drown. + yoonmin.


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i think i'm crazy, and the voices do too. More



592 71 54

"sleep, those little slices of death.
oh, how i loathe them!"

when jimin wakes up, the first thing he does is touch two of his nimble fingers to his plump, pink lips. it's almost as if he can still feel yoongi's on his, the sparks of electricity and butterflies he could feel growing in his chest as yoongi kissed him on the picnic blanket.

he turns over, noticing that yoongi's eyes were half-open, lazily focusing on the younger. strings of sunlight shine in from the window, lighting up yoongi's features and sending a squirt to jimin's eyes. before he can think rationally, he envelops yoongi in a warm hug, to express his gratitude for the kiss from the night previous.

"yoongi hyung?" he questions, his voice a bit raspy and soft. yoongi pulls away, not before planting a kiss on his forehead, and tilts his head to the side.


"can we go to breakfast?" yoongi smiles and nods, sliding his feet over the edge of the bed and then stepping onto the tiled floor with bare feet.

"get dresssed, okay?" jimin agrees and goes into his drawer. when he sees the outfit he truly wants to wear, his face wrinkles up and he stares at it for a moment.

"what's wrong, baby boy?" yoongi asks as he makes his way over to the drawer. jimin becomes flustered and instantly shuts it, placing his hands on the drawer and trying to causally lean upon it. yoongi frowns.

"seriously, minnie. what's wrong?" yoongi's a bit worried, now. this is exactly how mei acted before her death, always nervous and never wanting to tell what was on her mind.

"i... erm... want to wear something. and you may not like it..." yoongi rolls his eyes and smiles warmly.

"come on, jimin. i'm sure i'll like it." jimin reluctantly moves to the side and yoongi moves behind him. he slides open to reveal the contents of the drawer. nothing interesting, really. just shirts, leggings, and... a skirt.

the skirt was pastel pink and there were lace designs around the edges and middle. it was long, most likely drooping down to jimin's upper knee. yoongi chuckled and pulled out the skirt.

"see, i knew you wouldn't like it!" jimin says in a whiny voice, planting his head in his hands. yoongi sets the skirt on the bed and walks over. he places his hands on jimin's shoulders.

"don't assume, jiminie. i love your skirt. and if you want to wear it, go right ahead. there's no one stopping you." jimin grins, showing off his perfect teeth, and once again pulls yoongi into a tight hug.

"thank you, yoongi. you treat me so nice." yoongi places his chin on the top of the younger's head and nods.

"you deserve it." he whispers quietly. "now, get changed and we'll eat."

a few moments later, yoongi is dressed in ripped jeans and a blue t-shirt. jimin is wearing his skirt, of course, a long sleeved striped shirt, and pink flats. he also has on a flower crown. he leaves his hair messy, which was sort of curly, and yoongi found that quite adorable.

they walked hand in hand to the cafeteria. when they entered, they were greeted with a buff patient. he had long, greasy hair that was always tangled, piercing brown eyes, and a frown that made him look twice as old as he actually was. yoongi vaguely remembered he was from the top floor.

the patient studies over jimin's outfit from head to toe and scoffs. "faggot." he says underneath his breath, turning back on his heels and walking away.

"what did you just call him?" yoongi asked with a stern tone. the man is still turned around, and he lets out a low chuckle.

"i called him a faggot." he turns around to find the owner of the voice, and his face twisted with fear when he sees its yoongi. "oh, uh, i mean. april fools?"

yoongi nods, with a dark expression, and once again grabs jimin's hand and leads him across the cafeteria. yoongi doesn't understand why that guy was so scared of him. he was 10 times bigger than him, after all.

it was like this with a few nurses, and ever dr. seokjin. everyone seemed frightened when they were around yoongi. it was like they were on edge. and he never knew why. maybe they knew something he didn't.

they found their usual empty table at the far corner of the restaurant, pressed against the poorly painted brick wall. while jimin ordered his scrambled eggs, yoongi picked at the corners of the chipping paint.

meanwhile, jimin was greeted by a security guard after he grabbed the maroon colored tray. he tried to make his way back to the table, but the security guard stepped infront of him.

"hi, i'm matt." jimin frowned, his face twisted with confusion as to why someone was talking to him besides yoongi. after all, yoongi really was the only one that talked to him at oak.

"uh, hello. i'm jimin." jimin awkwardly smiled and bowed. there was something wrong with matt.

"jimin." matt said, leaning in closer. his breath smelled like tuna fish and graham crackers. jimin had to look to the side to not gag. "now, aren't you a pretty one?"

he takes the back of his hand and strokes jimin's cheek with it, smiling. the smile wasn't genuine, though. it sent chills down jimin's spine. he shuddered.

"i better get going." jimin said, quickly making his way back to the table. yoongi automatically noticed jimin was flustered.

"is anything wrong, jimin?" the question sent memories rushing back to jimin's head. it reminded him of the questions that child protective services would ask him at their frequent visits to his house after the neighbors reported screaming.

and just like he was talking to a child protective services agent, be plastered the same, fake smile on his face and giggled, shaking his head.

"no, everything's alright."

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