Intertwined Fates (Transforme...

By LunarStar2798

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*Under editing* You all know of Ratchet as the cranky Medical Officer of the Autobots. What you didn't know w... More

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Book 1
Book 1: Chapters 1 & 2
Book 1- Chapter 3
Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 5
Book 1: Chapter 6
Book 1: Chapter 7
Book 1: Chapter 8
Fight for the Allspark
Last Year Home And News
Good-byes and Torture
Its Where My Thoughts Hide or MY Love
You Held Me Down but I Got Back Up
Lost It All
Field Trip
I Regret Nothing Part One of Two
I Regret Nothing Part Two of Two
Say What Happened?
What you know isn't always true
Reving the Sentinel Prime
Ending Ties With The Autobots
The Final Fight
Important Update

Losing and gaining a friend

4.4K 124 36
By LunarStar2798

New Character Alert

Name: Alexis Jane Figueroa "Al"
Family: Jorge Figueroa "Figs" is the only known family member
DOB: May 24
Hair Color: Raven Black with Blue highlights
Eye Color: Electric Green W/ Amber                                                                                                                   Other: She is tall like 5'9 tomboy. Intimidating and kind of buff for a girl.

More shall be revealed in this chapter as to why she was just added. Character belongs to @Jakiejellybean


I started to head over to my room when I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned and saw it was Jazz, "Hey what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothin I've just been thinkin that we've been a couple for over five years. I really want to finish makin it official." He said.

"Really? I thought it was something else you just seem so distant since you came back from space. Did something happen? Really though." I asked him. He chuckled at me and ShadowLight climbed out from my pocket in my suit. He sat down next to my neck and started to play with my hair, "This is what I mean. Like father like son. You two are the-" I cut off when Optimus and Sentinel walked around the corner. Jazz deactivated his holoform and he came out in his bi-pedal form. He picked me up while being mindful of ShadowLight.

"Lunar how is ShadowLight today?" Optimus asked.

"Well as you can see the little guy is playing with my hair again and he is being his usual self. Why the question Optimus?" I asked. Usually he just knows how he is.

"Youngling a sparkling that small will never survive anywhere." Sentinel said. I felt Jazz stiffen and I felt 2x the anger go through the bond. I know Ratchet was listening so some came from him and the other from Jazz.

"With all do respect Sentinel that is our adopted sparkling. I will not allow anyone to do anything to my sparkling. If you are implying that my sparkling should be terminated then it will have to be through me." I said. I saw Ironhide and Ratchet walking down the hall. Ratchet looked pissed and so did Hide. They masked it well though.

"It shall be done." Sentinel said and walked away.

"Good luck trying to get my sparkling. You will need it." I said and held Shadow to me, "Such a jerk. Optimus what was that about?" I asked him. Shadow cuddled into me and fell into recharge.

"Lunar it used to be a law back then that sparklings so small had to be terminated." Optimus answered.

"Prime. I ain't gonna let my sparklin get off lined. Lunar was right in that part. I won't let you. Heck even Ratchet and the rest won't." Jazz said as he passed us to Ratchet.

"I won't allow such thing. You can all rest assured." Optimus said and walked away.

I saw that everyone visibly relaxed, "Cool can I be set down. Hayley and me are having a girl's night with Alexis." I said. Ratchet walked off and set me down in front of my room I walked in changed, grabbed the bag I had readied and walked back out. Ratchet had transformed and opened his alt-mode door. We drove in silence and he stopped right outside Al's room. I got out and walked in I turned and waved at Ratchet. I closed the door and saw that Hayley was already there waiting for me.

"Hey where's Al?" I asked.

"Taking a shower. Nice Pjs..... Did Jazz really let you come in those?" Hayley asked me. I had short black comfy shorts on and a dark blue tank top.

"He didn't see me. My oppi actually brought me here." I said and checked on ShadowLight. He was deep in recharge and looked so cute.

"So are we getting this party started or what?" Al asked as she came into view. 

"I don't know. Are we?" I said.

"I should slap you." Al said.

I turned my face to her, "Go ahead." I said.

"Nah I love you way to much, no homo." Al said.

"I know. I swear with the way we act I now realize why people mistake us for sisters." I said.

"That's so true though even when we were in middle school." Hayley said.

"Remember the year we pranked the whole staff and set the lab frogs free?" I asked. They both giggled at the memory.

The rest of the night was spent with us remembering what our life used to be. I swear leave us in a room with paint ball guns and we will launch a full scale war at ourselves. There hasn't been a dare we haven't taken. We have gone rock climbing and camping without food or water. It was a survival test now that I remember.

