
By Jose1400

5.2K 98 32

A five chapter story detailing the story of Ruby and Weiss's love from Vol. 2 up until the future. Witness th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


1.4K 24 2
By Jose1400

Next Level Creative Gameplay Channel


An Aesthetic Fiction Story

A Jose1400 Story


Ruby Rose

Weiss Schnee

Blake Belladonna

Yang Xiao Long


Jack Rose

Based on characters from "RWBY" created by Monty Oum and owned by Rooster Teeth

Edited by Xtreme-pineapple

Executive Producers: Xtreme-pineapple and Faervel-ai

Produced by Jose1400 and Kennersasuke

Story by Jose1400

Written by Jose 1400

Chapter 1

"I need you to pick a tablecloth," said Weiss.

Ruby looked down at the table cloths and stated, "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss rolled her eyes and sighed "I don't even know why I asked!" she exclaimed.

With that, the heiress stormed out from her view and continue with her work, which left Ruby to mull over her thoughts.

She sighed for the umpteenth time. After Blake's outburst in the dorm room about the events that transpired with the investigation on Roman Torchwick and the White Fang. Ruby was feeling a bit down over concerns on her faunus teammate. Another reason she was feeling down was that the Vytal Festival dance was coming up on Sunday and she had no one as a date, plus the person she wants to take to the dance wasn't interested in her, or so she thought. While she did claim to her sister that she doesn't want to go the dance because Blake wouldn't attend was partially true, but, the bigger truth was that Ruby wanted to ask her teammate Weiss Schnee to the dance.

It was no secret that both girls first meeting was . . . troublesome. More or less. Anyway, Ruby was scolded by the heiress to watch where she was going, and not to be a klutz, etc., plus, the comment that Ruby was too young to attend Beacon didn't help either. Ever since that encounter, Ruby tried her best to show the heiress that she wasn't a total klutz and even though she's two years younger than all the first-time students, she's still a skilled and capable fighter and she had a right to be there with everyone else attending Beacon.

So, after assigning the teams, announcing the leaders, and Weiss coming to terms with it, their friendship began to grow and Weiss was Ruby's best friend. But . . . the young Rose had feelings for the young heiress and wants to be more than friends with her. Ruby doesn't know when the feelings started to surface, and she did not want to think about it. The thing that Ruby does know is Weiss was infatuated with the blue haired boy from Mistral; Neptune Vasilias. Plus, her friend Jaune Arc, leader of Team JNPR also has a crush on the heiress, so that's no help. All she wished was that she wouldn't have these feelings so things wouldn't be so damn difficult.

Again, she sighed. She did consider coming clean to the heiress, confess her feelings, and let fate decide the rest, but she was too afraid to go through it. So, for now, she'll admire Weiss from afar.

Later, both Sun and Neptune arrived at the dance area and praised both Weiss and Yang for their work. What made Ruby look away and leave the area to return to her dorm was Weiss and Neptune flirting with each other, both at ease with no care in the world. Ruby arrived back at her dorm and climbed into her bunk and tried to go to sleep, but her thoughts kept running and thinking about Weiss. She values her friendship with her partner so she doesn't want to risk that, but on the other hand, her heart wants to confess and hope to whatever god that's out there that the heiress will return her feelings. So, after hours of debating within her head, she decided to confess to Weiss at the dance and hope that things go her way. With that, sleep overtook her within minutes.

Ruby hated dresses, she didn't like how they felt and she wasn't comfortable in them, but she suckered up and dealt with it. Ruby didn't particularly care how she looked, but she applied enough makeup and got herself a nice dress so she could look good to impress Weiss.

Ruby was glad when she heard that Neptune rejected Weiss, primarily because she now has an opening to talk to Weiss in private and confess how she feels to her. So, after talking to Ozpin and to Jaune in the punchbowl area, Ruby took a deep breath and started to look for her partner. She saw Weiss sitting down at the chair area, while she was getting closer to the heiress, the DJ announced that a slow song was starting and to grab your date. Ruby's mind was now running at a thousand miles per hour.

"This might be a good opportunity, I mean, we dance, I impress her by showing off that I can dance and then ask her to talk to her in private. Yeah, I can work with this . . . I hope," Ruby said to herself.

