My Greek Professor Is An Alph...

By guitarfreak8810

19.8K 561 68

Aimee and Jeff have gone through a rough series of months. When school starts up again, what will happen to t... More

1: The Start Of Something Old
2: A Real Nightmare
4: Try To Think Of It My Way
5: So The Bad Guys Are Still Bad? Aw...
6: From Now On, We'll Call Ourselves... ;)
7: Death Is Only A Door.
8: But Is The Door Locked?
9: Welcome To The World
10: Don't Call It A Comeback?
11: So This Is How It All Ended?
12: What's the big issue here?

3: The Other Side

1.3K 42 2
By guitarfreak8810

Hello again,

So i am just in the weirdest mood today. Guys have been complimenting my hair left and right and I'm really not sure why. It's kind of frustrating. Like, there's this one guy, who is kind of strange around me and I don't know if he has a crush on me or if he's just plain old weird. I don't think he's that weird because when he's talking with my friends, he's completely normal. It's just like around me, you know? Aside from venting, and you guys OBVIOUSLY do not CARE, here's a new chapter.

And... it's kind of short. I always think my chapters are short and then they turn out like 3-4 pages at least and I'm like. Ehhhh, that's not bad... anyways, here yah go, enjoy!


- Emma


Freddie sat down at the table, across from me. He slid my coffee over gently, so as not to spill it, and he stared at me with the dumbest smile on his face. Literally, I have not seen a smile that looked so stupid before that second.

"So," he vanquished the silence in the deserted campus cafe, "Why are you so tired? Out hooking up with random guys again?" he chuckled as he put the coffee mug to his lips.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course, I'm a huge slut."

"I knew it!" he exclaimed, "It all makes sense now!"

"Shut up, ass hole," I smirked at him while I gulped down my hot coffee. It seared my throat and tasted like garbage, but hey, if it would keep me awake enough to do my homework, then that would be fine with me!

He set his mug down and stuck a spoon in it, stirring the dark brown liquid. He was absolutely mesmerised by the swirling effect the silver spoon made inside of it. His eyes followed the spoon round and round.


He looked up from his coffee and shrugged, "I don't know. But I am worried about you," he admitted as he went back to stirring his coffee.

"Hey," I leaned across the small table, putting my hand over his, "There's nothing to worry about, Freddie, okay? I'm fine. I just went through a really bad breakup and it doesn't help that I have to see him every day of my life."


I withdrew my hand from his, "I can't say. You'll judge me."

"I won't. I just want to know who the fuck this dumb ass is. You're gorgeous. Why would anyone dump you?"

"It wasn't him dumping me or me dumping him. We just grew distant, I guess," I choked as my mind flashed back to the funeral.

"That's avoiding the question, Honey Pot," he said with a smirk on his face, "Now tell me, really, who is he? I won't tell anyone, I swear. I just need to know."

"FINE," I heaved a sigh, "Jeff. That's his name."

"No last name?"

"You never specified."

The bell dinged, signaling that someone walked into the deserted coffee shop.

"Fine, Honey Pot," Freddie said mockingly, "If you tell me, then I'll more than gladly take you back to my place," he smirked and his eyes traveled away from my face. The smile on his face slightly faltered but his eyes returned again to mine, "And you know what? Why stop there? Let's go."

Suddenly, I was being dragged out of the coffee shop...













"FREDRICK JONES MAVERICK KILLINGTON!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs, "THIS MY FRIEND, IS WAR!" I ran across his apartment and took some milk out of the fridge. I popped the top and dumped the whole gallon on him.

"SLUT!" he shouted at me as I picked up the brownie batter and ran out of his apartment, into the hallway. I giggled as ran down the hall. With one hand, I pressed the down button on the elevator. With the other, I stuck my index finger into the delicious brownie batter. I examined my finger. Mmmmhm chocolate, was my only thought as I stuck my finger into my mouth and sucked the delicious chocolate off of it.

"Uh, Aimee?"

I opened my eyes and felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks. Jeff was standing in front of me, his tie loosened around his neck. He probably just got back from teaching, I thought as I checked him out, "Wassup?"

"What are you doi-"


"Sorry I have to go," I said in a rather rushed tone as I slid into the elevator. I pushed him out with my clean hand and stuck another finger into the batter. Just as I saw both Jeff and Freddie standing completely dumbfounded in the hallway, I licked the batter off my finger. The elevator door shut.

But then, it reopened, to reveal both Jeff and Freddie looking pissed off.

"MINE!" Freddie took the bowl away from me.

"What are you two doing?" Jeff raised his brow as his eyes moved up and down my body, "Not that I can object to a girl covered in chocolate."

"Baking," Freddie said non-chalantly as he dragged me out of the elevator, "Anyways, I'm Freddie," he offered his hand to Jeff.

Jeff laughed at his gesture, "I'm your professor. Dr. Seaberg. But outside of class, Jeff is fine."

Freddie's smile dropped a little, "Cool. Well, come on, honey pot, let's go get cleaned off," he said as he captured my hand in his. I couldn't help but let a small smile creep up on my face. Holding Freddie's hand was just NICE, okay?

