Calissa & Her Hybrid Mate

By TahelMalka

17K 569 87

Bella has moved on from Edward and was living in San Diego . (Happens after Edward leaves Bella) . Klaus hasn... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2- friendship
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 8
I need your advise
chose and did
Chapter 9
new cover!

chapter 7

1.5K 52 7
By TahelMalka


Klaus's pov

I was on my way to visit Julie a powerful witch.
Since i've seen Calissa I feel empty somehow like something was missing from me.
I saw Julie outside her house .
"Hello Julie" I said
She looked at me then and I saw her tense.

"Hello" she said

"I want some answers." I said

"OK come in "

After sitting in her living room I told her about the curse , and Dopplerganger transformation.

I asked her if there was another way to break the curse .

"Yes there is ."

"Tell me" I demanded

"Soulmates blood" she said

"Soulmates blood are you mental?" I yelled at her

"Nope every curse can be broken if you drink the blood of your soulmate and soulmate must give you permission first and if your love is strong enough then the curse will be broken." She said

I was shocked but I kept by mask up , masking my true emotions from her.

"Why didn't any other witch tell me that?" I asked

"Because they didn't know" she said

"Then how did you ?" I asked at her suspiciously

"Some witches contacted me in the morning." She explained

"OK i will look for my mate later now that I know I can have a mate.
I have another question to ask you." I said

"Yes?" she asked

"I met this woman today and since I have seen her I am feeling somewhat empty." I told her

"Omg" she said shocked

"What??? I asked

"You met your mate, you diot." She said

I might have killed her at that moment but I was too shocked .

"My mate???" I asked to confirm

"Yes" she said nodding her head

After the shock wore off I demanded her to track her .
"What's her name? " She asked

"Calissa Montez" I told her

After she chanted for some minutes she said " there's no person with that name"

"There is you stupid witch" I told her getting angry

"No there is not maybe it's not her real name or she is too powerful" she said

"Don't tell anyone about this otherwise you won't ever chant a single spell"

She nodded her head .

And I went outside.

Isa's pov

It's been a week since Ria went with Stefan to her New house.
I was currently bored I was sitting in Stefan's cabin looking at some files .
His work was very boring I even slept two times while working.
I got a new pet too he's a white puppy with black spots on him I've named him polo because he has polka dots like spots on him And I take him with me to the office too.

I was opening my door for me and polo and leaving without looking up when I collided with a hard chest and when I saw the person in front of me in shock i fell but he caught me and sparks flew .

He was I can't even describe he had strong masculine features, dirty blond hair, baby blue eyes, strong cheekbones and same dirty blond stubble.

I wasn't able to look away and he was staring at me too.

Baby blue met midnight Black eyes and it felt like the world stopped.

Klaus's pov

It's been a week and I still haven't seen Stefan or Calissa Montez .
I was busy too I went to Chicago to Greta to track Mikael and Calissa . I didn't tell Greta anything about her being my mate .

Greta wasn't able to track Calissa too but she tracked Mikael and he was in Mystic Falls and was moving towards England.

After that I went to England in my private jet and brought my siblings coffin back to NYC before Mikael can get them( Elijah was daggered too because of helping Elena).

I got them settled in my house ,Stefan's house was actually mine he was just staying there.

In all this mess I wasn't able to find Stefan and he was not picking his phone.

I decided to contact his publication house.

"Hello Saviours publication house" the voice said he was male

"Hello is Stefan Salvatore there?"I asked
"No, he has not come to the office for a week now." He said

"Do you know where he is?" I asked

"No I don't, but someone is working at his place as he said" he said

"Who?" I asked
Who the hell is working at his place and where is he

"Calissa Montez" he said and my heart fluttered at that name
My mate I thought happily

"OK " I said
I am coming my mate.

On arriving at publication house I jumped from my car and went straight to Stefan's chamber when I opened the door my mate was standing there opening the door .
When she noticed me she fell backwards from shock but I used my super speed and caught her and Sparks flew.

She was angelic but having her in my arms was heaven and she continued to stare at me and I at her.

