Prophecy (Naruto fanfic)

By Ink0006

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The girl's of Prophecy. Pulled into the world they know as the Naruto world the 4 girl find out they were apa... More

Prophecy (Naruto fanfic)
Chapter One: Where Are We...?
Chapter Two: Asuma, I'm with You!
Chapter Three: Pass The Test!
Chapter Four: MIZUKI!
Chapter Five: Missions
Chapter Six The Mission Just Got Harder
Chapter Seven: Fuck!
Chapter Eight: The Truth and Some Past
Chapter Nine: Plan!
Chapter Ten: Travel Back
Chapter Eleven: Say Sorry! No! Hospital? WHAT?
Chapter Thirteen: INO!!!
Chapter fourteen: Train And Train Some More
Chapter Thithteen: My encounter with Kankuro
Chapter Sixteen: Story Time
Chapter Seventeen: Hotel to Exam
Chapter Eighteen: Written Exam!
Chapter Nineteen: Something and Someone Special!
Chapter Twenty: Forest Of Death And The Fun Begins!
Chapter Twenty-One: Rematch!
Chapter Twenty Two Fuck You Kakashi!!!
Chapter Twenty-Three: Girls Are Easy To Fight!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sprinklers
Chapter Twenty-Five: Training Ground Six
Chapter Twenty-Six: Train!!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Takashi
Chapter Twenty Eight: Ice Cream!!!!
Chapter Twenty Nine: Thanks Misplaced
Chapter Thirty: Koori
Chapter Thirty One: The Finale [Part 1]
Chapter Thirty Two: The Finale [Part 2]
Chapter Thirty Three: The Finale [Part 3]
A/N MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter Twelve: What the Fuck is it?!

519 16 4
By Ink0006

Chapter Twelve: What the Fuck is it?!


I decided to train by myself, despite how awkward I felt. I worked on my sword play and my speed, then I blindfolded myself and fought against my clones to build my reaction speed and heighten my other senses. It didn’t turn out so well the first few times, but I got the hang of it by the time it was really late. Really late.

I mean so late, that I forgot I was supposed to be headed home at six and it was around six thirty five, late.

I left the training ground I holed up in and burst into the street, my bag banging against my back as I ran. I bolted around the corner when I crashed into Neji. I flew through the air and fell on my back a distance away from where Neji fell on his side.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow,” I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my lower back. It was really aching me today. “Neji? Watch where you’re going!”

“I should say the same to you,” Neji grumbled as he got to his feet. He came over to help me to mine. I took the help, even though I didn’t need it. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“I have to get home, I’m cooking dinner tonight and I’m late,” I told him. I jerked my thumb behind me. “Wanna come the rest of the way? I’ll feed you.”

“Sure,” Neji said, shrugging. Before too long, I was off again, and Neji was close beside me.

We couldn’t have been running for longer than ten minutes when Neji fell behind.

“Can we please slow down a bit?” Neji panted from behind me.

I was halfway home and he was tired already? Well I guess he was running his fastest and I guess I should slow down; don’t want him passing out on me. That would just be a pain in the ass and waste more time.

“Fine, we can walk for a little bit,” I said. I slowed myself to a walk. Before long Neji caught up with me. 

“Thank you,” he said, stopped running, and walked at my side.

“So can you help me with my training tomorrow?” I asked as we walked through the streets and back lanes. 

“That depends,” Neji said. “If you show up on time, I could ask Gai-sensei to let you in on our 9AM training tomorrow in training ground 19.”

“Got it,” I said and we turned the corner to see Kotetsu and Izumo walking to Asuma’s.

“Hey Kotetsu, Izumo; you heading to mine already?” I asked as they turned to us.

“Yeah,” Izumo said with a smirk, “we wanted to watch you cook, but I see you’re not there yet. You’re late.”

“I know, gees, see you at mine! Come on, Neji!” I said, running off down the road.

“Coming,” Neji moaned, running after me.

When we got to the front door, I stopped and Neji ran up and bent over, resting his hands on his knees and panting like a dog. I laughed a little before pulling my fags out and lighting one.  

“Sorry, had to get away from them,” I said rubbing the back of my neck.

“I thought you might not actually be able to help Lee with his speed,” Neji said. “But you are fast. You’re not even tired.”

I knocked on the door.

He straightened up and sounded confused when he asked, “If you live there why are you knocking?”

