corse he didn't.

"I should have known, what is this the fith time this year?" He said gesturing with his hands forgetting that he was holding her above the ground.

"actually it's twentieth, and if you wouldn't mind setting me down that'd be great!" She crossed her arms tighter across her chest. This was getting old fast, at any rate her uncle could be breathing down her neck. "thank you," she said exasperated when he set her down on the ground.

"you know you're going to give your poor dad a stroke, and don't try and run." He said enphsasing the last part.

"see the funny thing with that is it's hard to have a stroke if your sitting down." She said smileing even though she knew it wasn't funny.

"Mirāju your nothing but trouble, you know that. You keep trying to run off and have some wild adventure. If you would wait just a bit longer nad get to the point where your dad and uncle can actually trust you with something, i am sure they would be happy to send you out on missions." She was starting to rember why she had been avoding him in first place. Other than the fact that he was the wall.

She rolled her eyes. some clock in the back of her mind was ticking loudly, driving her nuts and counting down the seconds till she was caught. "What was that you said about helping me, or are you just staling for my uncle." Her heart was beating a little faster now.

"personal i am still trying to figure out weather or not i should help a little brat like you. So give me one good reason why i should help you, and your little suicied mission." He said sternly.

"first of all i am running away, not planing a suicied mission."

he cut in, "with you planing its sure to be a suicied mission. You can't even plan what you're going to eat for breakfast, your nothing but a spoiled little brat." Now Mirāju was getting angry.

"Alright i don't care who you think you are! Cause i know who i am going to be and that is the Kazekage! So start treating me with a little respect, also i ask the questions now! Got it!!" She yelled her anger and frustration finally boilling over. 

"You Kazekage, niece or not i am pretty sure Gaara would keel over before he let you become Kazekage." Then he started laughing. Mirāju snapped and punched him in stomach with all her strength and anger. "try it a again i think it tickled a bit." he said laughing a bit more.

"What are you stupid. i told you i was going to be Kazekage, and i meant it!" She looked up at him eyes ablaze. "I am not going to let anyone stop me not you, my uncle, or even my dad. I am going to only tell you this once more, I am going to lead this village. But i am going to earn it! So i dare you call me brat one more time." She snarled up at him, fist still pushing into his gut.

"well there no dening it, your her kid. You both have the same fire just diferent reasons." He said runing a hand through his hair. "But you got quite a bit of your dad in you too. But your not showing half as much promise as either them did." He said examining her scrumched up face.

"you're to young to have taught my parents!" she spit, "and how could you know what my mom was even like!"

"oh thats right, you probably don't know that your mom was my teacher, when i was your age she came to the sand village to help your uncle. He assigened her to be my sensei, man i hated her back then. Man my arm still hurts after that first beat down she gave me when i met her." he said smilling at the though of the old memories 

"my mom was your sensei?!" she said rather dumbfounded. She had known that her mom had once taught so ginin from the sand village when she asmiltated. But she had no idea that she had was the the teacher of the wall.

"Yes, she was my teacher. But you also taught two other students, Maritch and Ihmaru." He said smiling at her wide eyed expression. "You've probably heard a thing or two about them, but there always on missions and only come back for more. So i would make sense if you've never heard of them."

"she taught them as well!" To her it felt like all the blood was rushing to her head. How was it that her mom had taught some of the three strongest ninja in the village, and she had never known. she began wonder what else she didn't know or rather what was being hidden from her.

"Lets move quickly your uncle will be here soon." He said grabbing her fist that she had tried to punch him with.

'You don't think i know that!" she yelled again 

"getting cold feet Mirāju? Cause if you are it's perfectly understandable, for a chicken." He said looking her in the eyes.

"I AM NOT A CHICKEN! I just need to know, why. Why help me run away." She asked a new form of dread filling the pit of her stomach.

"because i owe you, well not you exactly. In way by taking care of you it's like i am helping your mother." He had a symapthic tone.