Isa's pov

"Hello, my mate" he said oh god he has a British Accent and a voice that makes me want to swoon and he must have seen the way he affected me he smirked oh god, this guy wants to kill me.

"Hey my mate" I said
He looked just as much affected like I was and I smiled internally.

"I am Niklaus Mikaeslson" he introduced himself while supporting me to stand as we were both in our previous positions.

Omg my mate is an original and not just any original ,original hybrid himself

"Thanks a lot daddy for warning " I said with sarcasm to daddy telepathically
"Your welcome" he replied laughing.

He must have noticed my shock as he said "By seeing your shock you must have heard about me"

"Who doesn't knows the original hybrid" I said sarcastically

He smirked and I wanted to swoon but I kept myself composed.

"OK let's go my mate we should discuss this somewhere else" I said

"You didn't even told me your name" he said

"Calissa Montez" I said

He raised his one perfect eyebrow and said "both of us know that it's not your name"

How did he know? I thought.
I smiled at him sweetly and said "well if we are talking here then that's what is my name. "

"OK then let's go from here" he said

We went outside and I gave him address and we both got in our cars and i sat polo on my side seat and drove to my house.

At home.

Klaus's pov

She gave me an address and we drove to her house. Upon seeing her house I was impressed it was a beautiful house.

I got out of my car and went straight to my mate's car and opened her gate for her .

"Wow I got myself a gentleman" she said getting out with her puppy .

"Well love I got myself an angel too" I said

She bursted out laughing I was confused as to why she was laughing, that wasn't a joke and I hated being confused.

She noticed my confusion and said
"Trust me love, I'm far from being an angel"

"Now u got me curious love, let's get going I want to know more about you" I said

She nodded.

We went inside and it was even more beautiful then outside .

"I am impressed darling" I said looking around

"Wow thank God I would have changed my house if you hadn't liked it" she said with sarcasm

My mate was a firecracker.
I laughed and she smiled.

After we sat down, she poured two tall glasses of champagne and handed me one while she took the other,
"So love tell me about yourself" I said

"I am Calissa Montez as you know but I am Isabella Reaper too." She said putting her puppy, that fell a sleep on her lap, down on the opposite side of the couch,

"Isabella Reaper??" I asked
"Yes that's my real name, I changed my name while coming to NYC" she said

"but why love??" I asked

"OK i know maybe you won't believe me but as you are my mate and my forever too, I need to tell you the truth, I am Death's daughter" she said seriously, I started laughing at her but when I saw her serious face I stopped.

"So you are like Grim Reapers daughter??" I asked

"Yes exactly" she said proudly

"But how? And that's why you have Reaper as surname??" I asked curiously

"OK i am going tell you all about me" She said

And I waited patiently,

Then she started telling me about her birth in forks , her mom's move to Phoenix , meeting her father every summers, moving to forks to be with her dad so that her mom could go with Phil, school friends - angela, meeting Cullen's , dating Edward when she got at that part I growled lowly but she still heard me and came and sat on my lap and I pulled her close ,meeting James Victoria and Laurent , James trying to kill her I pulled her tighter at that part, Edward killing him, her birthday, jasper attack , Edward leaving her, her realising that she didn't love Edward I smiled at that part, Victoria arrival, her and Victoria trip to San Diego, her mom's call, her father's arrival, him explaining her powers,
Graduation,doing tasks for her father, moving here with Victoria.

"And I've written books too." She said a bit embarrassed

"That's very good love" I said encouragingly

"Yeah all my books are mostly based on psychology and are under Calissa Montez name but I wrote Twilight Under an unknown name" she said embarrassed

"Oh so my mate was the one who wrote that bestseller" I said smiling cheekily

She blushed .

"Now tell me about yourself I know about yourself a lot from my powers but I want to here it from you." She said

So I told her all about what happened in 10th century, about my mother , Mikael , my real father, my siblings, Henrik ,tatia, my mate froze when I told her about tatia I rubbed circles on her back to calm her, I kept telling her about our change, my curse , New Orleans , putting dagger in my siblings heart, Katherine's betrayal, Mystic Falls , the Salvatore brothers , Elena being a vampire, the reason for me coming here, Mikael following me, Julie, knowledge about her .