I laughed a little. “I’m living with a foster dad and he hasn’t given me a key yet. He’s so useless,” I explained, then heard Asuma shout.

“Coming,” he said. I heard him unlock the door and swing it open. “You’re late!” He shouted, pointing at me.

“Sorry,” I apologized. I turned to Neji. “Well, thanks, Neji.”

He nodded. Asuma asked, “Yeah, thanks for getting her home. Before you go, do you want to stay for dinner? This one is cooking.” He plopped a hand on my head. I ducked and his hand fell to his side. I stepped into the house.

“I already invited him in, sheesh,” I grumbled at Asuma, rolling my eyes.

“Well, Tam show your guest to the living room,” he said with a smirk at me.

“Ugh, come on this way,” I moaned, leading the way to the living room, taking a long drag from my fag.

“Yes, also smoking’s bad for you. Aren’t you a bit young to smoke?” Neji asked with a knowing smirk on his face, and Asuma chuckled.

“I don’t give a damn,” I said with a sigh, “I used to smoke so I still do.” I sighed again. “I’m going to change,” I said once we got into the living room. “Take a seat.”

“Wear the kimono I got you,” Asuma called.

“Hell No!” I shouted back.







“Yes,” Zabuza popped in.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. I will not wear that thing, no way, not in hell or heaven.

“Yes,” came Zabuza’s voice again.

“Don’t get involved bro!” I shouted.

“Wear it or you’re grounded for 3 months,” Asuma said.


“Kill me! Kill me now!” I shouted, storming to my room. I tossed the door open and stepped in. I looked ‘round my room in horror. I screamed in rage and stormed to the top of the stairs. “WHO’S BEEN IN MY ROOM AND GONE THROUGH ALL MY THINGS?”

Haku walked down the hall and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Calm down,” He said. “I saw Zabuza in there earlier but I thought it was his room.”

“ZABUZAAAAA!” I screamed so loud that Haku jumped back and almost fell down the stairs.

“Tammy, just get dressed! You can beat him up later!” Asuma shouted up to me. I guess that’s an advantage to living with just boys. I don’t get in trouble for beating them up, I get told to do it later!

I laughed; this should be fun.

I pushed Haku out my way and slammed my bedroom door when I got there. I took a deep breath and walked to the closet, pulled out my kimono, and put it on.

I washed my face in the bathroom and walked down stairs. I headed into the living room to see Zabuza and Haku sitting on the small sofa, Neji and Asuma on the bigger one. Haku was wearing a kimono as well—at least I wasn’t fucking alone in all this.

“Happy Assholes?” I shouted as I stood there.

“Very” Asuma said. “Go start dinner.”

“Okay,” I said, then asked, “can I ask who's coming so I know how much to make?”

Well I need to know a number that would help.

“Okay, let me see,” Asuma said, looking at the ceiling and counting the names on his fingers. “Me, you, Neji, Zabuza, Haku, Lisa, Tash, Jurei, I think Genma, Choji, Shikamaru, Ino, Kotetsu, Izumo, Shino, and…Lord Hokage,” he said.

“What?” I shouted. “Gramps is coming, too? And Shino, Lisa, Tash, Julie, and Genma-sensei?!” I shouted and he nodded.

“I don’t think Jurei-san is coming,” Neji said. “She’s not to be released from the hospital until tomorrow morning.”

“What? Why?” I asked. “I thought she was just getting a check-up.”

“I told you before, the wound was worse than they thought,” Neji said. “Gai-sensei has yet to tell us all that happened at the hospital because he keeps crying and we can’t understand him.”

At that, Haku turned to Zabuza. “Zabuza…”


“But it’s your fault.”

“I’m not going to any fucking hospital.”

“Zabuza, it’s the least you could do.”

“What do what?” I asked.

“Go start dinner,” Asuma ordered me. “We’ll talk about this later.”

I snarled and rolled my eyes. “Boy, I ain’t a magician! I can’t just wave a wand and have food for the entire world, ya know!” I walked to the door of the kitchen and turned back to them all. “Fuck. This. Shit.” I shot their way, and then walked into the kitchen. I started preparing a hell of a lot of food such as, sushi, grilled fish, BBQ, rise balls, curry and good know what else.

I was halfway done when I heard the door go. “Get the door; you’re the hostess.” Asuma shouted.

“I’m busy,” I shouted through the closed door as I added salt and pepper to my curries. “If I move now it’ll fuck the food up asshole.”

