By Howdoeshedoit

113K 2.8K 709

You request, I write! :) Will do any character. I honestly love Nanbaka so much, so ask for anything and let'... More

Remember This? - Uno x Reader
The Best Way to Find Out if the Feeling is Mutual - Hajime x Reader (pt. 1)
The Best Way to Find Out if the Feeling is Mutual - Hajime x Reader (pt. 2)
Slapjack - Uno x Reader (Jyugo's sister)
Taken - Jyugo x Reader
Crazy Inside - Kenshirou x Reader
One Chance, Pretty Boy - Honey x Reader
Birthday Boyfriend - Rock x Reader
The Cactus - Upa x Reader
Liang x Reader - Rock's Lil Sis
Supervisors x Reader - Injured
Supervisors x Reader - [More] Injured (2)
Hajime x Jyugo - Ep13 Reimagined
Hajime x Reader - Wifey Visit
Samon x Reader - We Got Divorced But...
Seitarou x Reader - on PERIOD
Kenshirou x Reader - Blind Date/Kiji's Makeup
Musashi x Reader - FIRE (Avatar Crossover)
Jyugo x Reader - His Worst Fears
Nico x Reader - Sick Together!
Supervisors x Reader - Injured (3)
Trois x Reader - Players

Finally Safe - Samon x Reader

8.8K 230 173
By Howdoeshedoit

You were a prisoner of Building 5. Just a bit ago, you had been involved in a complex and dangerous organization that was doing some VERY illegal things, even the smallest of which cannot be mentioned here. Being caught hadn't quite been an accident on your part. You had been looking for a reason to leave the group, though just walking out would have caused serious problems for you. That organization wasn't keen on allowing people to go about freely while knowing their dirty secrets. So, you knew you'd be safe within the walls of Nanba.

Despite being holed up in the impenetrable fortress of Nanba Prison, you were far from unhappy. The food was good, the cells fairly spacious, and it was also equipped with plenty of recreational facilities like the gameroom that some inmate named Uno had won at a New Years Tournament. In addition to all of that, there were plenty of interesting, if not also kind people to meet throughout all of the buildings.

Right now, you were having a match against your supervisor, the one known as the monkey. He was strong, crazy strong. Not as strong as Building 13's supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku. But that aside, Samon Gokuu was pretty damn strong. Every time that the two of you fought, it made you remember why Nanba was one of the top prisons in the world. The guards were elite, the best of the best.

"Again!" you shouted, pulling yourself up from the ground.

"What? [favorite number], you know I have other work to do. There's a big stack of paperwork waiting for me back in the office."

You sighed.

"Don't worry. We'll have another fight soon," Samon said, turning to go.

"Yeah, but not for a while, probably not for another few days, at least. My turn doesn't come around again until you've fought Upa and Liang this week." you said, scowling and putting you hands on your hips.

"True. But I'm sure you'll train hard for the time being, and who knows? Maybe you'll beat me next time!" the supervisor said, smirking.

You both knew that wasn't happening anytime soon. Still, it wasn't like you were a beginner, you put a scratch on him every once in awhile, a punch here and there. You wanted to get better. You wanted so badly for him to compliment you, praise you, tell you that you had done decently well. You needed that. Your whole life had been so dark, and twisted. Abuse was an understatement when it came to the way that you were treated before.

"Yeah...ok," you said, walking past him, heading back toward your cell.

As you left, Samon let out the breath he had been unintentionally holding.

Geezus, good thing she left. Any longer and I would've...who knows what I would've done to her? These thoughts filled Samon's mind as he watched you walk away. Who are you trying to fool, idiot! You know exactly what you'd do to her if you could...

"Damn it! Get ahold of yourself, Samon!" he muttered to himself as he started in the direction of his office before his thoughts could get any...dirtier.

He loved you. And boy was it painful. Every time he fought you in a match, he couldn't help but notice EVERYTHING about you, every detail. You were the most beautiful thing in the entire world, but you were an inmate. That definitely complicated things.

"You know, I'm willing to give up my slot if you want to fight [f/n] again tomorrow."

Liang and the floating (meditating) Upa came up to walk beside their supervisor as he made his way back inside. Liang was the one who had spoken.


Samon had stopped walking and turned to face the other two.

"Yeah, my slot, as well," Upa said.

"And why would I need to have a match with her again tomorrow? She can wait a few days." the monkey guard said, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall.

"Yeah, but can you wait?" Qi said, coming up next to the other two inmates.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Just a hunch we have," Liang said, smiling.

