You're different ♡ vkook

By imtaeriggered

19.3K 1.2K 593

Kim Taehyung, your average adult guy, is not on his right mind when an earthquake happens and he helps a very... More



2.8K 179 200
By imtaeriggered

"Chim... I'm going to die... the wolf has a rabis—"

"Shh it's okay, you're now safe. The wolf didn't bit you—"

"The wolf bit my earlobe! Look!" Taehyung shows them his earlobe, which is red.

Seokjin gasps as he steps closer to take a look at his earlobe, "Tae, thank god you're not bitten, it's just—"

"He nibbled on my earlobe!" Taehyung screamed as he starts panicking, hands flailing around.

"Calm down Tae—"

"I can't calm down! I'm going to die!— ow!" he stopped when Namjoon hits his head. "There's no bite mark, stop overeacting."

They're now inside Tae's apartment after the incident, since he called them even though it's already in the middle of the night, waking the Namjin couple.

Jimin stays awake the whole time since he's so worried for his bestfriend. That's why when he calls him and told him the wolf has been caught, Jimin goes straight to his apartment along with Namjoon and Seokjin, both of their eyes half closed.

But they're now fully awake after Taehyung told them the whole scene. He's freaking out while telling them the story (don't forget the fact that Tae demonstrates how the wolf did it), and now that he already calmed down, they decided to leave since they have to wake up early tomorrow.

But Tae starts to cry again because, "What if the wolf escapes and he'll continue to eat my earlobe?!" and "the wolf knows my scent and he'll follow me in my apartment!"

Jimin sighs and decides to have a sleepover in Tae's apartment. They waved goodbye to Seokjin and Namjoon and Tae never forgets to hand them a homemade pepperspray and a knife for protection.

He's panicking so much that he didn't noticed he gave a bread knife instead.

Jimin and him are now laying in the bed, his bestfriend fast asleep and hugging Taehyung tight since he's still scared as fuck. He can't seem to fall asleep because every time he closes his eyes, the picture of the wolf appears, with the golden eyes staring back at him.

"Hey, get up. We need to go to work," Jimin, whose eyes are still closed, mumbled sleepily, as he shakes his shoulder.

"Tae? Wake up..." Jimin slowly opens his eyes as he sits up and stares at him, only to jump a little and shriek in surprise when Taehyung looks at him wide eyes, very faint dark circles in his eyes, "Why are you staring like that?!"

"I can't sleep." Taehyung said in a monotone voice, still staring at him with wide eyes.

"Tae, you look really creepy." Jimin said as he clutches on his chest.

Taehyung glares at the ceiling, "Everytime I try to close my eyes, the wolf appears! He cursed me and now he won't leave my mind even in—"

"The wolf didn't cursed you." Jimin sighs, "I'll tell Yoongi— I mean Mr. Min an excuse about you being absent. You can continue your sleep." Jimin gets up from the bed only to be stopped by Taehyung, whose gripping his wrist and giving him puppy eyes.

"Chim, don't leave me," he said, acting cute.

"It's daylight."


"The wolf will get caught before even getting to your apartment."


"Shh, don't think too much about it," Jimin fixes the blanket and ruffles Tae's hair. "Now, continue to sleep!"

"But I can't sleep!" Taehyung whined.

"You have to! Your eyes are—"

"But the wolf keeps on bugging me in my dream!" Jimin sighs.

"Then forget about the wolf—"

"I can't! It won't leave my mind!"

"Then tell him to get the fuck out!" he shouted, frustrated.

Taehyung's eyes grew even bigger when Jimin cursed for the first time in front of him. His mouth automatically stopped talking.

Well damn, Chim looks really scary when he's mad. And don't forget he just woke up.

Taehyung slowly lets go of his wrist and hides in his blanket.

"O-Okay... I'll tell him to get out..." he covers himself fully and dips his head in the pillow, trying to fall asleep.


He's about to come back for him when something suddenly slams him on the wall with full force.

He cries out, but the enemy can't hear it, they never can.

As he falls back to the ground, he looks to his front and he saw him from afar, laying flat in the ground and flailing his arms, also struggling just as much as him.