“I’ll watch it while you’re gone,” Neji offered and walked into the kitchen.

“Okay, just don’t let anything burn,” I said and ran out to the front door.

I took a deep breath and went to answer the door, but they knocked again.

“Okay God dammit! Calm the fuck down!” I yelled and yanked the door open to see a shocked ANBU. “Yeah, what do you want?” I asked. I was getting stressed. When I am stressed, I get shitty. When I get shitty, I shout. When I shout, I get shouted at. When I am shouted at, all hell breaks loose.  

“I brought Lord Hokage,” he said. Gramps was standing right beside him, shocked at my hostility.

“Okay,” I said, rubbing the back of my head nervously. “Would you like to stay, too? I have plenty of food; I think I might have overdone it, even with Choji coming.”

The Hokage chuckled and the ANBU shook his head, saying a polite ‘no thank you’.

“Come in, Gramps,” I said, moving to one side as the ANBU jumped off. As Gramps entered the house, I noticed there was everyone else there, too, except Genma. I think he was still horribly pissed at me.

“Okay, all of you, come on in,” they all walked in and followed me in. I tossed over my shoulder, “The last one in, shut the door!”

We walked into the living room and Asuma smiled at me then. “Glad you can make it, Lord Hokage and all of you. Look, Tam decided to wear her kimono.” Asuma smirked at the irk mark that had made its way onto my forehead.

Bitch! That’s was what he was! A Bitch!  

“No thanks, mate!!” I shouted. “You fucking made me asshole,” I added opening the kitchen door as they all laughed at me.

Before I walked in I asked if anyone wanted a drink, and sure enough all said they did. I walked into the kitchen and nodded to Neji. “I’ll be just a minute, I have to get drinks.”

“Okay,” was all he said. I walked into the back room and grabbed a bunch of cans, shuffling them onto a tray.

I grabbed one of the cans with a smirk on my face and shook it up. There, a special one for you my dear Zabuza. I walked out and back into the living room with a kind smile. I gave everyone their drinks, then I got to Zabuza. I handed him his, then gave one to Haku and turned to walk off. I heard Zabuza open it then scream like a little girl.

I whirled around and laughed, “Got ya, dickhead!”

But he wasn’t covered in soda. AT ALL. What the actual fuck?

He chuckled. “I’m not that easy, ya little shit,” Zabuza said with a smile on his face as he took a sip of his drink. Out the side of the can.

“So you can bring your weapons to dinner but I can’t?” I scowled heavily.  “The rules apply to everyone, ass wipe!” I told him and turned to go into the kitchen. Before I made it though, I jabbed my finger in his direction. “I’ll get you for going into my room, you shithead!” I grumbled back. 

I reentered the kitchen and shut the door with a sigh. “You can go now, Neji. I’m fine.”

He shook his head. “I’ll help,” he said as he started one of the curries. He looked at my shocked expression as he stirred. “How much did you want to do?”

I shook out of my shock and smiled. “Well, a lot. We have a lot of guests and we have Choji and he eats a lot—I mean a lot. I think Genma-sensei might show up later, but I don’t know.”

“Hmm? Why?”

I laughed nervously as I went to check on the BBQ. “’Cause he’s awfully pissed at me. I haven’t necessarily been on his good side lately, and I don’t really know why.” I looked over all the food I had prepared. “I guess I did overdo it a little.” I said.

After about five minutes, it was all done and I was pushing Neji out the kitchen.

“Asuma what are we doing, putting it on the table and they eat off their laps? You invited too many people, and there is not enough room around the table,” I said.

“Yeah, good idea,” he said, and I walked back into the kitchen and started bringing things out.

After about ten minutes, it was all on the table. I turned to Tash and Liss. “Is our sensei coming or not?” I asked them.

“We saw him on our way here,” Tash said. “He said he already had plans.”

Liss and Tash looked like they wanted to add something to that, but they never said anything more. I wondered what other plans Genma could’ve had. Eventually, I shrugged and went back into the kitchen to grab the stack of plates and chopsticks.

Upon reentering the dining area, I gave everyone a plate and some chopsticks. “Well, I guess dig in ya pigs.”  

They all went to the table and got their food. I pulled out a spare chair and sat down with a sigh. There were noises of satisfaction from the people in the room as they sat there, stuffing their faces with food. I guess it’s a good thing they like the food I made.

After about half an hour Asuma smiled at me. “That was amazing.”

