Bride of Mordor

By Azukiel

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☀️ 3rd Place for the Writer's Glory Awards, Horror genre! Aradheleth, daughter of the Witch King of Angmar... More

The Journey
The New Bride, part 1
The Wedding Night
Crimson Moon

When missed...

1.5K 41 1
By Azukiel

  The smell of Sulphur filled her nostrils as she woke, the tower that kept her rumbled with the awakening of the day; Orodruin was erupting once more.

Aradheleth groaned at the wretched smell, covering her head with a pillow in a failed attempt to smother out the stench. Moving her body to do this, however, made her groan once again, but this time not out of disgust but out of pain. Her legs, particularly her thighs, ached relentlessly. Her womanhood too felt weighted and throbbed from the extent it had been ravished in recent days; The Dark Lord had been merciless in his fornications of her.

She would dare not complain, however, for his primal desires for her flesh ignited her own. She often craved his body upon hers like one driven mad by thirst stumbling suddenly across an oasis.

How could she possibly resist him, Annatar the Lord of Gifts, Maia, the most powerful being upon Middle-Earth? His physique was like a chiselled statue, as smooth as polished marble and as hard as stone. His silken hair, a silvery white like the ash that fluttered down from the mountain, flowed straight to the small of his back.

As she strained her eyes from sleep, she saw him standing by an open window, his hair fluttering from the wind, his tall, naked frame leaning against the cast iron shutter. His arms were crossed across his chest as he watched the lava of Orodruin dance and flow across the barren plains that surrounded it.

"Orodruin is greeting its new queen." He said silently, the rumbling of the mountain muting his words. He turned his glowing eyes to her then, taking in her spent form; the dark bruises contrasting with her tanned skin.

Her arms rested above her head, her ashen hair strewn about her naked breasts in streams of waves and tangles. A thin sheet of silk barely covered her womanhood from his gaze. She reminded him of the Lilthcrabanloth, 'Dark eye of the Raven flower'; A beautiful flower to be found only in Mordor, in Nûrn, the last place of lush wilderness. It was fragile like ash against the wind, so easily could its petals be wisped away. Yet the plant was resilient and would always remain, even if ash and brimstone were to befall it; it would stay strong to rise and bloom once again.


Her eyes opened once more as she rose her head to look at him, pulling her body up uncomfortably to be seated.

"Yes, master?" She questioned sweetly. The sweetness in her voice had little effect on his rather serious demeanour.

"Have yourself readied for the morning meal and come to the dining hall." He ordered her as he threw a gold laced satin gown around himself.

"Will we dine together?"

The Dark Lord rose an eyebrow at her. "Obviously." And with that, he walked out of the room and into the hallway, the giant iron doors immediately grinding closed behind him.

Aradheleth sighed as she dragged herself out of their gigantic bed, the bed sheets and blankets showing much evidence from their numerous sessions of coitus the night before. Looking up and out of the window the Dark Lord had previously been standing at, she could not tell whether it was still night or actually day. She could not remember ever seeing the sun or stars there since her arrival. How could she? The skies above Mordor were continuously filled with dense ash and clouds. She missed the far lights, much to her astonishment. Perhaps she could ask her husband if there were some places in her new homeland where she could fulfil this ridiculous yet intense need? But perhaps posing such a question was ridiculous in itself; Nothing in Mordor was left untouched by the ash clouds of Orodruin, so she thought.

The grand marble table was laden with an array of beautifully prepared exotic fruits as well as loaves of bread and cheeses. A morning meal perhaps too fit for a queen. The Dark Lord was already sitting at the end of the table, mindlessly fiddling with a piece of dragon fruit upon his plate, watching her as she entered the room. She bowed in obeisance and he motioned for her to be seated.

Yilkiz, her favourite servant, came to assist her but she shook her head. Instead, the young servant girl prepared a plate for her queen and took her position nearby.

She had been wed to the Dark Lord for about a month now, and at every meal he'd watch her intently, barely touching any of the food before him. No, he hungered for other things. She knew that for certain, but yet so did she. Her gaze fixated on his and his eyes narrowed onto her deeply, waiting for her next move.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked suddenly.

Aradheleth swallowed the fruit she had already been eating, and picked up a piece of dragon fruit, the same as was before her husband. Narrowing her eyes she bit her bottom lip seductively, picking up the fruit and slowly putting it to her mouth. Taking a tantalising bite she chewed slowly, licking her luscious lips as she swallowed.

