Mech X4 : Whump Within Onesho...

Por Notrandomatall

24.2K 735 610

A bunch of random Mech X4 stories and whump! It's a bunch of hurt!Ryan and hurt!team stories. (Mostly hurt!Ry... Más

Battle Wounds
Battle Fatigue
PTSD Part Two / The Nightmare
PTSD Part Three
PTSD Part Four
PTSD Part Five / The Therapy Session
Nightmares (Part of the PTSD Arc)
Insomnia (PTSD Arc)
Superheroes Don't Take Sick Days (PTSD Arc)
Depression (PTSD Arc)
A New Era (Sequel of PTSD Arc, Welcome : Depression Arc)
Mental Hospital (Depression Arc)
The Game (DARC)
Abuse (DARC)
Finding Out (DARC)
Attack (DARC)
Not Fine (DARC)
Strangulation and Suffication (DARC)
Asphyxiation (DARC)
Hypoxemia and Hypoxia (DARC)
Anoxia (DARC)
"Joy" Ride (DARC)
Hospital (DARC)
Showing Emotion (DARC)
Superheroes Don't Cry (DARC)
End of DARC, Welcome AARC
Fire (AARC)

Suicidal (PTSD Arc)

802 24 31
Por Notrandomatall

Trigger warning : Depressed thoughts and actions, suicidal tendencies and actions, mentions of PTSD and other mental illnesses, etc.


You have been warned.


It was Sunday, and they still hadn't found Ryan.

They had looked everywhere.Twice.

Still nothing. Heck, they even gave in and call the police once they were able to file a missing persons report.

Nothing. Nothing they could do but wait and watch for Ryan.

So that's what they did. No, not the first option, the second. And watch they did. They watched the news stations, the police scanners, and everything they could hack (which was a lot) from the Mech in order to find Ryan.

That's why it was a shock to them to have Ryan enter the Mech at the first sign of a monster.

The battle was a brief one, with no quips and no 'Mech-executes' to be heard, the team was focused and dealt with the monster without any outward signs of enjoyment.

Once the battle was won, Ryan got up from his kneeling position, offered his team a curt nod, and began to walk out of the Mech.

There was chaos in an instant. Mark jumped down while Spyder and Harris jumped up, all rushing to stop Ryan from leaving.

Ryan sighed, looking up, "Any chance you'll let me go."



"Not at all."

He groaned, slouching in defeat and not even bothering to struggle as the other boys led him down to the living room. A fact which bothered and worried the others more so.

Ryan looked at the three expectantly from his spot on the couch, not unlike his position all those chapters- er, days ago.

But none of the mattered now. What mattered now was Ryan, or, furthermore, where he'd been.

"Ryan," Mark started out, voice dangerous and slow.

"Yeah," Ryan said, his bagged eyes downcast.

"Where were you?" Mark asked.

"Around," Ryan stated simply.

"Care to clarify?" Mark tried again.

"No," Ryan retaliated without emotion.

It was Mark's turn to sigh, "We can't help you if you don't let us in."

"I don't want your help," Ryan said calmly.

"You don't want help?" Spyder asked.

"No, I just don't want your help," Ryan clarified.

Ouch. That hurt.

"Ryan," Harris' voice began, panic clear, "Why are you bleeding?"

"Bleeding?" Ryan questioned, looking down at himself, and more importantly, the blood sopping from his waist, "Oh."

"Oh," Mark repeated slowly, "Oh? Oh?! Ryan, 'oh' isn't going to fix this!"

Ryan glared at him but didn't say anything until Harris attempted to pull up his shirt to get a better look at his wound.

"No!" He shouted, jumping back, "I mean... no, don't do that. I'm fine."

"Ryan, this isn't... fine," Harris explained, "You need help. Right now I don't care if it's our help or not, I just care that you get help."

"I don't need help," Ryan stated, suddenly drowsy.

"...from blood loss..."

"Whaa...?" Ryan slurred, trying to focus.

Cool hands and strong arms lifted him up as he fell...

And fell...

And fell...

Until he hit the ground and he shot up, drenched in sweat, to an empty lab.

And then everything crashed back in at once.

Running away, the monster, blood loss, his... his injuries.

He looked down at himself and saw a blanket covering him up to his chest.