But Mirāju on the other hand was getting ticked off. She was tired was standing around remincing over things she never got to see, thing she never got to do, mostly she was tired of hearing how close all these people were to her mother, and secretly she wished she had more time with to get to know her better. She felt all the emotions she normal kept bottled up spilling out of their container and flooding her eyes. she was frozen, lost in though and tears. she felt pathic, no she was pathic, so many other children who had lost parents. But they didn't have chance to save theirs, but she did and she blew it!

He stopped talking when he saw her start crying. "Oh i am sorry Mirāju, that's a really sensitive subject i shouldn't have brought it up." He stared looking around nervously. "there's no need to cry, come on now. If it was about calling you a chicken i didn't mean it." He was trying to help but wasn't just like everyone else.

"Everyone in the village thinks i am pathetic! They constantly pity me, and i hate it! Why can't anyone understand that i don't want pity!!" She spoke in a frail voice one on the verge of tears. "i don't want your pity" She said braking down into another wave of tears. then she started running towards the gate. She was leaving now, and he or anyone else wasn't going to stop her. She was only seven when her mother died, she was weak. But she told her that she would be strong. When all the other kids were scared of her it was always her mom that made her feel better. Her mom was so strong, maybe not physical or mental. but she was strong and she made a vow on the day her mother died that she would be the strongest ninja the village had ever seen. She made a vow that she would be Kazekage.


Man she is fast he thought as he tried to catch up with Mirāju as she ran blindly down the street. I knew i shouldn't have brought up her mother. I knew that might strike a nerve! Good job Barano, you said you were going to help the kid not get her caught, and her running through the streets crying is sure fire way to get her caught. He thought as he cased after ginin. That's when he saw her uncel approaching from the north gate. "that brat, MIRĀJU!! GET BACK HERE." he yelled after her. But she just kept running, what was she doing. Did she not see that her uncle was right out side the gate. "damn," he ran a bit faster till he was almost right on top of her. It was a split secound decision, he grabed her hand and yanked her into the nearst alley and prayed they weren't spotted. Unfortunetly he must have pulled a little to hard cause he heard a sickening pop when pulled her. Her face shriveled up with pain, she opened her mouth to scream but he quickly covered with his large hand. "sshh... you uncle is right out there, if you scream now there's no way you'll get out." He whispered loud enough so she could hear. They pressed their backs to the wall and hid in shadow. looking back he fighured that he had either dislocated her arm or broke. "it's not to late to quit now." he told her in a hushed tone.

he moved his hand away and she shook her head vigorously back and forth. "if i don't do this now i'll will never be able to," she said a bit to loudly. When she spoke her voice was withering with pain.

He sighed quietly almost to him self, "very well," he said stoically. "oh and sorry about your arm."

"we have to leave now!," she said through gritted teeth. She started to move then stopped her.

"hold on, we need to be patient." He said hoing her back. "it'd be better if we waited for the squads to leave first. They won't be looking for you in the village, not at first. You said this was your twentieth time right?" she nodded her head. "and every time you took off running out the gate right? she nodded a secound time a bit more slowly and hestitaint. "good," he said, this just made poor Mirāju more confused.

He froze, a dry dessert breeze passed through the village. Every thing got quite and still, she wondered if he was dead or something. "we move," he paused and drew a deep breath "now!" he grabbed her other arm and they ran out of the sandy deasert alley. He was pracitcally dragging her.

"Slow down." She pleaded

"sorry can't do that, If were going to get out of this village you'll have to mve a bit faster." The happy freindly version of him, seemed to disappear. In his place was a serious butt kicking ninja, Mirāju under nomal surcumstances  would have though that this was the coolest. But these were not normal surcustances, she had never made it this far in the three years she started trying to run away. It had been five years since her mother died, three years sinces she started trying to run away, and five years three months and sixs days since she learned that she wanted to be Kazekage when she grew up. she was final doing it, she was leaving the village for the first time since her mother died.

