Robbery in Gravity Falls

By AbelardoGuajardoG

93 1 3

Ah, Gravity Falls! A nice and beatiful small town in the north of U.S.A. to live. The life here is calmed and... More

2- One day in the museum... and the problems start
3- A big talk
4- Clueless
5- Getting details
6- Round 2
7- It's not what it seems
8- A li'l plan for a new li'l enemy
9- Showdown
10- ¡Adios Gravity Falls!...por ahora

1- A very small introduction of Gravity Falls

39 1 3
By AbelardoGuajardoG

This is the 5 of July of the 2012. After a few days of saving the world against the Exterminatore and his army, Mew called me and invited to an excursion. He, like 3 days ago, in the "Tree of Beginning", where he lives with his family: Starlow, also called Centella, a Star Sprite of color yellow, circular shape, small, with 2 black eyes, 2 feet and a little star over her; Mew Jr, he looks a lot like her mother but use a red hat, he is their first son; and Centellita, she looks like a Buneary, she is their second daughter, received a message

This message was from a professor called Simon Petrikov, that explained that he discover a crown that, if a person use it, that person can start frozen the things, so he, thinking that Mew can put this powerful object away of bad people, contact him, but, since he discovered with an university, Simon and Mew make a plan to "steal it" and Mew, for reasons that I don't know, choose Gravity Falls, a little town in Oregon, United States, as the place of the robbery.

Mew, his family, the Pokémon Latias, my good friends Manuela, Naomi, Federico and Piplup and I were in a trip since 2 days ago in car, instead in going in a plane or with the teletransportation powers of Mew, because, he said that "we need to enjoy the trip" and other things. Since the beginning of the trip in my house, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico; Manuela, Naomi, Federico and myself were playing our games of Nintendo DS.

Manuela Hidalgo. She is a girl that looks like a teenager of 15 years old, white skin, blue eyes, medium light brown hair, and this time was using a white blouse, a white/pink leggins under a white skirt with brown boots, but she really is a "super human". She gains hers powers in 2002, when her father, Javier Hidalgo, a drug lord of some part of South America, injected her the T-Veronica virus, to threat a disease that kill her mother when she was 5, then..., well to simplifies the things, she finally kill her father with the help of an U.S. agents: Leon S. Kennedy and Jack Krauser, because her father became a monster.

After that Mew, that knew Manuela for many years ago, went to they and he invites Manuela to go with him to the "Tree of Beginning", she accepts, and Mew make Manuela "immortal", well Mew told me that he could make the people immortal; but armed people of nowhere start shooting and they "killed" Manuela with a bullet that it crossed her heart and stole her "corpse". Until January 2 of the 2012, Mew discover that Manuela was in a "coma" for 10 years, so he soon told me to help him to go to save her from her captors, and when we save her, we discover that she hasn't aged and that she had super strength and is enough speed to dodge bullets with easy, also she gain telepathy and her blood is inflammable to her will. Since then, she has been with me and Mew in our adventures.

Naomi looks like a Japanese girl of 10 years old. She has medium brown hair and brown eyes. But she is really an alien of approximately 500000 years old. The alien race is made of light energy, so they can change their form, but only men into men and woman into women. Well, she told us that she is really a hybrid light-dark alien, but her family got to separate for, obvious reasons: the light energy aliens want to protect all living beings, while the dark energy aliens want to destroy all living being.

Naomi can launch light and dark energy rays, also that she can create shields of energy. She this time was wearing, a sailor fuku: a blouse attached with a sailor-style collar and a pleated skirt. By the way she is a fan of the anime, reason that she chose the name Naomi and looks like a Japanese girl. Also she ever wears a video camera to take the things that happen in the Earth and to make possible that her alien race known more from the Earth, which is decisive for the Universe fate, since a lot of aliens take some natural resources from this planet.

Mew and I meet her like 6 years ago, in August of 2006 when I was 8 years old, the first time that she came to the Earth. Since then, we were good friends.

Federico Lopez Long is a Pokémon Ranger. Federico was born in China on August 10, 1995, so he is three years older than me. His father was Mexican and his was Chinese and they lives in China until ..., well, its history is very long and I will tell it another day. When he turned 12, he decided to be a "Pokémon Ranger" or, in Spanish a "Guardián Pokémon ".

In August 2006 Mew and I met him and since then we have been good friends. He measured as 1.65 meters, short brown hair, blue eyes, white skin, but it seems European. He was dressed with a shirt of Pikachu, short jeans and white tennis.

Piplup is... well a common Piplup. He is the best friend of Federico.

Latias, since the death of her brother, Latios, in July of 2002, she has been in a few adventures with me and Mew. She took the appearance of her best friend, a human called Bianca that is a girl that has brown hair, brown eyes, use a green blouse with a white skirt and pink tennis shoe with black socks. She was "driving" the van. She, a difference from Mew, can't talk so she communicate with us using telepathy.