“Yeah it was.” Gramps added.

“Yeah, where did you learn to cook?” Choji asked.

“Just sorta picked it up,” I said with a small smile. “I’m glad you all like the food. Asuma can I eat now?” I said rubbing my belly as it gurgled. What? I was so hungry right now, I could get a fucking house, then a pig, then Zabuza on top of all that. Ha, get it? Zabuza? Cow? Ha, I’m hilarious.

“Yes, eat away.” he said with a smile.

“Yeah Bitches!” I shouted as I grabbed a plate and chopsticks and started putting things on my plate. As I did, I got a sharp pain in the very bottom of my back and I dropped my plate on the floor. I turned to everyone. “Ouch, ouch, ouch! That fucking hurt.”

“What’s wrong?" Asuma asked, worried.

“I got this sharp pain in the bottom of my back,” I said as I placed a hand there. “Shit! What the fuck is that?” I screamed.

“What is it?” Kotetsu asked.

“I don’t fucking know! Something hairy and it’s moving,” I whimpered.

“Turn around then,” Izumo ordered and I slowly turned around.

I heard them all gasp, I gulped. “What, what the fuck is it!?” I asked franticly.

No one answered so heading to the mirror in my room would be the best thing to do here. I turned and went to run for it when someone grabbed my arm.  

I looked back to see a worried looking Asuma. He frowned and shook his head, “I wouldn’t if I were you.” he said.

“What the fuck is it then?!” I demanded.

Asuma just shook his head again and the rest of the room remained silent. I grunted loudly and yanked my arm out of his hand. I ran to the stairs and got up like, five of them before the same sharp pain happened in my head. I gasped loudly in pain and clutched my head, falling down the few stairs I had made it up.

I felt something hairy and soft move under my cupped hands and removed my hands as fast a shot. What the hell?! People gasped again and I shot up the stairs faster than you can scream ‘It’s Christmas.’

I ran to my bedroom, slamming the door open and running in to find the mirror. I Gasped in horror of what I saw.

I could not hold on to the scream that shot passed my lips. I had and I joke you not, a squirrel-like, bushy, brown tail that went from the small of my back right to my shoulders and in the same brown as the tail, furry squirrel-like ears on my head.

Then there was a small popping sound and smoke surrounded me. When it finally cleared and I could see again there, sat nicely on my shoulder was a squirrel. I let a small scream pass my lips, more from shock than anything.

“What the fuck? Who the hell are you? What the fuck did you do to me?” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I heard people rushing through the house and up the stairs to see what the hell was going on up here. Before I knew it they started running through my room going wide-eyed when they saw me.

“I picked the wrong time,” the squirrel said. I just shat a brick.

“You can talk!?” I shouted loudly. I really don’t know my own voice levels do I?

“Yes,” it said, then asked, “now can you please stop shouting?”

“Yeah, sorry but answer my question! What the hell did you do to me?” I said.

“You have been chosen to carry the power of the squirrel demon,” it explained like it was nothing out of the normal.

“I’ve been what? Squirrel demon? What if I don’t want to?” I asked.

“You have no choice. The Hokage agreed to it.” it said.

“What?” I shouted. What? I need to shout at things like this. You would right?  

“Yes, I did about three days ago,” Gramps said.

“Why?” was all I could ask.

“Look Tam,” Gramps said and began to explain, “you know as well as I do that this is not the place to talk about this. All you need to know is that the squirrel demon is a good spirit that allows its power to be used to help people.”

“What power does it have?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you when there’s not so many people ‘round,” Gramps said. “But yes, this was actually bad timing.”

“I apologize, Hokage-sama,” the squirrel thing said.

“Question,” I asked the squirrel, “what is your name and will you be staying with me?”

“My name is Sayuri and yes, Tammy. I will be staying with you from now on,” Sayuri said.

Well. This didn’t happen in the anime. I wonder what other things have gone different since we got here?

“Oh, you know my name? I like your name; it means ‘little lily’ if I’m right,” I said with a smile.

“Yes it does,” she said. “The demon and I have been waiting a long time for you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You knew I was coming?”

“The squirrel demon knows quite a bit, yes,” Sayuri said. “She sent me to inform his Lordship.”

“I bet you mean the Hokage,” I said, looking to Gramps.

“It’s a stunning difference between the forms she takes,” He said with a chuckle.