Morning came and Optimus took Hayley and me with him so we can show Sentinel around. The whole drive down to some old road that lead to some mountains. They stopped, Optimus let us out and then transformed, "So majestic and peaceful this planet. Unlike the final days of Cybertron." Sentinel said. Hayley and me found a stick and some rocks and started to play makeshift baseball between us.

"I wondered what might have been. If you had fought the final battle instead of me." We heard Optimus say. We stopped what we were doing and looked at him. Does he really regret what happened? 

"Never morn the path young warrior. Thanks to you, our race survives." Sentinel said. I turned the other way around and threw the rocks to see how far they landed. Hayley started to do the same and then it turned into a competition. If as a child you never threw rocks then you have not lived. 

"You were our leader Sentinel." Those lines made me stop and I turned around to find that Optimus knelt down and pulled the Matrix out. He was offering it to Sentinel. I was hit by a strong wave of pain so I sat down. I know Hayley felt it too because she sat down next to me, "It is your right to lead us again." Optimus said and let the Matrix go to Sentinel. Another wave of pain hit us and I gasped for air silently. I swear they need to stop with pain waves when calling us forth.

"In a world I do not know? I am no longer your teacher Optimus. you are mine." Sentinel said and let the Matrix float back to Optimus. Another wave of pain came but this one was much more worse to leave me gasping for air again.

This time I just it it take me out. Hayley had already laid her head on my shoulder and let it take her. Before I got fully knocked out I whispered, "Optimus. Contact Oppi."

With The Primes


The familiar purple light swallowed me and I woke up on a servo. I sat up and saw that Hayley was being carried by Alpha Tron. I looked to find that Souls was carrying me. I wonder what this is about now.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"There is a guest you should both meet. She acted upon our orders so do not be mad with her. It is not her fault." They said.

"Why do I get the feeling this will be hilarious." I said.

I looked over to find that Prima was walking over with someone sitting down on his palm. I looked closer and found Alexis. Wait Alexis no freaking way.

"Alexis no freaking way." Hayley said.

"That's just weird you read my mind." I said.

"No just common for us you know. After all we are like sisters." Alexis said.

"That reminds me. Woman you have some explaining to do." I said and put my hands on my hips and looked her dead in the eye.

"They remind me of sparklings that would always be hyper." Alpha Tron said.

"We don't get hyper we are just naturally high." Hayley said. I giggled at what she said and then stopped.

"Just wait a minute, I am not on crack. Really though what is Alexis doing here?" I asked.

"She is another daughter to Optimus Prime. Both ShadowBlade and her are spark siblings." Prima said. I looked at them both closely and saw what they meant.

"I see what you mean. Alexis what's your designation?" I asked her.

"My designation is Lightning." Alexis answered, "Also we are cousins." Alexis informed me.

"Okay so now we can be mistaken as siblings." I said. All the Primes chuckled at us. I turned to Prima, "What is the plan actually? I mean will we be put in our real bodies together or at different times?" I asked.

"Together you will be turned and together you will fight. There will be pain in the following day. Just know that we will be there to guide you." Prima said.

"Is there anything else?" I asked.

"Yes a mech will be killed and bring him back to life you will. Go back now we have kept you all here for over two hours and your sparkmate and sparkling are getting anxious. Tell only the bots that care for you the most you can." Prima said. We nodded and they let us fall into darkness.

Back Home


Slowly I began to regain consciousness. There was a light shining in my face I moved my head slowly to the right and found Shadow asleep next to my face. I looked behind him and saw Jazz in his holoform asleep. I sat up and looked around to find that Ratchet was coming into the room in his holoform. He walked over quickly and turned off the light. He took my pulse and stuff like that. Once he was done he calmed down a bit.

"They kept you for over two hours. Why?" he asked. Jazz woke up and walked over. ShadowLight did too and sat down looking relived.

"What is said in here stays in here. Understood?" I asked them. They both nodded and Jazz took the liberty to sit next to me.

"What is it about?" Jazz asked.

I looked at them both and sighed, "I want to know something first. Did you know that Optimus had another sparkling?" I asked them they nodded so I continued, 'Well Lightning, ShadowBlade and I will be turned to our body together or much more like the same time. I know who Lightning is and if you don't I will tell you but not just yet." I said as Ratchet was about to ask something. I continued, "We were told that a mech would die and I will bring him back. Sentinel will betray us but we do not know when." I said. I looked at them and saw them looking pissed.

"Are you sure about this Lunar." Ratchet asked me.

"Yes. They did tell me this twice and we didn't get a good vibe from him." I said.

"Who is Lightning. Lunar you need to tell us, she may be in danger." Ratchet said.