I was using a red shirt with blue jeans, white tennis with white socks.

In the van, that was a van like the Mystery Machine of Mystery S.A. only in the form, not the color, as I say, Latias was driving while Mew, in the form of Pikachu, was with his wife Starlow in the passenger seat. In the back, Manuela with his 3DS of red and black color, Naomi with his pink DS Lite, Federico with his blue Nintendo DS and I with my black Nintendo DSi with a Nerf protective; we were playing my Mario Party DS thanks to the DS Wireless while Mew Jr. and Centellita were watching us. The back part of the van had food, a normal electrical current to recharge our consoles and our

Everything was fine: we were playing at Wiggler's Garden, was the final turn and I was winning. But, Naomi, that was using Yoshi, ended in a Battle space. In a final attempt to defeat me, she chooses me to fight. I was using Mario while Manuela was using Peach and Federico Toad. The mini-game was the minigame of the volcano. Then, suddenly, I lost in very stupid way.

-¡Me lleva la...!- I said very angrily.

-¡Acéptalo Abelardo-kun, perdiste ante la gran Naomi-chan!- Naomi said while she took her camera and start recording.

-¡No, revancha, no puede ser que haya perdido de forma tan estupida!- I said while I start making sounds and get angrier.

This makes Manuela, Federico, Naomi, Mew Jr. and Centellita start laughing, making me angrier.

-¡¿Porque Abelardo se está quejando de una forma tan chistosa?!- Mew asked.

-Es porque perdió en un mini juego de batalla, ese el del volcán, pero de una forma muy estúpida y ocasionó que Abelardo descendiera del primer lugar al cuarto lugar- Mew Jr. said to Mew.

-Ya veo, entonces es entendible- Mew said while he and Starlow start laughing.

-¡No, revancha, le voy a ganar a cada uno de ustedes, en especial a ti Naomi y porque rayos tienen ese traje de escuela japonesa, estamos en vacaciones!- I said very angrily.

-Porque simplemente me gusta- Naomi said very calmed.

-¡Ya, ya quiero la revancha, van a ver que soy mejor que ustedes en Mario Party DS y finalmente me vengare!- I said very angrily.

-Abelardo, se me hace que tendrás esperar para tu venganza- Starlow said to me.

-¡¿Y por que?!- I asked her very angrily.

-Porque ya llegamos a Gravity Falls- Mew said.

-Bueno- I said while I start getting calmed -¿Mew, porque elegiste este lugar como el punto en el que debemos "robar" la corona? –I asked to Mew.

-Es que hace mas 30 años yo me hice amigo de un humano, se llamaba Stanford Pines, que buscaba descubrir rarezas en Gravity Falls, además de que el tenía 6 dedos en lugar de 5 en las 2 manos. Yo lo ayude a encontrar algunos para alentarlo para que él los descubriera y me contara sobre otros que tal vez yo no habría descubierto. Este Stanford se puso a escribir 3 diarios donde anotaba las rarezas de Gravity Falls- Mew said.

-¿Y que fue de el, Mew-sama? –Naomi asked.

-Pues la última vez que lo vi, el tenía contemplado destruir el portal que la entidad conocida como Bill Cipher lo engaño para construir, para que se den una idea de cómo es este Bill, es un triangulo Illuminati de color amarillo con 2 brazos y piernas, con moño y sombrero- Mew said.

-¿Este Pines sabía que Don Illuminati era malvado? –Manuela asked.

-No, y aunque le advertí muchas veces de las intenciones de Bill, Stanford no me hiso caso. Cuando sentí la abertura del portal que Bill hiso que Stanford construyera, vine directamente a Gravity Falls. Cuando llegue con Stanford, me dijo que yo tenía razón y que ya había escondido los diarios 2 y 3, el 1 se lo pensaba dar a su hermano gemelo, Staley Pines- Mew said.

-¿Piplup? –Piplup asked.

-¿Qué paso después? Saque a Bill de este lugar otra vez- Mew said.

-Haber, ¿cómo que lo sacaste de este lugar otra vez? –I asked.

-Déjenme explicarles. Cuando estaba empezando a brotar la vida en distintos planetas, Bill Cipher y sus amigos, que son seres de energía, surgieron de la nada y fueron a destruirlas porque les parecía divertido. Yo trate de convérselos de que eso era malo, pero no me hicieron caso, por lo que, con ayuda de Dios, los saque de este plano. Trillones de años después, para el año 10000 a.C. Bill logra escapar en el plano mental del lugar en donde lo encarcelamos y empezó a engañar a los humanos, creando desastres entre ellos. Cuando yo me entere, nuevamente lo regrese a su dimensión-prisión. Pero, durante el tiempo que estuvo aquí se las arreglo para dejar unas oraciones que hacen que el nuevamente encuentre el camino para llegar hasta aquí.