"thank you," you said to him. More tears were filling her eyes, but she pushed them down as well as the other feelings that over whelmed her. But then a new idea entered her mind, since Barano left the village with out an assignment didn't that make him a rouge ninja. what kinda trouble was she getting him into?

"Mirāju keep up the pace," he ordered her.

"i can't keep up, my legs are to tired." She complained between the jagged and heavy breaths. Her legs smeed to trip her as she ran, it didn't seem to matter how hard she tried to run her legs just kept crashing into one another. causing her to stumble with every step.

"think of it like training," He said to her, looking over his shoulder Mirāju could see he was smiling. 

"dose that mean-" she started to speak but she was to out of breath to speak any more.

"just keep running, and i'll consider trainning you. Or we can stop running right here and now, and you can forget about being Kazekage." His smile only grew, he was challenging her.

A new fire started to burn through out her body, and all the exhaustion and tiredness that she had felt before vanished in an instant.  "i hope you like being call Barano sensei." She said her chest filling with confidance and pride. She ran twice as fast and worked twice as hard.

"Hope your ready, cause there's a long road a head of us." He let go over her hand and she ran a head while he kept a stedy pace. I give her ten muintents before she burns out, he said to him self.


"I can't believe she actual did!" Her father yelled. "how could i be so stupid!"

"Kankuro," Gaara started

"she sliped out right from under me! who knows where she is, she could be any where!" He exclaimed in a painiced tone.

"Kankuro!" He yelled

"What am i going to do! That girl is in so much trouble when i get my hands on her! Just wait i'll send her back to the academy for this!" finnally lossing his paticentce his brother yelled.

"KANKURO CALM DOWN!" he said knocking his chair over as he forcefully stood up. His brother stopped yelling and shouting and turned to him. "Thank you" he said more calmly 

"Sorry Gaara, I am just so worried it's the eighteenth time this month!" he said running a hand through his hair.

"It's okay, i don't know what kinda of parent wouldn't be worried if their child ran away, especial in this manner." He said picking his chair back up and having a seat.

"I mean it was bad before, but nothing like this. I don't even know where she is going, she sould be any where." He said staring off out the window of his younger brothers office.

"actually that not entirely true," He said as he was writing some thing down on a pice of paper. "I do have an idea of where she is going."

"What you do where! We should send ninja there imedantly!" He exclaimed.

"Calm down lets not get over zelous here, i want to wait and see what may happen." He said setting down his brush.

"This isn't some game Gaara, she is out there alone. where anything could happen!" Kankuro said turnning back to his brother, with serious look in this eyes.

"actually she isn't alone." he corrected 

"have you gone raving mad, no else was with her. Unless she was kidnapped, is that what your saying!"

"If she was kidnapped the ninja i sent out would have found sgins of a struggle and reported back. If she was out there alone, it woulndn't matter how clever she is, she would have easily caught and brought back." he closed his eyes in thought. "no, she can't be alone out there. The fact that she is still a ginin and hasn't been caught yet shows sgins that there is methodical thinking involved. The other fact is, if there was a foreign ninja with her their methods would be invaluble in this dessert, as for how they escaped unnoticed by anyone. That gives me the impression that higher level ninja is helping her, and it's some one from our own village."

"Alright cut the smart guy act, why don't you just flat out say it. Barano helped her escape the village, and is with her right now." Gaara crossed his arms

"Your no fun," He said to his brother

"this isn't supposd to be fun. We're supposed to be getting my daughter back!" he shouted. "your her uncle she looks up to you so why aren't you helping her!" He said frustrated with his brothers unresponsiveness.

"I'm helping her." He said opening his eyes again. "It's just in away you don't under stand."

"you're not, you're just sitting behind your desk doodling."