Ruby then approached Weiss and offered her hand to the heiress, "May I have this dance?"

Weiss face was red and harbored a surprised look, but it was replaced by a small smile. "You may," she responded, which made Ruby's smile grew and her face was matching her red dress.

Weiss then took Ruby's hand and stood from the chair. Ruby guided her to the dance floor, then Ruby placed her hands on Weiss's hips and Weiss wrapped her arms around the brunette's neck and soon enough they swayed with the music. Both girls were getting some looks, "People are staring," stated Weiss.

"Ignore them, just enjoy yourself," said Ruby, to which Weiss nodded and continue to sway with the music.

"I'm surprised you know how to dance," stated Weiss.

Ruby smirked, "I'm full of surprises,"

Weiss face housed an amusing look "Is that you talking or your ego?"

Ruby giggled at the statement, to which Weiss then joined. Ruby always knew that Weiss was beautiful, but at this moment, Ruby decided that Weiss looked like a goddess. Weiss looked at how Ruby was staring at her and was blushing.

"What are you looking at, you dolt?" Weiss remarked.

Ruby too was starting to blush and quickly said, "Sorry Weiss, it's just . . . you just look breathtaking,"

Weiss's blush intensified after that statement, "T-Thank you, Ruby . . . You-you, don't look too bad yourself. You were getting a lot of looks when you came through the door,"

Ruby's heart started racing, "Was she staring at me when I arrived at the dance?" she asked herself.

Ruby just smiled and looked down, trying to hide her red face from her partner. Soon enough the music died down and the slow dance was over. Weiss unhooked her hands from Ruby's neck and said, "Thank you for the dance Ruby." She did a small bow and turned around, preparing to leave. Ruby quickly grabbed one of Weiss's hand to stop her and with that, Weiss turned back at the red huntress with a questioning look on her face.

"Weiss . . . Can-can I-I talk to you, in private?" Ruby asked, blushing furiously again.

"This is it, you can do this Ruby," Ruby told herself.

"Oh, um . . . of course," Weiss said with a raised eyebrow.

Ruby lead her to the second floor and found a room with the windows open and the shattered moon shining through and brightening the room. Ruby then went to the window and stared at the moon, she sighed and took a deep breath, she turned to face the white huntress.

"Weiss . . . I-I . . . I'm sorry it's just . . . I'm about to tell you something that might be hard to hear, so . . . I just hope this doesn't affect our friendship or our partnership," Ruby stated, in which Weiss just nodded.

Ruby took another deep breath and continued, "You've became my best friend after we meet and had that rocky start and I've grown to care about you a lot, so much that . . . that I've been developing feelings for you,"

Weiss's face was masking a shocked look, but she couldn't say anything back to her partner, which prompted Ruby to continue, "Weiss . . . I like you, I really like you and . . . I want us to be more than friends," Ruby's face was a deep red and well, Weiss's face was now expressing that shock that she tried to hide, and Ruby had a small shy smile.

Weiss couldn't form a concrete thought after the bombshell that Ruby just dropped on her. Yeah, she did care for Ruby a lot, but not in a romantic way, but . . .

"Agh, I don't know. That dolt just . . . AGH," Ok, Weiss at least felt the same way, in a way, if that made sense, it's just that Weiss was just afraid of how her family will react, especially her father. She would like to give Ruby a chance to see if any romantic feelings would develop, but she can't risk that.

Weiss summoned up her courage and said, "I'm sorry Ruby, I mean, I'm flattered but I don't feel the same way. I just hope that this doesn't affect our abilities to fight together in the field or our friendship,"

"No, no it's fine . . . I just needed to get it off my chest, I did hope that you would feel the same, but I knew you didn't," Ruby said, struggling to say it out loud.

Weiss then leaned up and pressed a small kiss on Ruby's cheek, "OH, THAT'S NOT FAIR," Ruby shouted internally, the small kiss was making the situation worse for her.

Weiss then turned and left the room. Ruby faced the open window and leaned on the wall. She let out a breath she'd been holding, at least it wasn't as bad as some of her worst scenarios she'd been playing in her head, but the rejection still hurt. The hard part is not making any of this weird so it doesn't affect their performance as teammates and their friendship. Their friendship is more important than dating her.