“This is what I’m going to look like from now on then?” I asked looking in the mirror. My hair looks so much darker compared to the lighter brown of the tail and ears.

“Yes, do you, have any food? I'm hungry.” Sayuri asked.

“Yeah, and same here.” I said and looked to all the still-shocked and scared faces. “You’re scared of me now aren’t you?” I asked, looking at them with dull eyes. It won’t be the first time, but still.  

“Yes!” Ino shouted, running from my room. Soon the front door slammed shut.

“Get the fuck out all of you!” I shouted.  Sayuri jumped off my shoulder and onto the bed at my shouting.

“You heard her,” Asuma said. As everyone began to shuffle out, he said more gently, “Tam, all of us here care for you, and are not scared. We’ll be downstairs.”

I walked over to the bed and fell onto my stomach, my head in the pillow and I screamed into it. I’m not going to cry, I never cry, I will not cry, not for no one. If Julie were here, she’d comfort me, though. She wouldn’t have left, even if I told her to. Then there’s all that stuff about Julie; her wound was worse than they thought? What the fuck did that mean? Genma’s mad at me for some reason!

I screamed once more before standing back up and heading towards the wall. I steadied myself into a boxing stance and slammed my fist into the wall. Then again and again. Not words left my lips this time, just my fists pounding away at the wall.

After a good amount of time, I walked over and sat on the bed. “Sayuri come here.”

She came over and sat on my lap, a worried and shocked look on her face. “What is it? Are you okay?” she asked.  

“Would you like some food?” I asked.

“Yes please,” she said, scuttling up to my left shoulder again.

I got up and walked to the door. “Come on, let’s see who left,” I mumbled to her.

I walked downstairs, not really caring if they had all left but I know they would have. I pushed the door open and walked into the room. To my surprise, there was everyone but Ino there. I was gob-smacked.

“Thanks for staying,” I muttered.

They all looked around to see my shocked face.

*bang, bang, bang*

That broke the silence.

*bang, bang, bang*

It went off again.

Asuma sighed and stood to his feet. As he walked passed me to get the door, he ruffled my hair as I placed a fag into my mouth.  I lit it as he opened the door with a “What is it?”

“Is Tam in? Ino ran into Ichiraku’s shouting something.” It sounded like Naruto. What was he doing here?

“What did she say?” Liss growled.

I hope it wasn’t what I thought it was. “I’m not sure, but what I got was: Tam, monster, Hokage, Freak, Demon, and Asuma’s house.”

“Tam, can he come in?” Asuma shouted.

“Yeah,” I shouted back taking a drag of my fag.

Asuma walked in, followed but a worried looking Naruto. “TAM!” he shouted, running to me. “Are you okay? What happened? What’s going on? Sasuke is on his way with Kakashi.” Naruto asked franticly, not even looking at me properly. “I tried to find Jurei but I couldn’t find her anywhere! Sakura said she’d go find her but still—”

“Naruto, shut up and sit,” Lisa snapped, pushing Naruto onto the sofa next to me. Naruto looked at her then to me looked little confused.

“What happened?” he asked.

“This,” I said, turning to the side so he could see my tail better.

“Oh,” he said. “Is that a—wait, WHAT?” he took a second look.

Silence came out the room until Sayuri broke it.

“Can I have food now please?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I said, walking to the table of food. “Take what you want.” I told her with a smile.

I placed her on the table and grabbed a plate cramming some chicken and fish onto my plate. I walked over to the sofa and tried sitting down but my tail kept getting in the way.

Giving up after some time I just stood and ate.


There was something about having a really bad injury that made life a little…darker. Either that, or it was just nighttime. Sighing, I stared at the window. I didn't feel like looking at my sketchbook because, well, I made the mistake of trying to draw without actually wanting to. My picture turned from a Neji drawing into a Zabuza, then I had a miniature scare and had to flip the book shut, is what actually happened.

I wouldn't ask how Neji turned into Zabuza, if I were you.

"Man, this sucks..." I said, doodling birds in the window with my parchment vision. Half of it was blacked out, of course, but doodling was still entertaining.

Until Zabuza appeared in the window.

“Jesus,” I shouted closing my eyes and grabbing my chest. I gasped for breath, fighting the chill down. Look, okay. I was scared of the guy. He almost killed me! I had a heart attack because of him!

I knew it was probably the most cocky thing in the world to do to think I could go up against Zabuza, but shit at least I tried. If it wasn’t me, it would’ve been Tam, so I’m not going to doubt my choices now.