-¿Y qué paso entonces después de que este Stanford decidiera destruir el portal, mi amor? –Starlow asked.

-Stanford me pidió mi ayuda para hacer un plan de contingencia en caso de que Bill llegara a hacerse físico. Después, me dijo que se las arreglaría solo y me despedí de él. Nuevamente saque a Bill de aquí. Pasaron los meses cuando, en invierno de 1982, nuevamente sentí que el portal se abrió de nuevo. Me fui rápidamente a Gravity Falls y encontré en la cabaña de Stanford a su hermano gemelo, Stanley Pines. El me explico que él y su hermano tuvieron una pelea y que por accidente se encendió el portal y Stanford cayó en el. Este Stanley me pidió desesperadamente mi ayuda para salvar a su hermano, pero, como yo no fui el que construyó el portal, le dije que no podía ni sabría cómo ayudarlo, entonces este Stanley, furioso, me hecho de la cabaña. Desde entonces no he regresado a Gravity Falls, hasta ahora.

-¿A sí que lo decidiste hacer en Gravity Falls por eso? –I asked.

-Bueno, elegí Gravity Falls por la historia que tengo con él y porque es un pueblito que dudo mucho que los Illuminati y los reptilianos tengan en mente, además, mi hermanito les ha de estar dando "las gracias" por mandarnos "gentilmente" el misil termonuclear en Nueva York- Mew said.

-¿Tu le diste todas las ubicaciones de las bases de los Illuminati y de los reptilianos a Mewtwo? –Manuela asked.

-Sí, mi hermanito "amablemente" me los pidió y yo se los di. Sé que va a haber una tremenda baja en las fuerzas de los Iluminati y demás grupos secretos, ya que mi hermanito procura matarlos a todos, a diferencia de mi que solo los noqueó- Mew said.

-No te preocupes Mew, esos malditos tuvieron muchas oportunidades para redimirse- I said –se va a hacer justicia.

-Bueno de eso no hay duda, Abelardo- Manuela said -¿A dónde tenemos que ir? –she asked.

-Bueno, la exposición de la corona es en el museo de Gravity Falls. El "robo" lo tengo planeado para la noche, pero primero me encontrare al profesor Pretikov y a su esposa en el motel de Gravity Falls, por lo que los que quieran ir a ver a la corona antes de que "sea robada", los dejaremos en el museo- Mew said.

-Muy bien, yo voy al museo- I said while I was turning off my DSi, tacking the Mario Party DS cartridge from the DSi, putting in the bag with my other DS games and putting the Mario & Sonic at the Olimpic Winter Games cartridge in the DSi.

-Yo también voy- Manuela said while turning off her Nintendo 3DS.

-Igual yo- Naomi said turning off her Nintendo DS Lite.

-Igual nosotros, ¿verdad Piplup? –Federico said, turning off his Nintendo DS.

-¡Piplup!- Piplup said.

-Muy bien y ¿ustedes niños?- Mew asked to his children.

-¡Si!- Mew Jr. said very happily.

-OK- Centillita said.

-Muy bien- Mew said.

Then, Mew started giving directions to Latias to go to the museum. Passed like 5 minutes when we finally reach the museum. Then the van stopped and we opened the back doors of the van. The complete name of the museum was "Gravity Falls Museum of History" and looked somewhat big for being a museum of a small town. The entrance was like an ancient Greek school, with a flag of the United States in the right and in the right and left front were 2 owls' statues, one per side. In the front of the entrance glass door was a cartel that said "Exhibition of Crown found in Iceland. Today last day of exhibition!!!!!"

-Muy bien, llegamos- I said while I was stretching.

-Son las 2 en punto. ¿Esta bien que nos veamos a las 4 p.m.?- Mew asked.

-Si, Mew-sama- Naomi said while she was turning on her camera.

-Muy bien. Si pasa algo me llaman, Abelardo. Mi número es el que tiene mi cara. Aquí también hay 100 dólares en caso de necesitarlos- Mew said when he pass to me a cell phone and the 100 dollar bill.

-Muy bien- I said while I put the money and the cell phone in my right pocket.

-Just remember to talk in English. Bye bye!- Mew said while the van started to move and got into the town.

We entered to the museum and the cost of entrance was 5 dollars per person, also counting Me Jr., Centellita and Pliplup. The others rapidly get far from me, since I stay to receive the money from Sue, an employee of the museum.

-Take your change- Sue said giving to me the money.

-Thanks. Is everyday crowded in the museum? -I said while tacking the tickets.

-No, only in especial exhibitions like this. Gravity Falls is a normal and boring town.

-All right. Have a nice day- I said while I started to get into the museum.

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