He fights to stand up, his arms trying to crawl for him but a poisonous gas suddenly blasts in them in such full force, making him scream and fall back, thrashing around as he accidentally inhales the suffocating smell.

He screams loudly. He did.

But the enemy always pays no mind, because they can't hear their cries of agony, they'll never will.

He chokes back a sob and his strangled breathing continues as he tries to get up, arms already wobbling so much.

With his blurry vision, he saw him, running in circles like a madman, rolling and thrashing, trying to stay away from the gas but it already went through his system, making him weak and dizzy fast as seconds passes by.

He whimpers. He's dying, they're dying.

And the pain mercily stabs his chest as he saw him suffering. He doesn't want to see this, but he can't take his eyes off his lover.

He needs to come near him and hold him, just one last time.

He shakily tries to get up, but his useless body is not cooperating as it slumps in the cold surface.

With his blurry vision, he continues to watch him, suddenly coming to a halt and copying his current position. He tiredly makes an eye contact with him for seconds, arms sprawled in the ground.

"Don't leave me..." his voice is too faint, barely enough to hear.

Suddenly, his lover stopped fighting to survive.

"N-No..." he whispered, tears continuing to flow out of his eyes.

He didn't even managed to say the sweetest words that came up from his heart.

He didn't even managed to say precious things to show him how much he means to him.

He didn't managed to say it all. Because the fate have decided.

Yes, this is their fate. As much as it hurts, this is always supposed to happen.

They just have to hide.

They just have to escape from them. But most of the time they can't. It sucks a lot, and they will never understand it.

"I'm sorry," the enemy said, "But I have to do this."

Of course you do.

The guy raises his arm, holding the object that will end him.

He slowly gets weaker, tiredly trying to open his eyes and move his arms, trying to stay alive.

He knows he can't. But he just atleast have to try.

Just... a bit more—


His world comes to an abrupt stop when the object smashes him in the ground, crashing him in an instant.

And making his life completely blank in a blink of an eye.

Atleast, they both died near each other.

Taehyung sighs, slipping his foot back in his slipper as he looks at the two lifeless bodies of the cockroaches.

Well, he's not really into them. And it doesn't help the fact that when he went to his kitchen after his deep slumber (thankfully he managed to sleep now yey) he saw one of the two cockroaches on top of the other just right beside his dog Soonshim, whose wagging his tail while looking at Taehyung.

He despises them so he did what he needs to do.

In short, he ruined a love story.

Oh and he's also worrying about his life when it comes to thinking about the wolf which is most of the time.

And if you're wondering how he found out the cockroaches were both guys... well, he just assumed it since he's gay too.

He gets the dust pan and the broom to clean it up, putting the cockroaches in the trash bin.

It's dead silent in his apartment except Soonshim's exaggerated breathing. Now he's terrified again.

He checks his phone earlier and it's already around 5 pm, which makes him scared shitless. He gave Soonshim a lot of his food since he's very sure the dog only ate this morning, probably being fed by Jimin.

He makes himself a green tea and went to his smol living room, placing the mug in the coffee table, sitting and getting the remote to open up the television. He still feels kind of drowsy after long hours of sleeping.

And speaking of the scary monster he's thinking about, he literally screamed when the wolf guy's face appears first when he opened it.

Soonshim runs up to him, worried as she barks and went to Taehyung's lap.

As weird as it is, Tae recognizes Soonshim as the black wolf and he screams even louder, pushing her away and jumps back, making the dog yelp in surprise and fall back in the carpet with a thud.

He then hugs his knees and  buries his face, too afraid to look up. But as seconds passed by, he suddenly realized what he did.

He looks down and gasps as saw Soonshim with her ears folded back and wagging her tail slowly.

"Omg, sorry I didn't mean that to happen!" he cried out as he kneels and hugs Soonshim tightly, whose now struggling to escape.

".... The said werewolf is now back in the museum, with a lot more tightened security. That's all for today. Back to you, Chanyeol." he looks at the screen, wide eyed as the news comes to an end and another guy reports. 