"Listen, surely she has told you why she is running away right? His older brother remaind silent, which awnsered his question. "To her it probably feels like she has told you a million time in the most obvious way she can. She has maybe even tried showing you, The best way you can help her as her father is to let her do this. Not drag her back kicking to the place she has ben trying to escape from. You and I both know why she is doing this, and you'd be the same way if you were in her shoes. So what about this is so hard to understand?" His brother was still silent, so he sighed and pushed the pice a paper he had been wrtting to the edge of his desk. "Listen, I'll go to the place where i know she is heading, and see if i can do something to help, or at least get her to talk to you once. But no matter which i am kazekage or her uncle, this is something that you two need to fix. Cause i can't fix it, no matter how much i wish i could." His brother was still silent. "just try and get some sleep, there's no need to worry your self to death about it." and with out a word his brother got up and walked out the door. Leaving Him alone in his office to think.

He looked over at the paper he intended for his older brother to take, on it was a single butter fly painted in black ink. He sighed to himself and put the piece of paper back in his desk. "That girl is going to be the death of me." He said to him self. "Still, it can't be denied that the little brats persistent, and stubborn. Sorry Kankuro but she's her mothers daughter."


"Alright lets stop here," Barano said sitting in the small valley of two dunes of sand.

"Your crazy..." Mirāju said completly out of breath. "Y-you said we were going to run all-all the way there." she had her hand on her knees and she was hunched over desperately trying to catch her breath. Her hair, face and clothes were drinched in sweat, and legs felt so weak that she wasn't sure how long she could stay standing. It felt like her heart was beating so violently that she was almost sure that it had broken her ribs to incress blood flow. The pain in her side hurt almost as much as her injured arm, both pains were killing her.

"I could run across this whole dessert and i would run across this whole dessert. If you weren't about to drop where you stand." He spoke with no kindness, only impaticents. As if her current state was a mere draw back and she would only slow him down.

"i can take it!" she said to him in desperation. "I don't care how many times i have to run across this dessert! I am not going to quit!" She had never come this far before, there was no way she would let one little run stop her. 

"take a look at your self, your a mess. Stop being stupid and rest." He said glaring at her from the shadow of the dune.

"I am not going back on my word, and i am not letting you go back on your word. So stand up, or dont come at all!" she was getting angry, not with him, but her self. For being so weak, for not being able to cross one dessert. She was mad that, if she didn't keep going she'd never reach her goal.

"What are you talking about you little nut case, I never gave my word on anything." He watched as her mussles tensed up, and she hastily cradled her arm. Pain was written all over her face, that arm of hers was going to be a problem.

"y-you said you would train me if i kept running, and if i stopped that i could kiss being Kazekage good bye!" She spoke through gritted teeth, you couldn't under stand a word she was saying. In fact she was bearly audible, then she tried to keep moving but when she tried to take a single step she stumbled and fell into the sand wincing and another jolt of pain shot through her arm.

His imeadate reachtion was to jump up and help her, but he mangged to restrain him self and continued to watch, as she picked her self up slowly. "With your exhaustion, inexperience, and that arm pulled out of socket you won't going any where soon. Keep pushing your self like that and you'll be dead before you're a chunin let alone Kazekage." He spoke in a vague tone, that revealed nothing about what he was feeling. He simply just sat there and watched the ginin stumble around in the sand. "your not going to get any where, it's pointless your wasting your time." He said to her but she made no response expect for grunts of effort. "Just quit now and go home, it'd make things easyer for both of  us." still no response from the struggling ginin.He watched as she fell a second time, then a third. But every time she fell no matter how often she kept getting back up.

He watched her chest rise and fall in quick cession, he could hear her sucking in large breaths of air. Her body was at it's limit but some how she could keep going. but as she tired to stand for her sixth time, but she colapsed in a heap on sandy dune. She hit ground with such impact it created a small crater as well as a small cloud of dust, her body was limp and she spoke in horse voice. "I... Can't... move..." She stammered and then went completely silent. she just lay there unmoving and helpless, like a rag doll that had fallen off it's shelf she was unable to pick her self back up. She was helpless to do nothing but lay there and watch the sand and the sky move at their own pace around her.