The Dark Lord read her body language precisely, and his eyes glowed a deep amber with a renewed hunger for her. He knew what she wanted, and he knew that she was quite content to have it right there in the dining hall.

Smirking, he was across the table and upon her like a wildfire, his lips roughly caressing her neck, smoothing across her cheeks and sucking her lips. With one swift movement, he swept from the table all the crockery and foodstuffs that hindered them, proceeding then to sprawl her before him. He tore open her robe to reveal her milky brown skin, her breasts, though bruised from his previous ministrations, were plump and ready for his tongue to play with them once more.

Aradheleth groaned as his tongue twisted around her sensitive nipple, and she ran her fingers through his silken silver hair. She gasped as his full length filled her, caressing her innermost nubs of pleasure.

Placing one hand between them he focussed on one nub in particular, her sweet pearl which sent shivers of immense ecstasy throughout her body as he caressed it.

The table began to creak loudly at their vigorous coitus upon it, items of food and cutlery rattling off to clank against the hard marbled floor. The couple paid no heed to the few servants that were still in the room, awaiting their master's command.

Still thrusting hard into his bride, the Dark Lord looked up from the long strands of hair that covered his eyes and looked towards Yilkiz, smirking wickedly at her. The poor girl, feeling her loins shiver from the carnal display before her, shrank back against the wall behind her.

"I can smell the arousal dripping off her." The Dark Lord began in the language of the elves so that only Aradheleth would be able to understand.

"My slave?" She asked, letting out a deep moan as he propped her legs up on his shoulders so that he could thrust her deeper still.

"Yes, the one you so favour. Perhaps we should bring her over here seeing that you and she have such a good rapport."

Aradheleth let out a small whine of disagreement. "No, master, I do not want to share....not now."

That wicked smirk of his returned to his features as he chuckled deeply at her, "You naughty little girl. That is not what I meant."

Aradheleth looked to him with widened eyes. As she went to ask what he had meant, he placed a lithe finger upon her lips and hushed her, then rammed her so hard she yelped not in pain but in surprise at it.

Lowering her legs now to wrap around his waist, the Dark Lord leant down to her to kiss her more gently, his feathery pecks tracing their way over her neck and collarbone, his hands sliding up along her outstretched arms so that he could entwine his fingers with her own.

Closing her eyes she felt his lips brush against hers, and his tongue twisting and lapping deliciously within her mouth. As he was kissing her, his eyes trailed back up to the slave girl most favoured by his wife. She was hot and flushed bright crimson despite her olive complexion, and though she tried her best to keep her eyes downturned, she could not help but steal glances at the sultry sex upon the dining table.

The Dark Lord caught one of these glances and, grinning slyly at her began in his deep, indulgent voice, "See what I am doing to your mistress? See how she enjoys it?"

Yilkiz gulped and nodded quickly and nearly fell back against the wall as her mistress cried out in an intense orgasm.

"You would never be able to give her that." And with those words, he let his molten seed fill his bride, grunting as their fluids smeared her inner thighs. Without even letting her recover from her height he pulled out of her, and flicked his long hair from his face as he left her panting and in a sweaty mess. Wrapping his gown around himself he looked to Yilkiz once more, his demeanour regal and intimidating.

"Clean her."

"C...clean her, my lord?" Yilkiz stuttered, scared out of her wits for she did not understand what he wanted her to do, yet deep down she knew. She knew exactly what he wanted.

"Do not make me repeat myself girl." The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed onto her, burning amber in warning.

Aradheleth was taken aback when she felt tongue trace its way along her slit, her back arching as she moaned. Yet she did not protest; she could not for every crevice of her loins was so sensitive that even the lightest of touches threatened to send her into another euphoria. As the tongue lapped up along the inside of her labia, she felt her head reach the clouds once more, that blinding rapture of pleasure increasing as the tongue reached her pearl.

"Ah!" A masculine voice warned harshly. The Dark Lord pulled Yilkiz away, shattering the world Aradheleth had still been floating in. Her heart almost stopped at the sight of her husband standing beside her, Yilkiz standing but a foot away from her outspread legs.

"Do not forget who you belong to." He looked down at her with those bright, golden eyes.

"Every crevice of your body, every sensation and emotion you ever feel belongs to me."

Aradheleth, too breathless to reply, fell back to the table. "Then please stop the pains of my red moon when it comes for they feel like Melkor's claws.You have no idea what they feel like..." She thought to herself, forgetting completely that her husband would know what she was saying within her mind. A wicked grin crossed his face as he chuckled softly.