Now that I think about them, I wondered how Tam and them were doing. Genma was the only one from my team who came to see me and he was pretty pissed off when he talking about how Tam and Zabuza were getting along. When I’m not there, I think it’s endearing that Zabuza’s making friends, or at least has Tam to bother the shit out of him. But other than that, like right now, I’m scared shitless. I can’t even think about shitting I’m so scared of this man.

Liss, Tash, and Tam were probably at Ichiraku's, eating it up! Man, I wished I had some ramen. Probably wasn’t good for my new improved heart, though.

Just as I was about to lay down to sleep, my fifty-million fright-fests of the night rendering me sleepy, "Jurei-chan!" came shouting from the door.

I laid down and turned that way. Sakura showed up in the doorway.

"Hey, Sakura," I said with a smile, as weak as I was. "What's up?"

She looked me over, kind of studying my condition and battling herself if she wanted to say something or not. “What happened to you?!” she shouted.

“Oh, had a heart attack, some surgery, eye spasm,” I said, pointing to each injury. “Nothing big.”

“Nothing big?” she almost shrieked. I bet the nurses were on their way right now; Sakura was making quite the ruckus, and the doctors said no ruckus.

“Calm down, Sakura,” I said. “Before the entire hospital kicks you out. What’s a-matter?”

She took several deep breaths, and shut the door behind her. "I don't think this is a good idea,” she said, “but I have to tell you anyway."

She hesitated and said nothing else. I guess she was still deciding on if she should say it or not. “Well, what is it? Out with it, woman,” I said with a laugh.

“Well…” Sakura said, then looked worried when she shouted, “Naruto said Ino said that something's wrong with Tam!"

"What?" I asked, sitting up, my new heart thumping against my chest. Pain shot  through my entire body and forced me back down. I hissed in pain and bit off a groan. I felt a little panic set in. If my body wasn’t going to let me move, how was I supposed to get to Tam? If Tam was in trouble, I had no reason to rest! I started to move again, but Sakura grabbed my shoulders and forced me back down.

I wanted to glare at her, but I was slowly losing strength. To think, one mistake cost me all this energy. My parchment vision was fading, too. Shit. Shit.

"I don't think you should move!" Sakura said, panicky. "I just came to tell you because I thought you should know! Don't get up, please, you're hurt!"

 “But if Tam’s in trouble…” I started, but couldn’t finish since my vision was going and my head was getting excruciatingly heavy. My heart felt like it was slowing down, too.  She shook her head in slow motion.

She also said in slow motion, “You shouldn’t move, not with, with that!”

I think she said something else, but I didn’t pay attention. I just nodded, hoping that she’d understand or whatever. I was too tired to focus on Sakura right now. My last thoughts were that Tam better be all right. That, and Sakura’s hair is too fucking bright.


There was a bit more time before there was a knock on the door and Asuma went off to open it. Asuma walked back in with none other than that jerk Kakashi and Sasuke.

“What am I, some sort of freak for everyone to come and poke with a stick? Who else had that stupid bitch Ino told?” I demanded.

“Everyone she could find,” Naruto said.

As my rage began to boil, I opened and shut my fists. “I’m going to fucking rip her apart… With my teeth!” I shouted.

I threw my plate on the floor and it shattered, the food flying everywhere. “Sayuri, you coming?”

“Yes!” she said, running over to me and climbing up my body to her normal place. I ran past everyone and up to my room, grabbing my sword and attaching it to my back.

I was about to run straight out the door when Sakura showed up. “Move, Sakura,” I told her. If she just came back from where I think she came from, Julie would be on her way to help me kill Ino.

“Ah, but—!” Impatient, I shoved her out of the way and ran straight out the door.

No way in hell is she getting away with this! Bitch is dead when I get there!

More than Sasuke was when he called me little. More than Tazuna was when he called me a preppy princess. Yeah, that’s right! She’s A FUCKING DEAD FAN GIRL when I get to her!

I heard people shout things like ‘no Tammy’ and ‘just leave it’ but I ignored it and ran on to find her.

You’re mine, Ino.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There you guys go, hope you guys like it. Please let us know what you guys think. Please vote comment and follow us. Please let us know what you think of the re write so far.

I don’t own Naruto still. :’(

Oh well


Hey, guys! Thanks for reading! I still don’t own Naruto, either. You should still vote, comment, and fan!

= Sketch

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