He noticed her breath start to regulate and return to it's normal pace, so he stood up and walked over to the fallen ginin. He place to two fingers on her neck. She's alive jsut uncontous the though to him self. "Stupid brat you pushed yourself to hard, and now look where your at having a nap in th middle of dessert. Enjoy your little nap Mirāju, you've earned it" He said a small smile forming on his face. The girl was stubborn, stupid, hot tempered, spoiled, proud, and over all one of the most annoying creatures on the planet. But she was determined, so he knew she'd go far. As for his little challenge to her to cross the dessert with out stoping, he knew it was impossible for a ginin who had never been on a single mission to cross the dessert with out a rest. To be honest he was trying to see if she was going to quit with in the first thirty minutes.

Escaping his thoughts he lifted the ginin up with her good arm and managed to place her piggy back style on his back. Looking over his shoulder one last time to making sure the ginin was safely on his back. This manged to bring back memories, of when his sensei had to carry him all the way back to the village because he always worked him self to hard. "Just like old times. Just like old times." He said to him self. Then he stared on his way and continued make his way across the dessert.


Mirāju P.O.V.

At first it was hot, like the sand in the sun. Then i felt light like my whole body was a puff of air, then warm like a hug. Now a feel heavy again like all the wait that dissapered had come back again, and then i felt cold and smooth. None of this makes since, is it some bizarre  dream? Wait where is it! If  i am at home and this some dream then  where is it!? WHY IS IT NOT IN MY HAND!? I force my eyes open, theres nothing but a single blotch of light, and as my eyes  adjusted to light i could see it was a camp fire. That's strange i though, then i noticed a man sitting on a log across from me on the other side of the fire, and couln't see his face cause he was sitting in the shadow. But when the flire flared up the light illuminated hid face and it was covered in scars. It scared me so bad i nearly jumped right out of the sleeping bag. Funny i don't rember getting into a sleeping bag, or going camping. I sat up and Pain shot through my right arm when I tried to put wait on it so i could sit up, I cradled my arm gently it hurt really bad, and i didn't remember how i even hurt it. I've felt pain in my dreams before but that was a different kinda of pain, and nothing like this one. What was with this dream! Why is so strange, where am i, and where's my knife!

"glad to see you're awake again." The man in the shadows said

"who are you, and what did you do to my arm?!" I said as a mix of anger and confusion boiled inside of me. Nothing was making any sense.

The man shifted in the shadows, she couln't see his face but she could see he was taken back a bit by her words. "so you don't remember earlier?" She heard him sigh "should have figured as much."

"earlier, what happened earlier?!" I said my voice rose sharply, It felt panic rissing higher in my throat!

"You ran away, and when you crossed the dessert you over worked your self and collapsed." This  is impossible surely I would have rembered collapsing in the dessert.

"I don't believe you! If had had colassped in the dessert then how'd i get here! where exactly is here?" Her inner self was flipping back in fourth, trying to gain a sense of clarity in the midst of confusion.

The man sighed again more deeply this time. It seemed to him that she was just another meaningless task that he need to complete. "I don't need you to believe me, if it's proof you want  simply touch you cheek."

She gingerly touched her cheek with her hand and felt something gritty, minuscule, some thing that felt like "sand," she said as she stared at the small shinny grains that had fallen from her face into her hand.

"You sound surprised," This time is his tone wasn't very flat like before. It held more feeling, almost like amusement.

She turned her eyes back to the little dunes on her palm, and slowly like a gental wave the excitening events came washing over her. a shadow feel across her face she rembered how she failed to cross the dessert with out resting. "i guess if failed then." No i failed again she though.

"failed what? Cause as far as training goes and my original expectations of how you who preform this task, lets just say you succeed with out question." The fire flared again and she could see he was smiling.

