That One Night

By SnowMione18

193K 3.9K 1.1K

Barry and Caitlin decided to go to a brand new karaoke bar to look for their latest meta. What Barry didn't a... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26

Part 11

7.5K 152 29
By SnowMione18

Barry's POV

When i get to the bank i see her in the vault with bags of money in each of her hands.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask approaching her as i see everyone run out of the bank.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. Don't act like you weren't expecting someone to show up and try to kill you. Don't worry i choose not to kill i just need some money. I will be on my way" Dr.Light explains

"How about we just talk okay? No need for stealing" I suggest

"I just want to know how you were going to get in contact with zoom once you killed me"

"I was going to throw your emblem into a breach. Now I'm done talking" She said as she began shooting light beams at me


I managed to dodge the few first shots but the last one hits me straight in the eyes, causing me to fall. I open my eyes to see nothing but darkness.

"Guys i can't see anything" I explain to Cisco through my ear piece

"Just try getting back here without running into anything"

At S.T.A.R labs...

"So it looks like your blind, it should be temporary" Caitlin explains as she is examining me

"Well i realize that but how long will it last?"

"See i told you so! You should have just ran her over here" Harry screams at me

"Harry stop yelling at him, next time he will. I didn't think she would do that" I over hear Jay say as he walks in

"You're right. Jay this is your fault!" Harry yells as i hear him stomp out

"Sorry Barry i didn't think she would ever do this"

"Jay it's fine"

I hear Jay walk out hopefully leaving Caitlin and I alone.

"Hey Barry maybe you should rest?" Caitlin suggests

"Is there anyone in here with you?" I ask

"No" I can tell she is confused

"Good because i hate not being able to look at you, i miss your beauty"

"Barry how about i take you to my house?" Caitlin whispers as i feel her take a seat next to me

"I would love to go home with you"

I feel her lips press against mine softly, as she is kissing me i hear steps coming towards us.

"Barry are you okay i heard what happened" Iris ask walking into the room making me and Caitlin quickly separate

"I'm fine i just can't see anything"

"Good. We were worried there for a second. We can't stay, I have to back to work. Do you need a ride home?" Joe asks

"No Caitlin is gonna give me a ride" I explain to them, wherever they are in the room

"Oh...then we will just leave you two alone" Iris says as she and Joe walk out of the room

"Well that wasn't weird at all" Caitlin says breaking the silence

"Oh and Caitlin....I knocked on your door this morning, I'm surprised you didn't answer" Iris says as she pops her head back in the room

"I was sleeping" Caitlin says quickly answering


"So do you want me to walk you to my car?" Caitlin asks me

"Yeah. Let's go" I say standing up as i feel Caitlin grab my arm

"At least i can still touch you" I say before heading out through the cortex

The next morning...

Caitlin's POV

"I'm so glad you got your eyesight back this morning"

"Me too."

"So why do you think Iris knocked on my door yesterday?" I ask Barry who has his chin resting against my head

"Probably looking for me. I don't know why she would just assume that i was here. But she has been on my case a lot about where i was the other night...and she is probably going to ask where i was last night as well" Barry explains

"Well should we tell her?" I ask sitting up

"No. It's nobody's business where i spend my nights, the only one who actually knows anything is Cisco. Plus i think it's better this way" Barry replies sitting up along with me

"So i think we should get going. I don't want any teasing from Cisco or Harry being on our cases about being late" I explain as i stand up

"OK. Well lets get dressed" Barry says as he quickly run out of bed and puts clothes on

"You know i can't get dressed as fast as you" I say going over to my closet

"Don't worry take your time. I prefer you in your underwear anyways" Barry says as i feel his arms around my waist

I get out of his hold and change my clothes. We eventually drive over to S.T.A.R labs to meet with everyone.

1 hour later...

"So i will just throw my emblem into the breach and zoom will think i died. Hr will come through and you guys can shoot him" I explain giving a brief overview about what's going to happen

"I think it will work" Harry agrees

"What if the tranq dart doesn't work?" Caitlin asks

"Snow...It will work" Harry reassures her

Later that night...

"You ready?" I ask through my ear piece to Caitlin

"We're good here. Just be careful and remember. I love you" Caitlin says, I'm really lucky no one else can hear this right now

I look over to see Harry and Cisco in there positions ready for zoom. I began running as fast as i can in a circle waiting for the breach to open. I hear Cisco and Harry yell and I quickly threw my emblem into to the breach.

"Why is nothing happening!" Harry yells coming out of his hiding spot

"Maybe he isn't coming. She could have been lying, we should go back and see what happens" I suggest

And so we did. We waiting in the cortex for zoom to come, i don't know how long we waited for but we started to lose hope that he will ever come at all.

"We can't just sit here all night" Cisco says breaking the silence

"He is going to come" Harry mumbles as he is pacing

We get ready to head out when we see a streak a blue lighting come before us.

"Barry Allen. Why do you take me for a fool!" Zoom yells with anger in his voice standing in the middle of the cortex

I see Cisco and Harry with there guns getting ready to shoot him, but before anything can happen i see him run towards me grabbing my neck. He runs out of the cortex not stopping.

Caitlin's POV


"Ramon find them!" Harry yells as Cisco goes to the computer trying to track them

"Already on it. It seems he is just running all around the city"

"Oh my god. Look...zoom is killing him!" I point out to Cisco on the screen

His suit is getting damaged and his bones are breaking.

"If he doesn't stop Barry is gonna die" Cisco nervously says

"We have to find him!"

Harry begins to yell at both of us, i think Harry has something else on his mind, why would Harry care so much about what happens to Barry?

"Got him!...He's...." Cisco starts to say

Just as Cisco is about to say something i see zoom run back into the cortex with a nearly unconscious Barry.

"Looks like your precious flash won't be saving anyone any time soon" Zoom says just before i see him stab Barry into the stomach dropping him onto the floor

Zoom runs out, i see Harry try running after him but i know he is long gone.

"Cisco help me get him to the medical bay!" I yell quickly running over to the unconscious Barry on the floor

I yell at him but we are all in shock

"Cisco!" I yell once again finally getting his attention

"Don't worry you're gonna be okay Barry"

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