"And what may that little 'hunch' be?" Samon asked irritably.

"It's nothing, really," Upa said, looking smug. Come to think of it, all three of them looked pretty smug right then

"Spill it." the supervisor growled.

The three prisoners looked at one another before answering.

"Well, let's phrase this as a question. Tell us, do you have a crush on [f/n]?" Liang asked.

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh just the way you look at her, the way you talk to her, the way you act around her in general," Upa said.

"And when you fight her, you always try to leave quickly afterward, showing that there's a lot of tension between you two," Qi added.

"Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't."

"Yeah you do," Inori said as he was walking by.

Samon moved his back off of the wall and stormed away angrily.

"Yup. That man is pretty lovesick," Upa said.

"Yeah, that right there, my friends, is called frustration," Qi said.

~Timeskip brought to you by Kiji's special perfume

"Alright, Number [favorite number]. Both Number 2 and Number 58 have decided that they don't want to fight today."

You looked at your supervisor in confusion.

"Huh? Neither one wants to today? Why would they not want to?"

"It seems that they'd rather watch us fight again," Samon said, putting two fingers to his temple and sighing.

Looking over to the edge of the courtyard, you saw that Liang, Upa, Qi, some other prisoners that you knew, and even Inori were waiting intently for you to start.

"Okay...," you said, a bit uncertainly.

Moving to the center of the courtyard, you got into your fighting stance. Samon stood across the courtyard and did the same. Running forward, you lunged at him. He dodged you easily, sidestepping as you swung your fist at his face. Turning quickly around, you kicked your leg out and up in a cool move that Liang had taught you a while back. Still, your opponent was unscathed.

This continued for a while. You managed to get in one punch, but that was a small victory. He still only used one hand when fighting you. You weren't nearly good enough to fight against the entirety of Samon's fighting skills. You would wind up a bloody mess if you tried to fight him on equal grounds.

Panting hard, you took your fist and tried one more time to hit him. You were stopped again, but in a different way. Samon had grabbed your wrist mid-swing, and he held it now, his eyes locked on yours. It was too much. No turning back now.

"This is nonsense, [f/n]," the man said, "Why are we fighting like this when we could do be doing so much more?"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" you said, yanking your hand out of his grasp and aiming a kick at his gut.

In a flash, he grabbed your leg and shoved you up against the nearest wall. His face was so close to you, making the color rise to your cheeks. You let out a little squeal at his action.

"I guess I wasn't clear a second ago," he said, moving himself closer to you so that he could put his lips right next to your ear as he said the next bit, "[f/n], I want to-"


As he spoke, your face got hot, and your body went limp against his. It was only a few words, but each one of them struck a chord within you. You wanted to, but...

Pushing the monkey guard off of you, you started to walk away.

"Wait, [f/n]!" he called.

You sped up, running, tears threatening to fall.

The onlookers gazed on in shock. What had just happened?

Shit. I lost control.

Clenching both his hands into fists, he took off after you.

"Should we go check on her?" Liang asked, worried.

"Nah, they'll be fine," Qi said, laying back.

"If you say so..."

Inside, Samon ran to the place that he guessed she would be. And sure enough, you were sitting with your knees to your chest right outside your cell. You couldn't get in because it was locked from the outside, but he knew that you found comfort near your cell.

He knelt down to be face to face with you.

"I'm sorry!" you suddenly blurted out, startling him.

"Huh? For what?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself closer.

"I have no right to deny you, I know that. So I'm sorry," you said, quietly.

Samon's eyes were wide as he felt you embrace him. Pulling away, he looked at you. You looked like you were about to cry.

"[f/n], what's wrong?" he asked.

"I...I'm afraid to do those things with you. Before I came here, things happened to now I feel unworthy."

He was shocked. So they really had messed her up bad.

"But I want to do those things with you! I do!" you said when he didn't reply right away.

Again, her words surprised him. He smiled, though, and stood, sticking out a hand.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I promise, I won't hurt you. I'll help you rebuild your life, and we'll do that here," he said softly.

You hesitated for a moment before reaching out to grasp his hand. He helped you to your feet, and then the tears started falling. Your supervisor pulled you to his chest.

"[f/n], Those things I said out there, that's not even half of what I want to do. All I really want to do is love you."

You looked up, and he wiped a tear from your cheek.

"I'm an inmate, though. How are we going to make this-"

He cut you off by placing his lips on yours, gently. And you melted into the kiss, knowing that it was answer enough. You would worry about that when you had to. For would be alright.

For the first time in your life, you felt safe. 

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