Surprised he didn't notice it before, he pulled it back slowly to reveal bare legs and chest. Yep, that's right, he was in his underwear. Thank goodness he didn't pull a Spyder.

But wait... of his legs were exposed... Then, they saw... They saw... Them.

He yanked the blanket back over himself and wrapped it around himself like a towel before shuffling around the room in search of his clothes.

Finding a neatly folded stack on a chair nearby, he quickly pulled them on, mentally thanking whoever was considerate enough to bring them for him.

After his quick change, then came the task of sneaking out of the Mech.

Just because the lab was unguarded didn't mean he was in the clear.

He snuck around the living room, heading to the elevator, and just as he stepped foot inside he heard a voice ask, "And what do you think you're doing?"

Ryan whipped around to find Spyder standing there, arms crossed, and a glare plastered on his usually happy face.

Ryan let out a breath of relief, it was only Spyder.

Spyder cocked an eyebrow, repeating his question before adding, "Get your butt back in there."

Ryan rolled his eyes, turning to leave once more.

Spyder sighed, looks like they were doing this the hard way.

Ryan stepped into the elevator, a smirk on his features as the doors slid closed.

That smirk fell off his face the second he realized he wasn't moving. At all.

He may have muttered a not-so-nice word we he realized their plan all along.

To get him in the elevator so they could hold him hostage.

"Guys, come in here! It worked!" Spyder shouted before turning around, grin on his face, "Sorry Rye, but it's for your own good."

Ryan groaned as he attempted to use his technopathy to get the elevator moving.

Spyder tutted, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Ryan did it again anyways.

And he was shocked.


The electricity, a low dose, coursed through his body as Ryan and Harris arrived.

"Harris, you said it wouldn't hurt him!" Mark yelled as he ran to the elevator, and more importantly, his baby brother.

Harris looked around wide-eyed, "It wasn't supposed to!"

"Does this," Mark gestured to Ryan, who was laying on the ground, "Look like it doesn't hurt to you?"

"No, it doesn't!" Harris replied, his voice one of the muffled voices Ryan's fuzzy brain processed.

"Then fix it," Mark demanded.

Ryan stood, his knees one of the many body parts that were still skating.

"Rye, you okay?" Mark asked, concern working his way into his voice.

"Well I was before I was trapped in an elevator and electrocuted."

"Yeah, he's fine," Spyder commented.

"Shut it, Spinner." Mark snapped, turning his attention back to Ryan, who was studying the walls as Harris typed away on a computer, overriding the shock-working system.

Ryan tried using his technopathy again, receiving another shock, just as powerful as the last one.

A feral grin came onto his features.

"Ryan..." Mark asked hesitantly, "What are you doing?"

Ryan began using his technopathic abilities again. And again. And again.

And the program did what it was programmed to do, increase the shock level as it shocked the subject again, and again, and again.

"What's... what's he doing?" Spyder asked nervously.

"He's..." Harris began when he looked up after the first shock, "He's trying to kill himself!"

"What?!" Mark shouted, turning to Ryan, whose eyes were flashing blue again, and again, and again, "Ryan, stop!"

Ryan ignored him again, and again, and again.

"Harris, do something!" Ryan heard as his world began to dissipate.

Still, he used his gift as his weapon. Shocking himself faster, faster, faster, again and again and again.

There was pounding on the elevator and shouting in his head. And eventually it got to be too much. All of this... everything... it was too much.

So he let go.


I'm just gonna leave this here.

So yeah, that just happened. I plan on updating what happens either tonight or tomorrow, but I have work so please don't get your hopes up, I'll do my best.

I also haven't decided if Ryan should live or die next, defend your opinion on which it should be and I might just use it.

Sorry if I was inaccurate, I honestly didn't want to think about this much when I write this chapter. I just can't do that right now or I'll be throwing myself back into the pit.

There really is no peaceful way to kill yourself. Seriously. None. Don't even try to debate it because no, I will shut it down we are not having that discussion.

Let's have this one instead: Teen suicide is a big problem. Like HUGE big. What are you, you as a person, you as a member of Wattpad and a member of society, you as a person of the world, going to do about it?

I know what I'm doing about it. I might not be doing it right or perfectly or whatever but I'm doing it. And I feel that I can hope that I'm helping people.

So how 'bout we talk about that for a change?

Thanks so much for reading! If you need help, get help.

And don't forget to live long and love PINEAPPLES!!!

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