"But I-wait does that mean-" He cut off her jumbled sentence 

"Yes Mirāju, i dcied that i am going to train you after all." He was still for moment, unsure of how she would react. He blinked and she was gone, he looked left and right but didn't see her anywhere. A secound Later the felt two arms wrap quick around his neck and squeeze.

"Thank you, thaank you, thank you so much Barano sensei! I promise you wan't regret this." She only seemed to squeeze tighter the more excited she got.

"can't-bre-ath!" He gasped. She seemed to have heard his request and realsed him.

"sorry i got a little to excited. But your really going to teach me, your really going to be my sensei?!" He nodded

"but first there's something that needs to be done." He said picking her up by th back of collar and setting her in front of himself.

"what do we need to do first, is it training. Please tell me it's training, or maybe a mission. Ooh a mission would be great!" She said jumping up and down with eagerness in her eye. Barano was sure that if the had not been at the edge of a forest and there had been walls, she would be bouncing of them at the speed of light.

"First we need to get your arm checked out." he said pointing to her arm that he had injuered early. The look of exitment turned to horror. "Your arm let me see it." She shook her head vigorously back and fourth.

"No way it hurts to much!"  she said cradling her injured arm again.

"that's why i need to see it." he said actsedently putting his hand on the shoulder of her injured arm.

"Ow ow ow ow!" She shouted, then yanked her arm away form him. "Why'd you do that for!" she exclaimed

"I didn't mean to! But i you would just let me see your arm it would hurt a lot less" He growled, his new student was being to get on his nerves reeeeaaallly quickly. 

"NO WAY!" She yelled

"Just let me see your arm!!" He barked at her. He took a step near her but she hissed and back away. "Stop being a cowered!!" He said as his face strarted turning red with frustration.

"i am not a cowered!" she said taking a step closer to him.

Suddenly he had an idea "Oh yeah then how come you ran away. Tell me that or are you to chicken" He said a smug grin growing on his face.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!!" She screamed at him.

"You heard me, chicken!" He said crossing his arms and turning away. "To think i was going to teach a coward  like you." He couldn't help but smile

"I AM NOT A CHICKEN!!" She shrieked. 

All he had to do was say one more word and he would push her over the edge. "You know i bet your uncle would have already gotten over with it by now, and if i were you and i came back to village with a story like that i wouldn't show my face in a life time." There was silence for a moment, then charge of foot steps came running at him. He took one step to the side and she flew past him. But quick as a whip he grabbed the back pack strap pulled her back then grabbed the shoulder of her injured arm and shoved it up. Making a popping noise and the arm went back into socket. He let go of the ginin, and watched as she rolled on the ground howling with pain. Whinning about how broke it and how he made worse. "Be quite and stopping being a baby, all i did was pop it back into socket." He spoke as if had done a million times before and it was  no big deal. "this is a wast of time" He said dragging her behind him by the back pack strap. "Are you going to walk or  am i goinnig to drag your sorry but all the way to the leaf village!"

"You owe me, big time." She said crossing her arms. He groanned aand continued to draag her.

"is it back wards day or did i just hear you say that i owe you? Cause last i checked your the the one who owes me. I saved you back in the village, i helped you escape, i saved you in dessert, i tell you i am going to train you, treated your injured arm, and your the one saying that i owe you you?" He couldn't believe that this girl had the audacity claim an owed favor from him.

"The only reason you had to save me in cause you put me in danger, it's called child endangerment stupid!" she snarled

"We can start training today, but only if you stand up and stop whining ." She lept up at th word training.

"You mean it, we're actualy going to start trainnning today!" Her big brown eyes lit up with stars. "But wait, how can we train It's still pitch black out?" She asked

"Thats where training come in." He said taking a buckett of water that had been placed near the fire and threw it over the fames. Causing the bright vivid rays of healthy fire to sputter out with only a hiss of pain., as the sorounding darkness came rushing in.

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