"Bye!" I called over my shoulder.

>>What an ass hole.

That was the only thought I heard from Jeff's head for the moment until I went into the apartment and Freddie shut the door behind us.

"Jeff Seaberg," I heard Freddie chuckle, "Our freaking PROFESSOR? WHAT ARE YOU, INSANE?!"

>>They're talking about me?

"Shhh, Freddie, he can hear you!" I whispered back.

"SO WHAT IF HE CAN HEAR ME? I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY THE HELL YOU THINK IT IS OKAY TO SCREW-" I pressed my hand over his mouth, but he pushed it away. So I did the only thing I could think of to make him shut up.

I kissed him on the lips, making him moan in surprise, "Aimee," he said quietly as he kissed me back with great urgency.

Lightly, I shoved him away, "I think I'll just go home now."

"Wait," he said as he stripped his shirt off, "Wear this at least. Please?"

"Fine," I said as I slipped on his warm shirt. I ripped the door open and slammed it rather violently behind me. Which caused another door, well, the one across the hall to open.

"Aimee?" Jeff's voice was reduced to nothing, "Are you alright?"

I bit my lip and shook my head no, which made him come out of his apartment and wrap his arms around me. He led me into his apartment. It was a mirror image of Freddie's but it was much more modern. It looked like some rich guy lived there. Oh, wait, I thought humorlessly as I glanced at Jeff. He was wearing just a pair of pajama pants. I ogled his body, forgetting the situation for a moment.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"Freddie. Well. I. We," I choked before I let some tears out of my eyes. I blinked rapidly as I choked for more air.

"Hey, babe... It's okay..." Jeff curled me into his chest, "How about you go and take a shower and we can talk after. I'll drive you back to your dorm. How does that sound?"

I nodded and he released me. He guided me to his bathroom, "I'll bring you something, uh," he stopped talking as I lifted both Freddie's and my own shirt off. At that point, I really didn't care. I just felt miserable, "uh, uh, something to wear that isn't covered in chocolate," he let out as he turned away from me and shut the bathroom door. I quickly stripped down and turned on the shower.

I welcomed the heat that poured down my body and sighed as all the chocolate washed away. I used some of Jeff's body wash to get rid of the terrible smell of the uncooked eggs from the batter. It smelled just like I remember Jeff always smelling. :).

Anyways, when I got out, there were fresh clothes in the place of my old ones and a towel. I dried my body and threw on what Jeff had left me. I sighed as I left the bathroom.

"Hey," I heard immediately as I walked out. He was right in my face, looking down at me.

"Uh, hi?"

"Hi," he chuckled as he looked into my eyes. But he shook his head and turned away, walking back towards the center of the apartment. What was with him? I sighed as I followed him. He sat down on his couch and gestured for me to sit next to him.

"We kissed," I choked out, "But. It felt so wrong. But so right," I said as the waterworks began again.

Jeff nodded, handing me a cup of tea, "Aimee. You need to move on, okay?"

I frowned as I sipped the warm tea. It tasted strange. Weird, but I thought nothing of it as I drank it.

"But I love you. We're supposed to be together," he explained further, "and I don't want to be away from you."

I put down the cup of tea, "Then don't be."

He lightly pushed me down on the couch and hovered over my face, "I have to be."


"To protect you! Duh," he laughed.

"Yeah? Well what if I don't want to be protected?"

He smirked, "Then I would say 'tough shit' because I'm always going to protect you. You come first."

I put both my hands around his neck and dragged him lower to me until we were less than an inch away from kissing, "We come first." I said as I crashed my lips against his. He seemed reluctant at first but then, his mouth opened. And... well... one thing led to another....


I screamed as I opened my eyes.

"What's wrong?!" I heard Jeff squeal in a high pitched voice.

"Huh? Nothing?"

"Okay, well, can you remove your knee fro-" he whispered.

"OH!" I pulled my leg back to my own body bubble space... Quote me on that shit... "Sorry," I laughed as I looked over to where the noise that woke me up was coming from, "SHIT it's 9:30 already?"

"Yeah," Jeff said cooly.

"Fuck. I missed a class already," I swore multiple times as I jumped out of his bed.

"I'll drive you over there in ten minutes," he said as he jumped out too.

"I can't go wearing men's clothing! What will people think?!"

He rolled his eyes, "Your clothes are in the dryer. Just wear them again."

"That's so obvious!"

"I don't know, Aimee," he rolled his eyes as he pulled on boxers and walked over to his closet. He stopped and turned to me, smirking, "What? See something you like?"

"SHUT UP!" I groaned in frustration and ran towards his laundry room. I slipped on my clothes in a rush and threw on one of Jeff's plaid button up shirts. I jogged back to his room. He was fiddling with his tie in the mirror but stopped and grinned as he saw me.

"Oh so now you want to wear men's clothes?"

"Yes, yes I do."

He rolled his eyes, "Come on, you need to get to class sometime today."


|| ©2012 Guitarfreak8810 || All Rights Reserved. ||

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