She sat frozen for some time and out of no where she kissed me .

Third pov

And they Kept on kissing like drowning people and they were each others air -like suddenly they'd discovered something that has never been so sweet before that moment.

Isa's pov

He kisses like he's dying of thirst, and I'm water.
When we pulled apart after a long time as both of us don't really need to breath I rested my forehead against his . We were both breathing hard .

"Wow " was all I said

"Ya same feeling" he said

"And as you were wondering earlier Stefan is with my sister Ria" I said

"Why? And why was he missing for a whole week??" he asked
"Oh baby they won't come back for about a month" I told him pecking his lips again

"They are mates too, it's great that both of you know each other" I told him

"I am happy for him" he said

"Ok now that the whole family history is done ,tell me about your likes, dislikes etc "I asked him

"Hmm love it will take time" he said

"Oh baby we have all the time in the world" I told him lovingly

Third pov

Two most powerful people were getting to know each other. Making there connection stronger by the minute.

Death's pov

Finally my daughter met her mate. I am so happy for her. She deserves all the happiness in the world. I'll meet him after they finish their mating bond.

Bella's pov

Me and Nik as i called him now talked a lot at night.
He told me about the people he met, the places he went to etc.
He looked happy when talking about all this.

I don't know when we slept but when I woke up in nik's arm it felt like being home.

He looked so peaceful while sleeping he didn't looked like his own father was trying to kill him, or his siblings were in a coffin.

I was staring at him for a while when I heard "you know love you shouldn't stare, it's creepy " Nik said
I jumped slightly from his sudden reaction and he pulled me closer.

"You know Nik you just gave me a heart attack, and it's not creepy it's romantic" I said putting my hand on my heart trying to calm it's beating

"I love holding you like this " Nik said and pulling me again towards him.

"I want every morning to start being wrapped in your arms." I confessed

"Hmm then that's what will happen your highness." Nik nodded towards me

"Thank you kind sir." I said mocking British accent

And then Nik started laughing at my accent and I pouted, when he saw my expression he chuckled and then pulled me towards him and kissed me. It was soft at first but then it grew more and more passionate.

Then I heard polo's bark and I jumped away from Nik and ran downstairs towards Polo.

When I saw on whom he was barking at I saw my old college friend she is also a witch her name is Julie, she was standing at the door. She knew about me being Grim Reaper's daughter.

I squealed and ran towards her and she towards me we met halfways and hugged each other not as tight as i can because it will kill her.

"Oh my god it's been so long Julie, how is your ju-ju?" I asked her referring to her witchy powers.

At that time Nik came downstairs changed in a new shirt.

"What are you doing here Julie?" Nik asked looking at my college friend.

"I am here to talk to Isa" she said looking towards me

Nik narrowed his eyes at her and I just went to his side and hugged him from side.

He relaxed slightly.

"She's the only person other than Ria and you who knows about me" I told him

"Ok but what do you want to tell her??" He asked her and she looked shocked

"That means it IS true you guys ARE mates." She said looking at us smiling

I frowned 'how did she know about that?' I thought, but Nik was not patient he choked her and asked " how did you know that?" He asked angrily

"Nik come on leave her she's my only friend other than Ria please" I said putting my hand on his shoulder, he stared angrily at her then removed his hold from her neck .

She started coughing and I patted her back while she regained her breath.

"Ok now tell me" I demanded

"I've been continuously contacted by some witches from other side" she said

"about what?" I asked

"They wanted me to tell you that you'll have to kill Mikael." She told me

Nik froze at Mikael name .

"I know I will." I said nodding

"They know that, they wanted me to tell you to use scythe for killing him, don't use his weapon on him at any condition." She said

"How did you know about that?? And why can't I use his weapon with which he wants to kill my Nik on him" I asked her

"The witches told me, and they also told me that the original witch spelled his Weapon, so whoever kills Mikael will die but the one who uses his weapon will get trapped on other side and as you can't get killed you will get in a paralysis type state till your Reaper genes heal you." She said looking down she looked upset.

I absorbed this information.
"What happened Julie?" I asked her.