"It's Alexis. Figs sister." I said. They nodded and Ratchet got a comm.

"Keep her on the berth Jazz." Ratchet said and walked out.

"Can I get up?" I asked him. Jazz shook his head no, "Why cant I get up?" I asked him.

"You know how Ratchet is after these things." He said and pulled me to him. Shadow got on my lap and stayed there.

"Question. Where is Optimus?" I asked. Will came in and left me my uniform, "Yes a mission." I said and grabbed them. I gave Jazz Shadow and went to change.

When I came back out Jazz answered my question, "He brought you here and then left."

"Oh that's nice." I said.

"We have an energon alert. Energon reading detected on the DC park way. Currently tracking."  Was all it took to get me to walk out the room. Hayley walked out her room and looked scared. This was the beginning of what the Primes warned us off. I walked to the station they have all monitors on and looked at them. The rest of the bots left to help with the small fry.

They were after Sentinel and his bodyguards that consisted of Bumblebee, Dino, and Sideswipe. They gave me a headset to talk to the bots that were out there.

"Bee, Dino, Sides. Listen get Sentinel out of there. Guard him to the best you can. Do not let him fail to the hands of the Decepticons." I said through the headset. I looked back to find that Ironhide was awaiting his orders. I took the headset off and gave it to Alexis to monitor. I turned to the him, "Ironhide you need to go out and help get Sentinel to base. They are no more than five minutes away, perhaps less." I told him he nodded and left the base. We all turned to the monitor and saw Hide crash into the cons and transform.

Hide and Sides were now in a circle, it was a waiting game as to who would shoot first. I saw a con throw a Cybertronian grenade at Hide. The same one tried to throw it at Sides but Sides sliced it in half. Sides threw well more like kicked Hide a gun and HIde caught it. Hide shot a con in the face killing it instantly. The other one tried to jump on Hide but Sides hit the con and Hide shot at it. Hide then proceeded to tear off the cons head or tried to. He put him on a car and kicked it into a tire store. Needless to say it blew up.

Will was outside giving orders and we were watching the cameras. Decepticons were everywhere and we deployed over five teams to find them. Everything happened in slow motion Sentinel turned and shot Ironhide. Alexis screamed and I swear everything happened in slow motion. Ironhide was ate by cosmic rust and I knew right then that he was the one I'd have to bring back to life. Bee stayed out there to fight Sentinel. He kept on dodging the shots and took cover.

Sentinel shot at the building destroying that half. I got the headset in time to hear Will say to not engage Sentinel. I looked to find that he was coming this way. I looked at Hayley and Alexis and gave them ShadowLight, "Take him and go get out of here go to safety and then come back." I told them. They nodded and ran out but not before I told them where to find Bee. I turned to the team that was with me, "All of you go and help Lennox." I told them. They got up and left. Sentinel arrived and started to destroy everything in the hanger. Mearing came running in and I got in front of her to keep her kind of safe. We tried to stop her from going into the hanger but she told us to stand down.

"Hey Sentinel! What is going on?! What do you think you are doing?!" Mearing asked. One of the soldiers shot a launcher and Sentinel hit it back with his shield.

"I'm a Prime. I do not take orders from you." Sentinel said. 

Will showed up and tried to help keep her from danger, "Director Mearing come on lets go. We can't fight him." Lennox said.

"Return what belongs to me." I heard Sentinel say. Will started to drag Mearing out and I pulled Sam with me.

"Come on Sam." I said. Sentinel finally left and I ran back to the hanger just when Optimus arrived. It was cause in the base trying to help and stabilize everyone.

Optimus transformed and looked miserable, "Yeah take a look Optimus. This is all on you." Mearing said.

"Mearing there are much more important things on the line here! Instead of arguing with Optimus get out of here and get to safety! That is an order now!" I said. When you take more than one job on in this base you have higher callings.

"Sentinel hit the vault, and he took the pillars." A soldier reported to Will. Will hit the railing and ran out.

"We need to hunt this thing down." Was all I heard from Will. I walked up to Optimus and patted him on his foot. He looked down and sighed.

"Don't beat yourself up. Things happen for a reason you know." I told him. He nodded and picked me up. He set me on his shoulder and walked out with me.

"What did the Primes tell you?" He asked.

"First you have another sparkling and she is close. It is Alexis, you had twins and never told us. They told us about the betrayal of Sentinel. Lightning, ShadowBlade and I will be turned to our bodies at the same time. We do not know when, we will help with the battle. We were told that a mech would die and that I will bring him to life because we will need him." I said. Optimus nodded and still looked miserable.


Like I promised here it is.




Starting tomorrow I will go through every Chapter and fix my spelling errors.

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