Could it be murder?

By YukoUchida

6 1 0

Is it murder or is it just a game? Read to find out~ More

Could it be murder?

6 1 0
By YukoUchida

Half the names had already been crossed off on the list she was holding. Eyes scanning over the list that held her friends' names, her heart raced. The list held ten names: Lucy; Tom; Denver; Alex; Tyro; Ron; Gigi; Rachel; Jenna; Tris. Her dull brown eyes stayed at the last name –her name- as she put the list back in its rightful place in the cream coloured room on the third floor of the mansion Tris is in. She sat on the pale blue bed and look at the wall across the room, a stranger stare back at her, this stranger has blue – electric blue – hair in two messy pigtails, a blood red cut on her pale cheek and her clothes - black T- shirt, jeans and combat boots – were covered in dirt and cuts from crawling around and hiding. Tris moved her hands to change her hair, at the same time the stranger also moves her hands. Tris realised that this stranger from across the room is her in the mirror. She shook her head, stood up and put her hair in a high ponytail before walking out of the room, into the hallway. Tris climbed up the stairs before hiding behind the doors of the fourth floor.

"Ron! Just shoot me and go." Gigi cried "I can't-can't shoot you. You know only one person can get out alive!"

"I'm not shooting you! Please, don't make me d-" Ron yelled back before being cut off by the sound of two bullet shots. Tris held her breath, waiting for a sound, only to hear James whisper to himself "They're so dramatic..."Then saying out loud "Come out Tris, I know you're there." She heard his footsteps then felt the door she was leaning against moving, opening but before she fell, James catch hold of her.

"Let's go." James said calmly. Tris raised an eyebrow before standing up and looking at the scene, red blood on the floor in lines giving off the look of Ron and Gigi being dragged off.

"You do realise only one of us can win here, right?" She said as they walk down the hallway to the next set of stairs to the rooftop, the final destination. They both have their guns pointed at each other. James runs a hand through his blue – electric blue – hair that matches Tris.

"I know," James replied, looking at Tris with his bright blue eyes "But I'm not shooting you and I know you won't shoot me. So they'll have to just deal with both of us winning."

Tris smile, "Let's go then, together." she said, holding out her hand while lowering her gun. A smirk shows up on James' face and he grabs her hand.

Music could be heard from the other side of the doors. James and Tris push each door open, hand in hand, to be greeted by their friends. "Pay up Lucy," said Gigi, "Told you they were going to come up together." Ron laughs while Lucy puts the money in Gigi's hand. Setting the guns aside, James went to sit by the fire while Tris grabs two cups filled with coke zero for them both before joining him.

In Tris mind, she looks over the day filled with adrenaline and fun. An all-day paintball war for the last weekend of the term.

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