"They told me I'll have to choose in the future between my witch side and something , they didn't tell me about what though" she said

I hugged her ,I know she didn't want to lose her witch powers.

"If something happens like that I'll help you." I told her.

"Thank you, okay then, bye for now" she said and hugged me again and left .

Klaus's pov

Waking up with my mate in my arms was an amazing feeling.
when Julie came at my mate's house and told her that she was supposed to kill Mikael I was shocked and scared, and I've never been scared for a very long time.

After Julie left, Isa moved towards me and sat on my lap as i was sitting on sofa and pulled her puppy on her lap too. She somehow knew that I needed some time to absorb all that. She kept petting her puppy's head and running her hand through his fur.

After about an thirty minutes I kissed her head and she looked at me and smiled so brightly.

" You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine." I told her kissing her lips.

"Thank you"she said and blushed.

"Hmm " I said was all I replied as i kept kissing her neck .

"Nik" she said

"Yes love" I said looking at her now

"You don't need to be scared for me, I can take care of myself"she said

"I know love but I can't help being worried about you " I said

"No need I am Death's daughter remember" she said smirking slightly

"Of course love, ok let's get some breakfast"I said

"Ok but you'll have to cook"she said pointing at me and then put her puppy down

"Me? But why??" I asked her.

"Because I want to see if my mate learned cooking in a thousand years" she teased

"You'll eat your fingers love " I told her scooping her in my arms

"We'll see Mr.Mikaelson" she teased and we went to the kitchen together laughing.

Bella's pov

Me and Nik stayed at his home for a week and I just teleported myself whenever I needed something.

We talked, cooked together and spent the days together.

And let me tell you Nik can cook food better than every 5 star hotels chef, he can literally cook anything whether it is Chinese, Italian, German cuisine.

I haven't known this man for long but I was already falling for him and I was falling hard.

We were currently sitting on my bed and I was showing him pics of my childhood that I brought with me when I last teleported here to his home.
I was sitting in between nik's legs and showing him pics ,
I was wearing this:

The sexual tension between us was becoming thick.

The mating bond wanted us to finish the mating and stabilise the bond completely and as fast as we can and I wanted to complete the bond too.

"Nik" I said leaning on his chest

"Yes love" he said

"When will we complete the bond??? "I asked

He was silent for a bit.

"Whenever you are ready love, I am not in a hurry" nik said

And I sat thinking about what he said when he asked "love do you think you will be able to love me the way you loved that fairy vampire??? "

"I refuse to let what happened to me make me bitter nik. I still completely believe in love and I'm open to anything that will happen to me. And I am already falling for you Nik and hard, I know I can love you more then I loved him, I thought what I had with him was love, but it doesn't even come close to what I already feel when I'm with you" I confessed to him.

He kissed my neck "well love I feel the same" he said

Klaus's pov

It's been a few days since we discussed our bond.

And I am already in love with her but I don't know how to tell her.
She is going to the club that she and her sister owns here as it is very urgent. She was getting ready and I was waiting for her as I was going with her. I just can't leave her we hadn't left each other side's since we talked.

She came downstairs and my breath stopped. She looked devilish and seductive.
She was dressed in a black leather strapless dress, leather knee high-high heeled boots and she had a smokey eye make up with nude lipstick, don't judge me I only know it because I have a sister.

"You look drop dead gorgeous love" I said and kissed her and she instantly kissed back.
And we got in my mustang and drove to her club.

Isa's pov

We were on our way to mine and Ria's club- Rica .
Nik was driving and he looked constantly at me.

"What's the matter nik??" I asked him

"Nothing Love" he said shaking his head

"Come on nik tell me" I insisted

"Well I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you" he said looking at me intensely

"To the world, you may be one person nik, but to me you are the world. The spaces between your fingers are meant to be filled with mine nik, and I am not going to leave you and you can't leave me i won't let you, you are stuck with me nik." I said teasingly at end

"Thank you love for coming into my life and I am never going to leave you, I am not an idiot." He said

Hey everybody!
Took me a while but here's a new chapter!
Tnx for reading!
Love ya'!

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