"Are they really sure it's already safe though..." Taehyung thinks deeply, the guy's face still vivid in his mind, not noticing Soonshim whose trying to free herself from his tight grip.

Three days already passed since the incident.

And thankfully, Taehyung isn't that much afraid anymore.

In fact, he's back to his super "normal" side like there's an imaginary rainbow aura surrounding him.

"Chimchiiiiiim!" Taehyung called happily as he opens the CEO's office shamelessly, where Jimin have his own desk inside.

But he doesn't expect (well, he kind of expected it to happen) seeing Jimin trapped in the table with two arms, his unbuttoned polo wrinkled and looking at him shocked, plump lips a lot more red, same as his face. While there's Mr. Min (or Yoongi, like how Jimin accidentally call him,) looks like he doesn't give a shit and only glares at Taehyung.

He clears his throat, "Uhm—"

"Fucking get out." Yoongi snapped.

"O-Okay, sorry for disturbing your... uhh, your—"

"Don't let me fire you."

"Okay bye!" he slams the door shut, exhaling deeply. Well, Jimin needs a lot of explaining to do.

He wants to hang out with Jimin after work but maybe he needs to spend more time with his cold hearted boss too, or maybe ask Jimin if Yoongi can raise his salary.

He pulls out his phone and texts Jimin

To: Jiminie pabo ♥ \(>∆<)/

chim can you tell mr. min to raise my salary by 200$ every time he moans.

He puts it back and goes to Namjoon and Seokjin, whose flirting with each other. "I'll go now. Chim's busy making out with Mr. Min." the two gasps because of him being so straightforward.

Seokjin hissed. "Lower down your voice!"

Taehyung smiles in return. "Hehe, sorry. Bye!" he gets his backpack with Ryan's big face plastered in the front center, given by Namjoon because of his undying love for Ryan, which is Seokjin's worst enemy.

He waits for the elevator and when it opens, he saw one of his officemates, Minjae.

Which is also the guy that tries to woo him, as said by his three friends.

Minjae smiles very wide seeing him. "Oh, hi Tae!" he beamed.

"Hello." he half-smiled, entering the elevator and going to the very corner. Then it closes, Minjae is probably going down to the first floor too. The silence not making him uncomfortable, but instead of the fact that the guy right beside him is interested in him.

"So..." Minjae looks at him, slowly trying to scoot closer as he speaks, "Any plans tonight?"

"Uhh, I guess..." what.

"Oh? Well, I'm planning to have a dinner in this Tea Cook Restaurant. You should come with me." Minjae is already standing close next to him, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Taehyung fidgets with his fingers, "I do have plans. Sorry."

"What is it then?" his hand is slowling creeping on Tae's back, showing interest. And it is hella uncomfortable.

"I'm going to the museum..." he suddenly blurted out. Why did he thought of the museum out of all places. "And by the way, can you... remove your hand?" Minjae looks surprised as he removes his hand, but doesn't even moved away from his position.

"Sorry..." he smiles sheepishly. "Then, after dinner... we should go there?" wow this guy is starting to annoy him.

He sighs and faces Minjae, his serious demeanor surfacing. "Look Minjae... I'm sorry but, this won't work out."

Minjae, realizing what he's talking about, speaks fast, "N-No, don't say that! I mean, I really like you Taehyung, and I would wait for you to li—"

"No, Minjae. Just... stop." he sighs, "I can only see you as a friend. Nothing else, sorry. And I'm already seeing someone else." he lied. He saw his expression turning sad and it made him guilty and just at a right time, the elevator opens and he gets out quick.

As he walks outside, the night's breeze hitting him, he suddenly remembered what he said to Minjae. The black wolf suddenly flashes in his mind, he shuddered at the thought. But he felt like he's no longer that much afraid anymore.

He doesn't know why, but he calls out a cab, telling him to go to the museum.



I would like to dedicate that cockroach scene to the cockroach I just killed earlier in the bathroom with insecticide.

It died being "single" and we all wish it doesn't reproduce more of their species. You will be missed.

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