"You have no idea what Melkor's claws feel like." Came his brazen reply.

All she could do was sit there, embarrassed, as her husband, picking up a piece of fruit from the floor casually, left the room like nothing had happened.

Yilkiz fled the dining room as soon as she was able to. The flavours of both her mistress and the Dark Lord burned in her throat and flooded her insides like a molten lava. Her head was spinning with arousal and all she was able to do was find the nearest private spot to release her tension. In her haste, she had grabbed a single candle from a candelabra and then had disappeared behind a heavy curtain in some hidden corner.

She was heated and covered in a thin layer of sweat when she finally reappeared from behind the curtain. However, she almost fell back against it in fright. There before her stood the Dark Lord, his arms crossed as he shook his head at her.

Cowering back, she begged some force to take her life so that she would not have to face the Dark Lord's wrath.

"Your death will not be necessary," He said, smirking.

She hitched her breath as she tried to compose herself, albeit unsuccessfully.

"However, the council meeting was lead to believe they were in a brothel with all the sounds you were making."

"Th...the council lord?" She stuttered as she paled, only then realising where she actually was; in the hall connected to the grand room reserved for meetings of note.

"Perhaps I should send you to a brothel, or allow our visitors to have at you. Your moans peaked their interests."

"You wouldn't!" She blurted out mindlessly, letting out a shriek when he took her harshly by the jaw.

"Everything under darkness belongs to me, including you. You may be the queen's favourite, but you will be wise not to forget your place. Is that understood?" His grip on her jaw tightened.

Tears of fear were now running down her maple coloured cheeks as she nodded quickly.

Narrowing his gaze onto her, he let her go without another word and tilted his head for her to make her leave. She did not hesitate to run as quickly as she could to the safety of her queen.

"My lord husband, may I inquire as to why you scared the living wits out of my slavegirl?"

"Did she tell you what had happened?" The Dark Lord asked her plainly, looking down at her through the corner of his eye.

"Vaguely," Aradheleth replied with a frown. "She was highly embarrassed."

"No wonder!" He scoffed. "The whole council meeting heard her. Some even offered coin for her. Perhaps it would have been in my right mind to have accepted."

Aradheleth's eyes widened in both shock and anger. "She is my favourite slave girl and my friend..." But the Dark Lord cut her off.

"In this land, there are no friends." He hissed. Aradheleth looked to him dismayed.

"Well there is a first for everything, is there not?" She bit back, making his eyes shoot molten daggers at her. Regardless of his piercing gaze, she stood firm.

"Watch your tongue, wife."

"I will not!" She snapped. "You may have no friends here, but that does not mean I do not as well!"

She was suddenly thrown up against the wall, some dark magic choking her and pinning her there.

"I said, watch your tongue!" His voice boomed through the hall where they stood. "Are you so naive that you believe that you can trust any of those wenches to be your friend? You are foolish and you are a fool for not already knowing your place!" And with that he let her go and stormed off down the hall, leaving her to gasp for breath. She watched helplessly as he left her there, but felt a great biting frustration. Yes, she belonged to him, but did he too consider her a slave? For he definitely treated her like one then.

"What is it you have come to pester me with now?" He groaned, seeing Aradheleth come cautiously into the throne room. She wanted something, that he knew for certain.

"I wish to ask for your forgiveness, dear husband." She got down onto her knees before him. He rose an eyebrow at her but did not reply.

"It indeed was stupid of me to have been so brash towards you and for that I am sorry." Her brilliant hazel eyes shimmered with remorse.

Sighing, he beckoned to her. "Come." He pulled her to sit on his lap and pushed a tuft of her hair from her face with his free hand. "You are forgiven. But do not let yourself behave in such a brazen way again. I will not tolerate it more than once. Now tell me, my queen, what have you really come here for?"

"Well..." She began cautiously. "I wish to see the sun and the moon and the stars again. Yet here Orodruin constantly fills the sky with ash and storms. Mordor is as barren as Angmar. At least Angmar had some trees."

The Dark Lord nodded. Her request was not entirely unreasonable. She was, though a unique one at that, human. Due to her mother, lush green places ran through her veins. Annatar knew that well enough.

"Very well." He replied, much to her astonishment. "I will take you to Nürn, the only place in Mordor left untouched."

Place names:

Orodruin - Mt. Doom
Nürn - In south-eastern Mordor

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