Ruby was leaning on the wall next to the window and looking at the shattered moon until she saw someone dressed in black with a mask walking towards Beacon tower, so she used her semblance and left the building and tried to follow the stranger hoping this will help ease the rejection.

Things with both girls were weird at first, but over time it got better, thankfully their teamwork wasn't affected and by the end of the year and the Vytal Tournament coming up, everything went back to normal, but residual feelings from that night still linger for both girls. Weiss tried to focus on her little infatuation on Neptune to get rid of her feelings for Ruby, but it wasn't easy, plus, she sometimes caught Ruby staring at her and sometimes caught those jealous looks when she was with Neptune. After that night, Ruby was a bit less enthusiastic on hanging around her, which her older self would have been relieved, but it felt strange for Weiss now. She didn't realize that night would have profound effects. Thankfully it wasn't a substantial change in Ruby's attitude to cause eyebrows to rise in question.

Then things started to fall apart: Yang's match with Mercury where she supposedly broke his leg, Penny dying and revealing the fact that she was a robot and the attack by both the Grimm and the White Fang on Beacon. She was worried about Ruby, she couldn't find the dunce anywhere and was getting worried by seeing some Beacon students injured and reports of things getting worse.

"WEISS," someone shouted and when Weiss turned around to face the person who called her, her heart soared in relief when she saw Ruby okay and without a scratch. The events transpiring all around them where awakening some feelings that she'd been trying to bury ever since the dance, but now wasn't the time to dwell on those thoughts. Weiss went with Ruby to Beacon tower to help Pyrrha against Cinder, and in order to help Pyrrha quickly, Weiss used her glyphs along with Ruby's speed for Ruby to scale the tower to the shattered top, but moments after Ruby arrived, a big silver light emerged from the top and Weiss's heart completely stopped, thinking something might have happened to Ruby. Helped arrived and she saw Ruby's uncle, Qrow, go up to the tower; moments later, he brought down an unconscious Ruby. Weiss quickly went over to him and was checking on the brunette girl, clearing dirt from her face and then later resting her palm on the girl's cheek.

"Ruby's fine, don't worry about her," Qrow stated after seeing the heiress looking worried.

Weiss nodded and stepped back, seeing Qrow carrying Ruby to the airship that was also carrying Yang to take them back to Patch. Weiss was about to follow until a soldier stopped her and told her that he's escorting her to an airship where her father was waiting, which caused Weiss' heart to stop. She looked over and saw that the airship with Ruby was lifting off and a lone tear fell from her blue eyes, "I didn't have a chance to say goodbye,"

Weiss was brought to the airship with her father onboard, in which he stated that they were heading back to Atlas where she will be staying for the remainder of her time left in Beacon.

On the flight to Atlas, she saw dozens of ships escorting her and then thought, "I'll miss you, Ruby. Please take care of yourself, you dolt,"


End of Chapter 1

Hello everyone, I'm back, and this time, I'm kicking things up a notch. I'm proud to announce this small RWBY story to kick off my RWBY Universe, this five-chapter story is just setting up my RWBY world before I release the main story later on.

This Five-chapter story is all written and going through editing, so cause this was release on a Monday, the other chapters will be released on the following Mondays.

First off, my best friend and I started our own YouTube channel; Next Level Creative Gameplay Channel it's a small channel, but we hope that it will start up soon.

Second, I myself started my own FanFiction Production Company; Aesthetic Fiction, just like any movie production company, Aesthetic Fiction will function like one, but for FanFiction with Next Level being our distributing company, like Warner Bros. or Universal Studios.

So, I hope you all enjoy this story and because summer is here (for me at least and my best friend), he and I are going to start uploading more content, so start by checking out our YouTube channel and subscribe.

Also, any news that I make about Aesthetic Fiction will be posted on Tumblr and the YouTube channel as well. Be sure to follow me on Tumblr ( ) & follow my FanFiction Production ( ) and follow me here on as well.

This story is also on AO3 and FanFiction

Enjoy the story, chapter 2 will be released on May 8th.

Collaborations, their links will be provided


Editor and Executive Producer, Xtreme-Pineapple: and

Executive Producer, Faervel-ai:

Producer, Kennersasuke:

YouTube Channel:

Aesthetic Fiction Production:



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